November – Gratitude, Abundance and Health

My husband and I (he does this better than I do sometimes) look at the plants—every one, and perhaps the rocks and minerals, too—as personal messages from a loving Heavenly Father. Because He understood that we would not always ask for, or even recognize His help in our lives, He endowed the various plants with His own healing capacities and invited us to partake of them to balance and heal our own lives. Plants affect us, not just on a physical (vitamin and molecular) level, but on a spiritual plane as well. It is impossible to use an herbal remedy or and essential oil with an intent to heal the physical body without partaking of its ability to bring light, wisdom, healing, and peace into your life. This peace and wisdom will be multiplied many times over if your use of the herbs, the essential oils, and the blessed water/homeopathic remedies with gratitude to the Creator and an acknowledgment of the role of the atonement in the healing of both physical and emotional (spiritual) pain. Embracing an attitude of GRATITUDE opens the door to ABUNDANCE, allowing us to fully experience the gifts of HEALTH and healing that surround us.  See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

Multi+ Vitamins
November Essential Oils
Featured Blessed Waters
Featured Herbs
Blend – LeLivN
Single – Helichrysum
Salve Sampler
2-Oil Gift Bags

Multi+ Vitamins

Multi+ Vitamins

Women’s Multi+

This gentle and easy-to-swallow and absorb multi-vitamin contains an array of important vitamins and minerals, including folate and iron, plus a supportive blend of nutritive herbal remedies. Evening primrose oil for comfortable menstrual cycles; cranberry concentrate and horsetail herb for urinary tract health; Dong Quai for balancing estrogen and strengthening nerves; Red Clover with its many health benefits; and CoQ10 for heart health and emotional stamina. This is a great vitamin to help women in all stages from childbearing through menopause.

Men’s Multi+

This multivitamin is targeted to support the nutritional and health needs of men. In addition to the everyday dosage of vitamins like A, B, and C, this men’s multivitamin features several other herbs that are particularly important for men. Let’s take a quick look at them.

Saw Palmetto is known as a great herb for prostate health It is also used to treat urinary tract problems. It is also been known to boost libido and increase sperm production. Lycopene has been shown to reduce free radicals, particularly in the prostate. It can significantly improve testosterone levels. Increased lycopene intake can reduce the odds of erectile dysfunction. Alpha Lipoic Acid helps improve testosterone levels and reduces DNA damage. CoQ10 has many benefits including improving heart health and reducing depression symptoms. It has also been known to reduce muscle pain and improve performance. Grapeseed Extract is a great herb for vascular and vein health. It has been suggested that it may help with hypertension and blood pressure.

Bountiful Essential Oil

My intent in the creation of this blend was for the aroma to promote feelings of security, thankfulness, and, as a natural result of these feelings, generosity of spirit and mind. One outstanding effect of this blend is the feeling of abundance the aroma surrounds me with. Any feelings that there is not enough, there will never be enough, and that there is certainly not enough for everybody, including my family and myself, to ever have what I think we need and deserve! The evaporation of these sorts of fearful feelings eliminates even the slightest tendencies in me for greed or selfishness.

This is an oil of ‘attraction’! As we let go of fear, replacing it with faith and attitudes of abundance and gratitude, we will come to understand that we are constantly being blessed with what we need for wholeness physically, emotionally, spiritually, and even in material blessings.

As if those emotional attributes were not enough, LeBountiful clears the mind and rejuvenates sluggish thought processes when you are overly tired. This blend is an immune support and stimulant and can be used with great effect as a decongestant for the lungs during bronchitis or pneumonia.

Revitalize Essential Oil

This blend is the first essential oil that I reach for when I have, as I am prone to do, been running faster than I have strength and am feeling worn out. LeRevitalize has also proven to be a blessing to some people who are tired, heartsick, and discouraged from the effects of chronic illnesses. Oddly, this blend has proven useful in programs for anger management and in overcoming addictions, as well.

Perhaps, some of these more emotional benefits come about as the result of LeBountiful’s ability to gently and steadily cleanse the liver and improve digestion while decongesting and draining the lymphatic system.

