December – Harmony, Happiness, & Healing

The topics in December are Harmony, Happiness, and Healing. Christmas is such a magical time when the world focuses a bit more on others. It is also a time for spending time with family and friends. This blog will focus on helping to harmonize those relationships, strengthen them, and help us to heal from the past. There is something in this newsletter for everyone. Please keep your friends and family in mind as you read it and share this newsletter and these products with them if you can.  See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

Blessed Waters for Harmony & Happiness
December Oils
Stomach Stress Collection
Bach Flowers Blessed Waters
Essential Oil Blend – Inner Peace
Essential Oil Singles – Ylang
Mini Starter Kit

Blessed Waters for Harmony & Happiness

There are two blessed waters that you need to know about and as a mother, I carry them whenever I go very far from home.

Energy Alignment

This is a delightfully comprehensive remedy! The formulation acknowledges the reality that, so often, emotional issues and concerns are the catalyst for physical ailments and intolerances. The eight single remedies that comprise this combination remedy cover a full range of symptoms both physical and emotional. Once improvement is seen, it is advisable to determine which single remedy most closely matches the remaining symptoms and utilize that remedy in a deeper (higher) potency.

Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy is most effective when used on the occasion of any profound trauma or emergency in helping the person cope with extreme pain and shock. It brings immediate calm and helps with the physical and emotional aspects of shock. It is also useful for energy work when the client becomes too involved in the trauma they are trying to work on. I have also found this remedy to be a wonderful resource for children who are upset or frightened.  This is a perfect tool to take home for the holidays if going home stresses you out in any way.  I love it for any situation that causes anxiety.  Try it and you will not be disappointed.

There are four digestive blessed waters and also carbo veg which is for food poisoning.  These are great blessed waters to keep around, especially during the holidays.

Carbo vegetabilis

Indicated for persons who have not fully recovered or are suffering from a chronic or serious illness. Vitality is low and they are exhausted by the slightest activity. Lie down frequently during the day, often falling asleep. Sleep, however, is unrefreshing. A strong keynote is that the face is unusually pale and cold but with a rapid pulse. In severe cases, the lips have a blue tinge and respiration slows. Diarrhea followed by frequent vomiting and diarrhea improved.

Digestive #1

Meant to improve absorption of trace minerals and is specific for treating children (or occasionally adults) with Geophage or Pica (the consumption of non-edibles such as dust, clay, paint flakes, glue, or hair.)

Digestive #2

For treatment of intestinal disturbances such as intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache, and low-grade fever. If fever & headache persist, it is recommended to seek medical assistance.

Digestive #3

Digestive difficulties with symptoms such as loud rumbling, burning, severe pain after eating (usually right-sided), flatulence, pyloric valve stenosis, and construction in the esophagus. Can be useful in removing scar tissue and obstructions.

Digestive #4

A general digestive remedy. Consider for any and all symptoms including gnawing hunger and hypoglycemia. Specifically for situations in which symptoms are better with food in the stomach, and worse when the stomach is empty. Difficulties are often emotionally driven.

Odd note: the smell of food is nauseating, but eating makes the stomach feel better.

These December oils are amazing for helping to develop peace and harmony in our relationships.  They can help us heal and let go of the past.

This is a favorite blend of many people. By letting go of negative emotions, we can create feelings of tolerance and compassion towards the faults and foibles of the human race, including ourselves. Regular use of this essential oil blend can help us develop feelings of trust, safety, and security.

LeLetting Go aids us in “letting go” of negative emotions that we are holding onto in the physical tissues of our bodies. Use LeLetting Go to aid in the release of anger, frustration, resentment, despair, grief, insecurity, or any other emotion that is not serving you well.

Letting go of the emotional baggage that we don’t need can have an energizing effect on the colon, kidneys, liver, and gallbladder in particular. Holding on to negativity from the past can be the root cause of constipation. (See the stomach section of this blog) Fear can cause the kidneys and the bladder to function below optimum levels. Clogging in the liver and gallbladder creates a multitude of physical problems.

LeReflections is very much a kidney and bladder essential oil.  Urinary infections and inflammation in the bladder often occur during times of stress, particularly relationship stresses. The kidneys are also involved with the production of red blood cells affecting energy levels and our ability to give and receive love.

