An allergy is an inappropriate response by the body to a substance that is not harmful to most people. The immune system, which is supposed to protect us from toxins and pathogens, wrongly identifies a substance as harmful to us and goes into action. The response can be anywhere from mildly annoying to symptoms severe enough to create anaphylactic shock. These types of allergies may begin with only mild symptoms but grow worse with each reaction; they are NOT something that a person typically grows out of.
When I saw this month’s topic I got very excited. Allergies can be devastating and have a nasty effect on trying to live life and enjoy it! I had so many allergies—an unbelievable number and to a wide variety of substances—during my childhood and early adulthood. If it blew on the wind, if it was meant to be consumed in a raw or natural state such as watermelon or nearly every kind of vegetable or fruit, or if it was a drug of any sort—even such things as antibiotics, dental deadening, and mouthwashes—I was going to react to it in some uncomfortable or dangerous way. Oh, the list could go on and on! I spent my life either in misery from one allergy or another or I was sleepy from the allergy pills I was taking. Trips to the dentist’s office became scary for me and for the dentist! Eventually, I even started to react to allergy pills of every variety.
As with all true allergies, the reactions to many of my ‘triggers’ got worse with time—much worse, involving my heart in scary ways!
Who am I today as far as allergies are concerned? I have none and haven’t had for many years! I eat whatever I want. Do you have any idea how enjoyable a piece of watermelon or a raw carrot tastes these days? Or how fun it is to be outdoors. I don’t even worry about bee stings these days! If I feel the slightest itch in my throat or eyes or any other allergic-type reaction I simply go back to the things I know. Many of those things will be talked about in this article.
Side Note: Having had some scary reactions to antibiotics and other types of drugs in the past and having lived so many years without them, I can’t really say for sure whether they are still a problem or not. I suspect those allergies have also gone away. I took 2 antibiotic pills and 1 painkiller a while ago (the first of either in 40 years) after some extensive dental work. No reaction at all!
New LeGuardian Essential Oil Blend
LeBeGone Soap
LeBreezey Rub
Raw Honey
March Essential Oils
Featured Herbs
Featured Blessed Waters
Eucalyptus Collection
Blend – LeRevitalize
Single – Chamomile German
Black Cumin Carrier Oil
Allergies Kit
I am, personally VERY excited about this new blend! Its ingredients are Daffodil, Geranium, Rose de Mai, Rose Geranium, Ginger, and Sage. It takes a great oil blender (and a brave one) to consider adding ginger and sage to a blend of light, top-note flower oils like the four such oils contained in this very unique blend! Apparently, Butterfly Express has one such very talented person on staff AND she loves to create oil blends! (Way to go, Sarah!)
I believe this wonderful blend is going to become one of my favorites for diffusing, wearing, and bathing. I could certainly use my mind sharpened, my concentration and memory boosted, my intuition enhanced and, at this time, some grief and sorrowful emotions uplifted. I expect, from my experience so far with this blend to find that it is an excellent ‘energy shield’ and will promote the positive aspects of intuition and listening to the Spirit that I treasure and seek.
The sage in this blend is considered around the world to be a “master healer”. This is because it has positive effects on the nervous system, the lymphatic system, as well as the pelvic organs. Sage, having a very strong aroma, must be added in just the right amount and in just the right place in a blend. Otherwise, it overwhelms the other ingredients. This has certainly been accomplished in this LeGuardian blend!
Essential oils derived from flowers are always considered to be, first and foremost, blends for emotional health and equilibrium, although they each have physical characteristics as well.
Daffodil: This beautiful flower reminds us to slow down and allow fun and spontaneity into our lives. Amazingly, daffodil has a sedating effect on the organs of the body, as well. Daffodil is known for relieving spasms in the digestive tract, the respiratory system, and the nervous system. The aroma of this delightful essential oil can help a person to relax into sleep, particularly if your sleep is disturbed due to pain and/or stress.
Geranium: Claims from reliable sources have been made for geranium oil to be able to actively regenerate both tissues and nerves. Emotionally, geranium acts to sweep away negative patterns and do this despite our desire to hang on to them for one reason or another. In or out of a blend, geranium is a good choice for nervous fatigue where the body is exhausted but the mind just won’t let the body set still and rest. An excellent oil for the control of mood swings!
Rose Geranium: One aspect of Rose Geranium’s emotional pattern makes it useful for those who feel burdened by, or resentful of, the necessity to work so very hard that there is little time for activities they want to enjoy. The situation they see themselves in may, of course, be real or imaginary. Rose Geranium stimulates the immune system and balances hormones, especially in women.