Transition Essential oil

Living is not always easy and times of transition—job changes, children leaving home, etc—can be particularly stressful. Stress, as we all know and acknowledge, can have a very negative effect on our bodies and minds as all body systems respond and suffer, each in their own way, to the stress we are feeling. LeTransition is a blend that helps me focus on the present—on the good things and blessings of my life as they are happening today. From this clearer place, I can see my circumstances and my choices more clearly. This allows me to be more open to the possibilities, the adventures, and the joys my future will hold.

This blend, like LeRevitalize and LeBountiful, affects nearly every system, both the physical ones and the energetic blueprint that underlies our physical beings, for the better.

Cypress Essential Oil

There is so much that can be said about the healing properties of Cypress essential oils. Since the focus of this article is on Gratitude and Abundance I will focus—mostly—on the emotional and spiritual qualities of this amazing healer.

In many countries and cultures around the world, Cypress has been and still is considered to be symbolic of both life after death and the guidance one may receive from a supreme being. The aroma of Cypress, as an oil or even burned in the home as is done in some cultures, may be useful when guidance and inspiration are needed. It is also considered and has proven itself to be useful when a person is facing death or impending separation from a loved one. An outstanding attribute of Cypress is in helping to soften unbending and inflexible attitudes in ourselves and others. This is especially true if those attitudes are tied to money rather than focused on the abundance and bounty in our lives!

Even though I have focused on the emotional aspects of Cypress essential oil, I must mention that Cypress strengthens capillary walls, reducing varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Cypress is also a respiratory, lymphatic, liver, pancreas, and prostate decongestant and is a mild, but effective diuretic.

Eucalyptus Blue Mallee Essential Oil

Butterfly Express carries six varieties of Eucalyptus essential oil! Why? Because we love essential oils and because there are subtle differences from each other in every variety. Blue Mallee has a milder aroma than the more commonly available Eucalyptus globulus variety. This milder aroma makes it more pleasant for use with children and is also particularly effective when used in emotional release and energy work. In addition, although milder in aroma, Blue Mallee appears to penetrate more deeply into the lungs and bronchial tubes while, at the same time, encouraging the taking of deep cleansing and healing breaths. Emotionally, Eucalyptus oils can help us release resentment calmly, without explosions of temper and hostility.

A small word of caution: Although milder in aroma, all Eucalyptus varieties can be a bit caustic to the skin if used undiluted. This is especially true of the tender skin of children.

Frankincense serrata Essential oil

Here again, with Frankincense as with Eucalyptus, Butterfly Express carries several varieties of Frankincense. My nose enjoys a slightly more balsamic and earthy aroma with the Serrata variety than I find with either Frankincense carterii or Frankincense frereana. Serrata certainly has some deeper notes than does Frankincense sacra.

As with all essential oils drawn from the Boswelia family to which Frankincense belongs, there are strong anti-inflammatory properties when applied to any inflamed muscle or areas of the body. This includes the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract. Emotionally, I love the way this Frankincense aids me in seeing those around me more clearly and with less skepticism or cynicism that I sometimes indulge in when I am feeling a bit overwhelmed or picked on by life. This oil reaches deep­—even releasing feelings of anger or bitterness.

Featured HomeopathicsFlower Essence Blessed Waters

Flower essence remedies are very low potency remedies that address issues of emotional well-being, the development of character and spirituality, and mind/body health. The removal of emotional responses to certain triggers, the recognition that some ways of responding to certain situations are more appropriate and healthier than others, and the changing of negative attitudes such as fear to faith, and anxiety to peace, can have profound effects on both mental and physical health.

Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician and the creator of the original 36 Bach Flower Remedies, wrote in the early 1930’s that “Behind all disease lies our fears, our anxieties, our greeds, our likes and dislikes. . . True healing involves treating the very base of the cause of the suffering. Therefore, no effort directed to the body alone can do more than superficially repair damage. Treat people for their emotional unhappiness, allow them to be happy, and they will become well.” While the idea of emotional underpinnings to physical ailments is finding acceptance today, this was truly revolutionary thinking in Dr. Bach’s day.

How do Flower Essences Work?