The fluids in the body are believed to have a direct correspondence with emotions. It is the function of the kidneys to remove emotions, especially negative ones, that are no longer serving and protecting us. The resentment created by past events, fear of the future, fear of being inadequate and unable to accomplish upcoming tasks, and fear that you are being attacked or prevented from being the independent individual that you would like to be are a few of the many negative emotions which may “drown” us when the kidneys are failing in their proper function.

LeUnity should be diffused in groups where incompatibility or quarrelsomeness is a problem. Use it in the home to increase peace and cooperation between children and family members.

LeUnity promotes harmony within ourselves, with others around us, and with our Creator. It helps us work with others in a relationship of cooperation, patience, and tolerance. This is the greatest essential oil product I know of for fostering a sense of physical and mental well-being. It can rid us of stubbornness, anger, judgment, and jealousy. Frequent use can promote unity among family members. This essential oil blend has to be experienced to be believed.

Cypress is a wonderful healer for the spirit. It brings the feeling that each new day is a fresh start on our road to glowing life and health. Change is a part of life. Times of transition can be positive if we allow them to be. If we struggle against the changes, trying to hang on to what was, our life can feel like an unending struggle. Interestingly, Cypress—while not a sedative—is useful for insomnia. Perhaps the optimism it brings quiets the usual worry that is keeping one awake.

Cypress is considered in many cultures to be symbolic of life after death and guidance from a supreme being. The aroma of Cypress can help seek guidance and inspiration from heavenly sources. It may be useful when facing death or other separations. The aroma of Cypress opens us to direction from heaven. Cypress can help soften unbending and inflexible attitudes.

Mandarin promotes feelings of deep happiness. This personal happiness often manifests in our lives as kindness and gentleness with all living things. Mandarin also provides a firmness and a sense of self that allows personal growth and spiritual development.  Mandarin essential oil is a gentle and supportive healer.

This oil is an especially good choice for those who tend to dwell in the past. It is also good for those who tend to dwell on past emotional traumas. They have survived the trauma, but they have not thrived. Mandarin can help us achieve a state of mind where we are able to build or repair our relationships, especially with the children and the elderly in our lives.

Sometimes, in an attempt to cover insecurities within ourselves, or to cover past hurts, we hold onto situations or people so tightly that they feel they must struggle to be free. Palmarosa helps us to embrace change and let go. Since we live in an ever-changing world, there are many times when we must let go of the old way of doing and being in order to move forward and grow. If we are constantly “letting go and letting God” direct our lives for our good, we will not just be changing, we will be growing toward the best we can be. Our success and happiness will be inevitable and assured.

Palmarosa can help us enjoy being versatile and adaptable as we move through the changes that life always brings. This strength within oneself reduces stress and tension and eliminates the sort of nervous exhaustion that resisting life creates. If you have already exhausted yourself in the struggle against change, try Palmarosa—or blends containing it—to balance and strengthen yourself. The lovely aroma of this essential oil promotes recovery and strengthens resolve.

Stomach Stress Collection

There are so many reasons to include a stomach stress section in this blog.  The stomach can become stressed when we overeat, or eat things it is not accustomed to as well as when there are emotional stressors.  Both of these things come naturally with the holidays.  I try to always be prepared for stomach issues both physically as well as emotionally during the holidays.  Both for me and my children.  Children may not realize that the stomach ache they are experiencing has emotional roots.  This is where essential oils really shine because they can help them process those emotions as well as give the stomach some physical relief. I hope you enjoy this discussion of my favorite herbs, oils, and blessed waters for stomach issues.


Salt is used to create protein in the blood,  and to create hydrochloric acid in the stomach.  Hydrochloric acid is used to break down food and absorb other nutrients.  Salt is used to carry water around the body where it is needed including to the digestive system so you do not become constipated.   One thing worth noting is that salt requires potassium for absorption by the body.  Potassium can be found in fruits and veggies.


Peppermint has long been regarded as a tonic for the stomach.  It is a wonderful tonic for the digestive system because it increases the flow of digestive juices and bile and is relaxing to the intestinal tract. My favorite way to use peppermint is as a tea with lemon or honey or even both.  Tea takes time and sometimes we don’t have it so it is nice to be able to use the oil.   Smell or use with a carrier oil on the tummy.  Peppermint is also available as a tincture – both regular and glycerin.   Taking them on a daily basis is a great way to strengthen the stomach over time.  The glycerin is particularly nice for children who get frequent tummy aches.


