July – Dehydration & Minerals

In July, we will be talking about DEHYDRATION and MINERALS.  We are all aware that when you are extremely dehydrated, it is a serious situation.  However, most of us do not realize how important it is to avoid being even slightly dehydrated.  We also don’t really grasp how minerals work to help us stay hydrated.  Water is only part of staying hydrated.  Join us as we talk about the importance of minerals, and electrolytes.  We will also talk about essential oils, herbs, and blessed waters. See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

Super Electrolyte
MIN Herbals
July’s Six Oils
Liquid Minerals
Tissue Salts
The Featured Blend – LeEternity
The Featured Single – Goldenrod
Miracle II Neutralizer Gel
Mini Starter Kit

Featured Items for Dehydration

Redmond Salt

Salt is a mineral for dehydrationThe importance of salt can not be emphasized enough.  The human body stores 6–8 ounces of salt in the bones.  Salt creates protein in the blood, and creates hydrochloric acid in the stomach.  Hydrochloric acid aids in the breaking down of food, and the absorption of other nutrients.  Salt is used to carry water in and around the body to where it is needed.  This includes the digestive system, where salt and water keep you from becoming constipated.

Physical Symptoms of Salt Deficiency

Salt deficiency causes an inability to digest food, and can even lead to nausea and vomiting.  Loss of energy and fatigue are key indicators of salt deficiency as well.  Muscle weakness, spasms, cramps, and a tendency to heat exhaustion.  Insomnia, sleeping less soundly.  If the deficiency becomes severe enough, the result will be a coma and death.  At one point in my life, I was so salt deficient that I had all of these symptoms.  A very wonderful lady taught me about the amazing mineral salt and convinced me to take 1 Tbsp. a day in a glass of water until I could taste it.  It took three days, but at the end of the three days, I felt like a totally different person.

Emotional Symptoms of Salt Deficiency

The emotional symptoms are sadness, and depression (Rats deprived of salt shunned activities they have formerly enjoyed.)  Salt deficiency can also cause anxiety.  Studies showing this result are still in the early stages, but I know for me this has proven to be true.  Irritability, crankiness, restlessness, and mental confusion can often be reduced by taking some salt as well.

Potassium and Salt

 Salt and Potassium balance is essential.  If the body has more potassium than salt, it will dump the potassium to stay in balance with the salt.  This works the other way as well; if the body has more salt than potassium it will dump the salt to stay in balance with the potassium—even if the body needs it.  This is because the body cannot use one without the other.

This could easily become a book, however, so if you would like to learn more, please check out my blog on dehydration published a couple of years ago.

Super Electrolyte

Super Electrolyte

Electrolytes are minerals that have an electric ionic charge.  Electrolytes are essential for all body fluids, tissues, and cells.  Maintaining the right balance of electrolytes helps the body’s blood chemistry, muscle action, and other processes.  Electrolytes are essential in order for our cells to create and carry voltages across cell membranes.  They are big players in the communication between our cells.  Electrolyte minerals include calciummagnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and chloride.

The importance of adequate hydration and well-balanced electrolytes cannot be overemphasized.  If you are dehydrated, even just a little, you can be sure that your electrolytes are also out of whack.  Here is a simple—and quick—way to determine whether or not your body is dehydrated.

Use two fingers to pinch up some skin on the back of your hand.  Watch closely as you let the skin go.  The skin should spring back to its normal position in less than a second or two.  The skin returning to normal more slowly is a pretty reliable indicator that you are dehydrated.

I really like the super electrolyte complex that Butterfly sells.  It is clinically shown to hydrate better than water.  In a published, peer-reviewed clinical study, those who drank plain water drank 74% more water to achieve the same level of hydration as those who drank water with Super Electrolyte ComplexSuper Electrolyte Complex contains four essential electrolytes to support hydration, performance, and muscle function.  Super Electrolyte Complex makes it easy to make your own electrolyte water or transforms any drink into a sports drink.  Best of all, it contains NO sugars, calories, or artificial ingredients.

Min (Minerals)

MIN Dry Herb and Tincture

MIN is an herbal combination of:
Alfalfa, Chamomile, Dill Seed, Dulse, Horsetail, Nettles, Oatstraw, Raspberry Leaf, and Yarrow

Let’s start with the three herbs Dulse, Nettles, and Alfalfa.  These three herbs contain all of the trace minerals, in adequate amounts and excellent proportions, that have been identified as vital to good health.  These herbs are particularly high in absorbable calcium, natural iron that does not cause constipation, iodine, vitamin C, and vitamin A.  In addition, Alfalfa contains a lot of a very usable form of protein, which is unusual in herbs.  Vegans should pay particular attention and make it a habit to supplement their diets with Dulse or Kelp.

