Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders

For most of us, the demands and challenges of our lives produce only temporary bouts of anxiety.  These moments (even hours) of anxiousness are perfectly normal.  Typically, most of us are able to manage our anxieties without letting them disrupt our lives.  We find solutions.  We calm our hearts and souls in the face of our troubles.  Anxiety, for some people, becomes severe enough to dictate their response to the world.  Avoiding anxiety attacks dictates their actions every day of their lives.  An anxiety disorder,  of one kind or another, comes into play.  Their activities – indeed, their entire lives – focus around avoiding the symptoms of their disorder.  A tragic way to live.  A waste of potential.  A terrible loss of satisfaction and joy.

In the blog titled Fear, Worry, Anxiety, and Anxiety Disorders we touched only very briefly on the more serious anxiety disorders. These life-altering anxiety-based conditions and possible remedies for them will be the focus of this article. We will begin with a bit of general information and a list of these disorders and their symptoms.  Suggested remedies are then described.  I will talk about herbal remedies first.  The essential oils that might prove useful.  Following the essential oils section will be descriptions of possible homeopathic remedies for each type of disorder.  The descriptions of the homeopathics do not, also cover every possible symptom.  I have included only those symptoms that apply to anxiety disorders, for the most part.   I am hopeful that these descriptions will assist you in choosing the right remedy should you ever have the need to.

Anxiety disorders have become quite prevalent in our society today.  They affect children far more frequently than they used to.  These disorders disrupt lives.  I hope that something, anything said in this article helps someone, somewhere, someday.

Risk Factors for Experiencing any Anxiety Disorder

Researchers are finding that genetic and environmental factors, frequently in interaction with one another, are risk factors for anxiety disorders.

Specific factors include:

  • Displaying shyness in childhood.
  • Being female.  More women suffer from anxiety disorders than do men.
  • Having few economic resources.  As a result, feeling trapped and without options.
  • Being divorced or widowed.   Living alone for any reason.
  • Exposure to stressful life events in childhood and adulthood.  Subsequently, come to expect more of the same in the future.
  • Anxiety disorders in close biological relatives.
  • Parental history of mental disorders.
  • Elevated afternoon cortisol levels (specifically for social anxiety disorder).

Types of Anxiety Disorders

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Panic Attacks
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Phobias

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms (for each type)

Generalized Anxiety

This type of excessive anxiety may go on for months.  Sufferers live in a constant cloud of tension.  Certainly, this kind of stress undermines physical health and compromises the immune system.

Symptoms include:

  • The person is restless. They feel wound-up or on edge most of the time.
  • High tension levels keep the person constantly fatigued.
  • Frequently having difficulty concentrating or remembering things.
  • Similarly, having the mind go blank at odd moments.
  • The tension generally increases irritability. Subsequently, the person has little patience.
  • Nervous tension, also creates muscle tension eventually.
  • Excessive or uncontrollable worry.
  • Disturbed sleep patterns (difficulty falling or staying asleep, restless sleep, sleep that is unsatisfying).
  • May deteriorate rapidly into something deeper if left untreated!

Social Anxiety

There is a pronounced fear of social situations.  Being in a crowd causes symptoms for most sufferers.  In fact, just the fear of being in crowds sometimes is enough to bring on the symptoms.  The anxiety is tied, on some occasions, to what others may be thinking about them in social situations.

Symptoms include:

  • Feeling very anxious whenever people are close by. As a result, having a hard time conversing with them.
  • The person is, usually, self-conscious around other people.
  • Blushing, sweating, or trembling around other people are symptoms that make them even more uncomfortable around other people.
  • Staying away from places where there are other people becomes a way of life.
  • Feeling humiliated, embarrassed, or rejected keeps them from enjoying social situations.
  • Simultaneously, the person becomes overly fearful of offending others.
  • They may worry and experience panic for days or weeks before an event.
  • Therefore, the person has a hard time making and keeping friends.
  • Lastly, feeling nauseous or sick when other people are around.

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD is, very definitely, an anxiety disorder.  The person clings to obsessive behavioral patterns (obsessive rituals).  They feel that they must stick to routines in order to keep what is feared at bay, even just for a little while.  An example of fear and its obsessive counter behavior is an irrational fear of germs.  An obsessive-compulsive person is continually washing their hands or disinfecting everything in sight.

A young girl of my acquaintance displayed a compulsive fear of making a mistake on school assignments. She erased her schoolwork, compulsively, over and over.  She would do this until there were holes in the paper.  As a result, it became impossible for her to complete any school work at all.  This compulsion came about following a very strong and scary reaction to a spider bite! I am not sure why the spider bite brought on this obsessive-compulsive behavior.  The OCD definitely followed the bite, however.  And it was scary before we were sure that the leg would be saved.  Strange!  Things were set to rights by the use of essential oils and homeopathic remedies.

A Few Common Compulsions (There are hundreds more)

  • Washing hands, showering, or brushing one’s teeth over and over again.
  • Constantly checking and rechecking drawers, doors, locks, and appliances to be sure they are as they should be.
  • Repeating any sort of action over and over again needlessly.
  • Ordering and arranging items in certain ways compulsively.
  • Becoming very stressed when things are not just as they should be or just as the person left them.
  • Counting to a certain number, over and over.
  • Saving newspapers, mail, or containers when they are no longer needed.
  • Seeking constant reassurance and approval.