There are three major oils that come to mind for stomach stress.  The first one is LeInsideOut.  It is usually the first one that I grab for me.  While it can be used for children I typically like to start with LeJulia for children.  LeEZ Traveler is a great oil for motion sickness and should be brought on long trips.  It is also an amazing oil for stomach issues that have emotional roots.


Digestive Ultimate is an enzyme-based supplement that helps optimize nutrient absorption.  Plant Enzymes is a comprehensive blend of enzymes that helps to support proper digestion and is specially formulated for a vegetarian diet.  The last supplement is a probiotic.  Probiotic bacteria are critical for healthy digestion, help maintain the integrity of the intestinal lining, support proper intestinal motility, and participate in the detoxification process.

Bach Flowers Blessed Waters

Flower Essences address our emotions. In fact, flower essence literature contains no reference to physical ailments at all. The descriptions of the states that the remedies address concern themselves completely with emotional and mental health.

Flower Essence remedies are very low-potency remedies that address issues of emotional well-being, the development of character and spirituality, and mind/body health.

The removal of emotional responses to certain triggers, the recognition that some ways of responding to certain situations are more appropriate and healthier than others, and the changing of negative attitudes such as fear to faith, and anxiety to peace, can have profound effects on both mental and physical health.

Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician and the creator of the original 36 Bach Flower Remedies, wrote in the early 1930s that, “Behind all disease lies our fears, our anxieties, our greeds, our likes, and dislikes. True healing involves treating the very basis of the cause of the suffering. Therefore, no effort directed to the body alone can do more than superficially repair the damage. Treat people for their emotional unhappiness, allow them to be happy, and they will become well. While the idea of emotional underpinnings to physical ailments is finding acceptance today, this was truly revolutionary thinking in Dr. Bach’s day.

Typically bach flower remedies test up, six at a time and can be made into one remedy specific for the person they were tested for.  These have been a huge blessing in my life and helped me through some really emotional patches.

LeInner Peace

LeInner Peace helps to collect our thoughts and connect our heart and mind. This connection to ourselves creates a solid and balanced center from which we can connect to others.

It can aid us in staying focused and clear, particularly about the direction of our lives. It promotes harmony between ourselves and others and between ourselves and God. This blend helps us feel genuine compassion for others and aids us in forming rewarding relationships.

Much like LeBenedictionLeInner Peace protects the energies of our bodies and minds from attack and depletion by the energies of others. Though protected energetically, LeInner Peace leaves us open, compassionate, and willing to be of service if we desire. It can also be helpful if we fear or hate being alone.

LeInner Peace can help us with acceptance of ourselves and others and with the calm acceptance of the changes that life brings to us all. For emotional work, use with LeSanctuary and LeMagi.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang is very much a spiritual oil. It fosters a desire in our souls for deeper and more meaningful communication with heaven. As we develop the emotional, caring, nurturing, intuitive, and spiritual side of our natures, many things shift for us. Ylang balances the male/female energies and hormones in the body by stimulating the adrenals and thymus glands. This can balance sexual energy and bring joy, harmony, and passion to relationships. Ylang can be exceptionally effective for depression.

The aromatic focus of Ylang is spirituality. It fosters a desire in our souls for deeper and more meaningful communication with heaven. As we develop the emotional, caring, nurturing, intuitive, and spiritual side of our natures, many things shift for us. We find that we are able to block or filter the negativity and “garbage” around us. We are better able to focus our thoughts and our drive.

One of the behaviors that signals a need for Ylang  is throwing temper tantrums that, if we are honest with ourselves, have the underlying intent of getting us our own way. Another indication for Ylang is the sudden loss of interest in work, personal appearance, and even in family members and friends. Ylang may also be helpful for insecurity, low self-esteem, anger, rage, and dare-devil tendencies.

Mini Starter Kit

It is Christmas time and a wonderful time to share things that are important to us or have helped us with those we love.

The mini starter kit is a great way to introduce a friend to the wonderful world of essential oils.  It makes a great gift.

It comes with 6 of the most popular oils and the 2 most used carrier oils as well as the number 1 selling product miracle salve. In December it also comes with a $10.00 gift card.

