I was absolutely delighted to see what had been chosen for this month’s topic! February can be such a hard month for so many people, and this coming one promises to be harder than usual for me and those around me. As some of you may have heard, our family experienced the devastating loss of a dear loved one recently. I am very grateful for the opportunity to refresh my own mind, study the remedies that deal with depression, grief, and other emotional and mental issues a bit deeper and then share with you what I know and learn. The use of some of these remedies has already had a profound effect on my own mental health recently.
On a lighter note, my older brother, an advanced mathematics professor, told me once that his classes in February were simply used to play fun (and mildly educational) number/math games. Why? Because, he said, students are just up to too much else in February and they need a bit of fun to cheer them up! I suspect that the darker days of winter and, perhaps even in sunny climes, the let down following the holiday season affects us all. See the full list of topics.
New LeBlack Velvet Essential Oil Blend
LeBeMine Essential Oil Blend
Limited Edition Soaps
February Essential Oils
Featured Herbs
Featured Blessed Waters
Aromatherapy Necklaces
Blend – LeExhilaration
Singles – Rose
Castor Carrier Oil
3-Oil Kits
In loving memory of our son, Travis—beloved son, husband, father, friend.
We grieve so deeply only where there has been deep love.
This blend was created by my husaband and I as a tribute to our son’s memory and to aid family and friends through the healing process following his recent death. The name was chosen by Val: Black for mourning and Velvet for softness and comfort.
There are many stages of grief. The process of healing is, to my mind, moving toward peace only when memories and sudden reminders throughout the day bring peace and a bit of joy rather than feeling like a stab to the heart and soul. As of this writing, I have started passing out this new blend to family and friends. It certainly seems to be accomplishing what we envisioned.
Just a bit about the emotional impact of each ingredient in this essential oil blend:
Spruce: Spruce (and other conifers) creates the symbolic effect of an umbrella which both protects and brings energy in from the universe. At night the animals of the forest lie down under a conifer tree for the protection and rejuvenation that this space will provide for them. Spruce grounds the solar plexus and stimulates the thymus, creating the emotional balance necessary to be gracious at both giving and receiving. Spruce can help us push through difficult times and bring peace and hope when grieving.
Allspice: All ‘spice’ oils are considered useful for a long list of physical ailments as well as in the treatment of depression, nervous exhaustion, tension, and neuralgia. The specialty of Allspice, however, is for times when any sort of malady, physical or emotional, is being made worse by emotional crisis of any kind.
Jasmine sambac: The Sambac variety of Jasmine is referred to in Eastern tradition both as “King of Oils and as “Queen of the Night”. This strength at the end of the day subtly affects the properties of the Sambac oil. At difficult times in our lives, nighttime, like in the month of February, can be more difficult than usual. In addition, the emotional pattern of Jasmine sambac is to increase strength of character and purpose while, at the same time, helping us develop sensitivity and compassion.
Magnolia: My experience with Magnolia leads me to believe that it calms the nervous system while increasing personal confidence and peace. As we become more centered in our own beings, increased awareness of the needs of those around us is a natural phenomenon. The aroma of this exotic essential oil is calming to the nervous system and provides feelings of relaxation and tranquility. It is a wonderful oil, in a blend or by itself, for the treatment of depression.
Orange Blood: This essential oil is a variety of Orange Sweet (Citrus sinensis). It is so named because of the naturally occurring blood-red color of the fruit. This color is brought about by a heavy concentration of a unique family of antioxidant pigments contained in this fruit. All orange essential oils are healing to the nervous system and are used worldwide for depression, anxiety, and grief. Frustration and grief block the flow of energy to and from the liver. Blocked energy in the liver results in moodiness, irritability, nausea, headaches, insomnia, and expecting more of ourselves and others than is reasonable. Essential oils made from the oranges are excellent treatments for all of these conditions and emotions.
