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Browsing Tag: Nausea

February – Depression and Mental Health

I was absolutely delighted to see what had been chosen for this month’s topic! February can be such a hard month for so many people, and this coming one promises to be harder than usual for me and those around me. As some of you may have heard, our family experienced the devastating loss of a dear loved one recently. I am very grateful for the opportunity to refresh my own mind, study the remedies that deal with depression, grief, and other emotional and mental issues a bit deeper and then share with you what I know and learn. The use of some of these remedies has already had a profound effect on my own mental health recently.

On a lighter note, my older brother, an advanced mathematics professor, told me once that his classes in February were simply used to play fun (and mildly educational) number/math games. Why? Because, he said, students are just up to too much else in February and they need a bit of fun to cheer them up! I suspect that the darker days of winter and, perhaps even in sunny climes, the let down following the holiday season affects us all.   See the full list of topics.

January – Nutrition

There is, absolutely and without doubt, no road to good health (or recovery from illness and chronic ailments) without good nutrition being a priority every day!

Studies done at the School of Gerontology, University of Southern California, indicate that if a person has a sub-clinical nutritional deficiency, he or she might appear ‘perfectly normal’ except for increased susceptibility to disease, longer recovery time from surgery, adverse reactions to vaccines, extreme fatigue that interferes with normal functioning, depression, insomnia, and irritability.
Richard Revlin, M.D., of the Sloan-Kettering Cancer institute says,

“In the United States today, we rarely see cases of classical vitamin deficiency, such as scurvy and pellagra—to name just a few cited in this article. However, we are now beginning to recognize a vast new series of marginal deficiencies related to disease. Marginal deficiency, it now appears, may be a surprisingly common phenomenon.”
One very important reason herbal remedies work for a particular problem is that the herb has provided one or more vital nutrients that are missing in the diet.

It is important to understand, and remember, that vitamins and minerals chemically constructed in a laboratory cannot fill the nutritional needs of the body. Man has been unable to produce a single molecular structure that is exactly identical to those produced in nature. Laboratories can assemble the correct components in the correct amounts but somewhere in the joining of the atoms will be a rotation to the left that should be rotating to the right. The resulting isomer (that is the scientific word for it) is not bio-identical, no matter what the advertising says. This is as true of hormones and amino acids as it is of vitamins. (Hint: If the supplement you are buying says “L-something or other”, the ‘L’ is a warning that this supplement has been artificially produced in a laboratory and will not be providing the nutrition you think you are getting!
There is a great deal of information about the nutritional components of herbs in the book, Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies which can be purchased at Nutrition and health is a topic that has fascinated me for years.   See the full list of topics.

July – Summer Preparedness

Are you ready for some summer fun? There are so many fun things to do and places to go. Are you traveling, camping, or just getting out in the sun? Summer can be full of bugs, sun, scrapes, and bruises so we are focusing this month’s blog on some of our favorite Herbs, Essential Oils, and Blessed Waters that help us to be PREPARED for the fun of SUMMER. There are some amazing products you need to know about and then we will talk about things for Sun Safety, Building Immunity, Camping and First Aid, and Traveling.

December – Harmony, Happiness, & Healing

The topics in December are Harmony, Happiness, and Healing. Christmas is such a magical time when the world focuses a bit more on others. It is also a time for spending time with family and friends. This blog will focus on helping to harmonize those relationships, strengthen them, and help us to heal from the past. There is something in this newsletter for everyone. Please keep your friends and family in mind as you read it and share this newsletter and these products with them if you can.  See the full list of topics.

October – Respiratory and Flu

 In October we will be talking about Respiratory and Flu. The flu season is already upon us so it is a good time to review the best essential oils, blessed waters, and herbal remedies to use when you are in the trenches of the flu. I am also excited to announce that there is a new product, Elderberry Nighttime, that I am sure you will love. Elderberry is well known for use with fevers and for strengthening the immune system. We have seen amazing results so far with Elderberry Nighttime helping people to sleep. Please take a few minutes and review what may help you and your family through the flu this year. See the full list of topics.

September – Strengthening Immune & Lymph

In September the topic up for discussion is Strengthening Lymph and Immune.  These are two very important systems for maintaining health and preventing sickness.  I am loving the new tincture for giving your lymph some Tender Loving Care. We will discuss other tinctures for cleansing as well as give you a link for how to cleanse without making yourself sick.  Essential Oils have been my go-to for lymph draining for years and we will discuss some of my favorites. Of course, this blog would not be complete without talking about the blessed waters that you should know for helping your immune and lymph systems.   See the full list of topics.

July – Dehydration & Minerals

In July, we will be talking about DEHYDRATION and MINERALS.  We are all aware that when you are extremely dehydrated, it is a serious situation.  However, most of us do not realize how important it is to avoid being even slightly dehydrated.  We also don’t really grasp how minerals work to help us stay hydrated.  Water is only part of staying hydrated.  Join us as we talk about the importance of minerals, and electrolytes.  We will also talk about essential oils, herbs, and blessed waters. See the full list of topics.

June – Sunburns, Camping & Heat Exhaustion

In June, we will be talking about SUNBURNS, CAMPING & HEAT EXHAUSTION.  I love summer and all the fun that comes with it.  Cuts, scrapes, sunburns, etc. are inevitable and I am so glad that I have my natural remedies to help my body and my children to heal faster and avoid infected cuts and scrapes.  Join me and learn about my favorite Oils, Salves, and Blessed Waters for summer. See the full list of topics.

May – Kids & Essential Oils

In May, we will be talking about KIDS AND ESSENTIAL OILS.  Essential Oils are such a blessing in the lives of children — and in the lives of those who care for and love them!   I can’t imagine raising my family without the blessings of essential oils and other natural remedies.  This month we will be talking about some of my favorite oils, herbs, blessed waters, and more. See the full list of topics.

December 2022 Stress and Food Poisoning

In December, we will be talking about STRESS and FOOD POISONING.  This is my absolute favorite time of year.  I am not a fan of the cold and the snow, but I have a special love and adoration for the spirit of Christmas time.  It is also a stressful time of year as there is so many extra undertakings to be fulfilled.  I can’t even imagine navigating it without my oil friends.  Food poisoning is another thing we seem to see a rise of this time of year, maybe because we are eating so many things that our bodies are not used to.  We will talk about our must-haves for this as well.
See the full list of topics.