Rose de Mai: This rose oil has an aroma that many, including myself, that is closer to the true scent of the fresh rose. Rose de Mai is helpful for depression, grief, anxiety, and anger. All rose variety oils are considered to “open the heart”. As such, they are some of the best oils to use in times of emotional crisis or grief. Physically, this rose has a pronounced effect on the skin and on the capillaries just below the skin. Many essential oils are of benefit to the skin but this rose oil seems to be particularly used for very sensitive skin.
It is an amazing thing when you can have an insect repellent that also has a beneficial effect on negative emotions such as depression and anger. It is especially nice when you can enjoy that healing aroma in your bath and body soap. LeBeGone Essential Oil, and this soap made with LeBeGone essential oil blend, is also great for lymphatic drainage and for the kidneys.
LeBreezey opens bronchial and sinus passages very effectively. Besides being very effective in times of illness, LeBreezey is an excellent respiratory tonic and immune stimulant. It has viral-fighting and tissue-rebuilding properties, especially for the lung and bronchial tissues. This blend should also be tried for colds, asthma, allergies, sinus congestion, and flu.
LeBreezey Rub works similar to a vapor rub for the chest. It is made with menthol crystals and a combination of essential oils and herbs that affect the lungs. It can be used for any respiratory ailment including colds and respiratory flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and allergies, and sinus congestion.
Raw honey, such as that sold at Butterfly Express, is one of nature’s purest foods. Commercial honey (the kind you find in most grocery stores) has been filtered and pasteurized, which destroys most of its nutritional value. Raw honey is honey that is pure, unheated, unpasteurized, and unprocessed, preserving all the natural vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients, and other nutritional elements found in honey.
Raw honey contains many amino acids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes. In fact, the live enzyme content of honey is one of the highest of all foods. Raw honey will also contain bee pollen and propolis, which have their own health benefits. Bee pollen is a super nutritious compound, containing all the nutrients required by the human body. It is a source of vitamins, minerals, beneficial fatty acids, carotenoids, and bioflavonoids, and is about 40% protein. Raw honey is alkaline-forming.
Raw honey is mainly used as a natural sweetener. It has a lower glycemic index than sugar, and is a great natural energy source.
Raw honey has many therapeutic properties and a lot of scientific research has been done on its many uses.
Some of the health benefits of raw honey: Strengthens the immune system, provides natural allergy relief (in some cases eliminating the allergy altogether), boosts energy and endurance, is beneficial in the treatment of ulcers, wounds, and minor burns, works as an expectorant, has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, and is a natural sleep aid.
Relieving allergy symptoms is only one of the many respiratory conditions that respond readily and well to LeAspire. This is one of the very first blends ever created at Butterfly Express. LeAspire was formulated to open the airways and relieve congestion in the lungs. It matters little whether the symptoms are being created by an allergic reaction or invading pathogens.
LeAspire is an excellent expectorant, aiding the body in the thinning and discharge of phlegm and mucous. This blend also has antispasmodic properties, making it effective in quieting coughs, especially the hacking dry ones.
A little side note: LeAspire has proven useful in dissolving bone spurs!
LeSeasons is a simple, but delightful, blend with astonishing synergy! Synergy is defined as putting oils together in such a way that they are far more than ‘the sum of their parts’ in their effectiveness in healing and balancing the body mentally, emotionally, and physically.
In LeSeasons, Lemon works gently to detoxify the body and restore the natural flow of lymph. Lavender provides a calming presence, offering a sense of unwavering support from those who love and care for us. Meanwhile, Peppermint stimulates the mind, opening it to fresh ideas and new possibilities.
The true strength of LeSeasons lies in its Lemon Myrtle component. With potent antibacterial, germicidal, and antioxidant properties, Lemon Myrtle boasts an impressive 95% citral content—far exceeding Lemon essential oil (5%) and even Lemongrass (65%). One study suggests that citral may help combat cell damage associated with aspirin use. Additionally, research highlights its relaxing, even sedative effects, as well as its potential role in fat metabolism and weight loss.
This blend was originally created for use with full-body massage. It does have amazing skincare properties. Some people even claim this blend promotes skin elasticity, slowing the process of aging and smoothing out wrinkles. LeSego Lily, combined with an emollient carrier oil, brings relief from the itching of hives and allergic rashes. The black cumin oil discussed later in this article would be an excellent carrier oil choice.
I love writing these articles because it gives me an excuse to sit around and look up new studies on products I only think I already understand well. Today’s research brought me to a study that indicated (claimed) that lavender has strong and unique anti-inflammatory properties when it comes to relieving mucous congestion and inflammation in the lungs as the result of an allergic reaction. Another site listed lavender oil as a natural antihistamine. These studies certainly back up my long-held belief that lavender oil relieves a great many symptoms of allergic reactions.