The other herbs in this formula are there for hormone balance, calming the nerves, strengthening the pancreas, and supporting the kidneys.  MIN makes an excellent daily mineral supplement and is safe to use when pregnant or nursing.

I like to make MIN as a glycerite and take it every time I think about it.  This has given me so much more energy and better health.  I have recently gotten into the habit of taking it every morning along with my liquid minerals and I am loving it.  MIN also makes a reasonably pleasant tea.  This is a popular choice for women who are pregnant or nursing to boost nutritional intake and support their milk supply.  When I make it into a tea I sweeten it with honey.  Honey has a host of benefits, but I am often too busy to take the time to make tea consistently, so the tincture is nice to have around.

July Oils

In July, we have three blends and three singles on sale.  Each of these oils helps the body in unique ways that definitely tie into our theme this month.

Ambition Essential Oil

LeAmbition is a wonderful, rejuvenating blend.  This is an oil that brings balance to the soul.  It energizes the mind and opens communication between body systems as well as our communication with others.  LeAmbition cultivates a feeling of self-worth.  LeAmbition is a whole-body rejuvenator and is a great pick-me-up.  Promotes the ability to move forward in achieving one’s goals, while being mindful of the needs of others.  This makes LeAmbition an amazing oil to use when recovering from illness.  This is a great stress relieving oil and can be used for headaches, mental fatigue, and revitalizing a weary mind.

LeAmbition resonates in the high spiritual range.  It cultivates a feeling of self-worth, calms the spirit, opens the mind, and removes negativity and hesitation.  It helps us deal with the fear of failure and the fear of making decisions.

LeLife Force immediately raises the overall frequency of the body, improving outlook and response to stress and trauma.  It should be used following any illness or traumatic experience that has left one feeling weak, shaky, or on edge.  This blend can make a big difference in the recovery period from accidents and illnesses.  LeLife Force builds, strengthens, and protects the body because it is an immune and adrenal gland stimulant and toner.  Use it with LeEndoRelief during the cold and flu season.  You may avoid getting sick altogether, and, if you do catch something, the illness will have a shorter duration and recovery period.

Soaking your feet in very hot water to which 2 or 3 drops of LeLife Force have been added, can assist the body to detoxify, especially from environmental poisons and medications.

Revitalize Essential Oil

LeRevitalize increases mental alertness and alleviates mental fatigue.  It also replenishes inner stores of strength and increases stamina.  Especially effective for those who are worn out from chronic illness, or who make a habit out of running faster than they have strength.

LeRevitalize cleanses the liver but does so gently and steadily.  It stabilizes energy levels and improves vitality.  It should be applied over the abdomen, either massaged on or applied in a compress.  A compress or direct application over the gallbladder or kidneys can relieve distress and pain in these areas.

This is an excellent oil for lymphatic congestion and immune stimulation.  LeRevitalize is a good digestive aid, particularly in eliminating bloating, belching, and heartburn.

Celery Seed Essential Oil

The aroma of Celery Seed, by bringing balance to our central vessel meridian, can bring us back to a sense of our own strength.  Celery Seed brings us home to our own center, where our reality and our peace can be found.

It acts on the central nervous system, whose core processing units are the brain and the spinal cord.  Celery Seed, acting on this system, can stabilize mood swings and protect us from the negative energies of other people.  It can aid in analyzing facts and making appropriate decisions.

Celery Seed increases the elimination of uric acid and is useful in bringing relief from arthritis, gout, neuralgia, water retention, and edema.  It helps to release toxins from the blood and aids in liver decongestion and jaundice.

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon is one of my favorite things to add to water.  It can be used to purify water and leaves no unpleasant taste behind.  Lemon essential oil supports the respiratory system and is useful for asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, and most other respiratory complaints.

This oil tightens smooth muscles and strengthens connective tissue throughout the body.  Lemon oil can be used for a liver or lymphatic cleanse.  After cleansing is complete, Lemon oil can stimulate the pancreas and the entire endocrine system.  Lemon is very helpful in passing gallstones and is said to induce labor when the baby is overdue.

It brings clarity of thought, aids in logical thinking, and helps us connect cause and effect in our lives.  Lemon can help us analyze our resentments, decide if they are based on reality or not, and then help us let go of them—real or not! It makes it easier to handle the stresses of life with a sense of humor.