Panic Attacks

  • Intense feelings of fear
  • Disturbing physical sensations, often centering in the chest.
  • Consequently, there may be heart palpitations, pounding of the heart, and accelerated heart rate.
  • The chest feels tight with, as a result, difficult breathing and shortness of breath
  • Anxiety about being smothered or choked presents as a result of breathing difficulties.
  • Often, there are frightening feelings of impending doom
  • The person thinks that they are out-of-control with nothing to be done about it
  • The person begins to sweat profusely
  • Trembling and shaking.  It’s as though they are trying to shake off the feelings
  • Intense fear of the next panic attack even though after they have quieted from the current one.
  • Fear or avoidance of places and situations where panic attacks have been triggered  in the past

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

This is one of the deepest of the anxiety disorders.  In the past, it was considered an issue of returning soldiers and those who had been through a serious life-threatening accident.  This is no longer true.  In fact, many of the same remedies found useful for PTSD are on lists for ADHD and other learning disabilities.  I think this should give every parent, and teacher, something to ponder.  What is it in our children’s lives that contribute to such fear?  Video games, TV shows, movies?  Is it reactions to chemicals and food preservatives?  Simple lack of nutrition?  Whatever the cause, PTSD and ADHD respond particularly well to homeopathic remedies.  The list of homeopathic remedies and their descriptions will be quite extensive.

Symptoms include:

  • PTSD often begins with a series of common physical symptoms.  These might include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, chest pain, breathing difficulties along with stomach and digestive issues.
  • Nightmares or flashbacks of previous trauma.  Subsequently, there will be sleeping difficulties.
  • Sooner or later the stress causes paranoia and depression.
  • Escapism. Socially active people suddenly withdraw from friends and well-loved jobs.  On the contrary, some  seek escape through thrills and risky behavior.
  • Avoidance of anything that reminds them of past trauma.  For example, avoiding driving if the trauma was a serious car accident.
  • Repression.  Destroying memorabilia or throwing themselves into other activities in order to avoid the memories.
  • Emotional numbing or freezing.  In other words, becoming dead or frozen inside on purpose to avoid feeling pain or loss.  Feeling no emotions at all in order to avoid feeling the emotions that they fear.
  • By contrast, some PTSD sufferers become jittery, on-edge, jumpy, or easily frightened.
  • The state of constant fear often produces PTSD-associated irritability.
  • In addition, there may be indecisiveness, lack of concentration and sleeplessness.
  • Difficulty maintaining personal relationships.
  • There may be intense feelings of guilt and shame.  Even if there was not the slightest chance that they could have prevented the harm that came to them or others.


Phobias are intense and irrational fear reactions to certain things.  Even the phobic person, themselves, acknowledges that the fear is irrational.  Nevertheless, they are unable to gain much control over their reactions.  Phobic triggers cover a wide range of objects.  A person may have a phobic reaction to certain situations rather than to a particular object.  A person need not be in the situation at the moment to experience symptoms.  Sometimes, just thinking about something is enough to trigger symptoms.

I came across a list of common phobias.  The list was very intriguing to me.  “Fear of having a panic attack in public” was listed as the fourth most common phobia.

Some Symptoms Experienced with Phobias 

  • The person suffers physical ailments that were brought on by an instance of intense fear.
  • The constant state of fear in which they live, likewise, continues to contribute to overall poor health.
  • Tightness in the chest is one of the most common symptoms.
  • With chest tightness occurring, it is no surprise that there may be difficulty breathing and a sensation of choking.
  • Two of the scariest symptoms are a racing pulse and rapid heartbeat.
  • I have witnessed the terrible shaking and trembling that sometimes occurs with this and other anxiety disorders.  It as a though the person is trying to shake off what is bothering them.  Perhaps, they are only trying to shake off the symptoms they are experiencing.
  • The nervous system pulls energy reserves and prepares for flight or fight.  Chilliness is experienced as a result.
  • Confusion and disorientation occur as blood moves from the brain to the legs in preparation for flight.
  • Even if confusion and disorientation do not occur, there may be headaches, dizziness, or feeling faint.
  • Hot flushes, instead of chilliness, are experienced by some sufferers.
  • Butterflies invade the stomach.  As a result, nausea is a very common symptom.
  • Numbness with pins and needles sensations all over the body.
  • Other common symptoms are dry mouth and ringing in the ears.
  • In extreme cases, there may be a very real fear of dying.

Herbs for Anxiety Disorders

These very debilitating disorders will likely require mega rebuilding of the nerves.  Like all body systems, the nerves need nutrients for building new pathways and repairing old ones.  The more nutrients that can be ingested in herbal form, the better the chances are for success.  In addition, other body systems contribute to the health of the nerves and the resilience of the emotions.  They must be fed and nourished, also.

Herbal Formulas for General Nutrition


BHM is based, loosely, on a Dr. Christopher formula.  It is potent nutrition!

MIN is also a very nice formula.  It is typically prepared in glycerin.  It tastes much better than BHMMIN is a nice supplement for children and adults alike.

Herbal Formulas for Supporting Various Systems

Our bodies are not comprised of a series of stand-alone systems.  One system depends on another. Various glands of the endocrine system produce hormones and messenger molecules needed by the body.  Even the heart produces hormones that are part of the body’s communication network.

The adrenal glands and the kidneys are closely related.  Fear and anxiety are very definitely hard on both the adrenal glands and the kidneys!  Another example of an organ important to many other organs and systems is the liver.  The liver is responsible for a surprisingly high number of functions in the body.  For example (just one among many) a liver that is not functioning optimally will compromise the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus dysfunction will ALWAYS result in sleep disorders, among many other things.  Lack of sleep will produce anxiety.  Also, you know that we could come up with such examples of dependent body systems all day and into the night.  I think this is sufficient for illustrating this point today, however.


This adrenal toning formula contains only four herbs.  Each one of these herbs is important to the adrenal glands, specifically.  They are also of great benefit to the glandular system as a whole.  Ginger, also has an affinity for the digestive system.  Ginger provides nutrients to the adrenals.  It also assures the uptake of other vital nutrients by stimulating and strengthening the digestive system.

TY and KNA

These formulas provide essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health.  They are also specific to healthy thyroid function.  Both of these formulas provide a couple of very absorbable proteins!

The thyroid gland requires a lot of nourishment.  Approximately 6 liters of blood passes through the thyroid gland every day.  But even this amount of blood cannot keep the thyroid properly fed if the required nutrients are unavailable in the blood.