Although they are ‘energetic remedies’ very similar to homeopathic remedies, they are created only from flowers and in a very different manner than is common among regular homeopathic remedies. Flower essence remedies do not seem to follow the homeopathic law of similars, which is the very foundation of homeopathic theory. In addition, they do not target the physical body at all! In fact, flower essence literature contains no reference to physical ailments at all. The descriptions of the states that the remedies address concern themselves completely with emotional and mental health

As Dr. Bach describes it, these remedies “flood our natures with the particular virtue we need, and wash out from us the fault that is causing the harm”. Flooding our natures with the opposing virtue is the way to eradicate any fault, in my opinion. Focusing on the fault only feeds the negative and gives the fault more power.

Dr. Bach also advised, “Think of the patient, not the disease. . . The main reason for the failure of modern medical science is that it is dealing with results and not causes.” To Dr. Bach the cause of the body’s vulnerability to disease lay in the emotions. Physical ailments were the result of these emotional misperceptions and imbalances. Many Eastern philosophies and even Christianity believe much the same thing.

Butterfly Express carries the original ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ as well as a great many other ‘flower essence remedies’ that have been created from around the world. Even similar flower species show distinctive healing and emotional balancing aspects according to the environment in which they grew.

I absolutely adore and appreciate these remedies. It is still astonishing to me to see how rapidly and deeply these remedies work, how profoundly they affect emotions, and how quickly the physical body and ailments considered physical respond to these remedies!

My book, Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies  has a complete list of the remedies available at Butterfly Express with short descriptions of the positive qualities and patterns of imbalance connected to that remedy. Each remedy can also be found online at Butterfly Express, along with a short description of each remedy.

HerbsFeatured Herbs for
Gratitude, Abundance and Health

Herbal remedies are not meant just to cure diseases and relieve the pain of distressing illnesses, although that is what we often resort to using them almost exclusively for. Herbs are meant to aid us in building healthy, resilient, well-balanced and—in my opinion—drug-free bodies. The use of herbal remedies should be a positive healing science and daily experience. It should not be merely the practice of ‘putting out fires’ as they erupt in our lives. Herbs work because they are nutritional powerhouses!


The soothing of mucous membranes, whether it’s irritation in the stomach, or problems in the intestinal tract the mucilaginous properties of Marshmallow are outstanding. Kidney/bladder irritations are one of the outstanding uses for marshmallow herb in any form. Because Marshmallow is both diuretic and demulcent, it is very powerful in the treatment of urinary tract issues. Marshmallow is used in ointments or poultices for boils and abscesses, and as a tea and as a mouthwash for any type of inflammation.

Read More About Marshmallow
Check out Marshmallow Products Here


Alfalfa has been in use as a “miracle herb” in many cultures and on several continents for centuries. Among Arab peoples it is called the “Father of Herbs.” Alfalfa is thought to contain the widest variety of vitamins and minerals of any other food on earth. Alfalfa is also a rich supply of chlorophyll that is perfectly balanced for absorption by the body.

Among the nutrients that Alfalfa contains are vitamin A, most of those very important B vitamins including folic acid, vitamins C, D, E, F, and K. Important minerals found in Alfalfa include iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, selenium, sodium, potassium, silicon, zinc, and many of the trace elements. Alfalfa contains some wonderful proteins—a rather rare thing in the herbal world—and eight of the amino acids that are essential to the body.

Perhaps Alfalfa should be considered more of a “food” than a medicinal herb. I do know that in the Spring when I am making and drinking ‘green drink’ containing lots of Alfalfa, I feel better and more energetic.

Read More About Alfalfa
Check out Alfalfa Products Here

Ginkgo Biloba

This great herb is well known for improving circulation, most notably in the brain, the kidneys and the extremities of the body. Gingko is considered one of the great herbs for extending mental acuity into old age. This herb is particularly useful for elderly people and for those whose hands, legs, and feet never seem to be warm. Ginkgo is a blood clotting agent and an antioxidant, making it a good remedy for arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, and for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

The circulatory effects of Ginkgo seem to extend to the urinary tract, improving kidney and bladder function and alleviating both incontinence and excessive urination.
Read More About Ginkgo Biloba
Check out Ginkgo Biloba Products Here


My favorite use for Ginger is to place some tincture or powder in the tub at the onset of any bug. Soak for a few minutes, then wrap up warmly. Be very careful not to get chilled after the bath. Stay wrapped until a full sweat is underway, usually about 20 minutes. I have used this method for years to stimulate a controlled fever. The purpose of a fever is to burn off obnoxious little critters and stop an illness such as a cold or sore throat right in its tracks. Ginger brings on just enough heat for a cleansing, ‘critter’ killing sweat!

