The digestive system is a very intricate and complex system. To my mind, it is much like a fragile ecosystem. There is a constant need for balance in the digestive system, just as there is in nature. The balance between the organs and among the different types of healthy bacteria found in the digestive system is absolutely essential to good health. When the digestive system is not working properly, the body becomes either malnourished or toxic. As a result, all the woes of poor nutrition and/or a toxic system eventually show themselves in the overall health of the body and mind.
Due to the many different organs included in the digestive system and their specific roles in the body, there are a lot of essential oils and herbs which have an ability to impact this system and bring about improvements. This month’s newsletter targets only a few of them. (I know from the length of the article that it seems like we surely must have mentioned them all. Not so—but it did feel like that to me as I wrote it.) I hope you find something useful to you or your family in the information I have tried to present here.
1) They can make a person very ill and leave problems that last for a very long time.
2) They can be very difficult to diagnose—even when reading the foot using zone therapy.
3) They can be indicative of a compromised immune system. When the immune system functions optimally parasites are usually eliminated in the natural course of living.
Skin rashes and irritation caused by parasites actually seem to respond very quickly to essential oils. (Have I mentioned lately that I hate skin rashes worse than nearly anything on earth?) It is wonderful that we have such wonderful options as essential oils! When dealing with parasite rashes, the oils must be applied using water, not carrier-type oils that might ‘feed’ the parasites. The chosen regimen must be continued for the entire life cycle of that particular parasite, including the hatching of any eggs. We have found that essential oils, placed in water in a spray bottle, work very well. The entire body must be covered by the water and the oil at least twice a day. Not fun or easy, but effective—even against MRSA. Be sure to shake the bottle frequently and well during the application process. Essential oils and water do not really mix well.
Once the parasite has been eradicated, there will still be a period of time needed to repair the damage done to the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
The more I read and studied, the more I came to realize that, because of sanitation and hygiene practices in North America, we have a greatly reduced incidence of parasitic issues. It has been and is a good idea to be vigilant, and to teach our children to be vigilant, in these areas.
I have also made a vow to increase my vigilance in washing, washing, washing my hands, even when camping or gathering herbs in what looks like pristine wilderness—especially around streams and waterways.
I will also be washing, washing, washing my produce much more faithfully. Kids and animals? Probably just a price we pay and handle the results in the best way that we can! (For me, that is the Miracle II parasite cleanse protocol, first and foremost, along with essential oils.)
Symptoms of Internal Parasites | More Serious, Less Common Symptoms of Internal Parasites |
1) Fatigue | 1) Irritability and drastic changes in behavior |
2) Flu-like symptoms | 2) Liver disease |
3) Rashes | 3) Weakened immune system |
4) Sudden weight gain or loss | 4) Chronic immunological diseases |
5) Body aches | 5) Allergies |
6) Sleep disturbances | 6) Asthma |
7) Gas, bloating, constipation | 7) Anemia |
8) Teeth grinding at night | 8) Arthritis (as the parasites form cysts which lodge in joints and muscles) |
9) Drooling at night | 9) Muscle cramps |
10) Nervousness | 10) Bluish specs in whites of the eyes |
11) Excessive hunger | |
12) Iron deficiency | |
13) Difficulty losing/gaining weight | |
14) Constant cough or colds | |
15) Hives, rashes, itchy skin | |
16 ) Watery diarrhea | |
17) Sugar & other cravings, such as dirt, raw rice | |
18) Ravenous appetite |
LeInsideOut Rub
Iron Liquid Mineral
LeEmerge-LeInsideOut-LeReflections 3-Oil Kit
April Essential Oils
Featured Herbs
Featured Blessed Waters
Featured Supplements
Blend – LeSafeGuard
Single – Cardamom
Vitamin E Carrier Oils
Neutralizer & Green Soap Kit
I absolutely love the rubs that have evolved over the years at Butterfly Express! They are made with essential oils, almond oil infused with herbs that complement the properties of the essential oils, and menthol crystals which have their own therapeutic properties and give the rub an icy hot feel.
LeInsideOut as a rub is effective and, perhaps, a bit easier to use than an essential oil that must be applied with a carrier oil. In addition to the things listed in this article, LeInsideOut Rub should be used for any bout of intestinal flu or food poisoning. It is useful for most types of nausea.
Iron, along with manganese, copper, and cobalt, is absolutely necessary for red blood cell formation. Insufficient iron in the diet can lead to a very long list of nasty symptoms as each organ and systems begin to show signs of oxygen deprivation. Among this list is a lack of muscle tone and function. Thyroid and hormonal issues also appear because iron is involved in the synthesis of many hormones. One such important hormone is the thyroid hormone. The entire immune system is also negatively impacted, leading to an increased tendency to every kind of illness.