This combination of herbs is designed to strengthen the function of the adrenal glands and the pancreas, specifically as they relate to blood sugar issues.

A small percentage of people have a bit of trouble with licorice root.  Don’t become overly concerned about this mild caution.  If you are one of these people, licorice root will cause a slight increase in your pulse.  This is plenty of warning that a different herb would be a better choice for you.  The HGL formula was created as a non-licorice substitute for LIC.


The herbs in this formula target the endocrine system, with a very particular emphasis on the pancreas.  This formula is excellent for purifying the blood.  It also acts as a diuretic, making it excellent for the kidneys.

KB and KT

KT is, basically, a mild yet effective diuretic formula.  Being a herbal formula, rather than a drug, KT accomplishes its work without the side effects associated with drug therapies.  In my experience, uric acid crystals annoying or blocking nerve synapses plays a role in many chronic illnesses.  Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis being only two possible examples.

KB cleanses and strengthens the urinary tract.  This is an excellent, wonderfully strong kidney formula.  Some of the herbs are also mild liver cleansing herbs.


This acronym stands for Men’s HerbsMH promotes prostate, kidney and bladder health.  It also contains minerals that strengthen the nervous system and relieve stress.  Every man, everywhere, would benefit from using this formula regularly.  MH is most outstanding when used in conjunction with LeBalance and LeEndoRelief essential oils.


This formula is a prostate and urinary tract tonic.  Obviously, this is also, like MH, a formula for menPRT is also anti-inflammatory and fights infection.  The best use of this herbal formula is as a daily tonic.  Prevention of difficulties is much preferred where the prostate and the urinary tract are concerned.


Hormone imbalances, so often, contribute to anxiety disorders.  MW is for women who are past the childbearing years.  Although this is a great formula, it is a good idea to include KNA or MIN for additional nutrients.  LeBalance and LeEndoRelief, along with this formula, are recommended.


This formula performs much of the same functions as MW, except it is for younger women.  An excellent formula for hormone balance and nerve strength.  YW may be used in crisis situations or as a daily preventative supplement.  At menopause, it is time for a changeover to MW.  The essential oil combination, LeWoman Wise, makes a wonderful companion to this formula.

Gingko/Dong Quai

Both Ginkgo and Dong Quai nourish the brain and the nerves, especially those feeding into and out of the brain and brain stem.  Damaged nerve pathways are the particular target of the nutrients found in these two herbs.  Repairing nerves is not a quick process.  Please don’t give up after only a month or two and quit taking this wonderfully nourishing formula.

The Nevine Formulas

Nervine herbs have anodyne properties.  This means that they relieve pain.  They are also anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory.  Most importantly, they nourish and heal the nervous system.

Nervine herbs are among the strongest, most dramatic in action, herbs in God’s pharmacy.  They are not, however, generally narcotic.  The herbs in the following formulas do not make a person feel groggy or disconnected.  Although they can help a person relax into sleep, they do not present a problem for driving or operating machinery.  Unpleasant reactions to nervine herbs are a bit more common than with other classes of herbs.  For this reason, there are several nervine formulas in the Butterfly Express line.  Having more than one choice allows a person to avoid valerian, or any other herb if they desire to.


NV is the strongest, and most complete, of the nervine formulas that I created many years ago.  I love this formula.


NS is similar to NV except that it has fewer herbs than the NV formula has.  Some herbs, like valerian and spikenard, are slightly more likely to produce negative reactions in a small percentage of people.  They have been eliminated in this recipe.  Also, there is no cayenne in this recipe, making this formula a bit more palatable than NV.  Even so, this is a very effective formula for rebuilding nerves and working with anxiety disorders.


NT is made up of almost entirely different herbs that NV and NS.  The herbs in this formula are very, very mild.  This formula is excellent for the relief of tension headaches and for general relaxation.  I am not sure that it is strong enough to deal with serious anxiety disorders.  It is such a delightful mild nervine formula that I just couldn’t bring myself to leave it out of this article!


NVC is a very mild nervine formula that is suitable for children.  This formula is usually made with glycerin.  NVC is suitable for use with infants and children.  I have found it effective as a daily supplement for children with ADHD, night terrors, or anxiety of any kind.

How Much is Too Much?

How do you tell if you are “overdoing” the herbal nervines?  If you are being very faithful and are taking fairly large doses of herbal remedies of any kind, sooner or later your stool will soften.  Following that, there may be a bit of nausea.  Eventually, if you have ignored the previous signals, you will begin to feel chilly.  Simply back off on the dosage for a little while.  When things return to normal, increase the dosages in small increments.

Essential Oils for Anxiety Disorders

Sometimes, deciding which essential oil best meets our needs can be a challenge.  Evaluating an essential oil using several different criteria is a good idea.  The basic constituents of the oil matter somewhat.  I like to know what plant family the oil comes from.  The season of its life the oil was harvested is also important.  This last, the season of harvest is the thing that matters most to me.  A seed oil and an oil distilled from blossoms are very different from each other.  They bring about very different feelings and are used for very different conditions.  A study of essential oil constituents can help you find the oils that will help you the most.  To learn more about constituents please read the blog on Constituents.

Butterfly Blends with Strong Nervine Properties

A great many essential oils calm the nerves!  There are more than 50 Butterfly blends with nerves or nervousness as part of their descriptions.  Here is a shorter list of only those Butterfly blends that are of particular note when working with severe anxiety.

LeTranquility  ~  The best of the Butterfly nervine essential oil blends.  This oil will stop a panic attack immediately when inhaled!  Tranquility is excellent for all types of anxiety and anxiety disorders.

Brain, Cranial Nerves

LeCrystal Clear ~ For exam nerves.  Anxiety about the ability to retain information while studying.