Lemon Essential Oil works as a natural antihistamine. Like lavender, lemon thins mucous created by allergic reactions. This allows the lymph system to more easily handle and eliminate the stuffiness and lung congestion of allergic reactions.
Diffused, lemon oil can help clear the sinuses and reduce congestion. Lemon is a ‘light’ and emotionally uplifting essential oil. It is the final ‘top’ note in a great many Butterfly blends. Why? Because I love its properties and how it completes a blend while providing both physical and emotional benefits to the user.
Tea Tree is a very popular essential oil! Personally, I have never been fond of the aroma. However, this essential oil can destroy a wide variety of the airborne pathogens that trigger allergic responses in so many people! Diffusing or inhaling the aroma of tea tree essential oil can help reduce congestion, sneezing, and a host of other allergy symptoms. Tea Tree, applied topically, has been shown to reduce histamine-induced skin inflammation. I would strongly recommend the use of an emollient carrier oil for this type of application.
Tea Tree can prevent sepsis in wounds. Used to treat wounds, boils, sores, cuts, insect bites, and stings, Tea Tree has been in use as an antiseptic for centuries. It was used by soldiers and sailors in World War II in the treatment of tropical infections.
Allergies, like acne, begin in the liver and the colon, and this is where the fight against them must be fought in order to win! The AL tincture is composed of very nutritious herbs that mildly cleanse and greatly support the liver, colon, and kidneys.
The AL tincture should be taken—dosage being a dropperful three times a day—beginning at least a couple of months before the anticipated allergy season—or all year around if you have food allergies that are constant. It is also very helpful to take Bee Pollen capsules at the same time. During the heyday of my own allergies, I started the AL tincture and the Bee Pollen in February to prepare for spring and summer. Eventually, the remedies, internal cleansing programs, and energy work freed me from allergy-related suffering. Lots of vitamin C can be helpful during an acute allergy attack.
No herbal remedy will really work well, long- or short-term if you are still eating a predominantly acidic or unhealthy diet!
AD is a formula designed to support and nourish the adrenal glands. Perhaps you are wondering what the adrenal glands have to do with allergies. The adrenal glands and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (and the rest of the organs and glands that make up the immune system) interact in complex ways to regulate allergic responses. The following is a brief explanation of these complicated interactions.
Most allergies bring about the release of histamine and other substances that produce inflammation and create mucus, etc. Cortisol, one of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands, is strongly anti-inflammatory in so many ways. Those who suffer from environmental or food allergies often experience adrenal fatigue. They find themselves caught in a vicious cycle that begins with reduced cortisol levels. Insufficient cortisol results in inflamed tissues in susceptible areas of the body (lungs, throat, eyes, and/or the skin). The adrenals recognize the problem and try even harder to produce sufficient cortisol. However, without the vitamins and minerals they need, the adrenals fail. This inevitably leads to a worsening of adrenal fatigue and to bigger and nastier allergic reactions.
Once again, this month’s newsletter is featuring a remedy that is highly anti-inflammatory in nature. Goldenrod is being discussed here in the herbal section of this article. However, Butterfly Express also provides this gentle but effective herb as an essential oil!
The Swiss Pharmacopoeia lists goldenrod as a support for the cardiovascular system. It also credits this wonderful herb with strengthening the urinary tract as well as improving liver functions. I love this herb because it also improves lymphatic drainage, especially when there is mucous in the sinuses or in the bronchial tubes of the lung. In addition, goldenrod is soothing and nourishing to the digestive tract.
It is interesting to note that the medicinal properties of this oil were so well recognized that its name, Solidago, was derived from the Latin word solide which literally means “to make whole.” In America, Goldenrod tea is still sometimes referred to as “Liberty Tea.” This reflects its use by the colonists as a substitute for the English tea that was being taxed by the king before the American Revolutionary War.
Chamomile is well known for its use with infants and children for a wide variety of things. High on the list are colic, upset tummy, nightmares, the startle response that some babies experience almost from birth, the control and reduction of fever, and as a mild but effective mouthwash when candida in the birthing mother has resulted in thrust in the baby’s mouth.
Becuase it is so wonderful for babies, its many wonderful properties for everyone else are too often overlooked. Let’s begin with the various stages of a woman’s life.
Chamomile helps to relieve nausea during pregnancy, can relax uterine spasms, relieves painful cramping during menstrual flow, treats the absence of menstrual periods, relieves menstrual headaches, and brings relief from mastitis. Chamomile is also a wonderful herb to relieve menopausal symptoms. The antiseptic action of Chamomile is particularly effective with an inflamed bladder and cystitis.
