April – Hair, Skin, Nails & Nutrition

In April, our topics are HAIR, SKIN, NAILS, and NUTRITION.  Nutrition plays a very important part in keeping hair, skin, and nails healthy.  Often when we focus on nutrition, healthy hair, skin, and nails will follow.  This newsletter will focus on nutrition with an emphasis on hair, skin, and nails.  The discussion will include essential oils, herbs, blessed waters, and supplements.See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

CM Salve
Hair, Skin & Nails Blessed Waters
AC & MIN Tinctures and Dry Herb Packs
April’s Six Oils
The Featured Blends – LeAgeless and LeDelicate
The Featured Singles – Helichrysum
Lotions & Soaps
The Featured Carrier Oils – Argan & Rosehip

Featured Items

CM Salve

CM Salve

CM salve combines the healing properties of Calendula, Comfrey, Marshmallow, and Mullein.  This is a basic salve for healing non-open wounds, such as breaks and sprains.  It is particularly good for rashes and skin irritations of many varieties including eczema and psoriasis.  CM can be layered with Arnica oil if there is swelling.

Herbal salves are wonderful things! They are convenient to use and very powerful.  Salves are made with a combination of herbs, carrier oils, and a solidifier.  I prefer beeswax as a solidifier.  It is a natural thickener and interacts well with the skin.  It allows the skin to breathe and softens rapidly on the skin.  Almond oil is the main carrier oil in our salves.  We prefer almond oil because it has a mild smell, has one of the lowest rancidity factors of any carrier oil, and can handle high temperatures.  The other carrier oils were chosen for their high Vitamin E and antioxidant content.

Hair, Skin & Nails Blessed Waters

Hair, Skin & Nails Blessed Waters

In considering what blessed waters to discuss for this topic of hair, skin, and nails, I picked my very favorite five.  The last two are tissue salts and get used at my house quite often.  Tissue salts are worth getting to know, so I will include a link to more information here.


The remedies in this combination are effective in three basic ways.  First, they aid in the absorption of nutrients needed for overall good health and especially the health of the hair and the nails in particular.  Second, these remedies address symptoms such as allergic reactions, patchy or rough skin, brittle nails and hair, and a host of other ailments.  Third, there is a component that addresses exposure to toxic chemicals, including those found in vaccinations.

Skin Eruptions

Homeopathics always affect both physical and emotional issues.  This is certainly true of this remedy.  It is effective for skin issues, including eruptions and scratches that become sores, and a wide variety of other things like sore muscles, bleeding capillaries and various emotional issues.


A truly complete remedy as it addresses, dissolves, and promotes the healing of scars, internal adhesions such as may occur in the intestinal tract, muscles, and even vein tissues; wounds that are slow to heal, and even scarred or thickened eardrums. The ingredients are known to protect from chemicals that create many issues.


This remedy addresses much more than simple brown warts.  This includes—to name just a few—red blotches, impetigo, cysts, moles, polyps, swollen glands, rashes on infants, even nettle rash, and small boils.  Each remedy in this combination also has a host of emotional symptoms and an array of other physical symptoms.


This is a tissue salt.  If you want to know more about these amazing remedies you can read about them here.

Silica oxide (Silica) Function: cleanser and eliminator, initiates the healing process, the insulator of the nerves, and restores the activity of the skin.

Deficiency Symptoms: Smelly feet and armpits, pus formation, abscesses, boils, styes, clogged tear ducts, tonsillitis, brittle nails, stomach pains, diseases affecting bone surfaces, whitlows, gout, enlarged thyroid, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, suppressed perspiration, difficult wound healing, ingrown toenails, falling out of the hair, and spinal irritation.  The firmness of purpose but lacking the physical stamina to carry through, Inability to focus or maintain attention for even short periods of time, over-sensitivity to noise, anxiety, great irritability, gloomy and despondent.

Kali Sulphuricum

This is a tissue salt.  If you want to know more about these amazing remedies you can read about them here.