Please remember that a blend is, very literally, far more than the sum of its parts. While I am constantly in awe of the healing properties of single essential oils, properly done blends are far more comprehensive, powerful, and can reach deeper than any one of the oils of which they are comprised. This effect is called synergy and is recognized worldwide in essential oil healing circles. This blend literally came together as if by magic or, more accurately, inspiration!
LeBeMine is designed to support emotional well-being and mental health. This blend features benzoin, bergamot, and vanilla CO2, which contribute to its therapeutic properties. The citrus notes of bergamot provide uplifting and cheerful effects, helping to alleviate feelings of depression and promote a positive outlook. The warm, velvety richness of vanilla CO2 and benzoin add stability and deep contentment, fostering a sense of peace and grounding. Additionally, its calming aroma can reduce stress and anxiety, contributing to overall mental well-being.
Beyond its emotional benefits, LeBeMine offers physical health advantages. It contains antimicrobial properties that support the immune system and help clear blockages in the lungs and lymphatic vessels, promoting better respiratory and lymphatic function. The blend may also assist in balancing hormones, which can positively impact mood and emotional health. LeBeMine can be applied topically, preferably diluted with a carrier oil, diffused to create a loving and hopeful atmosphere, or added to a warm bath for relaxation and emotional upliftment.
Featured this month are two very lovely essential oil-infused soaps—Rose de Mai and Ylang Ylang. Do the healing properties of the essential oils carry through when made into a soap? I must admit to being more than a little bit leery of that at first! I expected to enjoy the aroma but I have been surprised by what seems to be a very pronounced difference in the way I respond to soaps of different aromas. Being very familiar with the Butterfly line of essential oils, I must say that the soaps seem to carry the healing properties of the essential oils used with them.
The attributes of Rose are discussed below. Ylang Ylang, of course, is an outstanding oil both physically and emotionally. Ylang impacts the body on physical/hormonal levels as well as on emotional and spiritual levels. As we develop the emotional, caring, nurturing, intuitive, and spiritual side of our natures, many things shift for us. We find that we are able to block or filter the negativity and “garbage” around us. We are better able to focus our thoughts and our drive. We may find ourselves more concerned for others. Additionally, if we have had any such tendencies in the past, we may find ourselves less likely to display manipulative behaviors in order to get our own way.
Diffuser necklaces are very nice and so much fun! They have become very popular products for many Butterfly customers.
Each pendant/necklace contains a felt pad onto which a few drops of oil can be placed. The oil slowly diffuses through the decorative ventilation spaces. The scent of your chosen oil can last for several days and more oil can be added when the aroma of the oil is no longer detectable.
One of my favorite features of these necklaces is that they can always be removed and placed in a purse or left in the car if someone objects to the fragrance of a particular oil at a particular time. Oh, that the same could be said for some perfumes! Living and working among essential oils as I do, there is simply no way to remove all scent from my person on those rare occasions when I might want to. For the rest of the world, these necklaces can be healing to those around you while enabling you to be considerate of the feelings—and rare allergic reactions—of people around you.
In addition, they are very pretty! Butterfly offers a variety of designs. They make wonderful gifts as well.
This blend reminds us that we are loved and cherished by many people, and certainly loved and watched over by the hosts of Heaven. LeHeartSong has been of great benefit to many people over many years in treating depression of many sorts. It is also useful in overcoming grief and trauma. It has, previously, been my go-to gift for anyone who has recently lost a loved one. Perhaps, with the creation of LeBlack Velvet, described above, I will have two appropriate ways to reach out!
You do not need to be suffering from depression or a recent loss to enjoy LeHeartSong. This blend is wonderful for getting through a tough time or just making it to the end of a difficult day. It is also quite effective as a protection against negative energy that you might be picking up from others at home or on the job.