LeFocus ~ Much like LeCrystal Clear but with an entirely different aroma.  An example of different essential oils and essential oil blends having similar healing capabilities even when comprised of entirely different single oils.

LeIQ ~ Cedarwood and frankincense (among other oils) make this blend amazing for building or calming the nerves in the brain.  Also feeds the cranial nerves that travel to the body from the brain stem.

LeDeeper ~ Traumatic brain injury, memory loss and the terrible anxiety and fear of, as a result, never being “whole” and sane again

Anxiety from Abuse or traumatic experiences and situations

LeAngel ~ Specifically for childhood sexual abuse.  Given that we carry this sort of trauma with us for a lifetime, this blend is not just for children!

LeCherish ~ Restores emotional balance and perspective whenever there have been quarrels, traumatic events, loss of a loved one, or loss of a cherished dream

LeInsight ~ An oil for the really hard stuff!  For personalities that have been fragmented or are haunted by past traumatic experiences. In other words, cellular memory with many triggers.

LeLetting Go ~ Releases anger, frustration, resentment, and the insecurities that are bringing on anxiety and panic.

LeTrust ~ Anxiety attacks triggered by old hurts, traumas, frustrations, and guilt respond well to this blend.   Co-dependency because of anxiety about one’s ability to cope.

LeTurmoil  ~ Excellent for rebuilding emotionally whenever there has been trauma or loss.  Anxiety following a serious accident or traumatic surger.

LeWisdom  ~ When a traumatic experience occurred very young, the child may become “stuck” at that age and in that emotion.  This blend can help release those memories (Inner child work).

Hormonal Driven Anxiety

LeBalance ~ For men and more mature women.  Balances hormones and relieves anxiety.

LeWoman Wise ~ Teens and women in their childbearing years.  Obviously, this one is for any anxiety that accompanies PMS symptoms.

Anxiety Manifesting in the Digestive System

LeEZ Traveler ~ Promotes a feeling of calmness in those who are afraid of travel, regardless of whether the fear is of flying, being on a boat, traveling by car, or whatever.  Digestive upsets that affect the stomach are helped by this blend.

Anxiety about the Future

LeAboutFace ~ Courage to find a new direction.  Frankincense always helps one to move forward.

LeAgeless ~ Feelings of confidence in ourselves.  Significantly promotes the ability to move forward joyfully as we age.

LeBelieve ~ Forgiveness is a way of moving on and leaving the stress behind.  LeBelieve, together with LeFaith, moves us to peace.  This oil has been used to bring peace and acceptance of death when that time comes.

LeFaith ~ Promotes a desire to heal!   A desire to heal, also is a necessary cornerstone to healing itself.  This blend makes a good oil to use with any healing program.  Fear of abandonment or being left to cope entirely on one’s own triggers anxiety.

LeGrace  ~ The person fears being deficient and, therefore, not able to do what needs to be done.  We all need grace to make up for our shortcomings.

LeHousewarming ~ This oil is good for allaying our fears by helping us see solutions and look at relationships in a new ways.  The cassia and orange sweet in this blend create a wonderful aroma!

LeKindred Spirit ~ Fear of change. Fear of others moving out of our lives.

LeMillenia ~ Courage to face the future.  Confidence in one’s abilities.   LeMillenia is an excellent blend for fear of conflict and disagreement.

LeTranquility ~ The best of the Butterfly nervine essential oil blends.  Will stop a panic attack immediately when inhaled!

LeWisdom ~  This blend is used in inner child work when the trauma is deep and the symptoms are of long-standing duration.

Nourishing the nerves

LeAboutFace ~ A blend of frankincenses with palo santo.  Obviously, healing properties are the result of sesquiterpenes crossing the blood-brain barrier to nourish and strengthen the brain and nerves.

LeAgeless ~ Contains frankincense, helichrysum, oppoponox myrrh.  As has been noted, these are all nerve regenerating essential oils.

LeDeeper  ~ A wonderful nerve rebuilder for every part of the body.  One tends to think muscles and tendons with this blend without realizing that it is also rebuilding the nerves.

LeEverlasting ~ A blend of blends.  The high note blends move immediately into the nerves and tissues.  At the same time, the low notes blends provide stability and a longer period of calm. LeEverlasting moves deeply into the nerves to nourish and repair.  Seeing the best possible good in the future.

LeKadence ~ Anxiety accompanied by mental and physical exhaustion.  LeKadence works well against many instances of heart palpitations.

LePaine ~ Strong nervines and nerve nourishing oils in this blend!  Accordingly, this is much more than an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving blend.

LeTranquility ~ This is the best of the Butterfly nervine essential oil blends.  Will stop a panic attack immediately when inhaled!

LeTurmoil~ This blend brings about productivity and organizational skills as a result of nerves rebuilding and calming down.

LeVictory ~ Had to include this one although it is predominantly for learning disabilities in children.  If ever nerves needed nourishing, it would be with learning disabilities!

Liver toxicity (very bad for nerves)

LeAcknowledge ~ Helps us to see the reality of a situation, rather than only seeing the scary “might-be” pieces.

LeRevitalize ~ A gentle liver cleanse.  Allows us to get a better handle on our emotions, generally

General Calming 

LeIntention ~ Composed of citrus oils and vanilla.  This is a powerful combination!

LeLife Force ~ Raises the frequency of the entire body, altogether making one better able to cope with stress and emotional triggers.

LeQuiet Essence ~  Contains both St. John’s Wort and valerian, in addition to other things.  An oil for releasing cellular memory.

LeSanctuary ~ Promotes feelings of safety.  Feeling safe is almost always an issue with anxiety disorders.  Consequently, this blend is a favorite of many people.

LeTranquility ~ The best of the Butterfly nervine essential oil blends.  Will stop a panic attack immediately when inhaled!

LeTrust ~  Anxiety from worrying about old hurts, traumas, frustrations, and guilt.