For people of all types, Chamomile acts as a natural antihistamine and can be used for asthma and hay fever, and externally for eczema. Other uses for Chamomile include fever reduction, colds, flu, sore throats, coughs, and digestive infections such as gastroenteritis.
Chamomile is effective as a rinse for blond hair in the prevention of graying.
Nettles are a very nutritious and nourishing herb. It is rich in iron, silicon, calcium, and potassium. Fresh, young leaves harvested in the spring (with gloves and a long-sleeved shirt) make a nutritious vegetable and spring tonic. Steaming removes any trace of the “itchiness” one might suspect to be a problem. Nettles, combined with Dulse and Alfalfa, (the KNA recipe), provide a full range of vitamins and minerals along with a readily absorbable protein or two.
Nettles are renowned as an effective natural remedy for allergy relief. This is due to nettles’ ability to act as a natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic. Nettles is particularly effective in relieving symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, and mild bronchial congestion.
It is interesting—amazing actually, that God is so good—to note that wherever Nettles grow in the wild there will be, growing right at the feet of this very irritating and itch-causing plant, a plant which when rubbed on the skin completely eliminates any rash or itching. In the Cache Valley area, where I am from, that plant is called Galium and is always right there with the Nettles. Plantain, often nearby, is also effective against Nettles sting and is another very nutritious herb.
Murphy’s Materia Medica makes the claim that this remedy “covers more symptoms of common colds and hayfever than any other remedy”. Allium cepa acts on the mucus membranes of the nose, eyes, larynx, and even the bowels.
Eye symptoms: red, burning, sensitive to touch and to light. Ears: shooting pain in the Eustachian tube with pain extending into the throat. Head: Dull, catarrhal headache, in the forehead, made worse in a warm room and in the evening. Aching in the forehead that extends to the nose and face and is made better when the nose runs. Nose: The nose drips constantly, sneezing, sinusitis.
Meridians are the pathways of communication between the various parts of the human body/mind/soul complex. These meridians channel an invisible nutritive energy known to the Chinese as ch’i. A strong and balanced flow of energy through the body’s meridians is important to optimal health. Blocked meridians create an imbalanced energy flow to organs, which contributes to disease states within the body.
The triple warmer meridian is closely associated with the immune system and protects the entire body from external threats. This meridian, when out of balance, “wrongly identifies a substance as harmful to us”, as stated in the opening paragraph of this article. That is a perfect description of an allergy.
The ‘cure’ for some allergies lies in the purview of this meridian, according to Eastern Medical modalities. This remedy is perfect as a ‘first’ and sometimes ‘only’ energy pattern adjustment needed to handle simple allergies. All serious allergies—those that get worse over time until they become scary and actually dangerous—are energetic in nature. A single homeopathic remedy whose symptom picture closely matches the suffering of the person is often necessary. A higher potency may be required if the allergy has reached a more serious stage of progression.
Emotional patterns of Portage Glacier homeopathic include being too accommodating and giving too much attention to other people’s opinions about what they should be doing or becoming. These actions are driven by a lack of faith in themselves and in their ability to live God’s plan for them. This remedy helps a person pall off outdated behavior patterns and beliefs that may have served them well in the past but are no longer appropriate or helpful. This remedy aids a person in taking responsibility for their own choices and destiny.
Physical indications of need (and, therefore, being benefited by this remedy) include allergies, and in more advanced imbalanced states, other auto-immune deficiencies and disorders. Frequent illness, either from a lack of nutritious eating habits or living in an emotionally or physically toxic environment.
Blessed Waters/Homeopathics are meant to treat symptoms in all body systems. This is particularly true of Nat Mur and Arsenicum album which will also be described in this article. Or, perhaps, it is just that these two remedies have been in use for many years and many studies and provings have been done with them. The symptom pictures of both these remedies extend for pages in Materia Medicas (Remedy Guides).
When I think of Natrum Muriaticum, the emotional symptoms come to mind first. Foremost among these symptoms are anything having to do with acute or chronic grief. It matters little whether we are talking about symptoms in the back, the heart, or the kidneys. The grief, and the symptoms anywhere in the body are particularly pronounced in the heart, kidneys, and spleen after loss. People in need of Nat mur are generally emotionally shut down and closed after in their grief and depression.
A few of the many physical symptoms include photophobia with the eyes being very sensitive to bright light and even sunlight. Bright lights and sunlight more often than not trigger migraines and blinding headaches.
