November – Women’s Health

In November we will be talking about Women’s Health. Sometimes as women, we tend to take care of everyone else and put ourselves at the bottom of the list.   It has been really fun to focus on women and their special and unique needs.  There is something for every woman in this blog.  From the young girl preparing to start to cycle to the seasoned woman in menopause.  I hope this is a wonderful read for you that will improve your quality of life as well as the lives of other women in your life.  See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

Multi +
Women’s Herbs
Raspberry Leaf
Women’s Blessed Waters
November Oils
Women’s Supplements
Pregnancy & Baby
Essential Oil Blends
Essential Oil Single
Carrier Oil – Vitamin E
New Mommy & Baby Kit

New Items

Women's Multi Vitamin

Multi+ Women’s Supplement

Multivitamins are an important part of a healthy lifestyle for all women, regardless of age or activity level. Multi+ Women’s Vitamins are specially formulated with higher doses of iron, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins—all vital in meeting the needs of a woman’s body throughout her various life stages. These easy-to-swallow softgels also contain herbal extracts like Dong Quai, Cranberry, and Red Clover, known to support women’s health. Moreover, the presence of antioxidants helps combat oxidative stress and supports healthy aging.

As you may be aware Butterfly has not been able to get their prenatal vitamins for quite a while now.  It does not seem like this issue will be going away anytime soon.  They asked me to research some possible replacements and I am super glad they went with this one because I love the addition of evening primrose and cranberry.  This is a very well-rounded multi with some wonderful minerals added.  This is also a softgel so you get better absorption.

Featured Items

Women's Herbs for Health

Women’s Herbs

There are two herbal formulas that come to mind when considering women’s health.  YW and MW.  These two formulas are for balancing hormones.   Both are available as tinctures and also as dry herb packs so that you can make your own tinctures or teas.  Teas are a great way to enjoy the nutritional benefits of herbs.  However, the tinctures are easier and more convenient making it easier to stay consistent.


This formula is meant for women in their childbearing years and the years preceding menopause. It will often if taken for a month or two, straighten out irregular periods, heavy clotting, profuse flow, menstrual cramping, premenstrual headaches, and premenstrual tension. Many times, once the underlying hormone issues that are causing the above symptoms have cleared up, infertility issues also disappear. YW is also helpful with kidney, liver, and bladder problems in women, and is essential for prolapsing uterus or bladder situations.


This formula is for women past childbearing age who are experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance such as hot flashes, night sweats, tissue dryness, or headaches. After menopause, estrogen still needs to be produced by the body, but this production no longer occurs in the ovaries. The MW formula provides the nutrients needed for the changeover to occur smoothly and symptom-free. Menopause need not be a miserable experience, nor does life after menopause need to be full of unpleasant symptoms. Make sure mineral and vitamin intake is adequate by taking KNA or MIN. Add LeBalance and LeEndoRelief essential oil blends.

Raspberry Herb

Raspberry Dry Herb Pack

This is one of the most wonderful herbs God has made.  The benefits go on and on but they are particularly wonderful for women.  My smart mother had me start using this amazing herb when I was about 12 so that my periods would be easy and consistent.  This is a wonderful herb for women, particularly young girls.  It is available as a tincture but I highly recommend the tea.

Raspberry Leaf is frequently used by women during pregnancy. Raspberry Leaf is a mild astringent that gently contracts and tones the entire reproductive system. The hormones of pregnancy loosen muscle structures so that the uterus and surrounding muscles can stretch to accommodate the growing fetus. This loosening often results in the interesting symptoms of pregnancy such as constipation (or occasionally diarrhea), frequent urination, bleeding gums, and pain in joints and tendons. Raspberry Leaf, taken as a tea or tincture, greatly reduces these symptoms while still allowing the uterus to expand and the hips to move apart as needed. How can it do both things at the same time? Herbs bring the body into a state of balance. Constipation is not normal but a softening uterus during pregnancy is.

Raspberry Leaf is often overlooked (I have certainly been guilty here) by herbalists when not dealing with the symptoms of pregnancy.  Raspberry Leaf could be used with good benefit in most cases of diarrhea, constipation, stomach and intestinal upset. It should be considered by diabetics to stabilize the pancreas. Raspberry Leaf is frequently used for sore mouth, sore throat, and spongy gums. It is a main ingredient in formulas that are used for the eyes.

A wild form of Raspberry, called Thimbleberry, is very effective and grows abundantly in the Mountain West.

Women's Blessed Waters

Women’s Blessed Waters

These five blessed waters come to mind for women’s health.  Let’s take a few minutes and get to know four of these great remedies. The fifth one is be covered in the pregnancy and babies section of this blog.