Iron also plays a role in cognitive function, energy metabolism, growth, and normal development throughout childhood and the teen years. Of course, iron from natural or well-done supplementation is essential for the health of the fetus during pregnancy.
LeEmerge was made specifically for the gall bladder and liver, though it has an affinity for the entire digestive system, the endocrine system including the pancreas, and the kidneys. LeEmerge has a calming and strengthening effect on the digestive system and is useful for a long list of digestive issues such as indigestion, nausea and vomiting, flatulence, hiccups, abdominal cramps and spasms, colitis, bloating, gastric ulcers, diarrhea, and overindulgence of food or drink. LeEmerge increases the elimination of uric acid from the kidney, and can bring relief from gout, water retention, edema, and kidney stones.
LeEmerge helps us process our feelings, and release any blockages or imbalances we may have. LeEmerge is energizing and uplifting, and allows us to see what we can do to continue to heal. It is a good oil for treating depression, stabilizing mood swings, calming anxiety, hysteria, and to help us “digest” and honor all of our complex emotions.
LeReflections is a blend compounded with kidney health and function in mind. The kidneys have been given the vital task of collecting and disposing of the waste products of everyday bodily processes. The kidneys also regulate the balance of fluids throughout our bodies. Of course, proper fluid levels prevent constipation and a host of other digestive system disorders.
Emotionally, the kidneys are known to respond poorly to fear and to loss. However, the kidneys also go off-line if we allow resentment to make us unhappy, bitter, or ungrateful. Or, perhaps, it is struggling kidneys that lead our emotions down those painful and unproductive trails.
LeInsideOut is the first thing I reach for when dealing with digestive issues of any kind. LeInsideOut’s ability to be effective for both constipation and diarrhea may seem odd; it is not. Natural remedies work with the body to return systems to balanced and healthy states. They are not the administration of an “opposing” remedy or force. This is true in every aspect of the body and mind when working with natural healers.
Oh, how I love the aroma of this precious blend! Why? I find this essential oil blend calms me, seems to lend me emotional strength in times of stress or just to cope with the events and responsibilities of a busy day.
LeEZ Traveler was originally created to assist with motion sickness. The aroma of this oil is often all that is needed to cope with motion sickness. LeEZ Traveler has also proven effective against nausea, dizziness, and vertigo, especially those that seem to have emotional underpinnings of any kind. This blend often brings relief from morning sickness and is gentle enough to be used during pregnancy.
LeInsideOut, as mentioned previously at the very beginning of this article, is one of the first blends that I created for the Butterfly Express line. It is still the first essential oil blend that I reach for when anything digestive seems to be out of whack.
LeInsideOut is too often thought of as a formulation for digestive issues from the standpoint of the physical body. However, whenever an essential oil is used, any underlying emotional roots cannot avoid being addressed at the same time. Some of the 13 single essential oils that make up the LeInsideOut blend can be helpful in discovering and sorting through the emotions underlying various digestive issues. Here are a few examples:
Kanuka is especially useful for relieving stress and anxiety. Lemon’s strengths lie in such areas as clarity of thought, cause and effect thinking, and the ability to analyze our resentment and discontent in order to decide if they are based on reality or not. Lemongrass encourages us to go outside our usual boundaries, try new experiences, and be confident and comfortable there. Patchouli is simply one of the most calming and centering oils available to us.
LeSynopsis contains many of the best digestive oils in the essential oil repertory combined with essential oils that are specific to the emotional drivers of digestive and colon issues. This blend, however, is formulated in such a way as to particularly target liver and gallbladder cleansing and support. LeSynopsis also has a special affinity for both the small and large intestines. This is a great blend for indigestion, bloating of the stomach or intestinal area, constipation, and diarrhea.
Digestive problems that include a great deal of bloating and cramping or alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation often have emotional roots. Some possible emotional drivers might include holding on to the past, feeling a deep need to be in control, or maintain control, in all situations at whatever the cost, a need for greater trust and cooperation in relationships, and a need to unravel or untwist complicated situations or relationships. Feelings of fear or rejection may also be a part of digestive disturbance patterns. The aroma of LeSynopsis addresses all of these emotions.
The aroma of Coriander is like taking a deep breath—breathing out the old ideas, breathing in a new perspective. This essential oil is especially appropriate for creative individuals who struggle when locked into situations of predictability and routine. Coriander is both a gentle stimulant when energy levels are at a low ebb, and a sedative in times of stress. Coriander is particularly valuable during convalescence from illness, when energy levels are low and stress is often high. Coriander has a marked effect on various aspects of the endocrine system. However, it is also well-known for use with digestive problems such as flatulence, nausea, and stomach cramps.
