#8 – Headaches -Sinus & Allergy

#8 – Headaches -Sinus & Allergy

Designation – Allergy vs Intolerance

When we hear the term allergy, most people think of such symptoms as a runny nose, red and watering eyes, swelling of some tissues somewhere, rashes, hives, or some other form of itching.  With no distinction made, the term allergy is also used to refer to more serious reactions to substances.  More serious reactions include headaches, heart palpitations, and, eventually, anaphylactic shock.  Among those who work with allergies, these two sets of symptoms are considered to be very separate categories with two separate names.  This is true both in the medical world and among “alternative” practitioners, as well.  The names most commonly used to distinguish the two categories are allergy and intolerance.  Intolerances are sometimes referred to as sensitivities. I found a very interesting article, recently, on MayoClinic.org.  The article was titled, “What’s the Difference Between a Food Intolerance and a Food Allergy?”  I will be quoting from this article, somewhat, as well as from information used by alternative practitioners in working with allergies and intolerances. For the sake of clarity, let’s begin by defining these two disparate terms.


  • Allergy, for this discussion, is a combination of immune system, nervous system, and energy system responses.
  • ANY amount whatsoever, even very tiny amounts, trigger a response in the body.  The response may vary in degree but there will always be a response!
  • Typically, the initial reaction – the first time the substance is experienced – will be mild.  The reaction grows in intensity with each subsequent exposure to the substance.  The intensity of the reaction with each subsequent exposure will continue to increase even to the point of becoming life-threatening.


  • Biochemical or metabolic in nature.  The body lacks an enzyme or a cellular structure and is, therefore, unable to properly process a particular substance.  Unprocessed, it must be passed from the body in one way or another.
  • Because intolerance symptoms are less severe than allergic responses, the person may be able to tolerate small amounts of the substance (food or chemical) without a great deal of trouble.
  • Because it cannot process the substance properly, the body treats the substance like an invader or a poison and disposes of it as efficiently as possible.  The usual symptoms of such elimination will occur.  These symptoms include runny nose, hives and itching, and the swelling of tissues.

The severity of the symptoms will vary, depending on how well eliminative organs such as the kidneys and colon are working.  If the kidneys and colon are able to do their jobs well, mucous production then using the skin to detox will not be required to eliminate the allergens.

Allergy Symptoms

  • Increased pulse.
  • Vision disturbances such as small black floaters, migraine aura, etc.
  • Headaches or migraines.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Arthritis and fibromyalgia.
  • Eventually, if not treated for or avoided, reactions become severe enough to be classed as anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock can be mild.  It can also become serious and, often, life-threatening very quickly.

Intolerance Symptoms

  • A runny nose.
  • Tissue swelling.  Often, whether the substance was ingested or airborne, the swelling occurs in the face, eyes, throat, or sinus cavities.
  • Rashes, hives, and itching.
  • Symptoms are rarely, if ever, life-threatening.

**Please note, however, that life-threatening responses such as anaphylactic shock usually involve the symptoms of both an allergy and an intolerance.  Swelling and hives may accompany increased pulse, palpitations, and headache.  The reaction may quickly become severe enough to be life-threatening!  Take action promptly!  Seek immediate medical assistance!  Better to be safe – and even spend a bit of money – than be sorry that you failed to respond promptly enough later.

Allergy or Intolerance

As you can see from these lists of symptoms, what people generally refer to as an allergy is, properly termed, an intolerance. The term, allergy, is reserved for those more serious – even life-threatening – energetic and nervous system reactions.

From A TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) – Energy Perspective

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions typically respond best to the holding (or needling) of the endpoints of appropriate meridians.  As pointed out above, allergic responses involve the immune system and/or the nervous system.  As such, they respond to the strengthening and smoothing of energy that occurs when endpoints of meridians are stimulated.

Symptoms of Intolerance

On the other hand, intolerance symptoms more often call for the working of neuro-lymphatic points.  Intolerances, being more physical in nature, often create lymphatic clogging as the body tries to remove them from the scene.


Anaphylaxis is a rare, life-threatening reaction to a substance that causes the widespread dysfunction of body systems.  It seems to me that this serious reaction is becoming more common.  Also, more types of substances create allergic reactions.  Certainly, reactions to such things as bee stings and nuts are more common now than they were during my own childhood.  Reactions to drugs are quite common also. Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis include:

  • Tightening of the airways and throat with, as a result, trouble breathing.
  • Coughing.
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Nausea or abdominal cramps.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness.
  • Mental confusion, headache, anxiety.
  • Weak, rapid pulse.
  • Drop in blood pressure.
  • Flushing, hives, itchiness.
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, and/or throat.
  • Seizure.
  • Loss of consciousness.

Headaches – Migraines Related to Allergies and Intolerances


The symptoms of intolerance often involve swelling and irritation of the face and sinus cavities.  Inflammation created by the immune response of white blood cells rushing to the scene creates irritation and swelling.  As a result, intolerance headaches are, quite often, sinus-type headaches rather than migraine-type headaches.  Full and congested sinuses irritate the trigeminal and facial nerves. Trigeminal and facial nerve pain can feel very much like a migraine.