An interesting symptom that I have seen in women after childbirth is difficulty or refusal to urinate in the presence of others. This can be tricky if the woman is weak and needs assistance! Heart symptoms include fluttering of the heart and/or serious palpitations. The heart feels weak and vulnerable after grief or loss with coldness and, often, high blood pressure. Dry and chapped lips and skin are another keynote of this remedy. Vertigo is another key symptom that often responds to Natrum Muriaticum.
A polycrest remedy is defined in Blessed Water and Homeopathic theory as a remedy that would prove beneficial at one time or another (or many times) in the life of the majority of people. A further definition includes having very definite keynote symptoms in every body system and every body part. Arsenicum album is certainly one such remedy. Every home, and workplace, should have this remedy and make use of it often!
Emotional keynotes: 1) Restless, changing position and place constantly. 2) Nervous and anxious, particularly about their health or of dying suddenly. This is a perfect remedy for any degree of hypochondria. 3) The fatigue and prostration of whatever situation or illness the person is experiencing seem unusually severe, all out of proportion to the illness and/or the symptoms being experienced.
The #1 use of this remedy in my home is for anything to do with the digestive tract from an upset tummy through severe flu and food poisoning. Other common symptoms that respond to Arsenicum include periodical headaches with great restlessness. The pain often alternates, being first in the head and then in the stomach and then once again in the head. The scalp, at these times, itches intolerably.
There are many heart symptoms with this remedy. Also, such respiratory ailments include hayfever, asthma, shortness of breath, and pneumonia from being in the cold air. There will be, as one would expect with any remedy which is specific for nervousness and anxiety, that sleep patterns will be disturbed with violent starting, twitching trembling of limbs, and talking in one’s sleep.
One of the most vital parts of eliminating an allergy of any sort—or multiple allergies all at once, is to cleanse the liver! That is exactly what LeRevitalize does! But, it accomplishes this amazing feat gently and steadily. There will be none of the ‘liver cleanse reactions’ mentioned so often when liver cleansing is undertaken. There is simply a gradual (sometimes rather dramatically rapid but not uncomfortable) stabilization and improvement in energy levels. This is my husband’s go-to blend when he has ‘run faster than he has strength’.
LeRevitalize is a digestive aid (another thing my husband loves about this blend) and is also effective in combating lymphatic congestion and stimulating the immune system. I usually apply LeRevitalize, diluted, to the bottom of my husband’s feet. There are large pores on the feet that uptake essential oils very rapidly. LeRevitalize can also be applied, diluted, directly to the abdomen or over the thymus area of the chest.
Chamomile is one of the most widely used and well-documented medicinal plants in the world. The flowers of chamomile plants, especially Matricaria recutita (German/Blue Chamomile) have been used against allergic reactions for a great many years (a lot longer than I have lived). Chamomile occupies a very important place in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in the treatment of allergies, nervous tension, anxiety, and a great many other ailments.
In allergic reactions, the German Chamomile has been shown to limit histamine production in mast cells. The limiting of histamine production, according to research, is a key factor in eliminating allergic reactions. Chamomile also stimulates the digestive and immune systems and has a cooling effect on the body as a whole. If the allergic reaction is driven by food intolerances, allergic reactions to certain foods, or digestive difficulties of any kind, chamomile will likely be a great help.
In addition, German Chamomile is soothing to the respiratory system, relieving catarrh, sinusitis, asthma, and mucus inflammation when the allergic reaction is centered in that system.
Butterfly is a ‘real’ oil company and strives to give the customer as many options and variabilities as possible in order to best serve the needs, emotionally and physically, of the customers that are so appreciated and loved. I will try, here, to paint as clear a picture as I can of the differences and distinct benefits of the various Eucalyptus oils that Butterfly Express carries at this time.
First, some basic and important (at least it is to me!) information about Eucalyptus essential oils in general.
Butterfly Express, llc (and myself personally) do not recommend taking essential oils internally. However, I want to issue a particular warning about all varieties of Eucalyptus. They should not be taken internally. The literature around the world and in most schools of thought about essential oils agree that Eucalyptus is toxic when taken internally. Nevertheless, the FDA (what do they know about this kind of thing?) have approved it for use as a dietary supplement. They FDA does not specify whether they are referring to an herbal tea or an essential oil.
The science-based fact is that everything you might want to accomplish with internal consumption of an oil can be accomplished just as well, and more safely, with the topical application of that essential oil. I would hope that you are all being sensible in your use of essential oils, especially with children, and that you do not take or administer essential oil internally. This applies especially and particularly to essential oils derived from Eucalyptus varieties, in my opinion.
The emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of all Eucalyptus varieties are quite similar with only slight variations according to the percentage of the various constituents of the essential oil.