A side note or two here: Coriander seeds have been used for centuries in both food preparation and in healing. Some Coriander seeds were found in King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Coriander comes from the seeds of the plant we know as Cilantro.
In the digestive system, Hyssop is used to improve appetite, digestion, abdominal bloating, and the absorption of nutrients. It is considered one of the strongest oils for expelling parasites. Hyssop increases perspiration. Of course, sweating is one of the body’s ways of removing toxins and strengthening the lymphatic tissues of the body. (Did you know that the intestinal tract has a great many lymph nodes and lymph tissue?) Hyssop is a potent enough oil that it is, when used as a single oil, contraindicated for pregnancy or if you have high blood pressure.
There are 7 Butterfly Express blends that contain Hyssop. For digestive or parasite issues, I would strongly recommend the use of LeJourney or LeLife Force.
Peppermint is renowned for action on the digestive system and for use in bowel disorders. It is one of the best essential oils for nausea, vomiting, morning sickness (small amounts only here), mouth or gum infections, and fainting. Peppermint oil is strongly anti-inflammatory. This makes peppermint essential oil supportive of proper prostate function.
Peppermint is like a rush of fresh air and energy into the system. But at the same time, peppermint allows the body and mind to relax rather then letting anxiety build up in our body or mind. Just as Peppermint strengthens the digestion and aids the absorption of nutrients on a physical level, it enhances our ability to “digest” new ideas and impressions.
It should be noted—and underlined and never forgotten—that the presence of parasites in the body is often a sign of overall nutritional depletion. Lack of nutrition has resulted, to one degree or another, in cellular degeneration in the body and overall health issues throughout the body. Parasites require nutrients to live and they use yours to survive and grow. That is why they are called parasites.
Garlic has been used for a long list of medicinal purposes for a long, long time. It is considered by many alternative practitioners to be nature’s most effective antibiotic. In the United States, Garlic consistently ranks among the top five best-selling herbs.
Until recently, most of the benefits of Garlic have been considered folklore based on unreliable anecdotal experiences. In November of 1970 a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association claimed the therapeutic roles of Garlic have been described in more than 1,000 scientific studies. Some of these studies were quoted and explained in the article.
Some of the health benefits shown by these studies were that Garlic can lower cholesterol levels, prevent blood clots from forming, strengthen veins and arteries, reduce blood pressure, protect against bacterial and fungal infections, and even prevent cancer.
Garlic is a circulatory tonic. It strengthens veins and arteries as well as increasing overall circulation of the blood. Garlic is also considered a digestive tonic, a respiratory tonic, a tonic and infection fighter when used on skin (if you don’t mind smelling like a garlic bulb), and an immune tonic.
Dr. Christopher, a well-known herbalist practicing and teaching in my younger years, said that cloves are the most powerful of the aromatic and carminative (digestive) herbs. He believed that the regular use of such spices as clove (as fresh, well stored, and still active as possible) was the best way to prevent parasite infestations and to maintain good health. I agree.
Cloves contain wonderful amounts of such vitamins as A, C, E (unusual in spices but wonderful!), K, and an impressive array of B vitamins.
(Side Note: If you are a person or family with a food storage program, please pay attention to spices. They are nutritional powerhouses. AND I cannot imagine eating my food storage without the nutritional value and the flavor of spices!)
Turmeric, native to India and used there in both cooking and healing for all of recorded history, has experienced a tremendous surge of popularity in the United States in recent years—and it certainly seems to be as good an herb as its press claims it to be. There have been thousands of studies conducted and articles published showing the benefits of Turmeric and its most renowned healing compound, curcumin.
Turmeric stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile. One double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that Turmeric reduced symptoms of bloating and gas in people suffering from indigestion. Turmeric may also help people with ulcerative colitis. (My mother suffered from this and it was awful!) In one study, those who took curcumin had a significantly reduced rate of relapse than those who took the placebo.
Stomach ulcers, osteoarthritis, and heart disease were also studied. (These studies were conducted using extracted curcumin. In my experience, the herb—before laboratories mess with it—is even more effective and has far fewer, if any, side effects.)
Ginger acts as a carrier for other herbs (as well as bringing its own unique gifts) to the abdominal area, much as Cayenne does to the bloodstream. Ginger acts specifically on the stomach, spleen, liver, bladder, and kidneys. Ginger also stimulates the blood, but in a gentler manner.