The word ‘resilience’ means the capacity to withstand, or to recover quickly from, difficulties. This word can also be applied to the ability of a substance, object, or even a person to spring back into shape after periods of stress. Everyday life is full of adversity that we must sort, process, and hopefully learn and grow from. LeResilience essential oil blend allows us not only to adapt and persevere but to thrive as the result of hard times.
This blend has a strong affinity for the heart and the heart chakra. An open heart always brings more peace, love, gratitude, and appreciation for our blessing into our lives. LeResilience can help alleviate anxiety about the future, soothe grief, and release anger.
LeUplift is an excellent blend for the relief of tension, anxiety, and stress. This oil is exceptional when used after any illness, trauma, or injury that has left one feeling exhausted and worn out. LeUplift increases circulation. This feature makes it of benefit for just about everything. I have used it for tired, overworked muscles as well as for tension headaches. Surprisingly, LeUplift is a good oil for bringing on a good night’s sleep and in the treatment of addictions and addictive behaviors.
Pink grapefruit essential oil is a key ingredient in 19 of the blends created at Butterfly Express. Nearly all of these blends address one aspect or another of emotional health and well-being. This is because Grapefruit can always be counted on to be uplifting to the mind and spirit. It is hard to be negative or anxious in the presence of this oil, because it naturally promotes feelings of joy, confidence, and spontaneity.
The aroma of Grapefruit is particularly suited to people who, when tense or under pressure, eat as a means of relieving stress or finding comfort. Often, the driving emotion is frustration because their too-high expectations have not been met in some way. If they reacted to their frustration with anger or blame of themselves or others, a layer of guilt is added to the frustration.
Orange Blood is described, briefly, above as an ingredient in Butterfly’s new blend, LeBlack Velvet. I spoke there, predominantly, of the emotional aspects of this essential oil. I will continue to do so here. Other emotional characteristics of this beautiful oil include lifting the spirits by improving the emotional and mental outlook on life, fostering creativity, reminding us of our blessings and fostering gratitude, bringing spontaneity, fun, and joy into one’s attitude and life, and reducing stress.
However, because of the abundant antioxidants and Vitamin C contained in Orange Blood, it is an outstanding oil for boosting immunity by stimulating the immune system. The natural result of this is an improved ability to fight against free radical damage and foster an improved ability to fight bacterial infections and other illnesses. Orange blood aids in the elimination of toxins from the body and reduces inflammation.
Rose Geranium can be of benefit to those who have found themselves in a situation that seems to require an overwhelming and seemingly never-ending amount of work, with no rest, no pause, and maybe even with very little reward. Perhaps, the situation is more perception than reality. Either way, the feelings of being overburdened and resentful are very real!
This beautifully aromatic oil serves as a call to attention. It encourages us to analyze our lives, and streamline them if necessary. Perhaps, it will merely help us alter our perception until we find joy in doing those things which are required of us. “Joy in the journey” is a perfect description of this oil .
It would be absolutely impossible to praise the MIN formulation too much. MIN contains kelp, nettles, and alfalfa. These three herbs are known to contain nearly all—if not all—of the nutrients which have been shown to be necessary for good health. In addition, MIN contains herbs for hormone balance, calming the nerves, strengthening the pancreas, and supporting the kidneys—among other benefits. MIN makes an excellent daily mineral supplement and is safe to use when pregnant or nursing.
MIN is made using glycerin. This makes it appropriate for children or when pregnant or nursing. When I make MIN a part of my daily routine, I have so much more energy, I feel better, and I seem to become impervious to any ‘bug’ going around! (This is a great side-effect for me, as a grandmother with quite a few children coming and going every day—not to mention employees and friends!)
I recommend this wonderfully nutritious combination to everyone I can! Being a glycerite, it does not have an obnoxious taste and is a very effective way to improve daily nutrition!
This wonderful tonic herb has such a wide range of beneficial healing properties! St. John’s Wort is very definitely a tonic for the nervous system. Just a few of the outstanding effects of St. John’s Wort is in the treatment of depression, nervous exhaustion, anxiety, and sleep difficulties.