The remedies in this combination are effective in three basic ways.  First, they aid in the absorption of nutrients needed for overall good health and especially the health of the hair and the nails in particular.  Second, these remedies address symptoms such as allergic reactions, patchy or rough skin, brittle nails and hair, and a host of other ailments.  Third, there is a component that addresses exposure to toxic chemicals, including those found in vaccinations.

Hormone Balancer

Out-of-balance hormones so often result in glandular dysfunction and fatigue with accompanying fogginess of mind. This remedy, containing only two very powerful homeopathic remedies addresses these issues and helps a person endure, and even thrive, when under prolonged stress or needing to perform heavy physical labor.

Sepia succus

Sepia is one of the top 3 polycrest (commonly needed) remedies for women. It is also among the top 10 remedies indicated for me. Physically indicated for so many hormone-based physical issues when the emotional patterns also fit. Emotional patterns include feeling overwhelmed, especially ty the demands of family and home. There will almost always be an intense desire just to be left alone for a a time, even just for a few moments.


More than just a remedy for vaginitis, this combination is specifically indicated for many things hormone related including emotions such as restlessness, anxiety, and despair. In addition to reproductive hormones, improvement in the liver can also be expected due to the inclusion of Yucca filamentosa.

November Essential Oil Specials

In November, the oils in the special are all loved by women but don’t worry you can diffuse them and let your whole family benefit from them.

Energy Essential Oil Blend

LeEnergy can aid us in making decisions and taking responsibility for our own lives and actions. It moderates our need for the attention and approval of others. Sometimes, in our zeal to keep those around us safe and happy, we have a tendency to become overly controlling. LeEnergy can help us temper these tendencies with a dose of reality. LeEnergy in the solar plexus chakra manifests as vitality and radiance. When we are balanced and energized here, we have such a giving spirit that we are almost magnetically attractive to other people. We will be very much liked and loved by all, and we will be more effective in our parental and leadership roles.

LeEnergy increases circulation, strengthens the adrenal glands, and improves energy levels and mental alertness naturally without the side effects of drugs. This blend also balances the mechanical and electrical functions of the heart.

Faith Essential Oil Blend

LeFaith is very much a blend specific to the emotional healing of many kinds. This blend seems to bring us self-awareness and clarity about our own strengths and weaknesses without burying us in negativity or guilt concerning past mistakes. LeFaith helps us to let go of behavioral patterns that are tied to negative emotions about past experiences, promoting a healthy acceptance of the past and a desire to move forward into the future.

This blend is specific for dealing with fears concerning being abandoned or left to cope with situations totally on one’s own. If you are prone to useless worrying, you may find this blend helpful. As its name implies, it generates feelings of faith and self-confidence within us. Humility and teachableness are also gifts of this blend.

Although this blend is very much in the emotional realm, it has proven helpful for menstrual cramps and for lowering high blood pressure. In situations for which this blend proves useful, you will see the underlying emotional patterns described above.

HeartSong Essential Oil Blend

LeHeartSong allows the heart to find its joy and learn to sing again.  This high-frequency blend reminds us that we are loved and cherished by many people, and certainly by Heaven. It has a multitude of uses. LeHeartSong has been of great benefit in treating depression. It is also useful in overcoming grief and trauma.

You do not need to be suffering from depression or a recent loss to enjoy LeHeartSong. This blend is wonderful for getting through a tough time or just making it to the end of a difficult day. It is also quite effective as a protection against negative energy that you might be picking up from others at home or on the job.

Because of its effect on both the heart and the throat chakras, LeHeartSong is of benefit to those who have difficulty expressing deep emotions or tend to laugh inappropriately when trying to express themselves about these things. LeHeartSong is an excellent oil for energy work, especially in the areas of age regression or inner child therapies.

This is my favorite oil for me when I am stressed.  My favorite thing to do is climb in the tub with it.  If I don’t have time just smelling it will give me such a boost. The aromatic influence of LeSego Lily is, in part, to bring a feeling of calmness during a crisis or when feeling anxious and out of sorts. LeSego Lily also promotes a feeling of being loved and appreciated. Its aroma often inspires us to show love and appreciation to others.

LeSego Lily is a blend for skin care and health. It promotes skin elasticity and may slow the process of aging as it nourishes the skin and smooths out wrinkles. LeSego Lily is used to bring relief from the itching of hives and allergic rashes. When used for this purpose, a more emollient carrier oil containing Jojoba, Apricot, or Rosehip Oil would be beneficial.

