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Browsing Tag: fear

January – Energy, Motivation, & Improved Health

January is often a time for reflection and the setting of goals. Often those goals are for healing and improved health. Having the energy to keep ourselves motivated is the key to success and the realization of these goals. Essential oils truly shine when we are dealing with emotions and motivation. This month we will be talking about some of my favorite essential oils for this as well as some essential things for maintaining health and energy. Be sure and check out my online class about the importance of minerals for our health. 
See the full list of topics.

November – Women’s Health

In November we will be talking about Women’s Health. Sometimes as women, we tend to take care of everyone else and put ourselves at the bottom of the list.   It has been really fun to focus on women and their special and unique needs.  There is something for every woman in this blog.  From the young girl preparing to start to cycle to the seasoned woman in menopause.  I hope this is a wonderful read for you that will improve your quality of life as well as the lives of other women in your life.  See the full list of topics.

August – Learning & Concentration

In August our discussion will be centered around LEARNING and CONCENTRATION.  There are so many great herbal remedies to

Make Sure Your Kids Have the Best School Year Possible. 

Take the time today to learn about herbs that will feed the brain and oils that will help them concentrate and retain the information they are learning. We will cover a wide range of topics including memory aids, confidence, fear of failure, and ADHD.  You can learn more about using essential oils with children by clicking here.

See the full list of topics.

May – Kids & Essential Oils

In May, we will be talking about KIDS AND ESSENTIAL OILS.  Essential Oils are such a blessing in the lives of children — and in the lives of those who care for and love them!   I can’t imagine raising my family without the blessings of essential oils and other natural remedies.  This month we will be talking about some of my favorite oils, herbs, blessed waters, and more. See the full list of topics.

March – Allergies & Energy Protection

In March, our topics are ALLERGIES and ENERGY PROTECTION.  Allergies are no fun and can even be dangerous.  There are several things we can do this time of year to help our bodies be more prepared for the allergens that come with spring.

Energy Protection is something we should all learn about.  Have you ever known someone that after they leave you just feel drained?  Protecting your energy can help prevent this and a wide variety of health issues. See the full list of topics.

November 2022 – Gratitude/Self Care

In November we will be talking about GRATITUDE and SELF CARE. I have always been grateful to a loving Creator who established this world in such a way that the things we need for balance and health in every aspect of our lives are everywhere around us. However, I don’t believe that God requires our gratitude for His glory. The commandment to be grateful is an example of God explaining to us what is best for our own souls. If you don’t do it already, try doing all that you do in this alternative medical world with a large measure of gratitude.  I hope that the products we discuss this month will help you take time for yourself and I hope that you will use them and share them with gratitude.

August 2022 – Concentration and Learning

In August we will be talking about concentration and learning.  I love the quote “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.”

As we prepare for another school year it is a perfect time to study natural things that will aid in concentration, and improve the learning experience.  Our discussion will include oils, herbs, minerals, and blessed waters.  We will cover a wide range of topics including ADHD, memory aids, confidence, and fear of failure.  Please see the index at the bottom for a more complete list of topics.


  #2 – Headaches – Emotions If you can accept that your emotions impact your health then it follows that headaches more than likely have at least one emotional driver.  Understanding that emotions impact health was a new, and New Age-y, sort of philosophy when I first began living and…

Essential Oils and pH Balance

Essential Oils and pH Balance Introduction In one of my favorite books, The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Easy, Dr. David Stewart gives a decent explanation of pH balance.  He explains proper pH balance in the body, as reflected in the urine and in the blood.  Dr. Stewart explains what…

Adrenal Fatigue

Fear, Worry, Anxiety, and Anxiety Disorders To avoid confusion, I want to begin by defining these four states of mind. Fear, worry,  anxiety, and anxiety disorders.  I do not want to be talking about oranges and you thinking that I am talking about lemons.  When something like that happens, a…