Kali sulphuricum (Kali sulph.) Function: oxygen carrier, maintains hair, benefits perspiration and respiration.

Deficiency Symptoms: Intestinal disorders, stomach catarrh, inflammatory conditions, shifting pains, and eruptions on the skin and scalp with scaling.  Feelings of being boxed in physically or emotionally.  Extreme irritability, always being in a hurry but unable to get everything that is wanted to be done, anxiety in the evening, timid in crowds, any mental exertion aggravates all symptoms.  Viral infections, colds, and flu deplete Kali sulph.  This deficiency must be corrected in order for the patient to fully recover.  Never the same since (NSS) symptoms from any cause usually indicate a Kali sulph. deficiency.

AC & MIN Tinctures and Dry Herb Packs

AC & MIN Tinctures and Dry Herb Packs

AC (formerly Acne) and MIN (formerly minerals) are two of my favorite herbal formulas.  Tinctures are a great way to add nutrition to your day or enjoy a nice cup of tea with the dry herb packs.  The dry herb packs can also be used to make your own tinctures in bulk.

AC (formerly Acne)

Acne is a complicated problem and can be very discouraging.  Skin problems almost always have their roots in trouble with the eliminative organs.  Because the colon and/or kidneys are not working properly, the skin is being used to eliminate toxic build-up from the body.  Clearing acne requires much more than just applying something topically to the skin.  Issues with the colon, the liver, the kidneys, and the diet must be dealt with before the skin can clear.  Developing the habit of drinking sufficient water is also a must.  This formula contains herbs that cleanse the liver, kidneys, and blood.  A good diet is absolutely essential.

MIN (formerly Minerals)

MIN contains the same three herbs—Dulse, Nettles, and Alfalfa—as KNA.  KNA is one of the most nutritious combinations and provides a host of vitamins and minerals.  MIN however, also contains herbs for hormone balance, calming the nerves, strengthening the pancreas, and supporting the kidneys.  MIN makes an excellent daily mineral supplement and is safe to use when pregnant or nursing.  I like to make MIN as a glycerite and take it every time I think about it.  I have so much more energy and better health whenever I do.  It also makes a reasonably pleasant tea for use when pregnant or nursing.

April Featured Oils

The three blends and three singles that were chosen for April are particularly helpful when you are wanting to improve the health of your hair, skin, and nails.

AboutFace Essential Oil Blend

LeAboutFace is an excellent skin regeneration oil and is mild enough to be used on the face.

LeAboutFace blends several varieties of Frankincense with Palo Santo.  Frankincense essential oils have a reputation worldwide for crossing the blood/brain barrier, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the pineal and pituitary glands within the brain.  Nourishing these structures of the brain has been shown to positively affect the progress of many nerve and brain-related conditions, among them Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

LeAboutFace contains essential oils that prevent collagen breakdown in cells and cellular structures, and inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory mediators.  This blend should be considered for arthritis and any inflammatory or brain-related chronic conditions.

This blend has been made into a lotion and is amazing for the skin.

Baby Me Essential Oil Blend

LeBaby Me makes an excellent diaper rash cream.  It can be used, diluted of course, for a full body massage at any stage of life.  LeBaby Me is wonderful for skin conditioning and makes an excellent aftershave for sensitive skin, especially when mixed with a little Miracle Salve.  The oils in this blend were chosen for their cell-regenerating properties.  It is a great lotion as well.

LeBaby Me is a special combination for mothers—expectant and otherwise—and for babies of all ages.  The use of this oil brings feelings of connection and willingness to give and take in relationships, particularly in parent/child relationships.  It is also recommended for use in bonding between a mother and a new baby.  This blend also helps us to feel a connection with the Eternal Father of us all.

LeBaby Me contains ingredients that increase skin elasticity, retard wrinkles, enhance skin tone and remove scaly patches.  The synergistic effect of this blend increases the ability of the skin to act as a protective barrier against germs.  LeBaby Me is effective applied on the inner ankles, lower back, and abdomen to reduce cramping during menstruation and following childbirth.  This blend is also used to reduce or prevent stretch marks during and after pregnancy.

