October – Thyroid, Kidneys and Adrenal

The ADRENAL GLANDS, KIDNEYS AND THYROID are super-intelligent organs. When I consider the number one cause of malfunction in these closely related organs, the word that comes to mind is STRESS—especially chronic, seemingly unending types of stress! Stress will, of course, quickly damage the adrenal glands. Since the adrenal glands and the thyroid are in constant communication with each other, malfunction of the thyroid gland is eminent and almost unavoidable.
I love the study of anatomy (where things are placed in the body) and physiology (what their functions are and why they are where they are). Placing those little adrenal glands right on top of the kidneys, makes perfect, beautiful, harmonious sense! Because of their importance to survival, they are placed with each other in a well-protected spot in the body!  See the full list of topics.

Albert Einstein is reputed to have said that he studied science in order to ‘understand God’s thoughts’ as He created the world. As I have studied anatomy and physiology and the healing properties of “God’s pharmacy’—for a lifetime—I am always in awe of the genius of our Creator and His overwhelming love for each of us! With plants, in either herb or essential oil form, we have been given wonderful ways to nourish and heal our bodies.

In This Issue

Featured Minerals
October Essential Oils
Featured Blessed Waters
Featured Herbs
Blend – LeAustyn
Single – Goldenrod
Walnut Carrier Oil
Featured 3-Oil Kits


Featured Minerals

Most of the material in this section was provided for me by my daughter, Valaree, who has studied minerals far more in-depth than I have done. I am going to include here a story she told in her presentation at the last Foot Zone Conference held at Butterfly Express.

“Something that truly got me interested in vitamins, and minerals in particular, happened to me in January of 2018. I was pregnant with my sixth child. Pregnancy for me has never been easy and because of some health issues I had faced with a previous baby I was not excited about this experience. I signed my husband and me up for a “pregnancy nutrition class” that would forever change my life. My husband was skeptical because we already had five kids, so why take a class now?
First day of class the teacher starts talking about the importance of salt. Now we are going to talk about salt but for now, let me just say that I was a picture of a major salt deficiency according to her. So I raised my hand and I said “It sounds like I am very salt deficient but how can I know for sure?” She asked me a few questions and then asked if I would like to try some salt water. She goes into the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water. I drank it and she says how salty was that? When I told her I could not taste salt she said you are severely salt deficient. She told me she put 1/2 a Tbsp of salt in that water. She told me to do that every day until it tasted salty and then cut it in half. She also told me to eat as much fruit and veggies as I could…
This class was once a week so I did my salt and it took 2 days before I could taste the salt and 4 days before it tasted salty. By the time the week had rolled around, I felt like a different person. When I went back to class several of my classmates remarked that they couldn’t believe it was the same person.  I did not feel like the same person.”


A deficiency of iron is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. It is common in both men and women. Symptoms of deficiency include varicose veins, Pica (craving for strange things like dirt or newsprint (I have seen this one in a toddler), extreme fatigue and weakness, chest pain with rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath, dizziness, light-headedness, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, constipation. I could go on and on!
On an emotional level, iron plays an important role in the body’s creation of the neurotransmitter, serotonin. Serotonin is often, and rightly, called the happiness hormone! Interestingly, gratitude releases created and stored serotonin into the bloodstream. Service to others almost always creates a feeling of gratitude in our hearts—gratitude for the chance to serve and be helpful. Service also brings to our awareness the blessings that we have.
Sources of iron include beef or any red meat but especially liver (a super food for iron absorption), black-strap molasses; spinach, red kidney beans, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, dried apricots, and—of course—seafood. Many of these things do not provide iron but, instead, provide the nutrients that are necessary for the absorption of iron. Adequate water, salt, potassium, selenium, copper, zinc, and Vitamin C are also necessary for iron absorption.


Every cell of the body requires iodine in order to convert the food we eat into energy. In addition, iodine is absolutely essential to a healthy, well-functioning thyroid gland! Thyroxine, produced by the thyroid, controls a great many bodily functions, including brain function and acuity! Iodine deficiency is regarded as the leading preventable cause of mental retardation. Iodine also affects cardiac functions.