Tangerine Essential Oil

Tangerine encourages us to reach out to others with kindness and compassion.  It is a very pleasant sedative.  Tangerine soothes all types of hyperactivity, in the body and the mind.  It can have a substantial effect on anger, depression, and impulsive behaviors.  Tangerine has been proven effective against a species of bacteria that is responsible when wounds become septic.  This oil contains components that kill bacteria and stop it from spreading.

Tangerine’s antispasmodic actions are effective all over the body.  It can be used for spasms in the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as in muscle groups.  Tangerine oil is an effective blood purifier and it increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells.  Tangerine is helpful in removing excess water from body tissues and is a mild lymphatic decongestant.

July Essential Oils

July Collections for Dehydration

Liquid Minerals

Liquid Minerals

Our bodies are masterpiece creations, comprised of many of the elements of which the universe, this earth, and all life are made.  The chemical and electrical processes that occur in our bodies require that certain essential minerals (and vitamins) be in sufficient supply within us.  Examples of these necessities include iron for your blood and your thyroid, calcium for bones, and sulfur for muscles (more information below).  In addition, many minerals play a role in the absorption and utilization of other minerals in complicated and amazing choreographical wonder.

Using liquid ionic minerals without food is usually the best choice.  That way the minerals are absorbed by your body and not the fiber in your food.  Minerals absorbed by food fiber may leave your body before you get their benefits.

The study of minerals is a lifetime pursuit, and a blog could be written about each one of them.  My goal today is to help you recognize minerals you may be deficient in.  I hope that by supplementing them you will find a better quality of life and live longer.  You can read more about Minerals here.


Boron supports healthy bone and tooth enamel, cartilage health, short and long-term memory, and healthy energy levels.  It also supports healthy estrogen (estradiol) and testosterone levels and conserves Calcium and Magnesium levels in the bone by as much as 50%.  Boron also affects phosphorus levels and, quite likely, the levels of other minerals.
Click for Symptoms of Deficiency