Sego Lily Essential Oil Blend

Physically, LeSego Lily is a blend for skin care and health.  It promotes skin elasticity and may slow the process of aging as it nourishes the skin and smooths out wrinkles.  LeSego Lily is used to bring relief from the itching of hives and allergic rashes.  When used for this purpose, a more emollient carrier oil containing Jojoba, Apricot, or Rosehip Oil would be beneficial.

This is my very favorite blend.  I love it on days when I just need a few minutes to be about me.  I love to diffuse it or wear it as perfume.  It smells amazing.  When I can find the time, it is my very favorite for the bath.

The aromatic influence of LeSego Lily is, in part, to bring a feeling of calmness during a crisis or when feeling anxious and out of sorts.  LeSego Lily also promotes a feeling of being loved and appreciated.  Its aroma often inspires us to show love and appreciation to others.

Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil Single

Traditionally, Copaiba Balsam is used for skin problems such as chapped skin, rashes, sensitive skin, poor circulation, and eczema.  Copaiba Balsam adds a woodsy, Vanilla-like scent to blends.  These blends make pleasant hand lotions and skin care products.  It has been used for years as an expectorant for bronchitis, coughs, and colds.  Increases circulation without being a general stimulant.  Very effective for venous congestion, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins.

Copaiba Balsam makes the skin mildly phototoxic where it has been applied.  It is best to avoid sunlight on the treated areas of skin if you are applying this oil regularly.

Copaiba Balsam helps one to be more resilient and stronger emotionally, especially when experiencing strain and disharmony in one’s family or in other close relationships.  This oil is very supportive of relationships.

Palmarosa Essential Oil Single

Palmarosa  is used in skin care regimens for all types of skin.  This essential oil balances the production of sebum, making it effective for both oily and dry skin types. It stimulates new cell growth, making it an effective oil in the treatment of scarring from acne or injury.  Palmarosa seems to have a beneficial effect on thyroid hormones and acts as a uterine and vaginal tonic.  This essential oil acts against fungal infections, bacterial infections, and candida.

This oil can help us enjoy being versatile and adaptable as we move through the changes that life always brings.  This strength within oneself reduces stress and tension and eliminates the sort of nervous exhaustion that resisting life creates.

Palmarosa is suited for people who cannot abide change, the frequent absence of loved ones, or who frequently suffer from homesickness.  This would be a good oil to try for children who get very upset when their mother must leave them for a few minutes.

Rosemary Camphor Essential Oil Single

Rosemary Camphor has an affinity for skin care, hair care, and the dissolving of cellulite.  Rosemary is used for minimizing gray in the hair of brunettes.  The astringent properties of Rosemary make it effective for dandruff, hair loss, and tightening saggy areas of skin.  If you are blonde and use Rosemary, you will likely notice your hair darkening.

Rosemary Camphor is higher in Camphor than the other Rosemary varieties, which makes it especially beneficial for relieving aches, cramps, muscle and joint pain, and increasing circulation.  Because it increases circulation, it can also stimulate hair growth.  Rosemary Camphor is a powerful stimulant and gives tone to the entire body.  It can facilitate digestion and act as a breathing aid with respiratory issues.

April's Featured Oils

Featured Blends

Ageless Essential Oil BlendLeAgeless is made from nine essential oils, each one bringing its unique healing and regenerating properties to this astonishing blend.  This combination of essential oils assists in maintaining or developing beautiful and healthy skin one cell at a time.  Some of the oils in this blend prevent free radical damage, others are useful in repairing damage caused by wind and sun.  Daily use of this blend can be helpful in strengthening fragile capillaries and bringing a healthy, radiant glow to the skin.

This is a wonderfully synergistic and beautifully aromatic blend of essential oils with mood-elevating and confidence-building properties.  Designed to foster within us both a vision of ourselves as accepted and acceptable, and a readiness—always—to become even better.