Ginger is believed, in many cultures, to prevent ulcer formation in the stomach. In addition, Ginger antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it useful for gastrointestinal infections. It is still considered by many renowned herbal practitioners to be an antidote for some types of bacterial food poisoning.
My favorite use for Ginger is to place some tincture or powder in the tub at the onset of any bug. Soak for a few minutes, then wrap up warmly. Be very careful not to get chilled after the bath. Stay wrapped until a full sweat is underway, usually about 20 minutes. I have used this method for years to stimulate a fever. The purpose of a fever is to burn off obnoxious little critters and stop an illness such as a cold or sore throat right in its tracks.
Further, Ginger is reported to have anti-parasitic effects against a variety of parasites that are resistant to anti-parasitic drugs.
Peppermint is a favorite among herbal remedies as a tonic for the digestive system. As a tea, or even in tincture form, peppermint increases the flow of digestive juices and bile while being, at the same time, wonderfully relaxing and pain-relieving to the intestinal tract.
A word of warning here. Fresh peppermint leaves (meaning not dried) are rife with powerful essential oils that are very stimulating! The most potent Peppermint tea that I have ever made was made with fresh leaves from my own herb bed placed in lukewarm water. The tea had very little color, lots of minty aroma. Drinking a large glassful of that tea kept the poor man who drank it (my husband) up nearly all night instead of relaxing him into the slumber he desired. Obviously, the volatile essential oils were still intact and we had never managed that with a cup of tea before.
By their very nature and according to what they are meant to accomplish, the herbs in this formula are very strong. Their action and effects on the body are usually quite drastic. They strip the digestive tract of bacteria of all kinds, leaving the balance of natural bacteria in the digestive system out of balance. A parasite cleanse this severe seems to deplete vitamins and minerals from the body as well.
This warning is not saying that this type of herbs and this formula should never be used. Sometimes, if things have gone on long enough and other body systems have become involved, this sort of parasite cleanse may be the best answer. (Yes, parasites can and often do migrate throughout the body, even invading the brain and heart.) I am advising, however, that this formula be resorted to only when dietary changes and gentler means have not been effective.
Herbs (and drugs) in this category are referred to either as anthelmintic or vermifuge. Living as we do, on a farm and among animals of every kind, we have tried this formula and it certainly got rid of the parasites! The effects on the young person’s colon was, however, quite devastating. It took some months of acidophilus, enzymes, excellent nutrition and herbal remedies such as KNA, BHM, and MIN to rebuild the healthy flora and fauna of the colon. Internal consumption of these herbs MUST ALWAYS be followed up by a comprehensive program of tonic herbs, good nutrition, and the rebuilding of normal beneficial bacteria in the digestive system.
The situation would have to be pretty desperate for me to try this again, or recommend it to anyone else. I think it is more harsh than is usually necessary! We have had good success with gentler methods.
A parasite cleanse using Miracle II Neutralizer and a drop or two of the Miracle II Soap, is gentle and effective against most common parasites. This method is also discussed in this article. One of the other methods discussed in this article may be effective while being less drastic.
Blessed Waters are herbal remedies that have been ‘potentized’ energetically into a remedy similar in strength and effectiveness to homeopathic remedies. Remedies of this type, when chosen according to presenting symptoms are quick-acting and very effective. Often, with my own family, Blessed Water/Homeopathic remedies are my first choice in both daily use and in more serious situations!
Blessed Water/Homeopathic remedies do not provide nutrition as they are ‘energetic’ in nature. However, years of experience using these types of remedies, and a scientific study or two, has led me to believe that they do assist the body in the proper uptake of nutrients.
This month’s newsletter includes both combination remedies and suggestions for the use of single remedies without the specification of potency. Combination remedies are low-potency remedies. If a low potency combination remedy does not relieve the symptoms and remove the problem entirely, the closest matching remedy in a higher potency, should be utilized. Higher potency, single remedy prescribing takes a bit more understanding of homeopathic principles (or good muscle testing skills) in order to be utilized effectively and to prevent the discomfort that might occur with less then perfect prescribing.
However, as I have stated, homeopathics are very effective remedies. As much as I love essential oils and even with all the successes we have had over the years treating situations with herbs, I consider Blessed Water/Homeopathic remedies to be the ‘big guns’ when dealing with situations of any depth and seriousness.
Please do not hesitate to make use of Blessed Water/Homeopathic Remedies in single, higher potency. They can be ‘life-savers’, literally. Please take the time to educate yourselves further on Blessed Water/Homeopathic principles. I have so often been glad that I did so many years ago!