Calcium is by far the most abundant mineral in the human body and is especially concentrated in the bones and teeth.  It is one of the first elements depleted by insufficient dietary nutrients, it is one of the most essential of the major biochemical elements present in the body.  Calcium supports bones, teeth, nails, nerves, muscles, and tissues.  It supports healthy body alkalinity for good immune system support.  Calcium is needed in every organ of the body.  It promotes repair processes and aids normal body functions.  Calcium regulates the heartbeat, controls acid/alkaline (pH) balance, is necessary for the clotting of blood and the function of neurotransmitters, contributes to muscle mass and strength, and plays a vital role in the creation of some hormones.
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Chromium is an important mineral in the metabolism of carbohydrates, the activation of enzymes, and the synthesis of fatty acids in the liver.  It is used by the liver when making fatty acids from stored glucose.  The body then uses the fatty acids when exercising.  It is a body regulator, supporting insulin and blood sugar levels within normal range and it is important to good heart and vascular health.  Symptoms of deficiency may include weight loss, confusion, impaired coordination, and a reduced response to sugar (glucose) in the blood, increasing the risk of diabetes.
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Although needed in such tiny amounts, Cobalt is necessary for the health of the myelin sheath of the nerves.  It promotes effective glucose transport from the blood into the cells.  Cobalt increases the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin B12.  It may be involved in many enzyme processes in the body and maintains the performance of the body cells.  It promotes effective glucose transport from the blood into the cells of the body, aids in the assimilation of iron and the production of red blood cells, and is involved in many of the processes of the body which involve enzymes.
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Copper is a vital antioxidant.  It protects the fatty acids found in cell membranes, especially in red blood cells.  This mineral is an essential part of enzyme & RNA formation and of making healthy bone.  It improves vitamin absorption, improves bone health, supports a healthy immune system, and may mitigate pain perception.  Copper supports healthy zinc and molybdenum levels in the body.  Long-term use of oral contraceptives can create a copper deficiency.
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Germanium may help optimize levels of organ activity, facilitates the uptake of oxygen into cells, acts as an antioxidant in cleansing toxins and pollutants from the body, and enhances immune function.  It acts as an electrical semiconductor, initiating and maintaining vital electrical activity in the body.
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Gold promotes a general feeling of well-being, supports the immune system, and promotes vitality and longevity; has been found to improve glandular function and is believed to help protect DNA from oxidative damage.  The study of this mineral has only just begun but I do know from working with Aurm metallicum in homeopathic protocols that it is likely that deficiency in this mineral is linked to serious states of depression.  When Aurm tests up for a person, I consider very strongly that the depression may be deep enough to need the family to be aware that suicidal thoughts are likely a part of the picture.
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Indium is believed to support several hormonal systems in the body and may promote immune activity.  It seems to enhance mineral absorption by the body.  Glandular malfunction—the hypothalamus and the pituitary, absorption issues, and blood pressure problems.
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Iodine supports healthy immune and thyroid function (metabolism and growth are controlled by hormones secreted by the thyroid.) It enhances memory, short and long-term.  It may support the excretion of mercury, lead, cadmium, and possibly aluminum by the kidneys.  Iodine may help normalize stomach acid levels.  It may be effective against many detrimental bacteria and some fungi.  When Iodine is deficient in the body the production of thyroid hormone slows and the body is left wide open to damage by free radicals.
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Often called the “energy giver,” Iron—along with manganese, copper, and cobalt—is necessary for red blood cell formation.  It is also involved in circulation, helping to maintain normal range blood pressure levels, as well as food digestion and metabolism.  A deficiency of Iron is one of the most common deficiency diseases in the world and is common to both men and women.  Iron is used in the creation of hormones by the thyroid glands as well as in the ability of red blood cells to produce the hemoglobin needed for oxygen transport.
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Magnesium supports normal nerve and muscle function, aids digestion by activating enzymes for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, relaxes the body into deeper sleep, supports normal heart and liver function, may help reduce inflammation in muscles, joints, and tissues, and potentially aids in over 300 body processes in all! It also contributes to a healthy immune system and the formation of DNA and RNA.  Magnesium is also necessary for the absorption of calcium and other minerals.
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Manganese, also called the “brain mineral,” aids memory and other brain and nerve faculties, such as balance; aids in oxygen transfer from lungs to cells; promotes natural immune restoration functions; strengthens tendons, tissue, ligaments, and linings in and outside of organs.  It is the framework material with which calcium, magnesium, and other bone-building minerals are deposited.  Manganese also supports the body’s production of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells.  It may help reduce minor discomforts of men.
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Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral used by the body in the process of regulating pH balance.  For each pH point increase (e.g. from 6.1 to 6.2) the oxygen level is raised up to ten times, resulting in a metabolism increase, or the body’s ability to burn fat.  Molybdenum supports good tooth enamel and the elimination of nitrate and sulfite from the body.  Only very small amounts of this mineral are needed by the body and deficiencies are rare except as the result of medical procedures and drug treatment protocols.
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Some manufacturers of liquid ionic minerals believe that Platinum, in optimal levels in the blood, guards against disease-causing bacteria, fungus, and even some virus strains.  Platinum helps the immune systems respond to various stressors.
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Potassium, often called the “alkalizer”, neutralizes acidity and replenishes alkaline salts in the bloodstream, maintains membrane potentials of nerve synapses, and assists in metabolic processes, as well as supporting a good immune system.  It is critical to cardiovascular and nerve function and vital for the elimination of wastes.  Potassium is an essential mineral, found in every cell of the body.  As an electrolyte (ionized particle), potassium is vital to water balance, and proper hydration, and controls blood pressure.  Potassium is also involved in muscle and nerve function, plays a role in metabolism, and helps transfer oxygen to the brain.
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Selenium works with Vitamin E to promote normal body growth and tissue elasticity.  It is a potent antioxidant that naturally reduces storing of toxic metals by the body.  Selenium is crucial for the heart muscle.  Although the deficiency is relatively rare, Selenium acts as an antioxidant, protecting the body from damaging free radicals, making it an important mineral.  It helps in the prevention of premature aging as it helps to preserve the elasticity of tissues.  Selenium is crucial for the heart muscle.  It promotes a healthy brain and thyroid, and healthy cell replacements.  It is crucial for the heart muscle.
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Silver may control the proliferation of some types of bacteria, viruses, mold, and yeast, giving the body time to respond with its own healthy immune system.  Colloidal silver has been available as an alternative medicine remedy for years and many people swear by it.  I, personally, am hoping that an ionic version, with its smaller particle size and electrical charge, will prove more useful.  Our pioneer ancestors believed that a silver dollar in a jug of milk would delay spoilage.  Many other cultures, way back to the ancient Romans and Greeks, have similar traditions.
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Sulfur is notably present in skin, hair, and nails as well as all body cells, including the brain, nerves, bowel, and liver.  It moves toxins out of cells by agitation.  Muscle, bone, and joint comfort depend on sulfur being present in the body.  Sulfur is important in enzyme activities, body protein building, tissue regeneration & in metabolizing carbohydrates.  It helps support a healthy lymph system.
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Tin is concentrated primarily in the adrenal glands and in the tissues, liver, brain, spleen, and thyroid; has been implicated in hair growth and hearing.
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Vanadium supports the circulatory system and helps maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels that are already within their normal ranges; believed to help support tooth enamel and the heart.  It is said to prevent cholesterol from forming in the blood vessels of the brain, enhance the effectiveness of insulin, promote healthy cellular division, decrease “bad” cholesterol production, and aid in heart contractions.
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Zinc is second only to iron as the most prevalent trace mineral in the body.  It plays a role in cell division and growth, wound healing, and the breakdown of carbohydrates, and is needed for good immune function.  Zinc is necessary for over 300 body processes.
Click for Symptoms of Deficiency