Ginger acts as a carrier for other herbs (as well as bringing its own unique gifts) to the abdominal area, much as Cayenne does to the bloodstream. Ginger acts specifically on the stomach, spleen, liver, bladder, and kidneys. Ginger also stimulates the blood, but in a gentler manner.

Read More About Ginger
Check out Ginger Products Here


Alfalfa, Chamomile, Dill Seed, Dulse, Horsetail, Nettles, Oatstraw, Raspberry Leaf, Yarrow

MIN contains the same three herbs—Dulse, Nettles, and Alfalfa—as KNA along with herbs for hormone balance, calming the nerves, strengthening the pancreas, and supporting the kidneys. MIN makes an excellent daily mineral supplement and is safe to use when pregnant or nursing.
I like to make MIN as a glycerite and take it every time I think about it. I have so much more energy and better health whenever I do. It also makes a reasonably pleasant tea for use when pregnant or nursing.

Read More About MIN
Check out MIN Products Here

Featured Essential oil blend

LivN Essential Oil BlendLeLivN

LeLivN was designed to be a blood and liver-cleansing essential oil combination. The cleaner and more balanced internal environment established by LeLivN ensures that new cells created in the liver are healthier and better able to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body.

The effects of improved nutrition and oxygen in the body are, of course, far-reaching. So far-reaching that the impact on emotional resilience and equilibrium is impressive! This is especially true when stress or illness has robbed us of focus, direction, and a sense of purpose and accomplishment. I reach for this blend whenever I am frustrated by circumstances or upset by people and events in my life! LeLivN also helps turn my energy and ideas—those annoying ones bouncing around in my head—into productivity and then the accomplishment of goals and desires.

Helichrysum Essential OilsHelichrysum

Helichrysum is the Latin designation for a plant that is often referred to as ‘immortelle’ (immortal) or ‘everlasting’. As one becomes acquainted with the healing effects of this species, these names become clear and ‘dear to one’s heart’. Italicum and Angustifolia are different species of this plant.
There is a lot of confusion about these two essential oils. Some manufacturers and oil distributors advertise them as being exactly the same plant. While they are of the same genus, they are distinctly different species, according to renowned botanists. Even though they are not exactly the same plant, they have many similarities. These similarities are seen, especially in their emotional healing aspects.
The aromas of these two essential oils, while similar, are most times distinctly different. I will try to explain the confusion the phrase ‘most times’ creates. Helichrysum plants (both species) are very delicate, yet they are hardy in their own way. In my experience over the years, the greatest difference in both the aroma and therapeutic properties of these two plants is due, most often, to differences in the rowing conditions where that particular oil was harvested in a particular year. There is often a great deal of difference in aroma and therapeutic properties from one year to the next and in samples brought in from various areas of the world. Growing conditions, such as the amount of rain, can have a tremendous impact on the delicate Helichrysum blossoms.

I have used both of these essential oils for years. How do I decide which one I need at the moment? You may think this odd, but I use the one I am most ‘drawn to’ at that particular time. And, when I am going to be using a great deal of the oil, I often reach for the less expensive Angustifolia variety first, with confidence that it will accomplish what I need it to at this time.
Helichrysum stimulates—or calms, as is needed—the creative, innovative, and imaginative right side of the brain. Unfortunately, our culture and educational institutions often push the attributes displayed and initiated here into the background of our thought processes. Because Helichrysum awakens this side of the brain, we are better able to view the world around us more clearly and completely and make choices from this more balanced perspective. Latent talents and abilities also find expression.

I love Helichrysum when doing any type of healing emotional work because it gently brings memories that have remained unspoken and unprocessed to the conscious memory. Helichrysum promotes a clearness of perception and thought while bringing about a calm acceptance of the past as well as acceptance and joy at the changes in ourselves as the result of processing these emotions.
As is true of any essential oil that has emotional healing properties, the physical healing aspects of these oils are also impressively widespread and effective.