I like to add a drop to the water I use to wash my face and then follow that up with LeAboutFace lotion.

LeAgeless should be applied to the skin of the face, neck, hands, and arms (and anywhere else you would like).  A carrier oil containing 10% of Jojoba can bring a little extra-emollient value to this blend.

Delicate Essential Oil Blend

LeDelicate is a wonderful blend for overall hair health.  It seems to help the scalp absorb nutrients, making the hair more healthy and vibrant with each use.  LeDelicate adds attractive natural highlights.  For babies with cradle cap, LeDelicate, diluted with Almond Oil, should be massaged gently into the scalp.  Use a very soft brush to dislodge the scaly patches, and then rinse or wipe them away gently.  Use a good quality lotion or LeBaby Me in a carrier oil to soothe the baby’s scalp after this treatment.

LeDelicate can be applied by adding 3-4 drops to shampoo when washing your hair.  For hair loss, try placing 3-4 drops of LeDelicate in your conditioner.  Leave the conditioner / LeDelicate blend in your hair and wrap your entire head in a warm towel for 10-15 minutes.  Afterward, rinse your hair gently.  This process should be repeated several times a week until the problem has disappeared.

Featured Singles

Helichrysum Essential Oil SinglesHelichrysum is renowned for its use in the rejuvenation of skin and muscle.  It drains congestion and reestablishes blood flow to traumatized areas, helping bruises and hematomas to dissipate more quickly.  Helichrysum regenerates damaged tissue and can help prevent scarring at the site of an injury.  Helichrysum is recommended for lowering cholesterol.  Helichrysum is anti-inflammatory and analgesic, making it excellent for sciatica and arthritis.

Butterfly Express sells two Helichrysums and the italicum is the more expensive of the two.  Italicum smells wonderful and to some is worth the price tag, but the truth is they both work wonderfully, so if money is an issue please don’t feel you must buy italicum.  If you love italicum, please take advantage of this sale and save 15%.

Helichrysum is an excellent oil for respiratory conditions and for lymph drainage.  It is stimulating to the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and vascular system.  Helichrysum, diluted with a carrier oil, has been used in many cultures as a sunscreen.


Featured Collections



It is always best to meet your nutritional needs with the foods you eat.  However, this is not always possible and sometimes we need to fill the gaps with herbs or even supplements.

Not all supplements are created equal however, and it is important to get quality vitamins.  One very important thing to make sure of with supplements is that they are food or plant-based.  In other words, make sure the nutrients are coming from a natural source and not a laboratory.

For instance, Alpha-tocopherol is the primary form of Vitamin E.  Naturally sourced Vitamin E is labeled as d-alpha-tocopherol, while the synthetically produced form is labeled as dl-alpha-tocopherol.  You will want to make sure to get a d-alpha Vitamin E and not dl-alpha.

Like Vitamin E, most vitamins and supplements have a synthetic version.  Not only are the synthetically made versions not as beneficial, they can actually clog your cells and make it harder for them to absorb the vitamin you just took.  It is always best to stick with naturally sourced Vitamins and Supplements.

Lotions & Soaps

Lotions & Soaps

Lotions are a very convenient way to put oils on very quickly.

These Lotions are homemade natural lotions that are gentle enough for all skin types.  They are paraben-free and formaldehyde-free.  They contain no petroleum products, animal products, or artificial fragrances or dyes.  There are currently eight lotions available, including Lavender Lotion, which is absolutely unbelievable when you are sick or recovering from being sick.  There is also an unscented Carrier Lotion that you can use to apply any essential oil.  The lotions are made with some very interesting ingredients I would like to tell you a bit about.