Tissue SaltsBiochemic Tissue Salts

The word biochemic is derived from the Greek word bios, which means “life.”  Biochemic, therefore, means the chemistry of life.  According to biochemical theory, there are 12 major inorganic salts that make up the composition of our cells and our blood.  Blood is to the body what soil is to a plant.  Poor, exhausted soil that is lacking in essential nutrients produces weak and sickly plants.  Poor, exhausted blood that is lacking in essential constituents will produce weak, sickly bodies that are prone to disease and unable to provide the quality of life that we would like to have.  By enriching the soil, plants can be made to thrive.  By enriching the blood and ensuring that the proper nutrients are being carried to the cells, a healthy balance within ourselves can be maintained or recovered.

The strength of our cells and, as a result, the strength of our organs and tissues depends on our having the necessary quantities of these important salts.  If they become depleted in our tissues or cells, or if they become out of balance with one another, proper function is lost.  In fact, biochemical theory maintains that every disease of the human family is due to a lack of one or more of these organic building blocks.  I don’t know that I agree with the ‘every’, but it is an interesting hypothesis.

Are Cell Salts Homeopathics?

These remedies contain no material dose of the inorganic salts and minerals from which they are made.  They can not be considered supplements in any sense of the word.  Although they are prepared in a manner quite similar to other homeopathic remedies, they work by somewhat different principles.  These remedies do not create in a well person any symptoms of ill health, which is part of the basic premise of homeopathic symptom pictures.  Like homeopathics, however, they bring a certain energy pattern to the attention of the body.

It seems that by highlighting and focusing our energy system on the pattern of a deficiency, these remedies encourage our bodies to look for and uptake needed nutrients until proper quantities and balances are achieved.  Since these salts are the building blocks out of which our entire bodies are made, there is nothing that deficiencies of these vital minerals cannot be connected to.  The corollary to this statement is, of course, that since any ailment of the body may have a connection to a cell salt deficiency, they should be used whenever the physical or emotional symptoms indicate their need.


The minerals represented and balanced by the cell salt remedies have many and varied uses in our bodies.
Calcium: Strengthens bones, elastic tissues, veins, arteries, teeth, and joints, and aids the assimilation of other nutrients.
Iron: Oxygenates the blood.  Improves the hemoglobin.  Strengthens arteries and veins.  Reduces inflammation, and controls fever.
Potassium (Kali): Supports the health and function of the brain and the nerves.  Contributes to hair and skin health.  Dries or increases mucous secretions as needed.  Aids stomach and bowel functions.
Magnesium: Relieves pain and is antispasmodic.  Strengthens the nervous system.  Ensures the rhythmic movements of muscular tissues­—including those of the heart and the uterus.
Sodium (Natrum): Effective for nerves, muscles, joints, and digestive organs.  Establishes better water balance in tissues.  Aids assimilation of fats and other nutrients.
Silica: Beneficial for bones, nerves, skin, hair, and connective tissues.

Calcarea fluorica Tissue Salt #1

Calcarea fluorica (Calc fluor.) function: maintains the elasticity and contractive power of muscles, arteries, and veins.  Vital to the ability of the periosteum to cling to the bones.  Helps maintain connective tissue integrity.
Deficiency symptoms: cracks in the skin, loss of elasticity in muscles and tissues, relaxed condition of veins and arteries (leading to hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and aneurysm), sluggish circulation, loose teeth, spinal injuries, hard lymph nodes in the neck, ganglion cysts, bones spurs, fibrocystic breast disease, cracks and fissures in the hands, depression, ringing in the ears and conjunctivitis.  Great depression, indecision, and fears about money.  Nat phos is always needed in order to absorb Calc fluor.  Kali mur is also recommended to be taken along with, or just before, Nat phos.