Sinus Headaches

Sinus cavities are hollow air spaces lined with mucous membranes.  The purpose of mucus and mucous membranes is to catch airborne troublemakers of various kinds.  Sinus cavities open into the nose to allow incoming air to come into contact with these membranes before continuing on into the body. Sinus cavities are located in each cheekbone, behind the eyes, and behind the bridge of the nose.  There are even sinus cavities located in the forehead. The pain of an intolerance (remember, they are often called allergy) headache is usually localized over the sinus areas.  Most often the pain will be in the face rather than all over the head.  If the sinus cavities in the forehead are congested, the pain will feel much like a frontal headache. Many sinus headaches manifest on only one-side.  Because they are caused by the build-up of pressure in the sinus cavities, they are usually throbbing and very painful.

Sinus Headache Treatment

First, eliminate the body’s need to react – be intolerant (allergic) – to the substance.  This can be accomplished through energy work described later in this article.  I know because I have done this in my own life.  I suffered from a multitude of intolerance’s (allergies) as a child and young adult.  I am happy to report that I have no intolerance’s left, as far as I can tell. There are many drugs and medical treatments available.  In spite of my many original allergies, it has been 35 years since I have needed to resort to any of them.  Happy days! Second, avoid the allergens as much as possible until you can eliminate the reactions altogether. Specific alternative treatments will be given at the very end of this article.

Some ways to avoid allergens

  • Stay indoors as much as possible when pollen counts are high.  Pollen counts are, also higher during some seasons of the year that at other time.  Stay inside during times of the day when breezes or winds are likely to blow in the area in which you live.
  • Avoid using window fans.  These fans draw pollen’s and even mold spores into the house.
  • Wear fairly tight fitting glasses or sunglasses when outdoors.  This minimizes the amount of pollen that gets into the eyes.
  • Keep home and car windows closed.
  • Keep the humidity in your home and work environment low.  This will limit mold growth.  Use a dehumidifier, especially in basements and in damp, humid places, if necessary.
  • Clean bathrooms, the kitchen area, and basement rooms regularly to eliminate mold.  Cleaning with essential oils is an excellent way to kill mold and slow its re-occurrence.
  • Clean floors with a damp rag or a mop, rather than dry-dusting or sweeping.
  • Consider flooring choices.  Carpets are an allergen and dust magnets.
  • Make arrangements for someone else to take care of yard chores that may stir up dust, mold, or pollen.
  • Do not hang your clothes on a line outside.  Clothes hanging outside trap allergens and then bring them into your home.
  • Wash your bedding each week in hot water, then dry on high heat.  This will help to eliminate dust mites.
  • Wash your hands after touching any animal.  If a beloved pet lives in your home, at least keep it off your bed and out of your bedroom.


A true allergy to a substance often results in headaches and migraines.  Assume the headache/migraine is the result of an allergic reaction if it is accompanied by other symptoms of an allergic (not an intolerance) reaction – increased pulse, vision disturbances, heart palpitations –  or any of the symptoms of anaphylaxis. Please consider taking appropriate and rapid action. Migraine vs Sinus Headache

Another Variety of Substance-Related Headaches

According to the National Headache Foundation (NHF), the vast majority of foods that play a role in migraine headaches contain vasoactive or neuroactive amino acids.  Some such amino acids are tyramine, dopamine, phenylethylamine (a bio-synthesized – in other words, man-made – form of the amino acid, phenylalanine) and monosodium glutamate. Reactions to these substances, according to the National Headache Foundation, are not true allergic reactions.  Rather, the symptoms are created by either compromised arteries and veins (vasoactive) or stressed nerves (neuroactive) reactions to the amino-acid containing substance just ingested.  It is not that a person is allergic to these substances, the Headache Foundation claims. Scenario One:  Some of these substances cause blood vessels to dilate in susceptible people.  Too much blood accumulates in the brain at one time. Scenario Two:  Some of these substances in the food just ingested react with sensitive nerves in the brain, thus creating migraine headaches. It is likely that migraine sufferers already have overly-sensitive, stressed nervous systems and problems with the elasticity of veins and arteries.  Migraine sufferers are likely to be further annoyed by lights or even sounds once they have been triggered by any of these substances. These headaches are, usually, throbbing.  Oddly, they are, more often than not, one-sided.  Nausea usually accompanies these headaches, as does migraine auras.  They are, as explained above, a combination of circulatory compromise to the head and neck, which affects the nerves there, nervous system stress.

A Bit About These Amino Acids


Phenylalanine is an amino acid used by the body to make proteins and brain chemicals.  These proteins and chemicals include dopamine, adrenaline, and thyroid hormones, to name just a few.  Since our bodies cannot manufacture phenylalanine, we must obtain it in food.  Most foods that contain protein contain phenylalanine. A rare metabolic disorder called phenylketonuria, or PKU, occurs in people who cannot metabolize phenylalanine.  The inability to metabolize phenylalanine and can lead to irreversible mental retardation. People with PKU must eat a diet that avoids phenylalanine.  As you will see from the list of foods containing phenylalanine, this is a very difficult thing to do. Foods containing phenylalanine:  All types of meat, including chicken and fish.  Fish is particularly high in phenylalanine.  A single serving of most fish contains much more than the daily requirement of this amino acid.  Gelatin makes this list, also. It is made from meat protein.  Dairy products.  Cheese and milk, in particular, contain whopping amounts.  Cream and cream cheese, because of their fat content, contain lesser amounts.  Eggs, legumes, and nuts also contain large amounts of phenylalanine. If you search for lists of foods containing the amino acid, phenylalanine, you will find aspartame listed.  This is not exactly correct.  Aspartame does not contain naturally-occurring phenylalanine.  Aspartame contains the man-made, laboratory-produced phenylethylanine.  The ethyl instead of the a the middle constitutes a critical difference in the chemistry of these two very different substances.