St. John’s Wort reduces blood pressure both by helping a person handle stress better and by supporting circulation and capillary health. For women, this is a key herb for uterine health and for painful, too heavy or irregular periods and for many of the nervous system and hormonal symptoms of PMS. This versatile herb also has a diuretic effect on kidney/bladder function. Being astringent and antimicorbial, this wonderful herb is effective for the digestive tract. It is used to treat gastroenteritis, diarrhea, and dysentery. It is also said to help ulcers and gastritis.
St. John’s Wort can be used both internally and externally for nerve pain and any kind of trauma to the nervous system. It is excellent used as a remedy for neuralgias such as trigeminal pain, sciatica, back pain, headaches, and shingles.
Licorice root, too often not well enough known or utilized even by knowledgeable alternative healthcare practitioners, is beneficial for so many body systems. It is known around the world to bring relief from a wide variety of conditions. Literally hundreds of potential healing substances have been identified in Licorice. The action of these substances—antioxidants, phytoestrogens, etc.—runs the gamut of beneficial effects to nearly all body systems.
Certainly, like St. John’s Wort, Licorice root contains many compounds that are beneficial to the nervous system. Licorice should be considered for depression and every other symptom of nervous system/mental health conditions.
Because of its action on the adrenal glands, Licorice raises the body’s ability to handle stress. This would be true whether the stress was physical or emotional. Chronic fatigue syndrome responds well to treatment with Licorice Root.
Licorice is said to be contraindicated for certain types of heart problems. Certainly my own heart issues responded to licorice root by increasing the rate and force of my pulse. Looking back, however, I wonder if this was a bad thing or a good thing. Either way, I no longer respond that way to licorice root. Considering the many health benefits of licorice, this is a wonderful thing for me!
Oh, how I have come to love and appreciate Rosehips over the years. Rosehips have extremely high levels of vitamins, particularly vitamin C. Vitamin C is, of course, necessary to the uptake of so many other nutrients, including iron. Because iron needs vitamin C to be absorbed, I always encouraged the women I worked with as a midwife to include Vitamin C rich foods and rosehips during pregnancy and whenever the uptake of iron was especially needed.
Other nutrients found in Rosehips include vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and K as well as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, choline, betaine, and the minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and fluoride. Even more importantly, the nutrients in Rosehips are in an extremely absorbable form.
Vitamin C, and therefore Rosehips, also supports and enhances immune system function. In fact, it can be accurately said that the nutritive aspects of Rosehips benefit all systems and functions!
I love this amazing blend! It was originally formulated to help kids (and adults) with ADHD. However, it was soon realized that it is effective for calming feelings of anxiety and easing depression. There are herbs in this very synergistic combination that promote circulation to the brain. Better circulation translates to more blood flow and, as a result, more oxygen and nutrients nourishing the brain.
Several of the herbs in this formula are noted for their ability to extend mental clarity into old age. These herbs should even return some lost abilities to remember simple things as a person ages. I began taking it regularly—meaning when I remember—not long ago. I am a firm believer that it is, in spite of my lack of consistency, making a difference in my life!
Other herbs in this formula are noted for their ability to reduce stress and calm nervous tension. Since BT nourishes the nerves, the regular use of BT may, in a short while, reduce stress headaches from occurring.
This tincture is appropriate as a long-term daily supplement.
First, let’s start out with a short list of some of the nutrients contained in this simple mushroom. Reishi mushrooms contain significant amounts of Vitamin D, Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), choline, astonishingly high levels of potassium, as well as phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium, and a host of water-soluble proteins. Mushrooms—and the Reishi mushroom is a shining example—are also rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc, and copper. It also contains all the essential amino acids. Lysine, an amino acid found in rich supply in this mushroom, is essential to the treatment of canker sores and has proven helpful in the rapid healing of Shingles sores and other skin lesions.