LeTurmoil – Hyperactivity and general nervousness. Jumping from project to project with great anxiety about finishing any of them.

LeWisdom ~  Used in inner child work when the trauma is deep and the symptoms of long-standing duration.

Fear, Anxiety

LeAssurance ~ Place on the nape of the neck.  The mind moves forward, productively, with this oil.

LeDreams ~ Fear of the dark, nightmares, insomnia, bedwetting tied to fear or night terrors.  This blend comforts children who fear being left in a room, alone, to sleep at night.

LeExhilaration ~ For situations that appear hopeless or very discouraging.  Needless to say, this blend meets a very real need during the hard times.

LeFaith ~ Fear of being alone and unable to cope.  Knowing that Heaven is standing by and that we have dear friends.

LeGrace ~ Seeing ourselves as God sees us, with unlimited potential.  Feeling our anxieties calm as we realize that we are good enough and capable enough just as we are.

LeHousewarming and LeIntention ~ Allaying our fears by helping us see solutions and look at relationships in a new way.  Both contain citrus and vanilla.  LeHousewarming adds cassia.

LeInsight ~ An oil for the really hard stuff! Personalities that have been fragmented or are haunted by past traumatic experiences. In other words, cellular memory with many triggers.

LeLife Force ~ Raises the frequency of the entire body making one better able to cope with stress and emotional triggers.

LeQuiet Essence ~ Contains both St. John’s Wort and valerian, among other things.  As a result, this is an oil for releasing cellular memory.

LeTranquility ~ Will stop a panic attack immediately even when only inhaled!  The best of the Butterfly nervine essential oil blends.

LeWisdom ~ Used in inner child work when the trauma is deep and the symptoms of long-standing duration.

Homeopathics for Anxiety Disorders

Homeopathic remedies are, in my opinion, absolutely essential when working with really serious issues.  Anxiety disorders are as deep as energetically deep traumas can ever go – which is very deep!  Please, if you know anyone suffering from any of these disorders, consider homeopathy.  If homeopathy is not a modality that you know well, it should be.  The descriptions below will give you a starting place.  One or more of them may even be a big part of an eventual solution.

This promises to be a difficult section to write – without writing a whole book on the topic.  My favorite Repertory of Homeopathic Remedies has nine double-columned pages under the heading of Anxiety.  These columns are lists of various symptoms with suggested homeopathic remedies for each symptom.  I am going to describe the symptoms that would be benefited by each remedy.  The remedies will be listed in alphabetical order in this section.  They will be listed again, without descriptions, under each type of anxiety disorder in the next, and last, section.

Rescue Remedy ~ Any anxiety based disorder or event

No matter the description of the panic attack or what remedy I am going to use next, Rescue Remedy is the first thing that I reach for.  Rescue Remedy, also know as Five Flower Formula, is a combination of five (as the name implies) Bach Flower remedies.  It should be employed whenever there has been an accident or any kind of traumatic event.  Rescue Remedy is also useful for anxiety and when out-of-control anxiety is coming on or being displayed.  I have used Rescue remedy in hospital settings to bring a person out of impending shock – more than once, actually.   It amazes and confuses the attending physician!  Rescue Remedy is useful in energy work when the person is becoming too involved in the trauma that is being worked on at the moment.

Rescue Remedy is such an essential remedy that I never leave home without it!

Aconitum napellus  ~ Social Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Phobias

Acon is a polycrest remedy for panic attacks and shock.  As with all Acon maladies, an Acon panic attack comes on suddenly.  Part of the Acon symptom picture is great fear.  Fear of immediate death is a keynote of Acon fear.  Fear of the future is also a keynote of Acon.  An Acon panic attack is usually accompanied by heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dry mouth, and gasping for breath.  The sight of the person trying to breathe is almost enough to create panic on the part of observers.

Anxiousness usually causes the person’s face to flush. However, there may be the opposite picture.  This will consist of tingling, numbness, and a feeling of extreme cold.  In addition to the more public displays of anxiety, the person who would benefit from Acon usually experiences horrible nightmares.   Although there may never have been a bad experience with a doctor or dentist, an upcoming appointment with either one is often the trigger for the panic.  Vomiting is a common problem during episodes of anxiety.

Considered a remedy for Social Anxiety because of the fear of crowds. They feel anxiety because they are afraid that they might get anxious and vomit in public.

Anacardium orientale ~ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

There are a few unique aspects of the Anac picture that make me think of PTSD cases that I have seen.  Hallucinations with the sense of sight, smell and hearing suspended.  The person sees, smells, and hears only the things that are part of the hallucination.  There is, for a time at least, no reality around them at all.  Frightening for the sufferer and those around him!

An unusual keynote of Anac is the hearing of faraway voices in the person’s head.  Sometimes the voices are those of persons long dead.  The voices may belong to those who died in the traumatic event, or events, that brought on the PTSD.   The sufferer feels as though he has two wills, one good and one bad.  One aspect commanding him to do exactly what the other part has expressly forbidden him to do.

Other pieces of the Anac picture include loss of appetite, headaches, and intense itching.  Lack of self-confidence, an aversion to work, and a compulsive desire to swear  are also indications for this remedy.

Argentum nitricum ~ Social Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Attacks, and Phobias

The anxiety is greatest when the person is unsure of what is likely to happen next.  The more they dwell on the anxiety or on the situation, the worse the symptoms become.   Social situations are particularly difficult for them unless they know the people who will be there very well.  Performance anxiety and what will people think of them makes life difficult, indeed.  A strange aspect of the Arg-n picture is that the person is usually fine once they actually arrive and are involved in the social situation.

Strange compulsions are a big part of the Arg-n picture.  This earns Arg-n a listing for obsessive-compulsive disorders.  Thoughts of “What if I . . . .” dominate their thought processes.  The thoughts may include such things as stepping into traffic, throwing themselves from a high place, or poking something into a power outlet.  By setting themselves routines and following them meticulously, they feel more in control of their thoughts and actions.

