September 2022 – First Aid

In September we will be talking about FIRST AID. We will cover a long list of minor things that Dr. Mom might deal with on a day to day basis. We will discuss cuts, burns, headaches, colds, diarrhea, allergy symptoms, anxiety, and so so so many more. Our discussion will include essential oils, herbs, minerals, and blessed waters. Please see the index at the bottom of the blog for a complete list of topics.

In This Issue

Limited Edition LePumpkin Glow 
CR Tincture
September’s Six Oils
First Aid Blessed Waters
Grab N’ Go Kits
The Featured Blend – LeTurmoil
The Featured Single – Yarrow Blue
Calendula Carrier Oil
First Response Kit

Pumpkin Glow

Limited Edition Pumpkin Glow
Essential Oil Blend and Soap

LePumpkin Glow has a delightfully homey, comforting, spicy cinnamon aroma. This blend is reminiscent of the rich spicy aroma of pumpkin cookies baking in the oven. Diffusing this blend will certainly delight the senses while being effective against a wide range of microbes, boosting energy levels, increasing immune function, and sanitizing the air.

LePumpkin Glow contains essential oils that are high in minerals and is helpful with conditions that are hypo-this or hyper-that. The essential oils in this blend are known to act as both a stimulant when energy levels are low and as a sedative during times when our bodies are stressed and need to rest and relax in order to rebuild. This blend is helpful for times of extreme fatigue, during burnouts, and for cases of infection which include highly resistant bacteria.

LePumpkin Glow is helpful for helping people feel “more”.  More in love with life, be more animated, happy, warm-hearted, spontaneous, dynamic, and self-assured. The essential oils in this blend are wonderful for helping us become more productive, and practical. This blend increases cellular oxygen levels which benefits all of the body systems and when we feel better physically, our emotions become more balanced.

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CR Tincture

CR Tincture

CR is a good first response for sore throat, colds, and flu. Three of the herbs in this formula—Blue Vervain, Black Cohosh, and Lobelia have strong nervine, antispasmodic, and pain-killing properties. In addition to strengthening the immune response against the invading bacteria, these three herbs relieve the headache and the bone and muscle pain that so often accompanies illness.

Be sure to take this formula with an appropriate infection fighter and with herbs that strengthen the particular body system that is being affected.

I don’t think this amazing herbal formula is reached for often enough or appreciated enough.

September Oil Banner

Kadence Essential Oil

The focus of LeKadence is the exhaustion, both mental and physical, that is associated with too much work and worry.

LeKadence improves the uptake of nutrients to the brain and nervous system. It can help alleviate exhaustion in whatever form it has taken in the body and mind. It is especially useful for recovering from deep-seated or extended illnesses. Sometimes sleep patterns are interrupted by nervous exhaustion, physical weakness, and worry.  The body needs sleep so badly but just cannot seem to rest. LeKadence, with the same oils that make LeGoodNite effective, can be helpful here. The addition of Allspice aids the rejuvenation of the cells as the body rests.

This blend brings vitality to the heart chakra and the heart muscle. It reduces inflammation in and around the heart and pericardial sacLeKadence is often effective for quieting heart palpitations, especially those brought on by worry. This blend is useful for dizziness and vertigo. It can be helpful if one is having difficulty concentrating or keeping the mind focused on a thought or project.

Patches Essential Oil

LePatches was designed for the repair and healing of damaged tissues, tendons, and ligaments. It is strongly anti-inflammatory, making it effective in restoring motion to inflamed and swollen joints. LePatches promotes quicker and more complete healing by inducing oxygen and blood flow to the injured tissue.

This blend should be used for sports and other injuries, muscle spasms, torn ligaments and tendons, bruises, and bursitis. This blend, applied to the neck and shoulders, is useful for headaches that are produced by tension, stress, and the tightening of the muscles in the neck or upper back. LePatches is an excellent oil for improving and restoring circulation.

LePatches heals the damaged and broken energy places in the chakras and meridians. It helps the various layers of our bodies (physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental) work together and communicate freely with each other. “Patching” us up (actually healing us is a better description) on every level is what this essential oil blend is good for.

Vallee Essential Oil

LeVallee was created specifically for rebuilding skin and muscle tissue following a severe burn.  It was very effective when added to the miracle salve also sold by Butterfly Express.

It is proving useful in other conditions involving deteriorated muscle and skin tissues. LeVallee is an emollient and is soothing to damaged skin and should be used to combat dryness and skin irritation.  It contains oils renowned for the rebuilding of nerve cells and networks.

LeVallee blend contains several single oils that are renowned for the rejuvenation of skin and muscle.   This makes it amazing for healing cuts and scrapes.   All essential oils are anti-bacterial so by applying  LeVallee you are disinfecting and also starting the healing process. It truly is remarkable when mixed into and used with miracle salve on cuts and scrapes.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is a universal oil that has been shown to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. It is called “the grandmother” of essential oils because it cares for and nurtures us through a variety of physical and emotional stresses. If you don’t know what essential oil to reach for, try lavender. Lavender can help us move from judgment to kindness and generosity.