Salve SamplerSalve Sampler

Miracle Salve

This salve is incredibly healing—even for very severe burns. The original versions of this salve came about as the result of a series of three burns—each one worse than the previous one—among my family members. The final event was my husband’s very severe burns as the result of a gasoline explosion. No antibiotics or non-herbal anti-infectious agents were used in any of these burns and the predicted (by everyone around us) outcomes did not occur! My husband and my two children did not see a doctor or go to a medical facility for treatment throughout their experience. (The external burns were not the scary part. He had gasped—as anyone naturally would—as an explosion occurred, inhaling flame and noxious gases. But that is another story for another day.)

This salve was renamed Miracle Salve because this series of experiences had shown us, unequivocally, that this salve really could work miracles. We saw then, and have continued to see, miracles with its use over many years and in many situations with many people. My husband looks wonderful, with almost no scarring at all except a bit on one hand.

Miracle Salve is useful for all types of burns (everything from sunburns to very serious burns), cuts and small wounds (it will help the wound heal as well as prevent infection and minimize scar tissue), rashes, dry or cracked skin, and just about anything else you can think of. It works wonderfully as a carrier oil for use with any essential oil and is a favorite for many foot zoners and massage therapists.

BHM Salve

This is an adaptation of a Dr. Christopher recipe. BHM salve is a very effective, all-purpose salve. I have had great success with this salve for situations as varied as broken bones, sprained or strained muscles, knee or back pain, minor burns, and skin rashes. This combination of herbs is also available as a tincture and in a dry herb pack for use in whatever manner you choose. In whatever form it is used—absorbed through the skin or ingested—the many vitamins and minerals contained in the formula immediately go to work to nourish and heal wherever needed.

BHM Plus Salve

This salve has all the same herbs as the BHM salve, with the addition of herbs that are specific to infections and suppurating sores. This is a very potent salve! It is better at drawing out infections than anything I have ever seen on the market—both herbal and otherwise.
This salve is strong enough to handle even widespread infections, especially if made with as much fresh plant material as possible. The same formula, made into a tea and used as a soak for infected tissue is absolutely amazing!

CM Salve

Certainly, with comfrey being in this salve, it is strong enough to be useful for non-open wounds such as bone breaks or serious muscle sprains or strains. However, calendula (a big part of this salve) is renowned the world over for the treatment of a wide variety of skin conditions, scrapes, and minor wounds.

CM Salve can be layered with Arnica carrier oil to help reduce any swelling when an injury, rather than a rash, is present. Although calendula is gentle on the skin, it is highly anti-bacterial, as well.

2-Oil Gift Bags

2-Oil Gift Bags

LeBaby Me-LeHeartSong

Both of these blends work with the emotions of the heart and the heart chakra as understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The goal of the blending of  LeBaby Me essential oil was to promote feelings of connection and a willingness to sometimes be the ‘giver’ in a relationship and at other times be able to receive love and service in healthy ways. LeBaby Me is especially suited to mothers, both during pregnancy and afterward, and for ‘babies’ of all ages. I love this blend because it strengthens the bond between a mother and her new baby. LeBaby Me is excellent for diaper rashes and just about any other skincare need.

LeHeartSong, on the other hand, was created as a remedy for depression, especially those dark and empty feelings that come after the loss of a loved one. LeHeartSong is also a wonderful oil for surviving any difficult situation and just for making it to the end of a difficult day. As the heart fills with the feeling of gladness inspired by this blend, the soul is protected from the negative energies of those around you in your workplace or home environment.


Both of these blends are like a sudden, but subtle, gift of energy and a feeling of well-being and clarity of thought.

The focus of LeBountiful is on money and survival issues. Will their be enough for both me and you? Will my family have enough to survive and thrive into the uncertain future? The LeEnergy blend, on the other hand, seems to focus more on relationships. There is a particular emphasis on taking responsibility for our own lives and actions. The flip side of taking responsibility for one’s own lives is, too often, trying to do everything for everybody in an attempt to keep them safe and happy. This blend helps moderate these extremes, brining us into balance and harmony.