Calcarea phosphoricum Tissue Salt #2

Calcarea phosphoricum (Calc phos.) Function: aids normal growth and development.  Restores tone and strength.  Necessary for injury repair.  Aids in digestion, bone, and teeth formation.  Essential for recovery from and prevention of anemia.
Deficiency symptoms: anemia, low blood volume, the tendency to bruise easily, blood coagulation problems, imperfect circulation, bone weakness, poor assimilation of nutrients, shriveled, wrinkled, or pasty-looking skin, chronic sore throat, enlarged tonsils, the inability of the body to maintain warmth, particularly in the tip of the nose, the hands, and the ears.  A general feeling of chilliness.  Impaired memory, inability to concentrate, and increased anxiety.  Nat mur and Nat phos are often needed for optimum absorption of Calc phos.  Protein, magnesium, sodium (from sea salt), and potassium are also required.

Calcarea sulphurica Tissue Salt #3

Calcarea sulphurica (Calc sulph.) Function: blood purifier and healer that removes waste products from the blood.  Aids in the production of bile and the proper digestion of fats.
Deficiency symptoms: pimples, sore throat, colds, all conditions arising from impurities in the blood, abscesses of any sort anywhere in the body, pneumonia, croup, and acne.  Changeable mood, sudden loss of memory or consciousness, being absent-minded, increased irritability, discontented, full of fears, an anxiousness that is better for being outside.  Calc sulph should be given whenever there is a wound or a sore with the potential for infection.  Excellent for boils and for infected areas of the skin that just will not heal.  Silica hastens the expulsion of infection and foreign materials while Calc sulph encourages the closing of the wound and the processing of the infection through the eliminative organs of the body.  It is usually advisable to administer both Calc sulph and Kali mur should a Calc sulph deficiency occur.

Ferrum phosphoricum Tissue Salt #4

Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferrum phos.) Function: first-aid, oxygen carrier, supplementary remedy.
Deficiency symptoms: anemia with accompanying symptoms of fatigue and the need for abnormal amounts of sleep.  Dizziness, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and headache with slight amounts of exertion, difficulty concentrating, leg cramps, insomnia, craving for unusual foods, and cracks at the corners of the mouth.  Lack of red blood corpuscles.  Nose bleeds, inflammatory pain, high fever, quickened pulse, conjunctivitis, varicose veins, and constipation as intestinal walls become too relaxed.  Indifference to the details of daily life, loss of hope and courage, small things that seem like huge difficulties and create extreme annoyance, delirium, maniacal mood swings, dizziness as a consequence of anger, and inability to find the right word.  Give Ferrum phos at the beginning of a fever.

Kali muriaticum Tissue Salt #5

Kali muriaticum (Kali mur.) Function: aids in the treatment of burns, and digestion by increasing bile which is needed to process fats and fat-soluble vitamins.  Cleanses and purifies the blood.
Deficiency symptoms: sluggish conditions, catarrhs, and mucus discharges that are white in color, sore throat, torpidity of the liver, gallbladder problems, white-colored tongue, light-colored stools, cough, colds, anemia, restless sleep, ingrown toenail (supplement Silica also here) and seizures.  Kali mur deficiency promotes the swelling of tissues throughout the body.  Examples include swollen ankles, enlarged ovaries, swollen arthritic joints, enlarged lymph nodes, inflammation in eustachian tubes and nose, increased swelling after sprains, and fibromyalgia (also a magnesium deficiency).  Great sadness alternating with cheerfulness, irritability, and anger at trifles, often sits in silence and intense fear of evil.  Kali mur reduces obstructions in the heart, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and bladder.  Aids in the removal of heavy metals from the body.  Kali mur is necessary for the utilization of fatty acids.  Fatty acids are vital to the absorption of minerals and the functioning of basic body systems and organs.  It prevents stores of Nat phos from becoming depleted.

Kali phosphoricum Tissue Salt #6

Kali phosphoricum (Kali phos.) Function: the maintenance of the nervous system through the movement of nutrients through cell walls and from cell to cell.
Deficiency symptoms: nerve problems include the whole spectrum of emotional issues, some of which are listed here.  Muscle fatigue, muscle spasms, menstrual cramping, general weakness, nervous headaches, lack of energy, sleeplessness, all symptoms associated with exhausted adrenal glands, poor vision, gums that bleed easily, poor digestion and elimination, diarrhea/ constipation, vomiting, skin problems, nervous asthma, low blood pressure, heart palpitations and arrhythmias, irritability, memory and concentration issues, instability of emotions and thought patterns (unable to connect cause and effect where personal actions and choices are concerned), depression, dark forebodings, looking only at the downside of situations, timidity, tantrums, oversensitivity to noise.  A keynote of Kali Phos deficiency is the omission of letters or words when writing, The use of wrong words, and confusion of ideas and thoughts when making a presentation or explaining something.  Periods of extreme stress or illness, as well as prolonged less severe stress, deplete the body’s stores of Kali Phos.  Kali Phos is often deficient in elderly persons.  Nat Sulp is a necessary preliminary treatment for Kali Phos.