My Own Experience with Phenylalanine/Phenylethylamine

I have suffered intensely from symptoms created by the ingestion of, or even exposure to, phenylethylamine for a great many years.  I will admit to you, right now and up front, that I don’t completely understand these reactions even after all these years and in spite of having had them pretty much under control for many years.  As you will see, I have more questions than answers about some of the information I have come across.  The information, from the best sources I can find, does not quite match my experience.

My symptoms, like any true allergy, progressed from fairly mild headaches and vision disturbances to intense migraines.  Eventually, my heart kicked in with palpitations and arrhythmias.  The heart reacted very badly to anything, airborne or ingested, that contained the man-made version of this amino acid.  Eventually, a heart valve weakened.  The heart, as a result of the valve prolapse, had to work harder.  Also, this weakened the heart muscle itself.  Yes, the situation was critical.

Strangely, only foods containing the laboratory imitation, Phenylethylamine, of this naturally occurring amino acid, phenylalanine,  triggered migraines and heart issues for me.  Most of the foods containing the real amino acid such as milk, meat, fish, chicken, dairy products, eggs, beans, and most nuts did not bother me not at all.  In fact, they were and are the mainstays of my daily diet.  I have had, in the past, lesser reactions to both walnuts and almonds, although they have not bothered me for many years now.  With what I know now, I speculate that it was the high tyramine content in those particular nuts, as well as in bananas and avocados (which always bothered me), that actually caused the reactions.  

Allergy or Reaction to a Laboratory-Produced Chemical (A Drug, in Other Words)

I am, quite obviously, not allergic to the natural amino acid that is found in foods.  Neither do they trigger migraines for me.  I can reach the top of my tolerance level, however, as anyone can. Were my extreme reactions to the man-made version of this amino acid allergic reactions?  They came with vision disturbances, heart palpitations, and increased pulse.  On occasion, they came very close to the signs of anaphylaxis.  Or is this unnatural substance vasoactive or neuroactive? Did one or both of those attributes, vasoactive and neuroactive, cause my problems?  It was allergy work, however, – done energy-style and not with drugs or medicines – that turned this situation around for me more than 20 years ago!  I have since rebuilt my cardiovascular system!  My daily exercise routine is pretty intense!  This 67-year-old woman – me – has the energy to spare most days.

A New Formula?

I avoid this nasty stuff whenever I can.  If I am exposed to it, the reactions have been, until recently, practically non-existent!  The last couple of years, however, I have begun having problems again.  It is my belief that the laboratory formula is being tweaked just a little bit, every now and then, and re-introduced to the market-place.  Why do I think so?  Because, if I routinely seek out new diet-light products and repeat the energy allergy work that I did years ago for that product, I can keep the reactions at bay.  If I get sloppy, a product nails me – to a lesser degree than in the past – once again. I know that energy work, once completed, is nearly always permanent.  My work for this substance did not need redoing for 20 years.  A change in the chemical formula is the only explanation I can come up with.  A few minutes, every few weeks, working on myself is a small price to pay to be migraine and heart-attack free!


Phenylethylamine is, most often, labeled simply phenylalanine.  This is confusing and, for me, a dangerous bit of mislabeling.  Aspartame –  and all of the artificial sweeteners that include it by whatever name they are marketed under -contain artificial, laboratory-produced phenylethylamine.  A great many things, in our world today, contain phenylethylamine marketed under one of its many pseudonyms.  Cough drops, cold medications, and anything labeled diet include this artificial substance. It is also an ingredient in bug repellents and sprays.  These, although not ingested are – for me, at least – every bit as deadly as artificial sweeteners.  In fact, they create a much harsher reaction in me these days than artificial sweeteners do.


Some foods naturally contain tyramine.  Once again, foods high in protein sometimes contain tyramine.  Meats that have been stored too long or at an insufficiently cold temperature may contain higher levels of tyramine than other meats.  Cured meats contain tyramine as do aged cheeses.  (Aged cheeses that were orange in color also used to bring on migraines for me. I think it was the dye since crackers and chips that were orange also bothered me a great deal.  Orange things no longer do that to me).  Eggs, beans, and meats such as fish and chicken.  Bananas and avocados were mentioned as being especially high in tyramine content. Like phenylalanine, tyramine is vaso- and neuro-active.  Like phenylalanine, tyramine requires an enzyme in order to be broken down properly in the body.  If you lack this enzyme or have too little of it for some reason, foods with tyramine may create headache or migraine problems for you. Certain drugs, called monoamine oxidase inhibitors, suppress the ability of this essential enzyme to break down tyramine.  Prozac and other anti-depressants suppress this enzyme.  Other side effects of these drugs, besides headaches, include dry mouth, nausea, bowel issues, drowsiness or insomnia, dizziness and light-headedness, involuntary muscle jerks, low blood pressure, weight gain, muscle cramps, and prickling or tingling sensations in the skin.  The early symptoms (or even more advanced signals) of anaphylaxis develop in very susceptible people.  These are NOT typical migraine symptoms.  Something else must be going on.  (Side note:  Never take these drugs along with anti-histamines!)