Sources of iodine include fish, shrimp, cod, seaweed, and dairy products including yogurt and eggs.
Iodine deficiency symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, weakness, thinning hair, dry skin, feeling colder than usual, slowed heart rate, and learning and memory difficulties. Other alarming symptoms include anxiety and depression. In adults, iodine deficiency is often seen as brain fog and attributed to an aging brain. Even mild cases of iodine deficiency can cause a loss of mental acuity.

Iodine deficiency is more common in women. Being deficient increases a woman’s risk of conditions such as infertility, pregnancy-related high blood pressure thyroid-related autoimmune disorders or cancers, AND learning disabilities in the children carried by iodine-deficient mothers. Iodine supports the development of the central nervous system in the fetus. Iodine deficiency in the mother may result in stunted development, both mentally and physically, of the baby in utero.


In the area in which I live, selenium is something we are often told to supplement our animals with as the soil, and therefore, the feed crops, are known to be selenium deficient. Failure to supplement the feed often causes early miscarriage or even the failure of an animal to get pregnant. I don’t think this selenium deficiency affects humans as much because our food is often brought on trucks from many different places. Perhaps local gardeners should be made aware of this soil deficiency.
Selenium plays a huge role in reproduction hormones and thyroid hormones. It also helps the metabolism function optimally. Selenium protects the body from oxidative damage and infections.
Symptoms of Selenium deficiency include infertility affecting both men and women, muscle weakness, fatigue, hair loss (this is seen in animals as well as humans), a weakened immune system, mental fog, depression, and anxiety.

Sources of selenium include seafood, red meats—especially organ meats, poultry, brazil nuts, spinach, green peas, beans, potatoes, oats, brown rice, as well as whole-grain breads and cereals. Vitamin E works closely with Selenium and is needed for Selenium to be absorbed.


Our bodies use copper to carry out many important functions. The first of these is the development and maintenance of the cardiovascular system. Copper builds and sustains the tensile strength of elastic fibers in all sorts of connective tissues and ligaments. Specialized versions of these fibers are found in the walls of arteries. Without sufficient copper, either in the diet or by supplementation, varicose veins and brain aneurysms develop.
One of the early signs of copper deficiency is white or graying hair. Copper deficiencies of varying degrees account for the fact that people go gray at different ages. Copper deficiency may also account for the sudden graying of hair after a serious emotional or physical trauma. Albert Einstein was famous for his white hair and guess what he died of? A ruptured aneurysm.
Copper deficiency has been linked to mental deterioration of several kinds. Other symptoms include extreme fatigue. These are the ‘lighter’ symptoms. Eventually, as the deficiency and the damage caused by it continue, side-effects such as violent displays of temper, and Bipolar disorders will be seen. Post-Partum Depression is often a sign of copper deficiency. Oddly, considering the list of possible symptoms, the body does not require great amounts of copper. The problem is that most of us don’t seem to absorb copper very well!
Sources of copper include beef liver, oysters, mushrooms, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, potatoes, tofu, and dark chocolate.


Tin is concentrated primarily in the adrenal glands and in the tissues of the liver, brain, spleen, and thyroid. One such study found tin in the aorta, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, ovaries, spleen, pancreas, brain, testes, stomach, and uterus. In one study of accident victims only, no tin was found in any of the victims thyroids. (I think some follow-up studies need to be conducted on that one! – LaRee)

Tin is a companion of iodine in much the same way as calcium is associated with magnesium. Put simply, tin supports the adrenal glands and iodine supports the thyroid gland. Since both the adrenals and the thyroid affect cardiac functions, low levels of either tin or iodine can have a very negative effect on heart function.

Some symptoms of a deficiency of tin in the bloodstream include glandular dysfunction, particularly in the adrenal glands but others, as well; cardiac insufficiency (left-sided); depression; deafness; breathing difficulties including asthma; baldness and other hair growth difficulties

Herbal sources of tin include juniper, bilberry, dulse, lady slipper valerian, Irish moss, nettles, barberry yarrow, red clover, kelp licorice devil’s claw, and senna. Food sources include tomatoes and tomato products, pineapple, pears, and similar fruits. A word of warning: Too much tin in the diet ‘seems’ in preliminary studies to slow the absorption of zinc. This used to be a problem when cans were lined with uncoated tin and tin plates and cups were in common use.