All eucalyptus varieties can be a bit caustic to the skin if not properly diluted with carrier oil.
The plants and essential oils most commonly referred to as Eucalyptus are of the Eucalyptus globulus species. This is true of the 2 Eucalyptus essential oils sold by Butterfly Express that are referred to simply as ‘Eucalyptus’ and the one referred to as ‘Eucalyptus Blue Gum’. The difference lies in the method of distillation of Eucalyptus essential oils.
Essential oils derived from the Eucalyptus family are typically ‘rectified’ essential oils. This term refers to the fact the plant material was distilled, then re-distilled a time or two to pull as many properties and as much oil as possible from the batch. With Eucalyptus blue gum the plant material is distilled only once. This type of distillation process marks that essential oil as a “First Distillation”. First distillations are usually considered to be more therapeutic. However, they are usually more expensive. This is certainly true at Butterfly Express. It should be noted that neither oil is of the ‘expensive’ class of essential oils.
How does the variation in the distillation method affect the essential oils? Repeated distillations raise the cineole content of the oil to at least 80%. Cineole, if you decide to do some research is also referred to as Eucalyptol.) Cineol is a very strong compound and should be used with caution. For this reason, Eucalyptus Blue Gum has a softer, but more complex aroma than the other varieties of Eucalyptus.
Blue Mallee Eucalyptus has a milder aroma than the more commonly used Eucalyptus Globulus. The milder aroma makes it more pleasant for children. This variety of Eucalyptus, though milder in aroma than Globulus, seems to penetrate more deeply into the lungs and bronchial tubes. The aroma seems to encourage the taking of deep cleansing breaths.
This variety has a higher citronella content than other varieties of Eucalyptus oils. This high citronella content gives Lemon Eucalyptus oil a pleasant lemony aspect that I find appealing, especially when applied to the skin.
Used as a mosquito and insect repellent, mix in a 10% solution of essential oil to 90% solution of carrier oil. My preferred ‘carrier’ is Miracle II Neutralizer, especially the thicker gel version. Apply to the skin, avoiding contact with the eyes.
This essential oil combines the aromas of Eucalyptus and Peppermint, just as the name implies, and is both delightful and quite unique. The emotional qualities of all Eucalyptus varieties are similar. This variety, with its slight peppermint aroma, seems to be more calming, emotionally, than the more common globulus varieties.
This essential oil encourages circulation and eases muscular pain and tightness. This is an appropriate Eucalyptus to use in athletic massage oils. Eucalyptus Peppermint is lower in eucalyptol content but higher in menthols. These differences in constituents make this Eucalyptus slightly less caustic for skin applications but still excellent for the treatment of respiratory ailments.
This Eucalyptus is sometimes referred to as Peppermint Eucalyptus or broad-leafed Peppermint.
Eucalyptus Radiata was actually the first Eucalyptus distilled commercially as an essential oil. It is commonly known as “Narrow-Leafed Peppermint,” although it is a member of the Eucalyptus family. Like the Blue Mallee variety, Radiata is gentler and softer than Globulus.
The aroma of Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum is sweet, balsamic with fruity undertones which is reminiscent of Cinnamon and Strawberry and is quite unique. Eucalyptus Strawberry Gum is grown in Eastern Australia. It is classified as a threatened species in the wild but is becoming more common in cultivation due to its use as an essential oil and spice. This classification as a threatened species affects the price dramatically, making it the most expensive Eucalyptus oil available at Butterfly Express, llc.
I love the aroma of this strawberry gum eucalyptus. It hardly seems to me to be a eucalyptus at all but it certainly does accomplish both the respiratory and muscular healing aspects of the more pungent eucalyptus varieties.
Eucalyptus is a traditional Aboriginal remedy for infections and fevers. It is now used throughout the world for these ailments and many others.
The healing properties of Eucalyptus tincture include being antiseptic, expectorant, stimulant, analgesic, and antipyretic. What do those terms mean in the typical home environment?
Antiseptic: kills a variety of bacteria and other germs. Expectorant: helps promote the liquefying of mucus from the lungs, etc. or from the stomach or intestines. Stimulant: Stimulant herbs help to increase specific actions throughout the body. They bring up energy levels, increase circulation, increase the pressure and power of the pulse, and because of these actions, aid in the elimination of toxins from the body. Analgesic: This is a basic term for substances that relieve pain. Antipyretic: A more modern term for what is referred to in older herbal books as febrifuge. Herbs of this distinction reduce body temperature. Herbal antipyretics, unlike their drug counterparts, pose no danger of body temperatures falling too low or even below the temperature that still allows for the destruction of illness-causing germs and bacteria. They control body temperature to the most healing temperature for that person at that time.
