
Tolerance “Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the wrong. Sometime in life, you will have been all of these.” ~George Washington Carver! The word, tolerance, has a variety of meanings in today’s world…

#14 TCM Headaches – 3 Large Intestine/Lung

#14 -TCM Headaches – 3 Large Intestine/Lung Below is a brief explanation of two ways in which headaches and migraines may be connected to the large intestine/lung meridian pair.  A more complete explanation, as well as discussion of a couple of interesting neurotransmitters created in the gut but…

#13 TCM Headaches – 2 Bladder/Kidney

#13 TCM Headaches – 2 Bladder/Kidney The Bladder/Kidney Meridian, as well as the physical organs of bladder and kidneys, is associated with the season of Winter.  Water is the element associated with this meridian pair. In winter, life appears to have ceased.  In reality, at least in Chinese…


Tenacity Tenacity – How I love this word!  Why?  Let me try to explain. Is stubbornness a virtue? I am a very stubborn person.  Stubbornness and hanging in there until some task was completed has always seemed like a virtue to me.  Stubborn people get things done!  They stay at…

#12 TCM Headaches – 1 Gallbladder/Liver

#12 TCM Headaches – 1 Gallbladder/Liver We will begin our discussion of meridians, their associated organs, and their relationships to headaches by discussing the Gallbladder/Liver meridian pair.  We are beginning here because so many headaches – and other health problems – are related to problems in the liver…

#11 TCM Headaches – Meridians Intro

#11 TCM Headaches – Meridians Introduction The Movement of Vital Energy Meridian is the term we will use to describe one important and basic part of the overall energy distribution system of the body.  I like to think of meridians as energy veins.  These meridians are the pathways by which…

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome What is Restless Leg Syndrome?  Many, many people suffer from what may be termed Restless Leg Syndrome!  The use of the word “syndrome” in a name for a dis-ease state tells us that the cause – or even exactly when it is a dis…

 #10 Headaches – Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – Introduction

#10 Headaches – Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Introduction Drugs, seem to be the “remedy of choice” for headaches and migraines when consulting a practitioner of Western Medicine – a Doctor.  Too many times, a pain-relieving drug will be prescribed regardless of the type of a headache or…

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders Dying to Be Thin Eating disorders are not fads.  They are not a simple phase that a teen will, eventually, grow out of.  Reasoning with the person, discussing and teaching them about nutrition and health, has no lasting effect on their disorder.  Severe eating disorders are mental disorders…

#9 Sleep & Cluster Headaches

#9 Sleep & Cluster Headaches Sleep Issues and Headaches Parents of small children and newborn babies understand all too well that sleep deprivation causes headache pain!  In some people, even irregularity in sleep patterns trigger migraines.  In a classic chicken-or-egg pattern, headaches also trigger sleep disturbances.  What a…