The following is a link to a video on minerals with my daughter, Valaree, sharing some of her vast knowledge of this subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVCO1Ok_DnI&t=39s

These October oils were hand-picked to help keep your adrenal glands, kidneys and thyroid functioning correctly.

EndoRelief Essential Oil Blend

A short paragraph or two about the near-miracles I have seen with use of this blend would be impossible! EndoRelief strengthens each one of the wide range of organs that make up our endocrine systems. The thyroid gland and the adrenals are particularly benefited when this blend is used, or even diffused, regularly. Good thyroid and adrenal gland function spells energy and good health!

Used in alternate applications with Life Force, the cold and flu season may pass you by altogether. Any illness you may fall victim to will, very likely, be lighter with a speedy recovery. An essential blend in my cupboard!

Life Force Essential Oil Blend

The words Life and Stress are too often synonymous in too many of our lifestyles in this fast-paced age. This blend is important in my life because it immediately, but in a very subtle way, improves my outlook on my day, my week, and the tasks before me. Can an essential oil blend provide answers and solutions? Probably not. But the peace of mind it establishes certainly can!

Life Force is a wonderfully synergistic blend of 14 different essential oils—something for every stressed and overwhelmed area of the body and mind. This is an outstanding example of essential oils, blended properly, having overwhelmingly more effects than any of their single components when standing alone!

Reflections Essential Oil Blend

Our kidneys respond to—and out-of-whack, can even create—­emotions such as fear, inadequacy, resentment, grief, and loss. Reflections was specifically blended to address kidney weakness and distress. The kidney connection to emotions is so pronounced that which kidney, left or right, that is struggling makes a difference. Will it be our perceptions of ourselves or our perception of those around us that may need tuning up a bit?

Our kidneys regulate the balance of fluids in the body as well as the accumulation of waste materials in cells and joints. Suffering from arthritis or muscles pain. Reflections may be just what you need!

Juniper Berry Essential Oil

This oil was chosen for emphasis this month because of its positive effects on the kidneys, both physically and emotionally. Emotionally? Fear of change, fear of growing up, or of growing older are keynotes for the use of this essential oil. I love Juniper Berry oil as a single oil. You may also note that I have incorporated it into many—and many of my favorite—blends.

Maturing—a polite word for aging—is inevitable I am finally admitting to myself. Maturing with wisdom, compassion, and gratitude for the things I have learned from experience and from the amazing people I have come into contact with is my goal.

A strong essential oil. Please remember to use with a carrier oil, especially with children. Juniper Berry essential oil is contra-indicated during pregnancy.

Palmarosa Essential Oil

There are those, including myself, who believe that a plant’s shape and environment indicate its medicinal value. They would say that the long stem of this aromatic grass waving with the breeze indicates flexibility. However, the Palmarosa plant is firmly rooted in the ground. Flexibility and grounded in reality describe the unique qualities of this oil.

The energetic qualities of this pleasant oil can be of great benefit to those persons who do not handle change well, who suffer from homesickness, or who mourn the absence of loved ones. I love this one for use with children who get very upset when their mother must leave them, even for a few minutes.

Spruce Essential Oil

Spruce is an excellent oil for the respiratory and endocrine systems and is a general gland and organ tonic. This wonderful, protective oil has an intrinsic affinity for balancing the thyroid function and stimulating the thymus gland. Also excellent for skin care.

Once again, as with Palmarosa, the plant itself gives clues as to its healing properties. Animals of the forest shelter under the spreading branches of conifer trees like Spruce because of its protecting and rejuvenating properties. My favorite descriptive phrase for Spruce essential oils is ‘Sufficient strength for the upcoming day.’ The rejuvenating properties of Spruce oil are also true of my favorites among the many blends in which I incorporated various percentages of Spruce when they were created.

Blessed Waters

Blessed WatersBlessed Waters

I feel that a small bit of information about Blessed Waters (and homeopathics) here would be appropriate and, perhaps, helpful to some. A homeopathic remedy is chosen to match the presenting symptoms of the person. The way to pick a remedy is to find the one that most closely matches the symptoms being experienced.

Adrenal Support

This remedy, while helpful to men, is very much a polychrest remedy for women. (Polychrest definition: of benefit to many/most at some time in their lives or common to the human condition.)

