#15 -TCM Headaches -4 Stomach/Spleen

#15 -TCM Headaches – 4 Stomach/Spleen


The Stomach/Spleen Meridian pair will be the topic of the next part of this article.  When we speak of “earth” people, we are speaking of those who are strong in the characteristics of this meridian.  This Meridian, #4 – Earth, contains within it elements of all of the other meridians.   It is also referred to as “The Peacemaker” or alternatively, “Earth Mother.”

The season associated with the Stomach/Spleen Meridian is late summer.  It is a season of transition between the extreme opposites of summer and winter.  It symbolizes the internal strength to remain stable through changes that may be happening either around or within the person.  Late summer is also the season of harvest.  The harvest season is about completion.  It is about bringing goals and aspirations to fruition.  This meridian, more than any other, is where issues involving money and abundance reside.

Stomach and Spleen, organs and meridians – in balance

  • Justice and fairness are important to them.
  • Supportive and compassionate to those around them.
  • Sustain others when they are in periods of transition or stress.
  • Assimilate new ideas easily and well.
  • Bring a fresh perspective to routine ways of doing things.  (This trait is not always as appreciated as it should be!)
  • Puts needs of others before their own needs.  (This can easily become a negative trait if over-done.)
  • Loyal.
  • Tactful.
  • Available to friends and relatives in supportive ways.

Stomach and Spleen, organs and meridians – out-of-balance

  • Obsessive worry.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Putting the needs of others too far ahead of their own basic needs.
  • Become over-protective or controlling of friends and family members.
  • Can see other people’s mistakes but fail to see their own or learn from them.
  • Co-dependence.  Unable to leave bad relationships or situations.
  • Accepts other people’s judgments and opinions of them rather than relying on themselves or God’s opinions of them.
  • Generous to the point of martyrdom.

Emotional Characteristics

  • Contentment and appreciation for those things that are part of our lives . . . OR . . .
  • Disappointment, greed, feelings of there is never enough!  Certainly not enough for you and for me both to have what we need or want.
  • Confidence and faith in the future  . . . OR . . .
  • Lack of faith and hope.  Deep grief and sadness.  Anxiety about the future.

Physical Complaints

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting.
  • Canker sores.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Menstrual pain.

Balance Restored By

  • Walking barefoot on the earth.
  • Spending time alone or spending time meditating.
  • Learning to value self.
  • Learning to set boundaries.

The Spleen

The spleen has many functions and is a very uniquely designed organ.  Small arterioles in the spleen are wrapped entirely in lymphatic tissues.  These arterioles are so small that blood is forced to pass through them almost one single cell at a time.  This gives the lymph tissue in the spleen a great deal of opportunity to weed out anything harmful.  Blockage in this incredible lymph system leads to enlargement of the spleen.  One of the symptoms of an enlarged spleen is headache.

The spleen also breaks down red blood cells and prepares them for reconstruction into new red blood cells.  A low red blood cell count produces fatigue.  In fact, overwhelming and constant fatigue is the most common symptom of issues in the spleen and spleen meridian.  Headache is another common symptom of red blood cell anemia.

The spleen is responsible for the assimilation of foods, fluids, and ideas.  An inability to wrap our minds around new concepts can be both the cause and the result of stagnation and/or problems in the spleen and spleen meridian.  In addition, moodiness and impulsive behaviors may be brought about by out-of-balance spleen energy.  Problems of these types often manifest as tension in the neck and shoulders.  Also, tension in the neck and shoulders inevitably produces headaches (and high blood pressure, incidentally).

Spleen Related Headaches

  • Right sided.  Headache on the right side of the head, just above the ear.  Often, there will be accompanying pain in the region of the spleen (left abdomen).  Head feels as though it is moving with every beat of the heart.
  • Frontal headache.  Dull frontal headache.  Better for lying down.  Head feels as if the brain is too large for the space in the head.  Conversely, some frontal headaches manifest only over the left eye.  There may be pulsing and throbbing over the left eye or, possibly, all across the forehead.  Nausea accompanies the pulsing and throbbing.
  • Entire head.  Intense throbbing of head and carotids.  Occasionally, the throbbing extends to the whole body.  The headaches, being congestive, may become very violent and intense.  The head feels like it is about to burst.  Head may feel heavy or, quite possibly, as if the brain were sloshing around in the head.