Kali sulphuricum Tissue Salt #7

Kali sulphuricum (Kali sulph.) Function: oxygen carrier, maintains hair, benefits perspiration and respiration.
Deficiency symptoms: intestinal disorders, stomach catarrh, inflammatory conditions, shifting pains, and eruptions on the skin and scalp with scaling.  Feelings of being boxed in physically or emotionally.  Extreme irritability, always being in a hurry but unable to get everything that is wanted to be done, anxiety in the evening, timid in crowds, any mental exertion aggravates all symptoms.  Viral infections, colds, and flu deplete Kali sulph.  This deficiency must be corrected in order for the patient to fully recover.  Never the same since (NSS) symptoms from any cause usually indicate a Kali sulph deficiency.

Magnesia phosphoricum Tissue Salt #8

Magnesia phosphoricum (Mag phos.) Function: the outstanding function of Mag phos is on the nervous system, particularly as it communicates with muscles, including the heart muscles.  It affects the elasticity of muscles, preventing or eliminating muscle spasms and muscle fatigue throughout the body.
Deficiency symptoms: menstrual pains, stomach cramps, flatulence, bloating, constipation, neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, headaches with darting stabs of pain, cramps, muscular twitching, exhaustion, night sweats, sleep, and memory problems, resistance to new ideas, hiccups of babies (even in utero), water retention, swelling of tissues, restless leg syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome, depression, lack of self-esteem, asthma, and Reynaud’s syndrome.  Nerves are on edge with the inability to relax emotionally (showing as anxiety, nervous disorders, and depression); susceptible to stress, pain, anxiety, and depression.  Magnesium is one of the minerals that binds with heavy metals and other toxic substances so that they can be eliminated from the body safely.  Mag phos and Nat mur are precursors to all the cell salts.  They should be taken together before, or along with, any cell salt regimen.

Natrum muriaticum Tissue Salt #9

Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur.) Function: water distribution, nutrition and glandular activity, cell division, growth, and aids the digestion process.
Deficiency symptoms: weakness bordering on collapse if the deficiency is severe enough.  Headaches with constipation.  Runny stools, thin and watery blood, heartburn, toothache, hay fever, constant sore throats with a nose that is running clear liquid, abnormal appetite with thirst, sense of coldness, low blood pressure that is alleviated by adequate intakes of salt and water, excessive perspiration with exertion, inability to digest meats, pale and waxy looking complexion, and neuralgic pains.  Low spirits, feelings of despair about the future, dwelling on depressing subjects or events, continually bringing up the past and dwelling on it, feeling like a good cry for no reason but consolation from others aggravates and annoys, angry irritability with passionate outbursts, excessively excited and fast-moving, mental exhaustion—mental exertion causes fatigue.

Natrum phosphoricum Tissue Salt #10

Natrum phosphoricum (Nat phos.) Function: Acid neutralizer, promotes liver and gallbladder functions which aid in the breaking down of fats and the assimilation of nutrients, and disperses lactic acid which can build up in muscles causing stiffness and paralysis.
Deficiency symptoms: stiffness and swelling of the joints, acidic blood conditions, rheumatism, lumbago, worms, golden-yellow coating at the root of the tongue, indigestion, poor sleep, waking up with indigestion, and gout.  Irritability, tension, crabbiness, argumentative tendencies.  Nat phos and Mag phos are precursors to all the cell salts.  They should be taken together before, or along with, any cell salt regimen.

Natrum sulphuricum Tissue Salt #11

Natrum sulphuricum (Nat sulph.) Function: eliminates excess water.  Ensures adequate bile.  Removes poison-charged fluids from the interior of cells, and treats rheumatic ailments.
Deficiency symptoms: Influenza, asthma, malaria, liver ailments, brownish-green coating of the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, urinary incontinence, bed wetting, water retention, type 2 diabetes, parasites, a tendency to excessive bleeding, post-partum hemorrhage (use with Calc phos here).  Poor short-term memory, stumbling over words, inability to recall the word wanted.