A Differing Opinion

Following a very interesting series of studies, Anne MacGregor, MD, Specialist in Headache and Women’s Health, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK, expressed the opinion that,  “. . . the symptoms of a tyramine-induced headache did not quite match the symptoms of migraine.  Patients taking MAOI who eat tyramine-containing foods not only get a headache, they also get a potentially life-threatening spike in blood pressure, inducing sweating, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and confusion.  Not symptoms that migraine sufferers typically experience during attacks.

Neither is the timing of symptoms quite right – tyramine headaches rapidly follow ingestion of the offending foods. As Dr. Hanington (another member of the team) said at the time: “If migraine victims eat these foods they will get blinding headaches within half an hour”.  Yet most migraine sufferers report that cheese and chocolate were ingested several hours or even the day before the headache started. And if tyramine is the culprit, sufferers should report attacks triggered by all foods containing tyramine, not just some.

Whatever the link between tyramine and migraine, too many people strictly avoid suspect foods without first discovering whether or not they contribute to their own headaches. While there are undoubtedly some migraine sufferers who have confirmed an unequivocal link between certain foods and migraine, the tyramine theory does little to establish a mechanism. Much more common dietary triggers are lack of food, missed meals and dehydration. Ensuring regular food intake is likely to be much more beneficial to most migraine sufferers than concern about the type of food eaten.” I found the above study and the summary of it extremely interesting.  Apparently, I am not the only one with more questions than answers.  I do know, however, that I have found sufficient answers over the years to walk away from migraine headaches.


Explaining dopamine gets a bit complicated, more so even than the information presented above.  Put simply, dopamine like tyramine is a monoamine neurotransmitter.  Through a series of reactions brought about by enzymes, tyramine is eventually converted to dopamine, then to norepinephrine, and finally to epinephrine – adrenaline, in other words.  Adrenaline, released into the bloodstream, makes many changes throughout the body.  Once again, like tyramine, you will run into trouble if you lack the enzymes to break dopamine down.  The same drugs mentioned above (tyramine section) negatively affect the breakdown of dopamine.

The findings of one major study:

  • Dopamine levels fall during a migraine attack, especially during an attack that triggers intense pain responses to touch (allodynia).
  • Dopamine levels spike when heat is applied to the forehead during a migraine attack.  The spike in dopamine also contributes to the intense pain sensation of allodynia. Apparently, both highs and lows create overly sensitive pain responses.
  • Between headaches, migraine sufferers experience stable dopamine levels.
  • The longer a person has been suffering migraines, the less dopamine will be released during the pain phase of a migraine.
  • These findings explain, at least in part, why migraine sufferers are sometimes very sensitive to non-painful things such as smells, light, sounds, and even very light touches to their bodies.

The doctor conducting this study concludes that “This dopamine reduction and fluctuation during the migraine attack is your brain telling you that something is not going well internally and that you need time to heal by forcing you to slow down go to a dark room and avoid any kind of stimulation.”  Perhaps, he is right.  Or perhaps, your body is telling you to find a better way than drugs (with their side-effects) to deal with the original problem.  Or maybe the depression is only the symptom of some other original problem such as mineral deficiencies.

Another Drug Connection

According to DaSilva and co-authors:  “Interestingly, migraine has been associated with a higher prevalence of DA-deficient (Dopamine) disorders including Parkinson disease and restless leg syndrome.  Yet, in emergency care departments, DA receptor antagonists are commonly prescribed to provide relief to children and adults during attacks.  DA function in acute migraine and treatment in vivo are unknown.” Please think the above statement through to its conclusion.  It seems to me that DaSilva just said that, too often, if you turn up at an emergency room with a migraine (as members of my family routinely did over the years), you will likely be prescribed a drug that contributes to the very dopamine deficiencies that are driving your migraine – at least some of your migraines. It also sounds like she is saying that the association of migraines with dopamine-deficiency disorders like Parkinson’s disease is, in her opinion at least, more than casually connected to these drugs.  Once again, it appears that a “cure” that involves drugs may be bringing about more and worse troubles in the long run.  Isn’t it time we find answers to health problems that don’t involve drugs every time that we possibly can?  Or, at least, stop persecuting those who are trying to find such answers. Foods containing dopamine are exactly the same as the lists, above, for foods containing phenylalanine and tyramine.  Interestingly, the focus of the medical profession seems to be on eating more foods containing dopamine than on avoiding dopamine-containing foods.  Dopamine improves mood, among other things, if it isn’t a trigger for a migraine.  Since, under specific and not well-understood circumstances, both rising and falling dopamine levels trigger pain, I don’t know what to think, either.

Possible Solutions

This section will include suggestions for headaches as well as some of the other symptoms related to food and/or chemical sensitivities.  It will be necessary, at times, to distinguish between more dangerous allergic reactions – increased pulse, heart palpitations vision disturbances, and the risk of anaphylaxis –  and simple intolerance’s – what we often call allergies – to certain substances.