Possible Spleen Remedies

Herbal Solutions

Single herbs for this meridian and organ system include Ginger, Dandelion, Oregon Grape, Goldenseal, Angelica, Pokeroot, Uva Ursi, Yellow Dock (very strong, start slow and easy), Yerba Santa, and Butterfly Herbal combinations of BHM, HD, HGL, LB, LIC, and YW.

Essential Oils

Single essential oils of benefit to the spleen include Benzoin, Caraway, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lemongrass.  It would be well to consider the Butterfly blends of LeEverlasting, LeJulia, LeLife Force, LeInsideOut, LeRevitalize, and LeTomorrow.

Oils of benefit to the Spleen Meridian include Anthopogon, Benzoin, Caraway, Cardamom, Cedarwood, the Chamomiles, Clary Sage, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Myrrh, Neroli, Orange Sweet, Peppermint, Rose, and Tangerine.  Butterfly essential oil blends are  LeBelieve, LeEndoRelief, LeMillenia, LeRevitalize, and LeSanctuary.

(For explanations of each of these oils as they apply to this meridian, please see  Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils, Chapter 12 – Eastern Healing Philosophy, under the information for the #4 meridian pair, Earth/Season of Late Summer.)

Placing essential oils on Meridian points works very well.  The neurovascular points for the Stomach and Spleen meridians, pictured below, would be especially appropriate.  Using an essential oil on your fingertips when holding any of the points below makes point holding even more effective.

Homeopathic Remedies

Once again, homeopathic repertories list many possible remedies for problems in the spleen.  Here are just a few for you to look up and consider should you feel that spleen issues are contributing to even a part of your headache migraine attacks. Butterfly Express low potency Blessed Water Remedies CFS #3 and Glandular Support #3,  Blessed Water or homeopathic remedies such as Anthr, Aran, Ars, Ars-i, Aur-m, Caps, Cean, Chin, Ferr, Ferr-m, Iod, Lach, Nux-v, Phos, and Urt-u.

Possible Meridian Points

Sp6  – crossing point of the liver and spleen meridians.
St 25 – with CV 6, and CV 12 – Regulates the spleen and the stomach, thus, eliminating phlegm and congestion.
St40 – also regulates the spleen.
Bl 20 – Stimulates the spleen to produce more blood (anemic states – the opposite effect on the body as the St and CV points above).


Placing your fingers on the endpoints of a meridian, especially with an appropriate essential oil on your fingertips, strengthens the flow of that meridian.  Better yet, is to put the essential oil on your palms and “run” the entire meridian.  If the energy of that meridian is very out of balance, it can be useful to run it in the opposite direction of its normal flow – run it backwards once or twice.  Then, run it in its normal direction a few times.

Placing essential oils on other Meridian points works very well.  The neurovascular points for the Spleen meridian, pictured below, would be especially appropriate.

Neurovascular Stomach Spleen Points

The Spleen Meridian includes both the pancreas and the thyroid in its sphere of influence so we will discuss these organs, as they relate to headaches as well. 

The Pancreas

The energy of the pancreas is part of the energy of the Spleen meridian – some say the Stomach meridian, also.  The fact that low blood sugar plays a part in headaches is, too often, overlooked or looked at last, by traditional medicine.  But, as some of us know from sad experience, low blood sugar can be the cause of some pretty nasty headaches.  Headaches brought on by hypoglycemia will be presented, in more detail, in a later segment of this series on headaches.  Suggestions and possible alternative remedies will also be addressed at that time.

The Thyroid

TCM philosophy says that the thyroid lies within the influence of the Spleen Meridian.  Like all endocrine organs and glands, the thyroid plays many roles.  Among these roles is the maintenance of normal body temperature.  Low body temperatures result in recurrent migraines frequently enough to establish at least an anecdotal connection.  The mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon are the subject of several ongoing studies.