Absinthium artemisia is the Latin designation of an herb known worldwide as Common Wormwood. As you might have surmised, Absinthium (the herb) has been used around the world for years as a treatment for worms. However, doses of wormwood can cause digestive upset, kidney failure, nausea, vomiting, and even seizures. Following Blessed Water/Homeopathic theory, these will be the exact symptoms this remedy will treat. However, being energetic in nature, it is much safer to use, has less risk of being over-dosed or used improperly, and will be easy to counteract if distress is experienced, and is just as effective as a material dose.
Symptoms of this remedy center in the mind, the abdomen, and the chest. Absinthium has a particular affinity for and effects on the gallbladder. One outstanding symptom when seen is a strong indication for this remedy is with the kidneys. There will be a constant desire to urinate. The urine will have a strong odor, similar to horse urine if you are familiar with that nasty aroma. The urine will be a deep yellow, even orange color.
Arsenicum is a leading polycrest remedies and is a restorative for all systems of the body (digestive, urinary, circulatory, lymphatic, and glandular) but has a particular affinity for the liver and the intestinal tract. A few (very few) keynote symptoms include burning pain in the stomach and abdomen, rumbling and cramping pains in the bowels, violent squeezing and constriction in umbilical region, diarrhea, and enlargement of the liver and the spleen Great deep-acting polycrest remedy for dealing with influenzas, stomach flu, intestinal distress of any description, poisonings, and parasites. Remedy picture also includes sudden great weakness and shortness of breath.
Gelsemium, like Arsenicum described above is a well-known and comprehensive, entire body and mind remedy. My favorite materia medica utilized 8 pages to describe the symptom picture of this remedy. The mentals alone take nearly a full page. One of the keynotes of Gelsemium is the failure of energy levels to return to normal after an illness or complete exhaustion that just will not go away.
Intestinal or digestive system distress will always with Gelsemium be made worse, or have even brought on by nervous excitement or nervous anticipation of some upcoming event. The symptoms may have come on suddenly after ad news or even overexcitement in anticipation of a welcome event.
Gelsemium is a remedy to consider for the recovery stage of illnesses and for fatigue that lingers after a debilitating illness.
This remedy is for sick and exhausted persons who have never fully recovered from some previous illness. The abdomen is greatly distended with pains extending into the chest. The pain may even cause the person to bend over double in an attempt to relieve the pain. There is frequent flatulent colic and constipation with nearly all foods, causing further distress. The person is often icy cold.
The root cause of the distressing symptoms of Carbo vegetabilis is a very slow and compromised digestive system. Food literally putrefies in the stomach. Even the simplest food causes distress. The originator of these symptoms may have been a bout of food poisoning, whether or not it was diagnosed at the time.
If a low potency combination remedy does not relieve the symptoms and remove the problem entirely, the closest matching remedy in a higher potency, should be utilized. Higher potency prescribing takes a bit more understanding of homeopathic principles (or good muscle testing skills).
As I have been attempting to describe these combination remedies in the space allotted in a newsletter (rather than a book), I find myself wishing/hoping that readers will take the time to investigate these remedies further either in my book Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies II or in even more comprehensive homeopathic Materia Medicas.
This remedy is specific to a congested and toxic colon. The symptom pictures of the remedies in this combination are very unique to themselves. As already stated, if a low potency remedy (this one especially) does not relieve the symptoms and remove the problem entirely, the closest matching remedy in a higher potency, should be utilized. Higher potency prescribing takes a bit more understanding of homeopathic principles (or good muscle testing skills) but it is well worth the effort for you or your family’s health.
Specific symptoms for the various remedies included in this mix will include an abdomen that feels full, tense, and painful. The intestinal tract rumbles and gurgles and then passes offensive flatus. The pain may be felt in the umbilical region but extend through into the back. The ingredient, Vespa Crabro, includes boils. Why boils with intestinal issues? Because the colon is not able to eliminate things that would be very harmful to the body, they are brought to the surface, encapsulated into a boil, and expelled—eventually, after much pain and suffering. The presence of boils would be a good time to consider the use of Vespa, or another remedy specific to boils, in a higher potency.
This remedy contains only four single remedies. However, they are very specific in their actions. I would recommend further study of each ingredient and follow-up (or beginning with) the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms being experienced.
Kali Cyanatum: Pains in the abdomen and groin, severe burning in the stomach, sharp gastric pains, and such copious and horrendous vomiting that it brings on momentary bouts of unconsciousness. There can be, in later stages, vertigo. Headache, convulsions, and agonizing neuralgia are experienced in the facial area and involve the trigeminal nerve.