Lavender can be used for nearly all skin conditions. It can be applied to cuts, sunburns, burns, rashes, dermatitis, eczema, and insect bites. Consistent use of Lavender with burns and injuries minimizes scarring. Lavender, usually as part of a blend, is often used to prevent or remedy conditions of dandruff and hair loss. Lavender is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cytophylactic, and antispasmodic, making it effective for muscle strains and sprains, cramps, and wound healing.

Lavender angustifolia is the more therapeutic Lavender. It has a softer, prettier smell than the officinalis.

Myrrh Essential Oil

One of the outstanding properties of Myrrh is astringency, which means causing tissues and blood vessels to contract naturally. It can tighten the gums, tone the skin, aid muscle contraction in the intestines and other internal organs, and stop bleeding. Myrrh relieves congestion in the lungs and sinuses.

As a stimulant, Myrrh has an effect on thoughts, blood circulation, the secretion of needed bile in the digestive process, the pumping action of the heart, and makes you more alert by stimulating the brain and nervous system. Myrrh’s stimulant properties have a particular affinity for the immune system and circulation.

Myrrh essential oil increases perspiration during times of illness, ridding the body of toxins and cleansing the pores of the skin. It is an excellent choice for skin complaints such as eczema, ringworm, athlete’s foot, chapped and cracked skin, stretch marks, rashes, and wrinkles.

CAUTIONS: Myrrh should be limited by pregnant women because it is a mild uterine stimulant.

Rosalina Essential Oil

Sometimes called Lavender Tea Tree oil, Rosalina combines the calming, soothing nature of Lavender with the strong antimicrobial properties of Tea Tree.

This is one of the most amazing oils I have ever seen and is among my top 10 favorite single essential oils.  Rosalina has the ability to affect the heart chakra. This is a wonderful oil for relaxation and is very calming.

It is from the same family as Tea Tree but is gentler, sweeter, softer, and has a milder aroma. Rosalina is gentle yet powerful and can assist to address both the physical and emotional aspects of an illness. Excellent oil for respiratory tract congestion and infections.  It is a gentle expectorant and is gentle on the mucous membranes as well as the skin. Rosalina is a great oil for kids and many people use it in place of stronger oils like Tea Tree and Eucalyptus when dealing with small children.

September 6 Essential Oil

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First Aid Blessed Waters

First Aid and Homeopathics

The right homeopathic remedy works very rapidly.  As with all healing stimulated energetically, the more recent things respond and clear first.  That makes homeopathic remedies ideal for first-aid situations.

However, when I sat down to write this blog, I quickly realized that it would be very difficult if not impossible to only pick a few.  I also realized that a couple of years ago I wrote an entire blog on Homeopathics and First Aid.

This really isn’t a subject that can be discussed in a couple of paragraphs.  If you will take the time to study homeopathics and then learn how they can be used in first aid situations it will be one of the best things, you could ever do for yourself and your family.

A great place to start when learning about homeopathics is with this blog Homeopathy – Basic Principles.

If you feel you already have a fairly decent understanding of homeopathics and want to dive deeper into how they can be applied in first aid situations check out the blog Homeopathics – First Aid and Allergic Reactions.

One last resource that is worth mentioning is the Homeopathic – First Aid Practical Uses  This is an alphabetical list of first aid type situations and the best remedies to try.

Butterfly Express and Butterfly Expressions try to collaborate each month so that the things you are reading about in the blog are also on sale.  Butterfly Express has agreed to the use of a coupon code in the month of September 2022 that will give you 10% off of all single or combination blessed waters.  That coupon only found in this blog is BWSep2022Thank you for taking the time to read our blogs.

Grab N Go Kits

The grab-n-go kits were designed to be like 72-hour or bug-out kits.  There is a kit of tinctures, a kit of blessed waters, and a kit of essential oils.  You can buy them separately or all together.  When they are bought together, they come in a 5-gallon bucket with a gamma seal lid.

Each of the kits comes with information about the items it contains.  You can access them by clicking on the links below.