One theory is that lower body temperatures lead to the relaxation and dilation of blood vessels, especially those in or feeding the brain.  The swelling of brain tissues because of increased blood flow inside the closed space of the cranium produces the throbbing pain that is characteristic of many migraine headaches.   It has been shown, repeatedly, that strengthening the thyroid and, thus, normalizing body temperatures bring relief to many who suffer from chronic migraines.   The hypothalamus is also involved in the regulation of body temperatures.

Regulating body temperature, even when connected to thyroid function, is something that can often be accomplished without prescription medication.  Under stress, the body temperature tends to drop.  Unfortunately, for some this coping mechanism does not seem to reverse itself when the stress is past.  Perhaps, the person lives their life in a state of perpetual self-induced stress through negative thought patterns and/or poor lifestyle choices.  Lifestyle changes such as a healthier diet, rest, exercise, herbal nutrition, and essential oils to help cope with stress can make a big difference.

Thyroid Related Headaches

Like every other malady we may encounter in life, a thyroid-related headache may display in a number of different ways, according to the individual.  It is estimated that about 30% of people with hypothyroidism experience headaches tied directly to the under-functioning of their thyroid gland.   Unfortunately, very few migraine sufferers suffer from only one type of migraine.  There may be chronic migraine related to the thyroid.  But there may also be, at other times, headaches from other reasons, as well.  Unraveling migraine pain is often an exercise in finding each piece of a fairly complicated puzzle.

  • Both sides of the head.  A thyroid headache usually feels more like a tension headache than a migraine.  A thyroid headache does not, generally, throb.  Generally, there is no nausea or vomiting.   However, there are exceptions to this.  A headache that alternates sides may be thyroid related.  (Try the homeopathic remedy, Sepia, for this headache.)
  • One-sided headache.  Thyroid troubles have also been associated with the more common one-sided, throbbing migraine that results in nausea and vomiting.
  • Vertex.  The head feels as though there is a weight on the top.  The vertex, as well as the hands and feet, often feel icy cold except, oddly, when the headache is brought on by grief.   (Calc carb is the homeopathic remedy to use here, in either case, hot or cold.)
  • Facial/Sinus.  Headache at the root of the nose and in the frontal sinuses.
  • Entire head.  Throbbing in the head so severe that it feels as if the whole body is throbbing.  Often, this horrible headache begins with a rush of blood to the head.   Blinding headaches.

Possible Thyroid Remedies

Herbal Solutions

Some single herbs for the thyroid are Alfalfa, Ashwagandha, Kelp/Dulse, Irish Moss, Black Walnut, White Oak, Gentian, Nettles, and Butterfly herbal combinations HD, TY, KNA, and MIN.

Essential Oils 

A few essential oils that come to mind for thyroid support are Cumin, Myrtle, Palmarosa, Spruce, and the Butterfly blends of LeEndoRelief and LeEnergy.

Homeopathic Remedies 

Once again, homeopathic repertories list many possible remedies for problems in the thyroid.  Here are just a few for you to look up and consider should you feel that thyroid issues are contributing to even a part of your headache or migraine attacks:  Butterfly Express blessed water low potency combinations CFS #3 or Glandular Support #3, Glandular Support #4, Addictions #3.  Blessed Water or homeopathic remedies such as Calc, Calc-I, Iod, Kali-i, Lach, Nat-m, Mag-s, Sep, and Spong should be considered if you want higher potency single remedies.

Possible Meridian Points

GV 7 – Brings up yang energy, stimulating and feeding the thyroid as well as other endocrine glands.
K 7 – This point is called Recovery Flow and is a treatment for hypothyroidism.
SP 6 – This point is an intersection point for 3 yin energies.  Activating this point promotes circulation and tones the liver, kidney, stomach, and spleen.
LI 11 – Clears heat and cools the blood.  Useful for both thyroid and spleen problems.
GV 17 – One of my favorite points when I feel vision disturbances and/or a headache possibly beginning.
PC 6 – Located at the center of the wrist two finger-widths above the crease.  This is a major stress point.  Useful for hyperthyroidism, chest tightness, and poor memory.
H 7 – Medial side of the wrists, at the crease.  Hyperthyroidism, anxiety, palpitations, panic.  Tones deficiencies of the blood, and Yin and Yang, both.