The usual recommendations for these headaches are more drugs!  I count my blessings that I recognized fairly early in my life that my reaction to drugs was, more often than not, migraines.  My reactions to drugs forced me to walk away from drugs, any drugs, as solutions to migraines and just about anything else.  What a blessing this being shoved (reluctantly, at first, I must admit) into the alternative world has been for me and mine! Most of the time, doctors and even those looking at alternative solutions recommend trying to avoid the foods and other substances that trigger the migraines.  I tried that.  Didn’t work for me!  I kept getting triggered.  Each reaction was worse than the one before it.  When my heart got involved in the reactions, things got really scary!  I had to find other answers.  Fortunately, information about a strange sounding “energy class” came to my attention.  Four times in one week!  I enrolled.  I almost walked away from the class after the first two hours of strangeness.  However, the urge to stay – the whisperings (more like shouts) of the Spirit – was stronger.  I began to find answers in that class.

The Solutions I Found

I surely do wish that I had found them sooner in my life.  I am certainly, however, grateful for the changes that knowing them has been in my life for many years now! Were my over-the-top reactions to fly sprays, antibiotics, dental deadening drugs, avocados, bananas, melons, almonds, a great many pollen’s, and grasses all allergies?  Or, were some of theses reactions actual allergies and some others of them tied, as discussed above, to the vasoactive and neuroactive properties of the foods and the man-made substances I was ingesting?  Were the allergy pills I all but lived on as a child part of the equation?  Did my mother’s constant turning to antibiotics – both shots and pills – up until I began reacting so badly to them, play a part in my later intolerance for antibiotics and other drugs? As I have indicated previously, even after all these years of research and study I still have more questions than answers.

Energy Allergy Work

Regardless of whether my reactions – all or part of them – were allergies, intolerance’s, or related to vasoactive or neuroactive ingredients,  energy allergy work gave me my life back.  Energy work, quite possibly, saved my life.  I was already doing the other things mentioned below when I discovered energy work for allergies.  I believe each thing I tried helped a great deal.  They were not, however, enough to entirely fix my problems or repair the damage to my heart without the realignment of my energy system that the energy allergy work provided. What Kind of Energy Allergy Work Did I Do?  There was not just one kind.  I met and took classes from, several people in the same year or so who were doing various types of energy work.

“Triggering” in Order to Work with Allergies and Intolerances

Energy-type work with allergies or intolerance’s is a specialized skill.  Not all energy classes include work with true allergies.  Some energy modalities still teach that the allergic reaction must be “triggered” and active in order to be worked with.  That is simply not so, in my experience.  In fact, triggering a true allergic response in some people is both dangerous and unnecessary.  The best and safest, way to do this work is to do it when a reaction is NOT taking place.  Our bodies are extremely intelligent and can find the offending energy pattern in the body from previous reactions very well even when that reaction is not currently active at the moment. The “allergy work” that was effective for me involved the holding of meridian points (usually endpoints).  The elimination of some emotional drivers to my own health and well-being was, as well, absolutely essential.

Please do not assume, from what I have said here, that the holding of endpoints alone is a solution to either allergies or anaphylactic shock.  It is NOT!  There is almost always a great deal of work to be done both to eliminate the reactions and to retune and repair the body.

Chrysalis Energy Work

The Chrysalis series of classes taught at Butterfly Expressions, LLC, includes allergy energy work as I do it.  In these classes, we utilize information from several energy modalities.  We also teach classes on herbal remedies, essential oils, and homeopathy. The allergy part of this class is somewhat similar to NAET, as I understand NAET.  The entire class series – and the allergy part – also includes bits of what I have learned from studying EFT (Emotional Freedom Training) and what I have learned from several other modalities over the years.  The program makes use of liver cleansing and rebuilding herbs and oils, as well as homeopathic remedies and essential oils.

Suggested Remedies for Intolerance Symptoms

Intolerances as Auto-immune Disorders

Many of the remedies listed in this section are for the strengthening of the immune system, rather than for dealing with the symptoms of an allergic reaction.  These remedies will be nutritional in nature.  Actually, filling nutritional deficiencies in the body is almost always the manner in which herbal remedies work. Allergies almost always indicate a confused and weak immune system.  The body is recognizing perfectly innocuous substances as dangerous or toxic.  It then initiates a response meant to clear that substance from the body.  The skin and various mucous membranes provide exit points and act as eliminative organs.  The miserably uncomfortable reactions most people refer to as seasonal allergies result.  Symptoms often include skin irritations, as well.

Remedies for Intolerance Reactions

Remember, intolerance symptoms are what the world at large refer to as allergies.  The remedies below are for those nasty symptoms.  They are not – usually – indicated for the more serious “allergic” responses that involve the nervous system and can become frightening, even life-threatening, very quickly.  Suggestions for true allergies are listed later in this article.

Herbal Remedies


Butterfly carries two excellent product for sinus issues.  These are SN and EUST.  I would use EUST if there is mucus draining down the back of the throat and SN for every other type of sinus congestion or symptom.  Take these remedies with an infection-fighting formula.  This is particularly important if an infection is suspected, as well.