Some basic symptoms of a need for this remedy include hormonal imbalances; compromised immune system; laxness of tissues; prolapse of organs; overwhelmed by family responsibilities; overworked and exhausted; mood swings; PMS and other hormonal issues that were brought on by grief. One of the remedies in this combination is specific to the heart and is especially indicated for “pale, delicate, and sensitive women”. (Murphy)

Raw Thyroid and Thyroidinum

The symptoms of these two remedies are very similar! The method of preparation is slightly different. I will describe them at the same time in the following few paragraphs.

Symptoms of need include restlessness with either melancholy or becoming very irritable when opposed or questioned about a decision; persistent frontal headache with a flushed face; weak action of the heart and pulse that becomes worse when lying down; increased flow of urine with some albumen present and glucose showing if urine is tested; uterine fibroids; cold extremities; edema of legs and feet; trembling of legs progression to entire body. psoriasis; eczema.

Thyroid weakness causes a decided craving for large amounts of sweets.

These remedies should be considered if a young child is not developing at a normal rate, particularly if the mother suffered from thyroid issues during the pregnancy. I would certainly recommend the use of a low potency with children. Raw thyroid is usually found in low potency. Thyroidinum may be purchased in low and progressively deeper potencies.

Kidney #1

Keynotes of the symptom picture of this remedy are frequent urination with stinging and a peculiar smell. Have you ever noticed a ‘peculiar smell’ to your urine when you have eaten asparagus? Interestingly, this remedy contains the energetic pattern as asparagus. Other keynotes are great thirst, pain near the shoulders, pain in the forehead and root of the nose, and a scaly sensation on the tongue. Generally with this remedy, there will be a lot of burning in the urinary tract and blood in the urine.
In more serious situations—or where symptoms have been ignored for too long—there will be shooting pains in the heart region after a meal. This does not indicate a digestive issue. Remember, the heart and the kidneys are very closely related in traditional Chinese medicine and in energy work!

Kidney #2

One of the remedies in the combination has as keynotes ‘sharp pains along the spine and “burning on the inner side of the right foot’. Footzone bladder signals are on the inner side of the feet. I have no explanation for why this part of the remedy’s picture presents only on the right side. Perhaps it is because, in some energy medicine modalities the right side is said to represent the female or energy that is more ‘feminine’.
The homeopathic symptom picture also includes scanty urine with blood and the smell of violets. There will be a feeling as though there is a weight in the kidney region.

Kidney #3

This is a remedy for more serious kidney issues than just a simple kidney infection or stress from eating too much chocolate or something else annoying to the system!
The emotional and nervous system pattern of stressed kidneys is fear, anxiety and suspiciousness. Neuralgia and general nervousness will be seen in a person who would benefit from this remedy. The situation may even deteriorate to serious mental issues including, but not limited to, vanishing of thoughts and fear of going insane.
Hair loss, and excessive skin problems including mysterious blisters such as might be experienced after radiation therapy. Hot urine with red sand and aching in the kidneys that is better for urinating, backache before urinating that is better after urine passes, gallstones or kidney stones, or gravel are some other symptoms.

Kidney #4

Keynotes here include copious urine day and night with the bladder being so irritable at night that there will be dribbling. As usual with any kidney remedy, burning sensations occur. This remedy includes watering and burning sensations in the eyes with swelling of the eyelids.

Emotional symptoms include a strong desire for solitude, loss of memory (me when my kidney acts up), hypersensitivity to noise, and anxiety with heart palpitations. (A perfect description of me back in the days when kidney flareups were common and I was experiencing some scary heart issues, as well!) The ingredient in this combination responsible for these symptoms is Ipomoea purpurea (morning glory in English). I finally found a good use for the obnoxious weed!

Other symptoms include great lethargy during the day; agitated sleep with frequent waking; anxiety and confusion—which almost always indicated uric acid deposits—the beginnings of kidney stones.

Kidney #5

Physical symptoms of the ingredients of this remedy include frequent urination with blood in the urine; vertigo while sitting and worsening when stooping is required; stiffness in the body and especially in the limbs; twitching muscles, and small bumps under the kind, offensive sweat on the feet, dry mouth and throat, paralysis of the bladder sphincter, and urine that is dark red in the morning.

Emotional symptoms range from quiet, sad, and melancholic to nervous headaches from mental exertion, and complete inability to focus and concentrate.