Yintang Point – this point is located between the eyebrows.  This point does not correspond to any particular meridian but is an excellent point for endocrine system issues.

ST 40 – Activates the Stomach meridian which balances the spleen and, therefore, the thyroid.

The Stomach

Migraine headaches, as you probably know, often create digestive disturbances such as nausea and vomiting.  However, researchers are beginning to understand that poor digestive processes can create or contribute to migraine headaches.

Stomach Related Headaches

  • Entire head.   Heavy, fuzzy, dull pain.  The head feels as though it is wrapped in a cloth.  Conversely, the headache may be very severe with foggy thinking, dizziness, and restlessness.  The severity of the headache leads to paraphasia (the wrong word substituted for the word needed).  This is a chi and energy deficiency headache.
  • Frontal headache.  A headache in this area of the head is usually caused by a disharmony in the stomach.  Sometimes the headache pain is sharp and very distressing.  The rising heat of Yang energy creates this type of pain.   A dull pain in the forehead is usually caused by Stomach Meridian-chi deficiency whereas a sharp pain experienced in the forehead is usually caused by flaring up of Stomach-Fire.  Finally, a heavy sensation with a dull pain in the forehead is usually caused by Damp-Phlegm.

Possible Remedies

Herbal Solutions

The Nervine remedies mentioned in a previous headache blog, in the Herbal Remedies section of the Gallbladder/Liver discussion, are always appropriate for headache pain as is the HD tincture.  Angelica, Calendula (inflammation of the stomach lining), Cat’s Claw (ulcers), Cayenne (ulcers), Chickweed, Cinnamon, Comfrey, Elecampane, Ginger, Gotu Kola, Horehound, Kelp/Dulse, Licorice Root, Marshmallow, Myrrh, Oregon Grape,  Papaya Leaf, Passion Flower, Pau d’arco, Plantain, Raspberry Leaf, Spearmint, Peppermint, and Yarrow.

Essential Oils

Essential oils of benefit to the stomach include Anethi, Angelica, Anise,  Cardamom, Catnip, Cedarwood, Cilantro, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Ginger, Gingergrass, Hyssop, Mandarin, Marjoram, Orange Sweet, Parsley, Peppermint, Tarragon, Thyme, Yarrow, Zanthoxylum.   Butterfly essential oils blends for the stomach and/or digestion include LeEZ Traveler, LeInside Out, LeJulia, and LeSynopsis.

Essential oils to consider for the Stomach Meridian include Anethi, Caraway, Clove, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Frankincense, Ginger, Hyssop, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrrh, Neroli, Patchouli, Sage, Yarrow, and Ylang Ylang.  Butterfly essential oils blends to consider are LeBountiful, LeGrace, LeInsideOutLeMillenia, LeVision, and LeSanctuary.

Placing essential oils on Meridian points works very well.  The neurovascular points for the Stomach and Spleen meridians, pictured below, would be especially appropriate.  Using an essential oil on your fingertips when holding any of the points below makes point holding even more effective.

Homeopathic Remedies  

The Butterfly Blessed Water (similar to homeopathic) low potency combinations include 7 different remedies labeled Intestinal/Stomach Distress # 1 – 6.  These are a wonderful line of remedies for digestive disturbances of all kinds, including food poisoning.  Also consider Digestive #2, Digestive #3, Digestive #4, Indigestion #1, Indigestion #2, Migraine #2,  and any of the Parasite Remedies, if that sort of treatment would be applicable.