Bee Pollen

I am going to restate what I said about this amazing substance in my book, Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies, almost in its entirety. Bee Pollen is a nearly perfect food.  Bee pollen contains more than 96 identified nutrients.  These nutrients include everything known to be necessary to sustain life and achieve health. The nutrients in Bee Pollen include 22 amino acids, all of the identified vitamins, folic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes, and all of the trace minerals essential to the body.  Some of these substances are very important to health.  The body does not manufacture several of these substances within itself.  Bee Pollen also contains all of the major antioxidants that science has identified. Bee Pollen is approximately 40% protein. The body readily absorbs these proteins. Well-nourished bodies cope more easily with high levels of stress, are more resistant to disease, have fewer allergies, and enjoy increased levels of energy, stamina, and endurance. As a younger woman, I took Bee Pollen during the winter for several years.  I had been told that this would make the upcoming spring allergy season easier.  I found that to be true. There was a  noticeable difference—for the worse—in the years that I forgot until the allergy season was already underway.  Eventually, with liver cleansing, other remedies in addition to the Bee Pollen, and energy work, my allergies almost completely disappeared.  I no longer think in terms of “allergy seasons”. Scientists have tried to create a synthetic form of Bee Pollen. While the synthetic product seems to be identical in components and molecular structure to natural Bee Pollen, when it was fed to worker bees, the bees died within a week. Synthetic nutrients do not nourish. Apparently, only God can make a tree or the nutrients that plants provide.

Brigham Tea

Brigham Tea is a distant American relative of the Chinese herb, MaHuang that is no longer available to us in the United States.  This herb, taken regularly, stimulates the immune system.  It is effective in reducing allergy symptoms for the upcoming season if you start taking it as the new year begins. If you wait to start drinking it until the allergies are upon you, it is probably too late to do as much good as it might have as a preventative for the current season.  It is, however, a pleasant though mild decongestant.


This combination remedy, in previous days, was call Allergies.  The AL tincture should be taken three times a day.  Like the two remedies discussed above, a person should begin at least a couple of months before the anticipated allergy season – or just all of the time if the allergies are on-going in any season.  It may be taken right along with Bee Pollen, Brigham Tea and any of the remedies discussed below.


CC, formerly called Children’s Compound, is one of my favorite combination tinctures.  It is equally as effective for adults as for children.  Elderflower, mullein, peppermint, red clover, and yarrow make up the ingredient list of CC.  These are some of the most effective herbs for clearing excess amounts of mucus.  The herbs in this formula are particularly potent and pleasant when made using glycerin as the base. Vegetable glycerin has some properties of its own that mix well with these herbs, enhancing the medicinal properties of both the glycerin and the herbs. The glycerin tincture also tastes more pleasant than the alcohol version.


Building the immune system can be a slow process. Take IB, formerly known as Immune Builder, faithfully for several months to achieve optimum results.  IB is made as a glycerite tincture.  Take it in fairly large quantities so as to build the immune system more rapidly.

KNA and MIN 

These two tincture combinations are among the most nutritious formulas at Butterfly Express.  A well-nourished body has the building blocks that it needs to function at its best! The herbs found in KNA are particularly high in absorbable calcium, natural iron that does not cause constipation, iodine, vitamin C, and vitamin A.  In addition, Alfalfa contains a lot of a very usable form of protein, which is unusual in herbs.  MIN contains the same three herbs—Dulse, Nettles, and Alfalfa—as KNA.  In addition, MIN contains herbs for hormone balance, calming the nerves, strengthening the pancreas, and supporting the kidneys.  I have so much more energy when I make use of these two amazingly nutritious supplements.


WC is an excellent expectorant.  Expectorants liquefy mucous in the body.  WC is especially effective for issues in the throat, lungs, and sinuses.  Mucous in a more liquid state absorbs or is eliminated more easily by the body.  The body’s needs and state of health dictate the method of removal of the mucus.

An Herbal Cleanse – Gentle and Effective

My book, Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies, details a cleanse program that was very helpful to me in my own recovery from seasonal allergies.

Essential Oil Suggestions


Diffuse or use in a humidifier.  Decongests and clears respiratory passages.  I especially like LeAspire when there is congestion in the lungs.


LeBreezey opens bronchial and sinus passages very effectively.  In addition, it is an excellent immune stimulant.


LeAcknowledge has a gentle cleansing effect on the liver.  Allergies often indicate a confused and out-of-balance immune system.  LeAcknowledge strengthens the immune system.  Because of this, it may be useful for allergies and other mild immune system dysfunctions.  Strengthening the immune system is the strength of this blend, rather than the clearing of the respiratory passages.  The aroma of this blend is very pleasant. Wear it as a perfume.  Enjoy it diffused in your home.


Many times the balancing of all of the chakras eliminates or minimizes any allergic reaction. I have seen the application of this blend to the thymus area and to the small of the back bring relief from reactions to essential oils and other substances very quickly.

LeSego Lily

LeSego Lily is a blend for skin care and health.  It is very nice in the treatment of hives and allergic rashes.  Apply with a carrier oil, also. When used for calming hives and allergic reactions, a more emollient carrier oil containing jojoba, apricot, or rosehip oils would be most beneficial.

LeBaby Me

LeBaby Me is another excellent blend for skin reactions.  However, it has some wonderful emotional aspects.  It has been my experience (in my own life) that reactions to things other people find unoffensive often has emotional triggers and drivers.  LeBaby Me brings feelings of acceptance of self and connection to others.  This blend accentuates willingness to give, as well as benefit from, our relationships.


LeRevitalize cleanses the liver.  It does this gently and steadily.  Liver congestion is often a key factor in intolerance (allergic, in everyday terminology) reactions.  Use this blend regularly to, eventually, eliminate reactions to foods and chemicals.  LeRevitalize is an excellent blend for lymphatic congestion and to balance the immune system.  When the immune system is out-of-balance, it tends to interpret perfectly normal things as a danger to the body, reacting accordingly with symptoms and discomfort. This wonderful blend replenishes inner stores of strength and stamina.