Kidney #6

This remedy is specific to inflammation, from any cause, in the urogenital tract. All three of the remedies in this combination are either specifically for the bladder difficulties of elderly men either brought on by prostate enlargement or any other cause. Interestingly, one remedy is, besides being for kidney/prostate issues, is also specific to suppressed urine in infants. Emotions include being overly sensitive to impressions (spiritual or picking up on emotions around them), extreme irritability, peevishness, and impulsive behavior.

Kidney Meridian

Meridian remedies, like the meridians themselves, have very distinct positive and negative emotional traits. This is seen clearly in this remedy. Positive—full of faith and trust in the future. Negative—full of fear, lack of self-confidence, worry and anxiety about the future.

A combination consisting of 9 different remedies. As a result it covers just about every possible symptom of kidney distress from infection through kidney failure. Combination remedies are always, of necessity, low potency remedies. Combination remedies are very low potency. This is necessary so as to not overwhelm the system because there will be the ingestion of many different remedies at the same time. My advice? If the situation resolves when taking a combination remedy such as this one but the same symptoms return a couple of times, a single higher potency remedy may be required. Look closely at the description of each remedy. Then follow up with that single remedy in a higher potency.


HerbsFeatured Herbs for
Thyroid, Kidney and Adrenal

Herbal remedies are not meant just to cure diseases and relieve the pain of distressing illnesses, although that is what we often resort to using them almost exclusively for. Herbs are meant to aid us in building healthy, resilient, well-balanced and—in my opinion—drug-free bodies. The use of herbal remedies should be a positive healing science and daily experience. It should not be merely the practice of ‘putting out fires’ as they erupt in our lives. Herbs work because they are nutritional powerhouses!

AD (formerly Adrenal Toner)

Astragalus, Ginger, Ginseng Root, Licorice Root

It is absolutely impossible to over-emphasize the importance of the adrenal glands to good physical health and a happy and optimistic outlook on life! Another of the key functions of the adrenal glands is to prepare our bodies and minds for quick and beneficial responses to unusual and possibly dangerous situations.

When the adrenal glands malfunction, there is real trouble—mentally, emotionally, and physically. Fatigue and immune system insufficiency are inevitable.

The adrenal glands are so important—and adrenal fatigue so debilitating—that my daughter and I thought getting this information out to be important enough to create two YouTube videos. We collaborated on one about Adrenal Fatigue and one about Chronic Fatigue, a debilitating condition often created by adrenal gland malfunction. The following two links will take you to these videos if you are interested. https://youtu.be/1Eh8MmdJ9nc and https://youtu.be/sgK7nQNGYD4. Some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue include dizziness, headaches, memory problems, food cravings, allergies, blood sugar problems, aching joints and muscles, low energy and a need for a couple of maps throughout the day just to keep going.

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Check out AD Products Here

TLC (Total Lymph Care)

Burdock, Cleavers, Echinacea Angustifolia, Echinacea Purpurea, Ginger, Gotu Kola, Horse Chestnut, Olive Leaf, Red Clover, Red Root, Stillingia, Yerba Mate

TLC was specially formulated to support and cleanse the lymphatic system. Symptoms of a congested lymphatic system can include stiffness, soreness, a feeling of heaviness, and swelling in arms, ankles, and legs. Lymphatic congestion can also cause brain fog, multiple allergies, a variety of skin conditions, bloating, digestive upsets, headaches, and a host of other nasty symptoms.

All the herbs in this blend are excellent anti-inflammatory herbs and improve venous insufficiency. TLC is also an effective immune system and can be used to help prevent illness or to shorten recovery time from an illness.

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KT (formerly Kidney Toner)

Juniper Berries, Marshmallow, Mullein Flower, Mullein Leaf

KT is a very simple, 3-herb formula, that I created for myself and have relied on for years with my own badly damaged kidneys. It has proven itself to be one of the most helpful formulas in the entire ButterflyExpress repertory for myself and many others over the years.

Uric acid crystals play a very large part in a great many chronic diseases such as Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis to give just two examples. Regular use of the KT formula alleviates many of the associated symptoms of these chronic conditions. KT is helpful as a kidney support during any illness and when doing any kind of cleanse.

The addition of 0.25 part of Slippery Elm—or a little Slippery Elm tea—makes this formula even more emollient and soothing.