The arg-n picture includes a great many fears and phobias.  The person may be fearful or phobic about heights, airplanes, crowds, or the dark.  They may fear fainting or fear being late to an event or meeting.  There is always a fear of failure.  There are usually many fears and phobias.  So many that fear of the next panic attack actually becomes a phobia of its own.

Arnica montana ~ Social Anxiety, Phobias

Arn is a first aid remedy for shock.  It is so well known for shock and bruising that we sometimes overlook its many other features and functions.

Summing up a portion of Murphy’s Materia Medica

Never well since a trauma, fright, or grief.  Being touched or injured is a huge fear.  Also fear of the approach of anyone. (Social Anxiety) Very much afraid of sickness.  They have great fear at night.  If they do manage to sleep, there will be great fear on awakening.  There is fear of open spaces but also fear of crowds and public places. (Social Anxiety) Violent attacks of anguish. Anxiety with angina pectoris.  Easily frightened, unexpected trifles cause him to start.  Hypochondriacal anxiety. (Phobias)

Arsenicum album – Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Attacks

The symptom picture of Ars includes an underlying concern with order and security.  There is a deep need to be control of every detail of their lives.  There is extreme nervousness and anxiousness if things are not exactly as they want them.  A compulsive-obsessive need for order and routine is seen.  If they do manage to sit for a moment, they jump right back up again.  Panic attacks occur more frequently in the middle of the night or in the early hours of the morning.  Digestive complaints and asthma often accompany the anxiety and panic.  When under stress or having just come through a traumatic event, asthma and stomach issues can become quite severe.

One of the saddest phrases in the Ars symptom picture is “fear of death, yet tired of living.”  Tightness in the chest often accompanies anxiety.  People who would benefit from Ars have an uncommon and extreme concern for their health.  Ars people can become domineering and demanding, especially when feeling anxious.

Ars is a polycrest remedy for many things.  Flu, gastrointestinal issues including food poisoning, cystitis, asthma, fevers, pneumonia, and anemia are just a few of the conditions that might benefit from a regimen of Ars.  This is fortunate.  I wonder, actually I believe, that the use of homeopathic remedies whenever anything gets out of balance, prevents or remedies a host of other ills at the same time.  Homeopathy is a truly “whole-istic” modality. 

Calcarea carbonica ~ Generalized Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Attacks

This remedy is suited to normally dependable, solid people who have become overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life.  Calc remedies and the people who need them are in constant need of nurturing.  They are full of self-pity at their situation.  They will be, at this time in their lives, unable to see other people’s needs.

Problems for these usually calm people often begin with muddled thinking.  If something is not done to interrupt the cycle, it may progress to confusion.  Then the symptoms will likely disintegrate into the more serious forms of anxiety listed above.  A nagging dread of disaster to themselves and others may develop.  There may be fear of heights or claustrophobia to the point of panic attacks.  Night sweats are common.  Nightmares and poor sleep are usually a big part of the Calc. picture.  Loss of appetite is a keynote of this remedy.

Those who need Calc have a deep fear of change, failure, and losing control.  As a result, they will insist on routine.  Things must be in proper order.  This obsessive compulsion can make them seem stubborn or just plain obstinate.

Causticum ~ Generalized Anxiety

The Caust version of anxiety is marked by timidity and nervousness.  There is great anxiety of conscience.  It is as if they feel that they have done something wrong, even if they have not.  Caust people tend to be overly sympathetic to the plight of others.  Their anxiety is, most often, for other people rather than for themselves.  They will keep late hours, missing sleep while being fretful and anxious as they nurse sick loved one.

Ferrum metallicum ~ Generalized Anxiety 

Ferr is a polycrest remedy for hemorrhage and anemia brought on by blood loss.  For that reason, Ferr is a well-known and well-used remedy among midwives.  While not a polycrest remedy for anxiety, generally, it is indicated for the sort of anxieties that accompany anemia.  The most pronounced of these anxieties are related to the family and their well-being. There will be anxiety about trifles that don’t matter until the anemia has been remedied.

Gelsemium sempervirens ~ Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Panic Attacks

A nervous dread of appearing in public, social anxiety, is a keynote of Gels.  The anticipation of going to church or the theatre or anywhere there may be people is enough to set off anxiety and panic.  The fear of going to a doctor or a dentist is particularly extreme.  The anxious patient for whom Gels fits will be trembling.  The legs may be shaking and the hands trembling uncontrollably.  They are very likely to be experiencing palpitations.  There is a pronounced feeling that they must keep themselves in motion or the heart is going to stop altogether.   A sensation of suffocation with the face becoming flushed.  They have a great desire to be left alone.  Irritability, not wanting to speak or be spoken to, and wanting to be left in peace and quiet are indications that the person is feeling a great deal of anxiety.

The panic attack of Gels does not fit the classic picture.  The person will be trembling all over, the heart palpitating.  They will be experiencing dizziness, weakness, and mental dullness rather than gasping for breath.

Hyoscyamus niger ~ Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Attacks

Needing Hyos indicates a pretty severe malfunction of the nervous system.  There will be sensory hallucinations.  The person will see strange things and people that are not really there.  He will be seen moving his hands constantly – obsessively and compulsively – as though he is pushing these invisible things away.  Night terrors and needing to have the lights on in order to sleep are keynotes.  Sleeping in the dark or awakening in the dark brings on panic attacks.  Insomnia, especially among elderly patients, is common.  Panic is felt because they are convinced, in their minds, that they are being watched and controlled.  They may feel that the “watchers” are waiting to harm them.  This feeling of being watched runs the scale of severity.  They may only think that people are watching them – and judging – or they may be in full-blown conspiracy theory mode, trusting no one.

Ignatia amara ~ Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Phobias

Ign is a remedy of deep grief.  Almost all ailments, including emotional and psychological ones, are brought on by grief, loss, disappointment, and emotional shocks of some kind.