LeSeasons is amazing for clearing out the sinuses and for relieving a sinus headache. This blend should be used for colds, allergies, sinus congestion, and sinus headaches.

Chamomile Roman

Chamomile Roman is an antihistamine.  It is also soothing to inflamed and irritated tissues.  Allergy sufferers can find a great deal of relief by carrying an inhaler or just a few drops of this oil on a tissue or cotton ball.  This essential oil cleanses the blood and reduces allergic reactions when used, either alone or in blends, regularly.  Any blend containing Chamomile Roman will be excellent.


The properties of elemi as similar to frankincense.  However, elemi adds a citrusy aroma to the spicy/peppery tones of frankincense.  Elemi, diluted, is an excellent treatment for allergic rashes of any kind.  Blends containing elemi are a great way to enjoy this oil as well.

There are a great many more essential oils, both blends, and singles, that are useful for allergic reactions.  The ones discussed above are just a few of my favorites.  

Homeopathics (Blessed Waters) Low Potency Combination

Low potency combination remedies are a good way to become acquainted with homeopathics and blessed water remedies.  They often bring relief from symptoms very quickly.  Deeper and more permanent healing, however, may require the use of higher potency remedies one at a time.

Allergies #1

Symptoms include respiratory distress, rashes, itching eyes, gout, joint pain, hives, itchy blister, and burning pain in the throat.

Allergies #2

This remedy acts, particularly, on the nervous system.  Outstanding symptoms are pain along the spine and constriction and a feeling of paralysis in the throat.  Other strengths of this formula include working with light sensitivity, burning and inflamed eyes, extreme neuralgic headaches, difficult respiration, pulmonary distress, and chronic dermatitis.

Allergies #3

Although containing only two ingredients, this remedy covers more symptoms of hay fever than any other low potency combination remedy that I know of.

Allergies #4

Specific to allergies to animal hair but often used for other allergies, also, when the symptoms fit the picture.  This very effective formula covers a multitude of symptoms.  Five very different single remedies make up this blend.  Some of these symptoms are respiratory distress, rashes, itching eyes, a mucous buildup in the chest, profound prostration, as well as extreme coldness and weakness.

Allergies #5 

 Specific to reactions to mold, yeast, or dust.  The major symptoms addressed by this remedy are for lung complaints and chronic rashes.  Other symptoms include edema, hives, and redness of the eyelids.

Homeopathics (Blessed Waters) Single Higher Potency Remedies

Allium Cepa

Symptoms include eyes that are sensitive to light with burning, headache, a pressure in the middle of the chest with difficulty breathing, every sort of basic hay fever symptom with discharges being particularly watery and acidic, and skin rashes.

Apis Mellifica

Specific to allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings.  Symptoms include allergic edema of the face and eyelids, swelling and puffing up of various parts of the body, and inflammation of the kidneys.  Hurried and difficult breathing.  The allergic reaction creates swelling in the throat.  In addition, the nose becomes red, swollen, and inflamed.  Allergic dermatitis, especially with intolerable itching at night, responds to this remedy.

Arsenicum album

Symptoms include those of typical hay fever.  Constricted air passage with shortness of breath keynotes this remedy.  The chest will be tight with darting pain through the upper third of the right lung.  Anxiety, restlessness, and nervous irritability keynote this remedy, especially where heart and lung symptoms are concerned.  There are a lot of various types of headaches as the result of allergic reactions in this remedy’s symptom picture.  The liver and spleen of the person who would benefit from Arsenicum are almost always unusually large and painful.  In an odd pattern, skin symptoms seem to alternate with the lung symptoms.

Euphrasia officinalis

Allergies are listed as a specific for this remedy, especially those allergies where the eyes are prominently involved.  Burning and swelling of the eyelids.  Sensation as though there was sand in the eyes.  Eyes water continuously.  Stuffy head with accompanying catarrhal headache.  Hay fever and allergies produce profuse, bland, fluent discharges.


Sulphur is a polycrest remedy for various allergy symptoms.  Chest involvement in the allergic reaction will be oppressive, as though there is a weight on the chest.  Alternatively, there may be shooting pains that move from front to back when coughing or attempting to breathe deeply.  Heat and burning in the eyes with burning and ulceration at the margins of the eyelids.  Constant heat at the top of the head, often with the feet being very cold.  The skin will itch and burn, especially when scratched.

Remedies for More Serious Allergic Reactions

It needs to be said before any remedies at all are suggested, that when a person is going into anaphylactic shock, any remedies given should be given while on the way – the very speedy way – to competent medical help!  Anaphylactic shock is life-threatening.  This means that it can kill!  In addition, it can kill very quickly. However, if a person has been working on their allergic reactions using energy work and alternative remedies for cleansing and fine-tuning the body for quite some time and the initial reactions have become milder than they have been in the past, alternative remedies may be all that a person needs.  Nevertheless, it is advisable to be on your way to medical help immediately, anyway, with the remedies in your hand.  Have a remedy kit always available (and filled) in your home where you can grab it quickly. A medical bill is far preferable to death.  You can always turn around and go home if things settle down on their own or as a result of the alternative remedies that you gave. DO NOT take risks with allergic-type reactions – EVER!  You can always turn around and go home if things settle down.