The Essential Oil Kit Contains:

LeBabyMe, LeBreezey, LeDeeper, LeDeliverance, LeEndoRelief, LeHeartSong, LeInsideOut, LeMelaPlus, LeMillenia, LeMyGraine, LePurify, LeSunburst, LeTranquility, LeVitality, Helichrysum Angustifolia, Lavender Officinalis, Peppermint Piperita, Orange Sweet, Yarrow Blue
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The Tincture Kit Contains:

BBL, BHM, Cayenne, CC gly, Catnip/Chamomile gly, CD, IF, KB, KNA, LC, NS, RC, Rosehips, SS, Super C, WC gly
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The Blessed Water Kit Contains:

Allergies #1, Apis mellifica, Arnica montana, Arsenicum album, Bioplasma, Cantharis vesicatoria, Carbo vegetabilis, Diarrhea #1, Flu Symptoms #1, Gelsemium sempervirens, Histaminum muriaticum, Hypericum perforatum, Lachesis muta, Psorinum, Rescue Remedy, Sepis succus, Silica terra, Symphytum officinale, Thuja occidentalis, Weakness #2
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Featured Blend Banners

Turmoil Essential Oil

LeTurmoil Essential Oil

LeTurmoil is an interesting choice for a month focusing on first aid but it is a great one to grab for shock and trauma.  It stabilizes a person who is feeling faint or going into shock.

It is very useful when illness or trauma is affecting physical well-being and weakening the immune system.

When someone is recovering from an accident or surgery, diffuse LeTurmoil near them or have them inhale it frequently.

LeTurmoil helps us to view trials from a more positive perspective. This blend is useful in rebuilding the physical/emotional connection after trauma or loss. LeTurmoil should be considered for the anger stage of grief and later if the grief seems to be settling into depression. It calms hyperactivity and nervousness. This remedy can calm a person who is jumping from project to project, thought to thought, and help them settle down, organize themselves, and accomplish something.

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Yarrow Blue Essential Oil

Yarrow Essential Oil

Yarrow is one of the truly great healing oils! Applied topically to a cut, even a very deep one, Yarrow will pull the edges together and help the cut to heal almost miraculously. Yarrow’s antiseptic properties are strong enough to prevent infection, no matter how dirty or contaminated conditions were at the time of the injury. Yarrow, known for centuries as an herb to stop bleeding, is even more effective in the concentrated essential oil form.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Yarrow are effective whether the inflammation is in the nasal or respiratory passages, the digestive tract, along the gum line, the uterus or ovaries, or anywhere else.

Like the anti-inflammatory properties of this essential oil, the astringent properties of Yarrow work throughout the body. Astringents cause the tightening of tissues. This makes Yarrow very helpful for such things as dandruff, hair loss, setting the teeth firmly into the gums, or firming up areas of sagging skin. Astringent oils such as Yarrow are beneficial as face washes for oily skin and acne. Yarrow is an excellent oil for the female reproductive system where astringency and a mild hormonal action combine to make this oil vital in treatment programs for ovarian cysts and uterine fibroid tumors.

Carrier Oil Banner

Calendula Carrier

Calendula Oil

Calendula is one of the best vulnerary (good for the healing of wounds) plants ever. Calendula is anti-inflammatory. It is useful for vein health and circulatory issues such as varicose veins, spider veins, and bruises.

Calendula is one of the best healers for skin rashes, hives, eczema and psoriasis, leg ulcers, and bed sores that are difficult to heal.

Using the appropriate essential oil, coupled with the healing properties of calendula-infused oil as a carrier, provides a “double whammy” of healing.

Some examples would include: LeBaby Me for diaper rash or stretch marks; LeAgeless for a facial skin conditioner; LeMelaPlus or LePurify on insect bites; and LeDeeper for the pain of shingles. Calendula would also be good used with helichrysum on recent injuries to prevent or minimize scarring.

First Response Kit

First Response Kit

Be prepared for any crisis with this First Response Kit! This kit helps treat shock, flu, diarrhea, cuts, headaches, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory congestion, allergy symptoms, pain, coughs, burns, and convulsions brought on by fever. This kit is great to take with you everywhere you go.

This kit comes with a nice mix of essential oils, herbal tinctures, and blessed waters including LeAspire, LeDeliverance, LeMillenia, LePaine, Lavender Officinalis 
Bioplasma, Diarrhea #1, Flu Symptoms #1, Rescue Remedy, Coconut Oil, BBL, IF, RC-L, WC, and Miracle Salve

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List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+f to quickly find where these topics are covered in this blog.

allergy symptoms,
athlete’s foot
bone pain,
damaged skin,
damaged tissues,
deep cut,
deteriorated muscle,
extreme fatigue,
heart palpitations,
heart muscle,
immune response,
insect bites,
muscle pain,
muscle spasms,
prevent infection,
respiratory congestion,
skin irritation,
sleep patterns,
sore throat,
sports injuries,
stretch marks
tension, stress,
tight muscles,
uptake of nutrients,
varicose veins,
spider veins,
leg ulcers,
bed sores,
wound healing,

About The Author


  1. Annette Morrill | 1st Sep 22

    I bought some helichrysm for my husbands legs and it came about 10 days ago. We cannot get the lid off of the bottle so it is of no use to me. I paid $18 for this and cannot use it. I know that it helps his wounds a great deal. Could you please refund my money and I should probably find a new source to get this. So discouraged.

    • | 12th Sep 22

      We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call our office and speak with customer service. They will be happy to assist you in this matter.

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