Dry herb packs are provided by Butterfly Express, llc, so that a person can make their own tinctures and teas if they so desire without having to purchase an entire pound (which is usually more than is needed at one time within a family.) Instructions for doing so can be found here.
Robin Murphy’s Materia Medica list such things as asthma, ladder disorders, bronchitis, diarrhea, influenza, intermittent fevers, kidney issues, migraines, toxemia, varicosities, ulcers, and worms as suggested usages for this Blessed Water/Homeopathic.
Some of the things that stood out as I read through the material were ‘extreme mental exhilaration, desire to move about—inappropriately, I presume, as with ADHD—, or the opposite of dull and drowsy (These sorts of opposites are typical with blessed water/homeopathic remedies), gastrointestinal issues, flatulent distention of the abdomen, eyes that are hot and burning, migraines and nervous headaches, and a stuffed up nose.
The many uses of Black Cumin oil, also called Black Seed Oil, have earned it a name in Arabic which means “Seed of Blessing.” In Islam, it is regarded as one of the greatest of healing medicines available and is listed as a natural drug in the “Medicine of the Prophet (Muhammad).” The Prophet Muhammad is said to have counseled someone, while traveling, to crush the seeds, add a little oil, and place the mixture in the nostrils with the comment that “This Black Cumin is healing for all diseases except death.”
Scientific research into the individual components of this oil indicates that it protects the lungs from histamine-induced bronchial spasms. Black Cumin is an excellent choice as a carrier oil when applying essential oils to the body in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, and coughs. Black Cumin makes an excellent carrier oil for skin conditions such as eczema and hives brought on by an allergic reaction.
The Allergies Blessed Water Kit consists of remedies discovered over the years that, altogether, provide a fairly comprehensive, low-potency response to a wide variety of allergic responses. Each remedy may, of course, be purchased separately.
If a particular remedy from this kit is effective for you, consideration should be given to taking the most closely appropriate remedy in that low-potency combination in a higher-potency dosage. (If you are unfamiliar with Blessed Water/Homeopathic theory and prescribing, please see the books I have written on that subject. (These books can be purchased at
A standard and often used remedy among my family members! This remedy consists of 3 separate remedies. One of them is very effective for use with allergic reactions to shellfish. (We know this in our family from first hand experience.) Keynote symptoms of this remedy, Urtica urens (which is nettles) include hives, itchy blisters on fingers and hands, burning pain in the throat chronic gout and chest pain.
The other two remedies are noted for relief as a large range of allergy-type symptoms relating to the eyes and to allergic responses such as respiratory distress, asthma, and a comprehensive range of skin reactions and eyes symptoms, including sensitivity to light.
An interesting combination as it targets a wide range of predominantly neurological symptoms. Once again, because combination remedies are low-potency, I would consider taking the most closely matching remedy in higher potency if any of the symptoms return once relieved by this remedy.)
One of the outstanding characteristics of this remedy is that one specific ingredient, Guaco, has a reputation for relief from the bites of scorpions and snakes. Keynote symptoms of Allergies #2 include pain along the spine and constriction and feelings of paralysis in the throat. Head and eye symptoms include light sensitivity and burning and inflammation. Also, severe neuralgic headaches, bronchial and pulmonary distress, and a variety of skin issues. Ringing in the ears, especially at night is a keynote symptom.
This remedy targets reactions that mimic the common cold but affect the kidneys and/or heart as well. The kidneys and heart are very closely related according to Traditional Chinese Medicine and energetic healing concepts.
This remedy contains only 2 separate remedies, Apis mellifica and Allium cepa. They are both polycrest (useful for a great many people at one time or another in their lives) remedies. Allium Cepa was discussed in more detail further earlier on in this article.
One of my sons, as a child, had a great many allergies. His reactions could be quite sudden and, often, quite severe and alarming. I kept these two remedies close to hand at all times—at home and in my vehicles. When he would begin to react to something, and had not been eating shellfish, I would reach for one of the remedies. If he did not respond within 90 seconds to that remedy, I would reach for the other one! Rarely was there any need for any further response. The symptoms would calm down and go away almost instantly.
The Apis mellifica remedy is made from the venom secreted by a honey bee sting. Symptoms are those of such a sting. This remedy can be used for both mild situations and, in a higher potency, for serious allergic shock reactions. The Allium cepa portion is derived from the red onion and covers more symptoms of common colds and hay fever than any other remedy I am familiar with.
This remedy is specific to allergic reactions to animal hair and dander. One of my grandsons finds this remedy useful when he feels the need to join his cousins on horseback rides.