Reishi’s effects on the nervous system have been compared to that of the drug, Diazepam (Valium) but without, of course, the negative side effects associated with that medication. The results appear to be connected with a reduction of inflammation in the brain (Central Nervous System) as well as in the nerves of the Peripheral Nervous System. This is really good news, considering the long list of side effects connected to Valium use.
There are, of course, many other healing capabilities of this mushroom. With the nutrients that Reishi contains, that would have to be true. I have limited this discussion to those things that affect the nervous system and mental and emotional health. No matter the reason that you choose to add Reishi to your health regimen, I am sure you will find improvements in mood and levels of happiness and satisfaction with your life.
Ashwagandha is used in Ayurvedic Medicine in much the same way that Ginseng is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In other words, Ashwagandha is a tremendous herb for improving energy and overall vitality. This is particularly noteworthy in persons who are suffering from overwork or any type of nervous exhaustion. Ashwagandha has a tremendous reputation as part of programs for recovery from a variety of chronic illnesses.
Because Ashwagandha improves neuron impulses throughout the nervous system, strengthens and rebuilds nerve cells, and relaxes tension in the neural synapses of the brain, it is considered effective for memory issues. The improvement of neuron impulses will, of course, impact so many body systems and systematic dysfunctions.
Research trials in 1980 indicated that this herb increases hemoglobin levels and improves thyroid and adrenal function. No wonder, it is effective for the things described above and for the multitude of things I have not mentioned here. A unique feature of Ashwagandha is that research indicates that it helps prevent the depletion of Vitamin C when the body is under stress.
As I have said many times over the years in classes and articles, I love Homeopathic/Blessed Water Remedies. Although I really appreciate and love essential oils and have been an herbalist for around 50 years now, I consider energetic remedies—such as Homeopathic/Blessed Water Remedies—decidedly are to be among the world’s greatest healers! Please, if depression, sorrow, or grief is a part of your life at this time (or at any time), please read and consider how the featured Blessed Water remedies may improve your outlook and your life.
Originally, in 1936, Dr. Edward Bach of England created the 38 original Flower Essence remedies. Oh, how I came to love those as soon as I was able to purchase them. Eventually, the Flower Essence Society people began to gather and create essences from plants in other parts of the world. Butterfly Express now carries a line of North American remedies as well as a collection of remedies specific to Alaska. These Alaskan flower remedies are unique—and especially suited to depression and dark times in our lives—simply because of the difference in daylight available to both plants and people in those far northern lands.
I would like to give you just a little information about the theory (and the reality) of Flower Essence Remedies. A much more comprehensive treatment of this subject can be found in Chapter Eight of the book I authored, Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies. I will be quoting directly from what I (once upon a time) wrote in that book.
“Flower essence remedies are very low potency remedies that address issues of emotional well-being, the development of character and spirituality, and mind/body health. The removal of emotional responses to certain triggers, the recognition that some ways of responding to certain situations are more appropriate and healthier than others, and the changing of negative attitudes such as fear to faith, and anxiety to peace, can have profound effects on both mental and physical health. They are made from flowers, considered to be the crowning achievement and highest frequency cycle of plant life. These remedies are prepared from a sun infusion of wildflowers or garden blossoms in natural and very pure water.
Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician and the creator of the original 36 Bach Flower Remedies, wrote in the early 1930s that, “Behind all disease lies our fears, our anxieties, our greeds, our likes and dislikes. True healing involves treating the very basis of the cause of the suffering. Therefore, no effort directed to the body alone can do more than superficially repair damage. Treat people for their emotional unhappiness, allow them to be happy, and they will become well.”
Flower essence remedies are so gentle that often a person will not have a sense of having had an emotional problem. Only in retrospect will the person be able to see what attitudes have changed, softening into a more positive and healthful perspective. I have found that keeping a journal, where the intuitions and insights stimulated by the remedies can be recorded, is both helpful and enlightening. There is much to be learned about oneself this way.”