Tranquility Essential Oil Blend

LeTranquility is the number one blend for panic attacks.  It is one of the best-loved of all the Butterfly blends.

It is one of the best blends to relieve migraines and tension headaches. Since so many of our minor, but annoying physical distresses have their roots in our emotions and our thought patterns, LeTranquility has proven useful in a very wide range of physical discomforts.

LeTranquility has been used in programs to help children and adults get off Ritalin and Prozac, and you could also consider using LeMillenia along with LeTranquility. Of course, it is recommended that you work closely with your doctor.

Whispering Hope Essential Oil Blend

LeWhispering Hope should be used to stimulate feelings of hope and a sense of potential and achievement if one has become discouraged. This essential oil blend can help us turn around feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. This is one of the most effective blends for suicidal thoughts.

Whether you choose to use this oil for yourself or others, be assured that the influence of this blend is very subtle. It very literally “whispers” its message of hope.

There are many uses for this oil during a woman’s childbearing years. LeWhispering Hope can help when a young mother (or anyone else, really) is feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It helps to create a more positive attitude and a sense of optimism. This blend can help a young woman understand and move past feelings of ambivalence or non-acceptance of a pregnancy. LeWhispering Hope is useful during certain stages of labor and delivery.

Essential Oils for Women's Health

Monthly Collection

Women's Supplements

Women’s Supplements

Supplements are a great way of helping the body to acquire adequate nutrition. These two, and the new Multi+ are often very helpful for women in particular.  However, while these supplements are often needed by women they can also be beneficial to men.

Liquid Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a green pigment naturally produced by plants and algae and gives them their characteristic green color. It is critical for photosynthesis, the process by which sunlight is converted into chemical energy.

Chlorophyll can function as a free radical neutralizer. It helps to support the body’s detoxification processes and has been traditionally used as an internal deodorizer and cleanser.

Cranberry Caps

These capsules deliver the natural nutrient profile found in Genuine Whole Foods.  Cranberries have a long history of culinary use in Europe and North America and have been employed by traditional herbalists for centuries. Cranberries are packed with polyphenols, tannins, and other phytonutrients that have been researched for their role in urinary tract and kidney health. Cranberry Caps are also rich in Vitamin C.  Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is a shrub found in acidic bogs throughout the cool regions of the northern hemisphere.

Pregnancy & Baby Collection for Women

Pregnancy & Baby Collection

This is a collection of my favorite things to have on hand for pregnancy and baby years.  I will give a brief explanation about the ones not covered in other parts of this blog as well as why I chose them.  Please feel free to click the links and learn more.


This is a universal oil that has been shown to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. It is called “the grandmother” of essential oils because it cares for and nurtures us through such a variety of physical and emotional stresses. If you don’t know what essential oil to reach for, try lavender. Lavender can help us move from judgment to kindness and generosity. It can be applied to cuts, sunburns, burns, rashes, dermatitis, eczema, and insect bites.  You can enjoy Lavender as an oil, soap, lotion, and even a bath bomb or Butterfly Dust.

LeBaby Me

LeBaby Me is a special combination for mothers, expectant and otherwise, and for babies of all ages. The use of this oil brings feelings of connection and willingness to give and take in relationships, particularly in parent/child relationships. It is also recommended for use in bonding between a mother and a new baby. This blend also helps us to feel a connection with the Eternal Father of us all.

This oil contains ingredients that increase skin elasticity, retard wrinkles, enhance skin tone and remove scaly patches. The synergistic effect of this blend increases the ability of the skin to act as a protective barrier against germs. LeBaby Me is effective applied on the inner ankles, lower back, and abdomen to reduce cramping during menstruation and following childbirth. This blend is also used to reduce or prevent stretch marks during and after a pregnancy.  LeBaby Me makes an excellent diaper rash cream.  I really like the lotion for this.  The soap is very nice for washing baby.


PHB (Pregnancy Hormone Balancer) is a formula that brings hormones into balance and is especially effective for relieving symptoms that sometimes arise in pregnancy. A woman in good health should feel wonderful and be able to enjoy the experience. Nausea, mood swings, headaches, a lot of food cravings, muscle and joint pain, and general crankiness are NOT a normal part of pregnancy in healthy women! PHB is just as often needed between pregnancies as well as during a pregnancy. It is a formula designed for balancing hormones and is particularly effective for low progesterone levels and inefficient adjustments of hormones during the monthly cycle. PHB is absolutely essential for women who have had repeated early first-trimester miscarriages.