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KB (formerly Kidney Bladder)

Dandelion Root, Juniper Berries, Parsley Root, Uva Ursi, Buchu, Cleavers, Corn Silk, Horsetail, Hydrangea, Lobelia, Marshmallow, Oregon Grape, Astragalus

This is an excellent, wonderfully strong, and effective kidney formula! In addition, some of the herbs are gentle liver cleansers. However, although the formula is very effective at healing and strengthening the kidneys and removing toxins from the liver, it seems to do so without unduly upsetting the digestive system in any way!

However, this formula does not contain any outstanding bacterial fighters. Therefore, KB should be taken with IF (formerly Infection Fighter) or RC (formerly Red Clover Combination) if a kidney infection is suspected. I use the word suspected because IF and RC will do no harm—and might do some real good—even if a kidney infection is only suspected.

I prefer to use KB for a few weeks (with an infection fighter) and then switch to the milder diuretic formula, KT for a period of rebuilding and soothing of the urinary tract. If needed I will repeat this pattern—KB followed by KT—several times until the entire urinary system is operating optimally.

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Check out KB Products Here

KS (formerly Kidney Stone)

Corn Silk, Goldenrod, Gravel Root, Hydrangea, Juniper Berries, Nettles, Stone Root

This is a very specialized formula, specific to the dissolving of kidney stones. Both Stone Root and Gravel Root are renowned around the world in widely divergent cultures for dissolving kidney stones so that they will pass more easily. (It is a mark in favor of herbs being effective when different cultures in different centuries have relied upon the same herbs for the same things.) The rest of the herbs in this remedy are there to soothe and heal the urinary tract.

Sipping lemon juice in water and then lying on your back with your “butt” and feet elevated can back stones—even quite large ones—out of the ducts, relieve most of the pain, and buy you sufficient time to dissolve them using this formula. Lying on your back with your lower extremities elevated may need to be done more than once a day for as long as a couple of weeks before the stones are ready to pass. The pain level and that cold, sweaty feeling that accompanies stones in the ducts, will tell you when it is time to lie down again. It only takes a few moments each time and, in my opinion, is a far better solution than surgery.
I was introduced to this technique at a midwife convention. By lying on the floor, sipping lemon juice, I was able to stay for the rest of the 2-day convention and travel home in relative comfort—in a bouncy pickup truck! The stones passed a few days later and I set out to learn how NOT to develop any new ones! I succeeded!

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TY (formerly Thyroid)

Alfalfa, Dulse, Gotu Kola, Irish Moss, Nettles, Oregon Grape, Parsley Root

The thyroid gland requires a lot of nourishment to function optimally.

The artificial hormones contained in some thyroid medications do not heal the thyroid. Too often, in fact, they confuse the thyroid into believing that there are sufficient thyroid hormones and there is no need for production of more. The result? The confused thyroid may actually produce even less of the necessary hormones. More and more medication, given in ever-increasing doses, may be the result. Eventually a game of moving people from one medication to another in an attempt to keep the side effects manageable will be necessary.

This formula provides the minerals and other nutrients that are necessary for healthy thyroid functions. Approximately 6 liters of blood pass through the thyroid every day, but this doesn’t do much to keep the thyroid “well-fed” unless the required nutrients are found in the diet and available in the blood that circulates through the thyroid. Supplement with TY or KNA as a daily supplement whether you have thyroid issues or not will ensure that you never do and will improve your health and energy levels.

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Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo is known to retard the aging process in the brain by improving blood flow through the arteries that feed the brain. Ginkgo also strengthens tiny vessels and capillaries in the brain tissue, reducing the odds of stroke. Improvement is also seen in issues like tinnitus, vertigo, headaches, depression, poor concentration, and short-term memory loss when Ginkgo is a regular part of daily routines. Considered one of the great herbs for extending mental acuity into old age. Besides improving circulation to the brain, neural activity is also enhanced by Ginkgo.
As circulation improves throughout the body, especially to the extremities. As is almost universally true of herbs in whole form—all their constituents present and not tampered with in a laboratory—Ginkgo strives to bring the body into balance. This means that, while improving circulation, Ginkgo is also an excellent blood clotting agent.
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Check out Ginkgo Biloba Products Here

Irish Moss

Contrary to what the name implies, Irish Moss is not a moss but is a seaweed and a very nutritious plant. It contains 15 of the 18 essential nutrients that make up our bodies. These nutrients include vitamins A, D, E, F, and K, as well as sulfur, iodine, iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, and folate. Of course, Irish Moss, being a seaweed, is very good for the thyroid and, because of its iodine content, is said to allay the side effects of radiation poisoning.
Because of its long list of nutrients, Irish Moss has many cosmetic uses from wrinkles to varicose veins. These nutrients make Irish Moss the perfect food for recovering from any debilitating illness and may help with chronic conditions as well.