Field of Flowers
This remedy is a combination made from ALL 38 of the original Bach Flower Essence Remedies. I must admit, I was a bit apprehensive at first at a remedy with such a large number of components. However, time has shown this to be an amazingly effective remedy for such emotional imbalances as fear, anxiety, depression, worry, sadness, deep despondency, apathy, and withdrawal from friends and loved ones. This comprehensive remedy is also indicated for such things as compulsiveness, intolerance, irritability, impatience, obsessiveness, and aggressiveness.
15 Flower
There are a total of 15 flower essences in this remedy. Each one was picked for attributes that affect and stabilize emotions. This is a great remedy to grab when you or someone you love is going through a difficult time or enduring emotional stress. Words such as confidence, self-control, trust where trust is applicable, compassion, courage, and patience come to mind. These words are applicable when the remedy has helped a person move away from the negatives of despair and despondency and feelings of failure or inadequacy.
Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius)
The depression and despondency for which Scotch Broom is most suited often centers around world events and concern (worry) for the future of oneself, ones family and friends. There will likely be intense feelings of pessimism and despair with expressions—either expressed vocally or only in one’s mind—of “What’s the use?” or “Why even try?” Strain that has disrupted family relationships that has led to despair and sadness may also respond well to this remedy.
The Scotch Broom remedy reminds us of the importance of caring for our own personal well-being on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Only when in a state of balance ourself can we reach out with healing balm to others or form congenial, mutually beneficial relationships that stretch into the future.
Chiming Bells (Mertensia paniculata)
Indications of need for this remedy include feeling sad, discouraged, dejected, and/or utterly exhausted. The joy that should be a part of existence seems faded or missing altogether. Chiming Bells is a remedy for bringing energy to the heart and the heart chakra. Like the chiming of church bells, this remedy helps restore peace, tranquility and gratitude to our souls. Sadness is replaced with strength, courage, and a newfound sense of trust in our ability to move forward. It reminds us that there is an inexhaustible source of light, truth, and tangible support and that it is available to us at all times and in all places.
Single Delight (Meneses uniflora)
This remedy is especially indicated for anyone who is feeling isolated and alone with feelings of depression or darkness all around them. There may be family or friends close by but they are unable to feel or respond to the loving connection and reaching-out of others.
Single Delight can help clear the darkness and bring back light to both the inner vision and the connection to others. This remedy is very beneficial in reminding each of us of the profound connection that binds us to our loved ones whether on this side of the veil or on the other side. Put simply, this remedy can be of profound service during times of grief and mourning.
Like all Blessed Water/Homeopathic remedies, Magnesia phosphricum is a ‘whole body and mind’ remedy. Neuralgic, rheumatic, cramping pains are mentioned over and over in the Materia Medica (homeopathic reference guide) descriptions. However, it is in the mind and the nervous system that this remedy really shines. The Medica uses such phrases as “oversensitive to pain, noise, excitement. Anxiety, discontented, dissatisfied, tearful and weeping, despair, and fear of crowds and fear of being approached.”
Interestingly, symptoms, both physical and emotional are made worse by cold and made better by heat and warmth and especially from relaxing in a warm bath.
This is a remedy for persons suffering from depression of unknown origin—referred to by medical personnel as ‘endogenous depression’. These feelings are characterized by a lack of enjoyment or interest in things that used to be fun and important to the person. A seasonal affective disorder where depression and lack of joy seem to be connected to the amount of sunlight available to the person is an indication for this remedy.
Orange Calcite is a beautiful vibrant orange stone that boosts vitality and improves mood by boosting both awareness and the ability to interpret events in a more positive—and more accurate—light. Energetic and ready to face the new day is the blessing of this remedy.