LeBreezey opens bronchial and sinus passages very effectively and has been successful in alleviating snoring. It’s an excellent respiratory tonic and immune stimulant. It lifts the spirits and brings a sense of confidence and self-worth. LeBreezey has viral fighting and tissue-rebuilding properties for the lungs and bronchial tissues. LeBreezey should also be tried for colds, asthma, allergies, sinus congestion, and flu. It makes an excellent muscle relaxant and pain reliever when you do not have LeWarmDown or LeDeeper handy.

LeDeeper contains penetrating, anti-inflammatory oils that aid in relieving pain that is deep in the tissues and nerves. It is useful for sciatica, arthritis, osteoarthritis, the pain of osteoporosis, sprains, and injuries where there is bruising and/or nerve damage. LeDeeper increases blood and lymph circulation to the extremities, making it an effective choice for neuropathy and fibromyalgia. This blend often brings instant relief when applied to the abdomen and back for pre-menstrual cramps. Other important uses for LeDeeper are pain relief with shingles and bursitis. Dilute and apply to the skin. Excellent in the bath.

LeDeliverance can be used, diluted, or diffused, in the home as a cleaner and air purifier to fight viruses and airborne bacteria. Its many uses include respiratory infections, sore throats, strep throats, dental diseases and infections, cold sores, canker sores, cuts, general infections, athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, and infection from slivers. Apply faithfully, undiluted, for warts (this takes a little time). Frequent and consistent use of LeDeliverance strengthens the immune system and helps the lymph system to drain.

LeMillenia builds courage, confidence, and self-esteem while being calming and relaxing at the same time. Place anywhere on the body. LeMillenia is described as a “Chiropractor in a bottle”. It aligns the physical structures and electrical energies of the body, balances every meridian, and energizes every chakra. It maintains the integrity of the connective tissues that wrap, connect, and protect every organ and balances the emotions connected to each organ. LeMillenia balances the moisture and fluid levels in the body. Use with LeTranquility for ADHD and hyperactivity.

Lavender gives us the feeling of total and unchanging support around us. Lavender promotes faith, even in hard times. It can help us move from judgment to kindness and generosity. It can bring relief from anxiety, panic, hysteria, emotional and mental fatigue, headaches and migraines, and insomnia. Lavender can be used for nearly all skin conditions. It can be applied to cuts, sunburns, burns, rashes, dermatitis, eczema, and insect bites. Consistent use of Lavender with burns and injuries minimizes scarring. Very effective for muscle strains and sprains, cramps, and wound healing.

Peppermint stimulates the mind, increasing the ability to focus and concentrate. When inhaled, it restores the sense of taste by stimulating the trigeminal nerve. Inhaling Peppermint can curb the appetite. Peppermint is useful for muscle pain, inflamed joints, and arthritis. It can be used for headaches and nerve regeneration. Used for the digestive system and in bowel disorders. It is one of the best for nausea, vomiting, morning sickness (small amounts only), mouth or gum infections, fainting, and motion sickness. It is supportive of prostate function. Dilute well.

Sweet Almond Oil is easily the most popular carrier oil for many reasons. Almond oil is inexpensive and absorbs into the skin quite quickly. It is rich in vitamins A, B, and E, all of which are beneficial nutrients for healthy skin. Almond oil contains, along with the vitamins mentioned above, heart-healthy fats, potassium, and folic acid. Furthermore, it works well as a carrier oil, and you can also cook with it.

Coconut Oil is odorless and colorless. It absorbs readily into the skin, leaving no residue. Doesn’t stain clothing and easily washes out of clothing and bedding. Coconut oil is an excellent skin moisturizer, rarely aggravates existing skin problems such as fungal or bacterial infections and does not clog pores. And positively, it leaves the skin feeling smooth but not greasy. Coconut oil has almost no aroma at all and has the added advantage of a long shelf life at room temperature without rancidity. Coconut oil is considered one of the best carrier oils.

Miracle Salve is incredibly healing. Herbal salves are wonderful things! They are convenient to use and very powerful. Miracle Salve is useful for burns (everything from sunburns to very serious burns), cuts/wounds (it will help it heal as well as preventing/fighting infection and minimize scar tissue), rashes, dry or cracked skin, and just about anything else you can think of. You can use it by itself, or use it as a carrier oil to apply your essential oils.

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