Both of these blends contain Cinnamon Bark and Clove essential oils. These two oils are known for energizing the body and spirit and for encouraging a rational and balanced perspective when money and material possessions are concerned.


What a perfect combination these two essential oils make! Originally, LeBreezey was meant for lung and bronchial issues, colds, asthma, allergies that affect the sinuses or lungs, and for relief of flu symptoms. The addition of Ravensara, with its outstanding anti-viral properties, took this blend to whole new levels. A dynamic duo when coupled with the endocrine strengthening and lymph cleansing properties of LeEndoRelief.

The aroma of LeBreezey lifts the spirits and brings a sense of confidence, self-worth, and an assurance that better days and better health are just around the corner. And with improved endocrine functions comes improved vitality and metabolism. We find that we have enough energy to get through the day (and into the night if the need arises.)


For anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties, these two essential oil blends, along with LeDeliverance Plus, are the ‘big guns’ of the Butterfly Express illness-fighting arsenal. I reach for LeDeliverance (or LeDeliverance Plus) for respiratory infections, sore throats including strep, dental abscesses and infections, cold and canker sores, cuts, and even athlete’s foot and toenail fungus and infections of any other sort that I come across. LeMariah, while useful for anything in the above list is especially effective against the new strains of flu that constantly pop up each year.

Frequent and consistent use of these potent essential oil combinations strengthens the immune system and helps the lymph system to drain more effectively.

LeGrateful Heart-LeHoliday Spirit

What a unique combination these two essential oils make! LeGrateful Heart is a very unique combination of some essential oils know for creating feelings of openness, love and connection, gratitude, and gratefulness for others, especially those closest to us such as family members. LeHoliday Spirit, of course, is reminiscent of the aromas of Christmas and time spent with family and friends. For many people—most people—this blend brings up happy memories and a desire to foster and strengthen relationships with family and friends even further. Gratitude for all we have and all that we have been given—love, support, security, friendship—is the gift of both of these two essential oils combinations.

Along with the uplifting an unifying emotional aspects of these two blends, is a long list of physical benefits as well. Among these are purifying the air and killing airborne ‘bugs’—always a plus when large crowds of people gather for holiday celebrations. Dissatisfaction and discontentment are destructive to the nervous and immune systems. Of course, these emotions can also ruin any party very quickly.


The common denominator of these two essential oils combinations is antiseptic and bacteria/mold/fungus growth retardation. LeMelaPlus accomplishes these tasks with a unique combination of spice oils and well-known and respected oils taken from the herbal line-up. LeSunburst, on the other hand, is a light-hearted, but very effective, blend of happy making, ‘critter-fighter’ citrus oils with a bit of spearmint thrown in to ground and stabilize the blend and the mood of the user.

Citrus oils, of course, are also relaxing and calming—a hug and a pat on the shoulder when stress and the weight of our responsibilities have stolen our joy. Spice and herbal essential oils ground us and lend us strength when we feel overwhelmed by the needs of others, are running faster than we have strength, and are neglecting our own health and well-being to some extent in the service of others. Citrus essential oils, emotionally, nourish the spirit, predominantly, while herbs and spices nourish the physical body and lend us both emotional and physical strength!

LeMillenia-LePaine and LeMillenia-LeTranquility

“Chiropractor in a bottle” is a good description of this blend except that LeMillenia aligns so much more than just physical structures. LeMillenia also aligns the electrical energies of the body, balances every meridian, and energizes every chakra. In addition, LeMillenia maintains the integrity of the connective tissues that wrap, connect, and protect every organ and even aid in balancing the moisture and fluid levels in the body. This amazing blend even nourishes the nervous system and balances the emotions connected to each organ, leaving us ready to leave behind old ways of thinking and feeling that were not serving them well.

When LeMillenia has been used to realign physical structures in any way, the LePaine blend makes a wonderful companion oil! While realignment needs to be done, sometimes the result is a bit of pain or uncomfortable sensations in muscles and other body structures. (Oh, the stories I could tell if there were space and time!) I like to dilute and apply LeMillenia first and then dilute and apply a little bit of the LePaine blend over the same areas.