Color remedies have a strong impact on people who have become stuck in some aspect of their lives. Orange has a particular impact on attitudes towards money, material things, and blessings. Poverty consciousness or an abundance mentality. This remedy can help us remember that there really is enough of ‘whatever’ for both you and me.
I love orange, in this energetic form and in essential oil form because they all alleviate low energy, exhaustive states that are the result of depression and feelings of despair.
I used to wonder why gold, the metal, was considered so valuable as to cause gold rushes and all sorts of desperate and even depraved attempts to get some and then more than some of it. As I studied homeopathy and other energy modalities, I began to understand a bit, I think.
Gold, in just about any form, is referred to, in one way or another, as “the master healer”. Gold is a balancer of the heart chakra. As such, gold is effective for the regeneration of the physical heart, pancreas, spleen, muscles, and nerves. This is especially true if energy and health in these areas is being negatively impacted by mental and emotional stresses and misperceptions. Gold also aids in circulation, increases warmth, and regeneration of tissue and skeletal structure.
The mental/emotional picture of a person who would very likely benefit from this Gold Gem Essence (or from the Blessed Water/Homeopathic remedy) is described, briefly, below. (Please pay particular attention to statements made in bold italic print.)
Gold, especially in blessed Water/Homeopathic form, produces an energy that is both giving and receptive. In a balanced state, we are able to be giving and compassionate but also able to recognize our own needs and welcome assistance from others. When out of balance, we compare ourselves unfavorably to those around us. We see only our own faults while seeing only the outstanding traits—and who they are on good days—of other people.
In deeper, more desperately out-of-balance states, the person will be experiencing deep depression, hopelessness, a longing for death, and even suicidal thoughts and/or the need to harm themselves in some way. All remedies created from gold will be of great benefit to people suffering this depth of despair.
In extreme emotional circumstances, when I feel that a person may be in need of this Gem Essence or any gold-based remedy, I alert that person’s family and friends. I do this to initiate a deep level of concern for that person’s mental state. I will even go so far as to suggest a comprehensive suicide watch be arranged and professional counseling considered.
It should be noted, however, that when such a person achieves balance they will display the polar opposite of these feelings. The sun comes out and they step willingly into the light! They become blessings to the lives of those around them because they ‘have walked the walk’ and found their way to hope and happiness! The heart, brow, and crown chakras open. This brings about an ability see clearly, analyze situations with the mind and the heart, and be open to spiritual impressions, guidance, and comfort.
Gold Gem Essence is certainly a remedy for acute, severe, deep, depression and hopelessness. The Blessed Water/Homeopathic remedy Aurum metallicum should also be considered, especially if the situation is severe. (Aurum metallicum is Gold in Latin and Latin is how homeopathics are named. Homeopathic remedies can be, of course, found in varying levels of strength.)
What an interesting remedy to be included in a discussion of aids for depression and dark mental states. The small intestine meridian of Traditional Chinese Medical Theory addresses, of course, the uptake of nutrients. Any lack where nutrition is concerned, whether from diet or uptake of nutrient issues, will—of course—result in impaired mental and emotional states.
This remedy addresses such various emotions as full of fears and imaginations, hypersensitivity to pain, and obstinate and dogmatic temperaments. One ingredient of this remedy is specific to intense, driven people who cannot bear noises, odors, too much light and who are easily offended by the careless words of others. Another ingredient addresses states of tiredness and weakness and being overly sensitive to the environment and to the opinions of others.
With the use of this blend we find our emotions strengthening and stabilizing until we are. Recent studies have shown that it is in the amygdala (located in the temporal lobes of the brain) where solutions to problems are developed. When we look at a situation, wanting to know what we should do, the amygdala “lights up” and begins to present our minds with possible solutions.
Activity in the amygdala increases with the use of LeExhilaration. This makes LeExhilaration especially beneficial in situations which appear hopeless and discouraging. With the use of this blend we find our emotions strengthening and stabilizing. We are then able to see new and different solutions to old problems. It is as if there are now several paths available to us, but we previously could only see one way out of the woods.