Verbascum thapis: Symptoms include incessant gurgling and rumbling with inflation of the abdomen, violent and painful pressure in the abdomen, sensation of emptiness in the pit of the stomach which disappears with a rumbling noise, frequent hiccups, hemorrhoids, and empty or bitter risings into the esophagus with nausea, constipation, diarrhea.
Paris quadrifolia: keynotes of being hungry soon after a meal and a “sinking” feeling in the stomach. Other digestive symptoms include weak digestion (many things irritate and absorption of nutrients is impaired), stomach often feels heavy as if it contains a stone, there is rumbling and rolling in the abdomen, and a lot of abdominal pain.
Lobelia inflata: Symptoms include a distended abdomen with shortness of breath, extreme nausea and vomiting, nausea with prickling and itching of the skin, and diarrhea. Lobelia is excellent for the repair of diverticula (inflamed or infected pouches in the intestinal wall) often found in a septic colon and creating painful bloating and a foul odor.
This remedy will likely produce copious perspiration which will be useful in eliminating any toxic situations brought on by a toxic and congested constipated colon. One ingredient in the combination specifies that the indigestion and other symptoms are most often seen at night.
Another remedy keynotes the symptoms of mental dullness when rising early with the opposite, more balanced pattern of waking up eager for work and being extraordinarily productive and effective in the morning hours. This opposite dichotomy is common to homeopathic remedies, but too frequently not mentioned in descriptions of remedies.
This remedy utilizes the energetic potency of the Cryptosporidium parvum protozoa. In the United States, there are an estimated 700,000 plus cases of cryptosporidiosis, the disease associated with infestation by this protozoa, each year.
Symptoms of Cryptosporidium infestation in humans include diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and low-grade fever. The symptoms often come and go, lasting less than 30 days. Immune-deficient patients are more susceptible, making this critter quite deadly to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and to anyone who has a suppressed immune system or has just suppressed it on purpose (with a vaccine, for example). Occasionally, dehydration from a severe case has caused death.
Infestations are commonly seen in people suffering from auto-immune disorders, chronic fatigue, and allergies. Overuse of antibiotics allows the parasite to grow unchecked. There are some studies that indicate that chlorine in drinking water actually alters the protozoa’s walls, making them better able to multiply faster than normal in the human intestinal tract.
Arsencium album, a very valuable remedy with symptom pictures that include every system of the body, is also included here. What a good idea to add such a universal remedy to a combination for intestinal and stomach issues!
Symptoms relevant to this combination include actions on the blood, heart, and liver. It would be specific for more serious septic conditions which would include intestinal hemorrhage, liquid and involuntary stools and aching in the liver region of the body. Nervous exhaustion and other nervous system symptoms such are reduced vitality, congestive or throbbing headaches followed by vomiting, restless nervousness, and neuralgias.
Due to the likelihood of vomiting, there may develop an aversion to every food presented or even suggested.
This remedy is meant to help with the sudden onset of symptoms such as nausea, abdominal cramping, bloody diarrhea with mucus, dehydration, chronic infection and inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts, chronic pancreatitis, and high fever. There may be mental confusion and vagueness.
The Arsenicum album part of this remedy has the reputation and the ability to alleviate enlargement of the liver and the spleen. Arsenicum is a deep-acting polycrest remedy for influenzas, stomach flu, intestinal distress of any description, poisonings, and parasites. The remedy picture of Arsenicum also includes sudden great weakness and shortness of breath.
The goal of combination parasite remedies is to assist the body in expelling parasites from wherever in the entire body they have taken up residence. However, the strength and the beauty of energetic remedies (Blessed Waters and Homeopathics) is that they are symptom driven. If the symptoms of the person match the ‘symptom picture’ the remedy will help. The symptoms may or may not be caused by parasites but the taking of the remedy will deal with the problem whatever it may be and wherever it may lie if the symptoms match. Energetic remedies, while symptom-driven, heal at the site of the physical problem!
This remedy is comprised of the energetic signatures of seven known-to-be-effective herbal parasite remedies. Lappa arctium (burdock) is there to treat flatulent dyspepsia and pain in the heart region that is accompanied with feeling of strange movements under the sternum. Pain in the heart region is a very scary symptom since, as has been stated previously, parasites have the ability to move into other body tissues—as my own father experienced (story told later in this article).
One remedy included in this mix works with the spleen and liver in repair as well as in the expulsion of worms. Another single remedy included moderates the griping pains, nausea, diarrhea, and over-excitement of the vascular and respiratory organs that sometimes accompany the expulsion of parasites.
Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy) is a very strong anti-parasitic remedy! In herbal form, it can be tricky to use without bringing on severe and distressing (uncomfortable) systematic cleansing symptoms. However, in the energetic format of a Blessed Water/Homeopathic, the anti-parasitic actions are accompanied by a lessening of or relief from those types of symptoms!
Another important ingredient, Absinthium artemisia, is discussed above.
This combination of Blessed Waters targets threadworms. Threadworms are the little white pinworms that can be seen at the anal opening. These tiny worms are most easily visible during the night when the person is lying still attempting to rest. They are sometimes seen in the basket of a washing machine when underclothing or diapers are washed. (Nasty, that!) Threadworms seem to be more common in children than in adults.
The number one symptom of threadworm infestation is itching and redness of the anal area and the desire to scratch that area constantly in an effort to get relief. If left untreated long enough, the child may become weak or even emaciated to some degree.
Some indications, other than parasites, for this remedy include great pain in the abdomen and inflammation of the lymph glands. Great thirst, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, fatigue and great exhaustion. Once again, if parasites are seen or even suspected, the protocol should be followed with healing remedies and good nutrition.
This remedy is specific for whipworm infestation. A whipworm (Rrichuris trichiura in Latin/medical speak) gets its name from its shape and appearance. Whipworms have a thick section on one end that looks somewhat like a whip handle. This thicker section is followed by a narrow section that resembles the business end of a whip.
Again, this type of parasite infestation is more common in children than adults. Symptoms in small children are gastrointestinal in nature and can become quite severe. There will be abdominal pain, diarrhea, mucus in the sinuses, asthma, nervousness, and possible growth retardation and lateness in learning to talk and walk. This remedy is indicated for any parasite issues that includes bedwetting with the urine being milky and having a strong smell as a symptom.
As you may have surmised from the above paragraph, this remedy is for more serious symptoms that are usually indicative of whipworm infestation.
Please see the description of Garlic under the Herbal section of this article for further information. I hesitate to repeat that information here.
Over the years, I have tried a great many and varied garlic supplements. I believe that this one—that now wears the Butterfly Express label—is the best of the bunch! (That is why it is available at Butterfly Express.) It surprised me, greatly, to discover that garlic could be deodorized and still maintain its nutritive and healing qualities! Filling the 10 ml essential oil bottles at Butterfly requires two people, heavily gloved and working outside the office, to accomplish the task without ‘stinking up’ the entire place! However, mixed with other carrier oils, garlic essential oil makes a wonderful treatment for ear infections.
I would like to take just a moment here to list the nutritive qualities of garlic for you. They include a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Allicin—an antioxidant that is thought to be responsible for garlic’s most beneficial health benefiting attributes, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Manganese, Selenium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium.
Some of the benefits that have been associated with garlic through testing and the experiences of many people include: lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular and circulatory ailments, lowering the risk of consumers for some types of cancers, improving blood sugar levels, and reducing a host of diseases associated with chronic stress and inflammation. (It sounds to me like ‘the sky is the limit’ to the health benefits of garlic!)
The bacteria in a healthy intestinal tract and other areas of the digestive system include beneficial microbes that strengthen those areas. A balanced microbiome in the digestive system has a great many benefits to health and daily living! When things get out-of-balance in these areas, a good probiotic can help to bring things back into a healthier state.
A healthy microbiome is the basis of good digestion. A healthy digestive system reduces the risk of both diarrhea and constipation, plays a role in managing and/or preventing conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and even vaginal yeast infections. Probiotics support the immune system by stimulating the production of specialized immune cells and antibodies. There is some interesting research that suggests probiotics may help prevent urinary tract infections.
The most exciting thing I learned about good gut health is its connection to mood and general mental well-being.
Plant Enzymes is a comprehensive blend of enzymes that helps to support proper digestion and is specially formulated for a vegetarian diet. This product’s combination of enzymes assists in the breakdown of fats, fiber, proteins, and carbohydrates, thus optimizing the availability of nutrients in the food you eat. Plant Enzymes also includes lactase to support the digestion of dairy products for those who are sensitive to lactose.
This formulation also includes papain which was extracted from papaya and bromelain extracted from pineapple. Of course, both of those fruits are known for their beneficial effects on the digestive tract.
Papain aids in protein digestion by breaking down more complex proteins into smaller and, therefore, more manageable peptides. Papain is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and supports the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells.
Bromelain, according to numerous studies, appears to be beneficial for persons suffering from inflammatory issues in the digestive tract. The studies included inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and gastritis. Bromelain also has many beneficial effects on other body systems and organs. One impressive statement was that bromelain may help with fatty liver disease and with periodontal damage.