Previous disastrous experiences brought on by their own poor behavior creates a form of social anxiety.  People who would benefit from Ign experience rapid changes in mood.  Joking and laughter changing to sadness and tears – even hysteria. Frustration and irritability are constant.  Totally intolerant of contradiction or reprimand. Will quarrel with anyone about just about anything.  Takes delight in pitching a fit and producing a scene or scaring someone somehow.

Phobias are many and varied. Hurt or disappointed are the major phobias of Ign. There is a fear that they will never be able to sleep well again.

Kali arsenicosum ~ Panic Attacks, Phobias

Kali-ar is a remedy for hypochondria.  Anxiety and panic attacks will center around health issues. The panic about their health will have the Kali-ar keynote of fear of failure to do their duty and live up to their responsibilities.  Phobias will include fear of getting a life-threatening disease, of having high blood pressure or getting cancer, or of having a stroke.  Key among the health fears is the fear of heart disease and of having a heart attack.  An interesting small note is that they often sleep with their hand over their heart.  Anxiety often worsens in the evening until they avoid going to bed and to sleep until the wee hours of the morning.

Panic attacks will often be accompanied by asthma.  The panic attacks will include rapid, anxious breathing, worse at 2 a.m. to 3 a.m.  These attacks provide another reason to avoid sleeping if they possibly can.

Kali phosphoricumGeneralized Anxiety, Social Anxiety

Duty and responsibility always weigh heavy on the minds of people need a Kali remedy of one sort or another.  Principles, and living up to their high expectation of themselves is critically important to them.  Not living up to their lofty goals for themselves can trigger anxiety.  The phosphoricum part of this remedy brings fatigue, nervousness, and sensitivity to light and noise to the picture of this remedy.  “Lack of nerve power”  and “nervous prostration” are two of the descriptions in the Materia Medica.  Night terrors are common.

People needing this remedy are described as shy and disinclined to converse.  They have a very pronounced aversion to meeting people or talking with them. (Social Anxiety)  

LycopodiumGeneralized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Phobias

The social anxiety of Lyc centers around fear of failure.  These people can become self-conscious and intimidated by people they perceive as powerful or in charge in some way.  Public speaking or presentations in front of co-workers brings on panic attacks.  Interestingly, the anxiety appears only at the beginning of a task.  It vanishes completely as the presentation proceeds.   There are a lot of lesser fears and anxieties associated with Lyc.  One of them is fear of men, particular strangers.  Other things which bring on anxiety include fear of being alone. fear of the dark, and fear of not reaching their destination safely when traveling.

Lyc is a remedy with some interesting contradictions.  In public, as pointed out above, they can feel self-conscious and intimated.  At home, they can become defiant, irritable, angry, and domineering.  They tend to wake in the mornings with these emotions, tempering them somewhat throughout the day.  The Medicas indicate that these anxiety and personality issues may stem from being the child of domineering parents or siblings.

Natrum muriaticumGeneralized Anxiety, Social Anxiety

I remember Nat-m characteristics by remembering Eyore from Winnie the Pooh stories.  A bit of pessimism – things are not too bad, but they are not likely to get much better – underlines their basic personalities. Deep emotions and a need for self-protection make these people sometimes seem aloof and unfriendly.  They become offended easily and can hold a grudge for years.  They typically want to be of service to others but their need for protection and tendency to get offended hampers these good intentions.

A keynote of Nat-m is is that the person cannot cry in front of others.  In fact, consolation usually makes the situation worse.   A few other symptoms include fear of rejection or betrayal. The person cries when listening to music or when alone.  Hay fever and dry mucous membranes trouble them constantly.  As children, they were likely late in learning to walk and to talk.

Nux vomicaObsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress, Panic Attacks

A prominent feature of Nux-v is an irritable nervous system.  The Nux-v temperament if fiery and zealous about those things that are important to them.  They are usually workaholics and are ambitious and competitive.

When under stress or suffering the ill effects of trauma, they simply cannot bear noises, odors, light, touch, or music.  They may get angry and even violent with little or no obvious provocation. The similarity of these outbursts to PTSD are obvious.  The Nux-v picture lacks the sort of “triggers” usually associated with PTSD.  On the other hand, I have certainly seen PTSD where the outbursts seem to have “little or no obvious provocation”, exactly as described for Nux-v.

Other anxiety symptoms of this remedy include easily frightened.  Wakes in fright from the least noise.  The person will be frightfully apprehensive about getting married.  (I have seen this one!)  Fears of poverty.  Angry when consoled.

Phosphorus ~ Generalized Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress, Phobias

Phos certainly fits the picture of general anxiety and phobias.  It took a little reading and pondering to see how Post Traumatic Stress might fit the Phos picture.  The best I could come up with was “mentally and emotionally sensitive”, “excitable”, and “human emotional barometer”.  There are also some references that say “easily angered and vehement, beside himself with anger and suffers physically from it.  Rage when aroused.”  These references were intriguing to me.  I usually think of Phos as timid and too likely to go along with whatever other people suggest.  Bad news and unpleasant events often put them to bed!

Many different kinds of fears, and reactions to them are certainly a part of the Phos picture.   Fear of evil and of bad things happening is a big part of the Phos picture.  Being alone, especially at twilight and at dark, are also prominent symptoms.  Fear of thunderstorms is a keynote.  Anxiety about the future with fear of insanity is also seen.

There are obvious symptoms of blood sugar issues.  Becoming irritable and spacey when he misses a meal is one such symptom.

Pulsatilla nigricans ~ Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety

The Puls personality is highly emotional and, usually, tearful.  They may have a bit of difficulty making up their minds.  Puls symptoms include moodiness and a nature that can only be described as “changeable”.  They feel forsaken and weak easily, whether happy or sad.  Consolation, even just being able to whine a bit, improves all symptoms – physical and emotional. It is difficult to make a list of Puls fears because Puls people are afraid of just about everything.  At least, they can worry about everything!  They are sensitive to criticism and completely undone by reprimands.  Easily offended and hurt by the comments and perceived opinions of others, especially loved ones.  Avoid social situations and family gatherings because they fear the possible hurt of it.