Rose Otto and Rose Absolute are produced from the same species of roses. Rose Otto is steam distilled while Rose Absolute is, as the name denotes, is an absolute rather than a steam-distilled essential oil. Rose de Mai, a centrifolia rather than a damascena rose, is also solvent extracted.
What difference does solvent extraction make to the finished product?
Absolutes: All essential oils referred to as ‘absolutes’ are solvent extracted. Then the solvent is removed. This process creates oils that are darker in color and have a more intense scent than their steam distilled counterparts. More essential oil is produced from the same amount of raw material by using the solvent extraction method. Rose de Mai (a centrifolia rose) and Rose Absolute (a damascena rose) are solvent extracted. They have very intense aromas.
Rose otto, being steam distilled, is less overpowering to the sense of smell and the rose oil that I generally prefer. Being less pungent and overwhelming, the exotic notes that make Rose oils so beautiful and so healing, are more easily discerned. It is, of course, the most expensive (being steam-distilled) of the rose oils carried by Butterfly Express. To me, it has always been worth the expense!
Therapeutics: Rose essential oil, of any extraction, are among the very best oils for use in any emotional crisis. All rose essential oils have a profound effect on the heart and the heart chakra. Rose is useful in recovery from extreme debility and fatigue.
Rose has a four-fold action on nerves, digestion, vascular, and urinary systems. The action of rose is cleansing and calming, rather than stimulating. Rose oil, surprisingly, is one of the most antiseptic essential oils. This antiseptic action, combined with its action on capillaries and its soothing and emollient qualities, makes it a wonderful oil for nearly all types of skin troubles and skin care.
Many (more than I care to count these days), I used castor oil and a detoxifying agent by applying it as a pack over the liver. It was very effective. Over the years, however, a great many other uses for castor oil have come to my attention.
~Hydrating, moisturizing, and healing to skin in prevention of wrinkles and even in the treatment of such things as acne and psoriasis
~stimulate healthy tissue growth and create a moist and protective layer when treating wounds and sores
~Some people I know use a bit of castor oil with their hair products to keep the hair and scalp soft, thus reducing dandruff
~Applied topically to reduce inflammation and relieve pain in maladies such as arthritis
~increase the production of T-cells, according to one study
CAUTION: Castor oil for internal use has both strong advocates and equally strong opponents. I fall into the category of ‘strong opponent’. The castor bean contains both healing properties and properties that are strong to the point of potentially (too often) being destructive. The benefits of Castor Oil can almost always be achieved by topical application and, in my opinion, it is much safer to use Castor Oil that way. Why ingest a potentially harmful product to work with, for example, constipation when topical application is so effective?
There are 16 of these kits of 3 essential oils in an attractive little fabric bag tied with a ribbon. I took a few minutes just now to look at the pricing of these kits, comparing their pricing to the purchase of the essential oil blends contained separately. The savings is noteworthy. These kits would make attractive and useful gifts for any occasion.
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amino acids,
aurum metallicum,
back pain,
black velvet,
blood pressure,
central nervous system,
chiming bells,
chronic fatigue,
chronic illness,
endogenous depression,
flower essences,
free radicals,
gem essence,
heart chakra,
immune system,
licorice root,
magnesia phosphoricum,
mental clarity,
mental health,
nerve pain,
nervous system,
neural synapse,
orange blood,
orange calcite,
orange color,
pantothenic acid,
peripheral nervous system,
reishi mushroom,
rose geranium,
scotch broom,
seasonal affective disorder,
self control,
single delight,
skin lesions,
solar plexus,
st. john’s wort,
stress eating,
traditional chinese medicine,
vitamin A,
vitamin B1,
vitamin B12,
vitamin B2,
vitamin B3,
vitamin B6,
vitamin c,
vitamin d,
vitamin K,
ylang ylang,