Sunflower Oil restores proper moisture balance in the skin, whether the problem is dryness or excessive oiliness.
Cocoa Butter Antioxidant properties that fight free radicals.  Makes lotions thick and creamy.  Good for sensitive skin.
Vitamin E oil is known for its high level of antioxidant properties, making it great for damaged skin and preventing the skin from showing signs of aging.
Argan Oil helps fight lines, repairs imperfections, minimizes scars and stretch marks, and restores texture, elasticity, and tone to the skin.
Shea Butter Oil provides superb moisture, with exceptional healing properties for the skin, and is rich in vitamin A.
Aloe Vera extract increases the elasticity of the skin making it more flexible through collagen and elastin repair.  Aloe is emollient and helps supply oxygen to the skin cells.  It is great for sunburnt skin.

I love Homemade Soaps.  I can’t help myself at farmer’s markets, I just love to buy homemade soaps.  My collection is quite fun.  LeBabyMe, LeAboutFace, and LeSego Lily are among my favorite soaps from Butterfly.

The soaps are made with a cold process in small batches.  They are made with plant-based carrier oils and essential oils.  Each of the plant-based carrier oils in these soaps have exceptional healing properties for skin care.  Here is a little bit on each of them.
Castor Oil is a great moisturizer and has been used for wrinkles, acne, and pigmentation issues to name just a few.  It is also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
Cocoa Butter has antioxidant properties that fight free radicals, help prevent dryness and peeling, fight signs of aging, and soothe rashes and irritated skin.  Good for sensitive skin.
Coconut Oil is a great skin softener, is very good for dry, cracked, and hard skin conditions, and has anti-aging properties.
Mango Butter is very soothing and moisturizing.  It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and firms the skin.
Olive Oil contains antioxidants that protect skin from premature aging, restoring smoothness and protecting against ultraviolet light.

Featured Carriers

Argan Carrier OilArgan Oil is known in some cultures as “The Tree of Life.” Argan is an exquisite newcomer to the carrier oil world.  Argan is most renowned for being rich in natural tocopherols (vitamin E) and because it contains rare plant sterols not often found in other carrier oils.  Several sites report studies whose initial findings seem to indicate anti-cancer properties for these natural sterols.  These sterols are uniquely combined in Argan Oil to make it anti-inflammatory.  This makes it a great choice for use with essential oils for arthritic conditions, to increase circulation, and to strengthen the immune system.

The properties of this oil make it useful for skin conditions, with good results being shown on stretch marks during pregnancy.  This oil should be considered for use with scarring, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and scars resulting from acne.  Besides possessing healing properties, this oil is reported to be extraordinarily protective of skin, hair, and nails.  It protects the skin from the weather and provides a disinfectant layer.

Rosehip Carrier OilThe main properties sought for when using Rosehip Oil are vitamins A and C, and antioxidants.  These two vitamins are cytophylactic, meaning that they aid cell regeneration and the sloughing off of old dead cells and cellular waste products.  These properties make Rosehip Oil an excellent choice for anti-aging and for the treatment of damaged skin cells including burns and scars.  The combination of antioxidants and vitamin C brightens the skin and reduces or removes skin discoloration.  The antioxidants found in Rosehip Oil also make it a natural anti-inflammatory.  Rosehip Oil is excellent for dry, chapped lips.

I have always had dry skin and a few months ago a friend suggested using rosehip oil straight on my face in place of lotion.  Wow!  I love the way it makes my skin feel and instead of putting lotion on several times a day I put it on in the morning.  Amazingly, I have found that I no longer even need it every day.

List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+F to quickly find where these topics are covered in this blog.
Baby Me,
Blessed Waters,
CM Salve,
Cocoa Butter,
Coconut Oil,
Copaiba Balsam,
Cradle Cap,
Diaper Rash,
Dry Herb Pack,
Free Radicals,
Hair Loss,
Hormone Balance,
Kali Sulphuricum,
Mango Butter,
Multiple Sclerosis,
Olive Oil,
Palo Santo,
Rosemary Camphor,
Sego Lily,
Sensitive skin,
Stretch Marks,
Varicose Veins,
Vitamin A-C-E,


About The Author