Tincture and DHP


This formula is made as a glycerite because it is typically used for colicky, cranky, or teething infants. It is also excellent for babies, children, and adults suffering with bloating and/or gas. Chamomile and Catnip are both very relaxing herbs, making this formula good for those who are having trouble sleeping.

Pregnancy Blessed Water

This remedy is useful for the typical to most women’s symptoms of early pregnancy but is also intended for the relief of mild, early-stage toxemia. Make not mistake, changes in diet and pregnancy health care must accompany the use of this remedy for optimal results. Emotionally, indications for this remedy include the contradictory feeling of being isolated with no one to turn to or who understands then couple with an aversion to company of any kind.

Women's Health Balance


It often brings quick relief from the symptoms of menopause and should be used by women age 45 and older. LeWoman Wise is a better choice for younger women of menstruating age to balance hormones and relieve the symptoms of PMS. For best results, LeWoman Wise or  LeBalance should be used in conjunction with LeEndoRelief, which has a strengthening effect on the entire endocrine system.

This oil is a great one for supporting the endocrine system and balancing the hormones in both men and women.  For women, LeBalance has been used successfully many times to reduce or eliminate hot flashes and headaches for those who are approaching or going through menopause.

LeBalance has antispasmodic properties. It is helpful as a digestive aid and as a diuretic, especially when the problems in these areas are linked to hormone imbalances.

Women's Health Woman Wise

LeWoman Wise

LeWoman Wise was created to help balance the hormones of younger women. It also brings a lot of relief from pre-menstrual and menstrual cramps and headaches. This is likely to become a favorite of anyone who has ever suffered menstrual cramps.   It was one of the first essential oil blends that I fell in love with.

This blend should be used all month long, not just when the PMS symptoms are at their worst. Doing this will keep the symptoms from occurring.

There are many emotions that go completely out of whack when our hormones are out of balance. This blend can be very helpful for many of those. Sometimes trying an essential oil and seeing what changes take place can help us recognize which behaviors are hormone-driven and which ones are just bad habits.

Chaste Tree Essential Oil

Chaste Tree

There is a lot of literature about the herbal uses for Chaste Tree, but very little documented usage of the essential oil. Claims have been made that Chaste Tree essential oil enhances the production of progesterone, bringing balance to female hormones.

It may ease menstrual discomforts such as cramps, irritability, headaches, depression, and breast swelling. Chaste Tree also works well for reducing the symptoms of menopause. Preliminary trials suggest effectiveness in the treatment of infertility and irregular menstrual cycles.

Chaste Tree, in herbal form, is used for polycystic ovarian syndrome, uterine fibroids, infertility, and miscarriages due to luteal phase defects. Essential oils have the same therapeutic properties as the plants from which they are made. The therapeutic properties are more concentrated in the essential oil, often making them even more effective than in the herbal form.

Vitamin E Carrier Oil

Vitamin E Carrier Oil Collection

Vitamin E oil is the richest source of vitamin E that can be obtained from a vegetable oil. It also contains high amounts of vitamin A and vitamin D and is rich in protein and lecithin.

These constituents make Vitamin E oil popular for external application for any type of skin problem. It also works effectively as a carrier oil to help heal burns, skin ulcers, psoriasis, and eczema. Vitamin E oil is beneficial for the general health of the skin as it improves the circulation of blood in the skin. It also helps the skin cells that may have been damaged due to the sun.

Vitamin E oil helps with conditions like dermatitis and scarring. It is known for its high level of antioxidant properties. Vitamin E oil, especially the virgin unrefined one, is a very sensitive oil that tends to degrade if not stored with extreme care. Wheat germ oil should be kept refrigerated and certainly not exposed to extreme temperatures.  Vitamin E oil is also called Wheat Germ oil.

New Mommy Kit for Women

New Mommy & Baby Kit

Many of the products in this kit have been talked about in the course of this blog.  One of the best things about this kit though is the insert that gives the new mom a bit of information about the products and when she will want to use them.  Please feel free to click here and print a copy.

This kit is designed to make the transition from expectant mom, to nursing, and getting up in the middle of the night mom, as easy as can be. You and your baby are going through a lot of changes right now, and in this kit, you will find lots of stuff to make sure that you feel as centered, relaxed, and as healthy as possible. Great for upset tummies, diaper rashes, and all the things that come with your new bundle of joy.

This kit comes in a Storage Box. This box will hold 16 bottles of oil.

This kit includes the following (7) 10ml oils:

LeBaby Me, LeJulia, LeMillenia, LeTranquility, Chamomile Roman, Clary Sage, and Lavender Officinalis

This kit includes the following 1oz Blessed Water:

Rescue Remedy (1oz)


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