The Stomach Meridian Balance remedy, as well as the Nerve #1 and Nerve #2, which are always appropriate for headache pain.  CFS #3 targets the liver, pancreas, adrenal cortex, and various digestive functions.  CFS #4 and CFS #5 might also prove helpful at times.  Other combination remedies to consider include Bacteria and Flu Symptoms #1Flu Symptoms #1 contains some Bach Flower remedies.  As a result, it is helpful with the emotional drivers of stomach issues.

Deeper level healing often requires a single remedy in a higher potency.  There are pages and pages of suggested remedies in homeopathic repertories that have symptoms listed for both digestive issues and headaches.  Among these are Arn, Bry, Calc, Cinnb, Colch, Glon, Hell, Ign, Lept, Lyc, Mag-m, Mang, Puls, and Zinc.

Possible Meridian Points

Liv 4 – This point stands out because of its usefulness for bringing relief to a large number of conditions.  This point is indicated for digestive issues as well as for conditions related to the head.  It is equally useful for digestive issues brought about by a headache.
TW 5  – Headaches that are brought on by being in the wind.  Headaches connected to stiffness or pain in the back and the sides of the neck.
St 36 – This is a point that is valuable to all issues of the stomach and the spleen.
PC 6  – Headache with dizziness and vertigo.
Liv 3 – Digestive issues related to the liver upsetting the rest of the digestive system.  This point calms anger, irritability, anxiety, and insomnia that might be contributing to or causing headaches.

Additional Points for Deficiency Situations

Sp 4 – TCM would describe the conditions that this point is useful for as “due to stagnation of chi and blood”, a very large range of issues.  Possible issues include fibroids, cysts, chest and heart pain, insomnia, headaches, and nervousness.
SP 6 – This point is an intersection point for 3 yin energies.  Activating this point promotes circulation and tones the liver, kidney, stomach, and spleen.
CV 4 – Used for many situations where deficient Yin, Yang, Chi, or Blood has become a problem.  This is a main point for both kidney and digestive issues.


Placing your fingers on the endpoints of a meridian, especially with an appropriate essential oil on your fingertips, strengthen the flow of that meridian.  Better yet, is to put the essential oil on your palms and “run” the entire meridian.  If the energy of that meridian is very out of balance, it can be useful to run it in the opposite direction of its normal flow – run it backwards once or twice.  Then, run it in its normal direction a few times.

Placing essential oils on other Meridian points works very well.  The neurovascular points for the Stomach meridian, pictured below, would be especially appropriate.

Neurovascular Stomach Spleen Points

Mineral Deficiencies

Another way in which the digestive system impacts headaches is through mineral absorption issues.  Mineral deficiencies are also directly related to the ability to digest and metabolize food.  Deficiencies of certain minerals such as Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, and others can cause nerve and muscle miscommunication.  Many times, as we have discussed headaches so far, we have mentioned the tightening of the muscles in the neck and shoulders as either symptoms of or contributing factors to migraines and tension headaches.  For myself, I have discovered that rubbing liquid Magnesium on my neck relaxes tight muscles there almost instantaneously.

There are some very useful energy corrections the absorption of nutrients taught in the Chrysalis series of energy classes taught at Butterfly Expressions.

Essential oils for the uptake of nutrients include Fennel, Peppermint, Pine, and Tarragon.  Butterfly blends that aid in the uptake of nutrients include LeEternity, LeEndoRelief (calcium), LeEZ Traveler, LeKadence, LeIntention, and LeWarmDown (calcium).

Butterfly Express also carries a line of liquid minerals that are very absorbable.  I have found them to be very effective for myself.

This blog is part of a series on headaches.  This series includes. . . .

Headaches - IntroductionHeadaches - Emotions Headaches - Endocrine System Headaches - Dehydration Headaches - Hormones Headaches - Hyperglycemia Headaches - Structural Headaches - Sinus & Allergy Headaches - Sleep & Cluster Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM - Introduction TCM - Meridians TCM - Gallbladder/Liver TCM - Bladder/Kidney TCM - Large Intestine/Lung TCM - Stomach/Spleen TCM Triple warmer Pericardium TCM - Small Intestine/Heart TCM - Governing/Central

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