When the application or diffusion of LeMillenia is impacting an emotional state, the use of LeTranquility can make the journey to healing so much easier and the lessons learned a part of the psyche and the soul. LeTranquility is used to lessen panic attacks and lessen emotional reactions and states with great effect. I still remember very well the first time I used LeTranquility in a panic attack situation (not on myself). Even I, the creator and (relatively new) blender of the essential oils of this blend, was astonished at the immediate and then long terms results.


Migraines were a problem for me during a substantial part of my life. While losing a day or so to the horrible pain of the headache was terrible, the aftermath of fatigue and lack of energy was almost as difficult for myself and my family. I learned how to stop a headache almost as quickly as it started using the LeMyGraine blend and simple energy techniques.

Eventually, I created the LeVitality blend which I intended to be very specific for the cardiovascular, circulatory, pulmonary, and lymphatic system issues. However, I quickly realized that this blend was so much more than a blend for physical ailments. LeVitality provided a hopeful feeling about the state of my health. When I used this blend in any way, I felt more confidence in my body’s ability to heal and be strong again. As stamina and strength improved, using these two blends (and everything else I could think of, of course), I had more energy and I felt good enough to enjoy life more fully.

The LeMyGraine and LeVitality blends blessed my life and the life of my family so much. Similar experiences have been reported by many other individuals since those days so long ago.


LeSanctuary is a very high frequency essential oil combination. It can often be used in place of the very expensive single oils like Rose, Jasmine, or Neroli with equally effective results. Coupled with LeTranquility, the feeling of being in a safe place—’a sanctuary’­— where one can listen and be guided by intuition, inspiration and the whisperings of the spirit is created. From this space we can receive instruction from our own intuitive knowledge of our strengths and weakness.

The LeSanctuary blend loves to be diffused as does LeTranquility, although either one can be worn on the body. I particularly like LeTranquility diffused in my bedroom at night when my mind is refusing to settle into sleep or I am feeling anxious about something. The aroma of LeTranquility helps me take a step back from a situation, knowing that time and Heaven will bring me to a fuller understanding of all aspects of the situation.

LeSego Lily-LeWeightless

What a creative, innovative, and effective use of the emotional aspects of these two great oil blends this kit is! I must admit, I had never really considered the synergy these two blends would establish when used in tandem!

LeWeightless lightens the weight of our own negativity and eases feelings of stress and fears about our own inability to accomplish the tasks that are ours to do. These emotions are often triggers for “binge” eating or junk food consumption and even anorexia. The aroma of LeSego Lily promotes feelings of calmness during a crisis or when feeling anxious and out of sorts. LeSego Lily also promotes a feeling of being loved and appreciated by those around us and even by Heaven itself. The aroma of LeSego Lily then often inspires us to show love and appreciation to others.

LeWeightless—caring for ourselves. LeSego Lily—caring for ourselves and then reaching out to others. What a combination!


Both of these blends are tremendous anti-bacterial (actually anti-everything nasty that may come at us) blends!

LeSpiceC is very similar to LeDeliverance but has an aroma that many people prefer. LeSpiceC has a stronger cinnamon-type aroma because it does not contain either Oregano or Thyme. Personally, I am usually willing to sacrifice aroma for anti-bacterial, etc. properties, especially when those properties are seriously needed. Most of the time—when brushing my teeth, using an essential oil as a throat gargle, diffusing around the home or business, or to fight a simple cold, I reach for the delightful aroma of LeSpiceC.

LeStefanie was developed upon request for a serious battle with an antibiotic resistant pseudomonas bacteria strain. It is a very potent blend. It is especially effective for anything involving the lungs. Used in connection with LeSpiceC, you could be assured of a very potent and effective countermeasure in fighting off a wide variety of illnesses.

List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+F to quickly find where these topics in this blog.

baby me,
bhm plus,
bhm salve,
blue mallee,
broken bones,
cm salve,
dry skin,
essential oil,
flower essence,
flower remedies,
folic acid,
gift bags,
ginkgo biloba,
grateful heart,
holiday spirit,
miracle salve,
raspberry leaf,
varicose veins,

About The Author

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