This remedy is composed of five single remedies. These remedies cover a wide range of allergic responses/symptoms including everything from respiratory symptoms (including asthma) through coughs, tightness in the chest, itching of the skin and eyes to prostration and near-total collapse. Extreme coldness is generally experienced before the situation becomes this serious. However, it should be noted that one of the remedies is specific to situations/symptoms that come on suddenly!
This remedy, used in a program that sometimes includes the use of a higher-potency version of one of the ingredients in this combination, is of great benefit when the symptoms are being brought on by molds, yeast, or dust containing such things as mold spores.
There are four polycrest remedies in this combination with symptoms covering a very wide range of symptoms. That is the purpose of combination remedies—to cover as wide a range of symptoms on physical, mental, and emotional aspects as possible. This formula also contains energetic imprints of a variety of molds, yeasts, and dusts not identified specifically by the manufacturer.
A very important, but low-potency, remedy for allergic reactions to, and liver toxicity which is being brought on by, such things as chemical inhalants used by people with asthma and severe allergic reactions. This remedy is also useful for any reaction to inhaled chemicals such as fly sprays, etc. However, the symptom picture includes a wide range of allergic reactions regardless of the cause.
The various remedies have symptoms pictures which include eye symptoms, throat symptoms, swelling of the glands, sneezing, and skin rashes of various types. One specific remedy in this combination targets blinding headaches, fluttering and palpitations of the heart, and temporary high blood pressure from an allergic reaction.
Another remedy, Tabacum nicotiana, is included to buy time to seek help if the symptoms are more serious and are looking as though they are advancing toward anaphylactic shock. (Been there, done that!) Icy coldness, mental confusion, tension of the coronary arteries (scary) with an intermittent pulse. If you, or someone you are with, is experiencing this type of allergic reaction, please seek more advanced homeopathic treatment or seek competent medical help immediately. The use of this remedy may cope with the symptoms or may only buy you time to react with more intense assistance.
Useful, predominantly, for reaction to tree or plant pollen allergies. Of course, as is always true with energetically based remedies, if the symptom picture matches the use of the remedy is appropriate any time.
Kidney and liver congestion/dysfunction is the target of the remedies in this combination. Of course, anything related to the kidneys is also affecting or is a remedy for the heart as well. Specific keynotes of this remedy (among the long list of symptoms it is meant to relieve) are pain in the throat and/or tongue when speaking or swallowing, and pain in the chest/lung areas made worse by deep breathing. Foggy vision is included in the symptom picture of the ingredient, Zincum phosphoricum.
A remedy for hay fever/allergies where headache, sweating, and glandular swelling are specific and rather unusual keynote symptoms.
The sweating that is a keynote of Euphrasia officinalis (a basic component of this remedy) is brought about as the body attempts to detoxify from whatever has been inhaled and ingested. This remedy also covers the basic symptoms of allergic reactions in the eyes, nose, and throat.
Repeated sneezes accompanied by headaches in which the head feels as if it were too large or is about to explode are also keynotes. Increased saliva and severe coryza of the nose with, sometimes, the opposite symptoms of dryness in the throat rather than increased flow of saliva. It took me some time in the early days of my homeopathic education to realize that the opposite symptoms, often not mentioned in the literature because they occur less frequently, are also keynotes of a remedy’s symptom picture.
Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+F to quickly find where these topics in this blog.
adrenal glands,
airborne pathogens,
allium cepa,
allium cepa,
amino acids,
anaphylactic shock,
animal hair,
apis mellifica,
arsencium album,
bee pollen,
bee sting,
black cumin,
black cumin,
black seed,
black seed,
blessed water,
blue chamomile,
blue gum,
blue mallee,
bone spurs,
broad-leafed peppermint,
chest pain,
dry herb pack,
energy pattern,
energy shield,
essential oil,
euphrasia officinalis,
eustachian tube,
fatty acids,
food intolerance,
german chamomile,
glycemic index,
hay fever,
immune system,
immune system,
insect bites,
insect repellent,
itchy eyes,
ladder disorder,
lemon myrtle,
liberty tea,
light sensitivity,
lymphatic system,
mast cells,
matricaria recutita,
mood swings,
narrow-leafed peppermint,
natrum muriaticum,
nervous system,
nose drip,
pelvice organs,
portage glacier,
raw honey,
ringing in ears,
rose de mai,
rose geranium,
runny nose,
sego lily,
sensitive skin,
sinus congestion,
sleep aid,
strawberry gum,
tabacum nicotiana,
tea tree,
triple warmer meridian,
urinary tract,
urtica urens,
vitamin c,
weight loss,
zincum phosphoricum,