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Check out Irish Moss Products Here

Ginseng, Red

Panax ginseng has been used, and valued, in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. White Ginseng is grown predominately in America and has very similar healing properties to Red Ginseng. Both are valued all over the world. Ginseng is a slow-growing plant. Over-harvesting brought about the establishment of laws, on both State and Federal levels, regarding the commercial harvest, sale, and export of ginseng roots in 1975.

This world-famous Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal tonic is probably the most widely used and certainly the most widely studied herb of all time. There has been extensive research done in the West on the benefits of Ginseng. This research has proven conclusively that Ginseng has the amazing ability to increase resistance to the negative effects of stress. Of all the benefits of Ginseng, this ability to help our bodies and minds handle the stresses of everyday living better and without undue damage is the most impressive and important to me.

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Ginseng, Mix

Since preparation methods are somewhat different for Ginseng Red and Ginseng White, my preferred method of use is to mix them together! Ginsengs, separate or mixed together, have adaptogenic properties. This means, for example, that Ginseng is able to simultaneously stimulate physical and mental functions while relaxing and calming the nerves. Ginseng is used to reduce nervous tension and anxiety and, alternatively, to aid in recovery from nervous exhaustion and depression.

Ginseng is used during the pushing stage of labor if the mother is exhausted and just about worn out mentally and physically from her labor. Some of the best results for Ginseng are seen among the elderly and those in depleted states from stress or illness. It should be mentioned that it is best to avoid caffeine and other stimulants while taking Ginseng.

Read More About Ginseng
Check out Ginseng Products Here

Austyn Essential Oil BlendLeAustyn

Each of the oils from which LeAustyn is made has unique emotionally supportive characteristics. This blend is perfect for teens as they face decisions they may not feel adequate or equipped to make. Youth today face an environment that, too often, includes intense peer pressure as well as bullying. No matter where you look for statistics, you will find that learning disorders and suicide rates are on the rise among America’s young people. This blend, used along with other emotionally supportive blends such as LeAngel, LeWhispering Hope, LeGrateful Heart, and LeHeartSong, can make a huge difference. Diffusing in the home or anywhere teens gather is a simple and effective method of use.

LeAustyn can be used in conjunction with LeEndoRelief to boost the endocrine system and help promote vitality. Layer it with LeEndoRelief and LeLife Force during times of sickness to help build and strengthen your body during an illness, and to lessen the duration of an illness.

Last, but not least, LeAustyn encourages lymph drainage. Traditional Chinese Medicine—in my experiences with teenage girls—indicates strongly that many of the ills of the menstrual cycle are caused by lymphatic congestion.

Goldenrod Essential OilGoldenrod

The Latin name of this herb includes the word “solidago’. ‘Solida’, interpreted from the Latin, means “whole” and ‘aga’ means “to make”. In other words, long ago this plant was given a name that meant “to make whole”. This name is perfectly descriptive of the healing properties, physically and emotionally, of Goldenrod.

This blessed herb, especially in concentrated and pure essential oil form, supports the cardiovascular system—all of it from the heart, (tachycardia and arrhythmias and blood supply to the heart) through arteries, veins, and circulation to organs.

Goldenrod also strengthens the urinary system, improves liver function, and is a potent and effective aid to lymphatic drainage. If that isn’t sufficient, goldenrod is effective for thinning and removing mucous from sinus cavities, the bronchial passages, and the lungs.