Some keynotes of this remedy that are unrelated to anxiety are that symptoms appear on one side and then move to the other side.  The symptoms immediately move to the side lain on.  Malposition of the fetus prior to labor is common with a woman whose basic personality, at least at the time, matches Puls.  Many different foods and situations bring on the headaches.  Thirstless, no sense of needing a drink at all.  Chilliness and shortness of breath are seen.  The person seeks open air.  All symptoms are better out of doors.  Rich foods, pastry, fats, and ice creams disagree with them – a lot.

Silica terra ~ Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety

An out-of-balance Sil personality is anxiety personified.  The anticipation of an event brings on physical symptoms.  They feel faint-hearted and continually anxious about something and everything.  Performance anxiety, fear of public speaking, even fear of appearing in public underscore the symptoms of this remedy.  These people tend to avoid everything and never take on projects because of their extreme fear of failure.  A keynote that sets Sil apart from other remedies is that the person desires only cold things, like ice cream and ice cold drinks.  Being timid, however, they rarely speak up about such things.

StaphysagriaPost Traumatic Stress

The violent outbursts that are such a part of the Staph picture lead us to PTSD.  Another pointer to Staph for some PTSD cases is the great indignation that the sufferer feels about things that were done by himself or others.  For soldiers or those whose actions may have contributed to the pain or death of others, deep guilt and shame also bring us to Staph as a remedy.  Trembling, irritability and great anger accompany or follow the violent outbursts.  A history of shame or punishment with the need to suppress anger is also a part of this remedy’s picture.  Speechless when angry is a keynote.  Other symptoms include joint pain, headaches, and insomnia.

Stramonium ~ Phobias, Nervous Disorders such as Parkinson’s and severe trembling.  

Stram is a very unusual and very dramatic remedy.  It is considered a remedy for schizophrenia, manic-depression, and religious insanity.  “Fearful hallucinations that terrify the patient” are described.  There are a great many things that are feared.  “Terrors” best describes the fears of Stram.  People who would benefit from Stram cannot handle darkness at all.  They must have light and company. There is an interesting and unique fear of shiny objects.  The sound of running water brings on fear and anxiety.  Anxiety when going through a tunnel is a keynote.

Veratrum albumObsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Attacks

The panic attacks of Verat, if they can be called that, are very unusual.  Instead of panic, the person responds by fainting from strong emotions or scary situations.  There will be cold perspiration on the forehead with this and all other complaints of Verat.  The face will be pale.  The pulse will be rapid and feeble.

Sullen indifference is a keynote of this remedy.  The position in society that they fear they lack is often the source of anxiety. More likely than anxiety, however, is despair.  Any obsessive-compulsive behaviors usually center around religious themes and manias.  There are delusions of impending misfortunes and fear of death.

Anxiety Disorder Types & Possible Remedies

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Herbal remedies:  BBL, NVC, NT, KNA, MH, MW, YW, AD, TY, Gingko/DongQuai

Essential Oils:  LeAboutFace, LeBelieve, LeCherish, LeDreams, LeFaith, LeIntention, LeLetting Go, LeMillenia, LeTranquility, LeTurmoil

Homeopathic Remedies:  Rescue Remedy, appropriate Flower Essences (Bach and others), Ars, Calc, Caust, Ferr, Gels, Ign, Kali-p, Lyc, Nat-m, Puls, Phos (fear of evil), Sil

Social Anxiety Disorder

Herbal remedies:  BBL  as a sleep aid.   Just before going into social situations.

Essential Oils:  LeAcknowlege, LeAngel, LeEZ Traveler, LeKindred Spirit, LeMillenia, LeTranquility, LeVictory

Homeopathic Remedies:  Acon (fear of crowds), Arg-n (fear of acting on impulses), Arnica, Ars, Gels, Ign, Kali-p, Lyc, Nat-m, Puls, Sil

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Herbal remedies:  NV.  This is the strongest of the herbal formulas.  It contains valerian. A person should probably take a small trial dose the first time to check for the rare opposite reaction described previously.

Essential Oils:  LeAcknowledge, LeCrystal Clear, LeEverlasting, LeFaith, LeMillenia, LeSanctuary, LeTrust, LeTurmoil, LeVictory

Homeopathic Remedies:  Arg-n, Ars, Calc, Hyos, Nux-v, Verat

Panic Attacks

Herbal remedies:  A nervine formula, according to the person’s need.  Refer to the discussion of nervine herbs under General Anxiety above.

Essential Oils:  LeAngel, Cherish, LeKadence, LeLetting Go, LeTranquility (probably the very best in most situations)

Homeopathic Remedies:  Acon, Arg-n, Ars, Calc, Hyos, Nux-v, Verat

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Herbal remedies:  A nervine formula, according to the person’s need.  Refer to the discussion of nervine herbs under General Anxiety above.

Essential Oils:  LeAngel (childhood abuse, often sexual in nature), LeLetting Go, LeQuiet Essence (use consistently, over time, help rewrite cellular memory), LeRevitalize, LeWisdom

Homeopathic Remedies: Arn, Ars, Phos, Nux-v, Staph


Herbal remedies:  A nervine formula, according to the person’s need.  Refer to the discussion of nervine herbs under General Anxiety above.

Essential Oils:  LeAngel, LeCrystal Clear, LeFocus, LeHousewarming, LeIQ, LeLetting Go, LeMillenia, LeTranquility, LeTrust, LeVictory

Homeopathic Remedies:  Rescue Remedy, also and first and given repeatedly, Acon (crowds), Arg-n, Arn, Ars, Ign, Kali-ar, Lyc, Phos, Stram


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