Homeopathics (Blessed Waters)

The first response to an allergic (any stage of anaphylaxis) reaction should be homeopathic! (or Blessed Waters)  That is because these energetic based remedies work immediately!  

Rescue Remedy

First, foremost, and frequently.  This is the most effective remedy that I have ever found for emergency use.  This formula, quite literally, aids the body is staying earthbound and sensible of its surroundings during extreme emergencies.  In the case of an extreme allergic reaction, the immediate ingestion or application of Rescue Remedy may be an important factor in buying a few minutes of extra time in which to reach medical assistance. Anyone who tends to severe allergic reactions should have this remedy on their person at all times.  I have carried one with me for years now!  In addition, removing the last bottle from my alternative remedy supplies in my kitchen is an absolute no-no! Unfortunately, there is always a “first” such extreme reaction.  Have this remedy on hand at all times.  Anything in which extreme pain and/or shock is experienced fits the picture of Rescue RemedyRescue Remedy has been a blessing to my family in many situations.  It has also been sorely missed when it has not been available in an emergency situation.

Arsenicum album

Symptoms include tightness in the chest with visible heart palpitations and a rapid pulse.  Heat around the ears.  Other symptoms include shortness of breath, cyanosis, difficulty swallowing, cold sweats, and vertigo with confusion.

Apis mellifica

Swelling of the eyes, airways, and anywhere and everywhere else.  There may be difficulty breathing due to the swelling.  Apis is specific to allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings and to anything that presents in a similar fashion to a typical bee sting.  Symptoms include swelling and puffing up, itching, heart palpitations, and hot skin.

Rhus toxicodendron

Poison oak provides the beginnings of this remedy.  Symptoms are similar to an ordinary reaction to exposure to this plant.  These symptoms will include, also extreme skin reactions such as rashes and itching.  There may be a headache, heat in the tissues, with sweating.  With allergic reactions, there will likely be nervous system issues such as heart palpitations, trembling, mental confusion, and headaches.

Urtica Urens

Specific to reactions to eating shellfish.  Using this remedy prophylactically has been known to eliminate the reactions altogether.  Symptoms include hives, itching, red blotches, and throat constriction.  This remedy is also excellent for allergies to bee and wasp stings.

Cantharis vesicatoria

Burning and swelling of tissues is the keynote of this remedy.  Specific to kidney stress and/or compromise from allergic reactions.  There will be violent burning and cutting pains in the neck of the bladder along with the other symptoms of allergic reaction and impending shock.

Carbolicum acidum

For the more serious reactions such as shock, collapse, stupor, feeble pulse, stressed breathing.  Materia Medicas list Carbolicum acidum as a specific for anaphylaxis.  This remedy acts strongly on the nervous system.  Symptoms will include cold hands, cold feet, and cold sweat.  Profound prostration with complete collapse is seen.  This is an extreme emergency situation. Please administer along with Rescue Remedy and seek medical help immediately.

Herbals Remedies


The most important herbal remedy for shock is CayenneCayenne can be administered straight.  I prefer it in that amazing formula we call HVC—honey, apple cider vinegar, and Cayenne.  Unless you keep some made up in your fridge for everyday use, it is not likely that you will have some on hand.  Do not delay seeking medical help to make some up!  Cayenne tincture or cayenne powder stirred into water will do.  It doesn’t take much.  Giving too much will not be better and may cause the person to vomit, making matter worse.  3 to 5 drops of cayenne tincture is usually sufficient.

Essential Oil Suggestions


This blend might be useful initially.  I would certainly have the person inhale it immediately.  However, the use of this essential oil long-term should strengthen both the immune system and the nervous system, thus making reactions in the future less likely and less severe if they do occur.


This blend should be in your “Go” bag for allergic reactions.  Many times the balancing of all of the chakras – which LeUnity accomplishes – eliminates or minimizes any allergic/intolerance reactions.  LeUnity, applied or inhaled immediately, may very well moderate the reaction very quickly.  Nevertheless, as I have said before and repeatedly, be on your way to competent medical help immediately.


Use Melissa essential oil for hypertension and heart palpitations.  Conditions where the heart is overstimulated and behaving erratically respond well to this remedy.  I love the aroma of Melissa oil.  It has a delicate lemony scent.  It has a revitalizing, yet calming, effect on both the body and the spirit.


Neroli is especially useful for the aftermath of a serious allergic reaction.  It has a profound influence on the heart.  Following a serious allergic reaction, neroli can, emotionally, alleviate feelings of anxiety and panic while, at the same time, helping calm any leftover palpitations or erratic heartbeat patterns.  Neroli is also an excellent oil for any skin condition.

Once again, while these essential oils are helpful in the initial stages of a reaction, they are most helpful when used to strengthen and balance the body against future incidents.  Please consider – and seek – medical help as needed.  

This blog is part of a series on headaches.  This series includes. . . .

Headaches - IntroductionHeadaches - Emotions Headaches - Endocrine System Headaches - Dehydration Headaches - Hormones Headaches - Hyperglycemia Headaches - Structural Headaches - Sinus & Allergy Headaches - Sleep & Cluster Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM - Introduction TCM - Meridians TCM - Gallbladder/Liver TCM - Bladder/Kidney TCM - Large Intestine/Lung TCM - Stomach/Spleen TCM Triple warmer Pericardium TCM - Small Intestine/Heart TCM - Governing/Central

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