Silica Tissue Salt #12

Silica oxide (Silica) Function: cleanser and eliminator, initiates the healing process, is the insulator of the nerves, and restores the activity of the skin.
Deficiency symptoms: smelly feet and armpits, pus formation, abscesses, boils, styes, clogged tear ducts, tonsillitis, brittle nails, stomach pains, diseases affecting bone surfaces, whitlows, gout, enlarged thyroid, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, suppressed perspiration, difficult wound healing, ingrown toenails, falling out of the hair, and spinal irritation.  The firmness of purpose but lacking the physical stamina to carry through.  Inability to focus or maintain attention for even short periods of time, oversensitivity to noise, anxiety, great irritability, gloom, and despondency.

Eternity Essential OilThis is a blog about minerals and dehydration, so I am sure you are wondering how essential oils will fit into this.  LeEternity is an amazing blend that has powerful antioxidant properties.  It enhances vitamin and mineral absorption for the overall improvement of health and vitality.  LeEternity, because it helps the body absorb calcium, can help prevent such things as osteoporosis.  The oils in this blend have been used traditionally for various problems related to the cardiovascular system.  Useful for recovering after illness, injury, surgery, or stressful events because the body loses critical vitamins and minerals during those times.

 LeEternity is a great essential oil to use every day to supply the body with nutrients and help the body internalize and absorb those nutrients.  It is an excellent oil to help the body repair and rebuild.

The aroma of LeEternity balances energy and improves both mood and mental outlook.  LeEternity has a warm, spicy fragrance that will warm and energize all systems of the body.

Goldenrod Essential OilsThe Swiss Pharmacopia lists Goldenrod as a support for the cardiovascular system for tachycardia and arrhythmia and credits it with strengthening the urinary tract and improving liver function.  Goldenrod, like Ledum, affects and diminishes the unwanted fatty cells in the liver.  It is also reputed to aid lymphatic drainage and to be effective for sinus and bronchial mucous and in the relief of hay fever symptoms.  The combination of nervine, cardiovascular, and urinary tract properties make Goldenrod a natural choice for the control of high blood pressure.

As Goldenrod strengthens the cardiovascular and urinary systems, it brings to us an ability to take charge of our own emotional and physical health.  Goldenrod is emotionally and psychologically strengthening.

Goldenrod is relaxing and calming when diffused.  It has a pleasant balsamic/citrus aroma with just a touch of spice.


Miracle II Neutralizer

Neutralizer is not your typical carrier oil, and many times, people don’t even think to add essential oils to it and use it as a carrier oil.  One of my favorite ways to use this gel is for sunburns, cuts, and scrapes.  I find that adding Lavender or Yarrow to the Neutralizer gel is incredible.  It would be amazing alone as would either essential oil.  Using them together creates magic.

NEUTRALIZER GEL can be applied to minor cuts, rashes, skin irritations, and wounds to keep the affected area clean.  Use after washing with the Miracle II Soap.  Formulated for those areas where you would like to maintain a high level of Neutralizer over an extended period.  It is an incredible hygiene product used externally or for cleaning your teeth.  Dries quickly and is non-sticky.  Compare this gel with aloe vera, you will be astounded.

Ingredients: Energized Stabilized Oxygenated Water, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Carbopol 940.  No preservatives added.  The approximate shelf life is 9 to 12 months.  Keep out of direct sunlight and high temperatures.

Mini Starter Kit

Mini Starter Kit

The kit on sale this month is the Mini Starter Kit.  This is a great kit to get started with.  It is often given as a present to people you want to introduce to the wonderful world of herbs and oils.

The Mini Starter kit has the top 6 oils that everyone should have, plus 2 of our most popular carrier oils, and a miracle salve.  Miracle Salve is a great moisturizer and salve.  It has numerous healing properties and is my personal favorite.

The Mini Starter kit helps with breathing issues, pain, and sickness, aligns physical and mental structures, and skin conditions, and helps with focusing and concentrating, just to name a few.  This mini kit packs a punch with the abilities it can help with.  It is a must-have!

List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+F to quickly find where these topics are covered in this blog.
aloe vera,
blessed waters,
blood pressure,
breast disease,
essential oils,
free radicals,
hay fever,
heat exhaustion,
immune system,
liquid minerals,
minerals, (Search individuals as well)
nervous system,
red blood cells,
restlessness, restless,
sore throat,
spinal, spine,
stiffness, stiff,
supplements, supplement,
tissues, tissue,
vomiting, vomit,

About The Author