It is being recognized more and more that parasites and the nutritional deficiencies that they create are responsible for many of the ills of our modern society. My own father was once scheduled for open-heart surgery until a doctor on rotation from somewhere (I forget exactly where) in Salt Lake City on some sort of visiting status asked permission to run one final test. A parasite was discovered. A rather harsh medical/drug treatment was undertaken. (Our family—Dad and I, mostly—were still pretty new in the alternative world and his symptoms had been very scary!) Dad recovered from the ‘heart’ symptoms and lived to be 95 years old!
LeSafeguard, a remedy I created for one of my sons after he was given some parasite-infested chickens by a ‘friend’, has a surprisingly pleasant aroma for a parasite remedy. It has also proven effective when rubbed on the abdomen, chest, and the back of the neck. (Parasites have a nasty habit of migrating to the heart and the brain!) My favorite way to use this or any other essential oil for parasites is to soak a folded paper towel and place it on the floor on a hard something that can be disposed of afterward. Then the person stands on the soaked towel for 15 to 20 minutes, allowing the essential oil to absorb into the body through the large pores of the feet. This method is very effective and does not involve the ingestion of the essential oil. Ingestion of essential oils is not recommended for a multitude of reasons.
Cardamom is a relatively new-comer to the Butterfly Express family of essential oils. It is a wonderful addition to the original LeInsideOut blend! It has a whole list of therapeutic properties including being antispasmodic (relieving cramping), antibacterial, a digestive aid, a diuretic, a laxative and a nerve tonic and is an excellent immune stimulant!
Cardamom essential oil has been in use for a long time. It was recommended by Hippocrates as a remedy for flatulent dyspepsia. It is still listed in the British Pharmacopoeia for stomach cramps and gas pains. Cardamom is useful for nausea, even in pregnancy. It is a well-known remedy for sexual dysfunction. Cardamom draws energy upward to the head, increasing concentration and helping us to relax and unwind when we are worried or tense.
Cardamom has no contraindications, but it should be diluted for application to the skin.
I learned many years ago how amazingly effective Vitamin E applied to scar tissue can be. It literally dissolves even twisted scars almost magically when applied consistently over a space of time, How much time? Depends on the depth of the scar but, usually, not very long. Consistency, however, is a must!
A good quality Vitamin E carrier oil also contains significant amounts of vitamin A and vitamin D and is rich in protein and lecithin. These constituents make Vitamin E Oil popular for external application for any type of skin problem. It also works effectively as a carrier oil to help heal burns, skin ulcers, psoriasis and eczema.
Modern thinking holds that healing substances applied to the skin do not absorb sufficiently to directly affect the health of internal organs. Common sense—and experience with both essential oils and carrier oils—has led me to believe differently! At any rate, when applying essential oils to the abdomen for digestive and gut health, it makes sense to me to use one of the Vitamin E carrier oils! Because of its antioxidant properties and the ease with which it absorbs into the skin, claims abound that it helps protect the lining of the intestinal tract and aids in maintaining a balanced gut microbiome.
Vitamin E Oil, especially the virgin unrefined one, is a very sensitive oil that tends to degrade if not stored with extreme care. Both the virgin and the refined Vitamin E Oils should be kept refrigerated and certainly not exposed to extreme temperatures. Refined Vitamin E oil is pale yellow in color; the virgin Vitamin E oil is darker, almost orange in color. Being a darker color, the virgin oil is more likely to stain clothing.
The developers of the Miracle II products have a parasite cleanse protocol using both the Miracle II neutralizer and the Miracle II (green) soap. This cleanse is gentle on the system. It creates a “soapy, slippery” environment within the intestinal tract expelling the parasites. Resting and repeating the protocol several times allows for the cleansing of both worms and eggs.
Instructions: Mix 1 ounce of neutralizer with 1 – 3 drops of soap and drink. Repeat this process once a day for 4 days. (In my opinion, Chocolate milk hides the taste the best.) After 4 days, stop and wait for 2 days. After the 2 day waiting period, resume the neutralizer/soap protocol for 4 more days. This process takes 10 days.
We have been using the Miracle II products for many years for many things. This parasite protocol is very effective and, as stated above, very gentle. If you have ever endured an ‘old-time’ parasite cleanse as advised in older herbal texts, you will appreciate how important the word ‘gentle’ is here. This protocol, done along with some of the essential oils and an herb or two from among the suggestions in this article, parasites are not as difficult to deal with —nor is the aftermath of the cleanse so horrendous as it used to be.
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gelsemium sempervirens,
green soap,
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verbascum thapsis,
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vitamin e,
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