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Browsing Tag: Burns

April – Aches, Pains & Sprains

This is the time of year that I am aching to get out in my yard and get started. Spring cleanup and all the activities of spring can leave you with lots of aches and pains and that is why I decided to focus this month’s blog on aches, pains, and sprains. This is an area where herbs, essential oils, and homeopathics really shine. Some of the things we are going to talk about have been used in my family for over 40 years. These are staples in my home and I hope learning to use them will be a blessing in yours. Thanks for reading.
See the full list of topics.

November – Women’s Health

In November we will be talking about Women’s Health. Sometimes as women, we tend to take care of everyone else and put ourselves at the bottom of the list.   It has been really fun to focus on women and their special and unique needs.  There is something for every woman in this blog.  From the young girl preparing to start to cycle to the seasoned woman in menopause.  I hope this is a wonderful read for you that will improve your quality of life as well as the lives of other women in your life.  See the full list of topics.

June – Sunburns, Camping & Heat Exhaustion

In June, we will be talking about SUNBURNS, CAMPING & HEAT EXHAUSTION.  I love summer and all the fun that comes with it.  Cuts, scrapes, sunburns, etc. are inevitable and I am so glad that I have my natural remedies to help my body and my children to heal faster and avoid infected cuts and scrapes.  Join me and learn about my favorite Oils, Salves, and Blessed Waters for summer. See the full list of topics.

May – Kids & Essential Oils

In May, we will be talking about KIDS AND ESSENTIAL OILS.  Essential Oils are such a blessing in the lives of children — and in the lives of those who care for and love them!   I can’t imagine raising my family without the blessings of essential oils and other natural remedies.  This month we will be talking about some of my favorite oils, herbs, blessed waters, and more. See the full list of topics.

April – Hair, Skin, Nails & Nutrition

In April, our topics are HAIR, SKIN, NAILS, and NUTRITION.  Nutrition plays a very important part in keeping hair, skin, and nails healthy.  Often when we focus on nutrition, healthy hair, skin, and nails will follow.  This newsletter will focus on nutrition with an emphasis on hair, skin, and nails.  The discussion will include essential oils, herbs, blessed waters, and supplements.See the full list of topics.

January 2023 – Releasing Cellular Memory & Weight Loss

In January, we will be talking about RELEASING CELLULAR MEMORY and WEIGHT LOSS.  Our bodies store memories and perceptions in the cells of our bodies. Blocked energy that has resulted from traumatic real-life events are like energetic land mines. These areas are filled with dark emotions, memories, and energies. Sometimes the energetic clearing of such a spot can result in a powerful emotional release.  This time of year is all about refreshing and releasing. The oils, herbs, and blessed waters we will talk about are my favorites for releasing past traumas and lifting an emotional weight off our shoulders.  Often, weight loss will naturally follow and we will be happier and healthier. See the full list of topics.

November 2022 – Gratitude/Self Care

In November we will be talking about GRATITUDE and SELF CARE. I have always been grateful to a loving Creator who established this world in such a way that the things we need for balance and health in every aspect of our lives are everywhere around us. However, I don’t believe that God requires our gratitude for His glory. The commandment to be grateful is an example of God explaining to us what is best for our own souls. If you don’t do it already, try doing all that you do in this alternative medical world with a large measure of gratitude.  I hope that the products we discuss this month will help you take time for yourself and I hope that you will use them and share them with gratitude.

September 2022 – First Aid

In September we will be talking about FIRST AID. We will cover a long list of minor things that Dr. Mom might deal with on a day to day basis. We will discuss cuts, burns, headaches, colds, diarrhea, allergy symptoms, anxiety, and so so so many more. Our discussion will include essential oils, herbs, minerals, and blessed waters. Please see the index at the bottom of the blog for a complete list of topics.

July 2022 – Burns, Sunburns, Heat Exhaustion and the Great Outdoors

In July we will be talking about the amazing natural remedies for burns, sunburns, heat exhaustion, and other things you might need when spending time in the great outdoors. Learn about miracle salve (it really is miraculous) lavender, and neutralizer for the best sunburn relief ever. Did you know essential oils make amazing bug repellents and there are some great ones for treating bites too? This is where the Blessed Waters really shine.