Goldenrod is also a gentle, nourishing, and non-addictive nervine. This combination of beneficial properties as a nervine, a cardiovascular, and circulatory system tonic, lymphatic system support, a mild liver herb, and urinary tract healer makes this essential oil a great choice for the control of high blood pressure. (Can someone tell me why I didn’t think of this several months ago when my own blood pressure went up for some unknown reason?—LaRee)

Walnut Carrier OilWalnut Carrier Oil

Walnut oil is very high in linoleic acid and antioxidants. It is used to repair damaged or dry skin and to prevent wrinkles. It is best used as less than 15% of a carrier oil composite blend. Walnut oil contains antioxidants and ellagic acid. High anti-oxidant concentrations have been shown to help fight the signs of aging as well.

Walnut oil, when taken internally (why not just eat walnuts?) creates an increase in the strength and resilience of blood vessels and improves circulation. It accomplishes this by preserving the function of the endothelial cells that line the walls of the blood vessels. This reduces the hardening of the artery walls. Hardening of the arteries is considered a major contributor to high blood pressure and heart disease. Walnut oil has a short shelf life and must be kept refrigerated and stored with a tight lid.

Walnut oil is certainly not recommended for persons with a nut allergy of any sort without extreme care and caution.

Featured 3-Oil Kits

Featured 3-Oil Kits

This month’s theme centers around the thyroid gland, the kidneys, and the adrenal glands. It is an interesting mix of very interdependent organs. It is practically impossible to strengthen one of these without also paying attention to the others. You will find, as you read about each of the oils in these kits, that the health of these important organs is emphasized very well. And, each blend in a particular kit works in tandem with the others.

LeEmerge, LeInsideOut, LeReflections

LeEmerge was made specifically for strengthening the gall bladder and liver but has an affinity for the entire digestive system, the kidneys, the pancreas, and the lymphatic system. This blend is a unique combination of energizing and soothing to both the physical organs of the body and to the emotions. LeEmerge can help us process our feelings and aid us in looking for and discovering new ideas as possibilities for solutions. We find ourselves looking forward with hope, having left the fear behind that can be so distressing and damaging to our kidneys.

LeInsideOut is a potent remedy for any type of digestive distress. Over the many years since I created this blend, I have come to understand, even more clearly, that many digestive issues are driven by and/or worsened by emotional drivers such as obsessive worry, anger, anxiety, suspicion, sadness, pride, and even, sometimes, by an overabundance of elation at our own brilliance and successful handling of our lives! The essential oils in this blend, while known to be wonderful for the digestive tract even in herbal form, are also calming to the emotions that too often drive digestive issues.

LeReflections is my favorite among the blends created for the kidneys. This is true whether you are seeking to soothe or rebuild kidneys that have been damaged by illness or emotional distress. What are the emotional drivers of kidney distress? Fear leads the list. This does not need to be fear of physical harm. It is just as likely to be fear of being inadequate or unsuited to the tasks at hand. Negativity—always looking at the clouds in the sky rather than standing in and enjoying the light—is another driver of kidney issues. LeReflections helps us ‘reflect’ on our blessings and find gratitude and thankfulness. These emotions, of course, increase our ability to give and receive love from those around us.

LeDeliverance, LeEndoRelief, LeLife Force

LeDeliverance There is nothing quite like an illness to deplete the energy reservoirs provided to the body by a healthy thyroid gland and healthy adrenal glands. A malfunction in these organs always results in debilitating fatigue. LeDeliverance is one of the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal combinations in the Butterfly repertory. Besides fighting off ‘critters’ this blend strengthens the immune system and the lymphatic system. Used regularly, it even improves the ability of the skin to act as the barrier it is meant to be against contaminants that attempt to enter our bodies through the skin.

LeEndoRelief should be applied to the lymph glands of the neck, chest, and armpits if a cold, sore throat or flu is suspected. Applying LeEndoRelief early, before the illness if fully developed will lessen its severity. If you missed the early onset of whatever is ‘coming on’, LeDeliverance—diluted and applied to the feet at the same time as LeEndoRelief is applied—has been known to accomplish miracles in shortening the severity and duration of illnesses.

LeLife Force is absolutely amazing when used following any illness or traumatic experience that has left a person feeling weak, shaky, or on edge. LeLife Force builds and strengthens the body and protects against a repeat performance by the same illness or mental/emotional stress! It does this because the ingredients, put together just right in a harmonious blend, is a potent immune builder and adrenal gland stimulant and toner.

List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+F to quickly find where these topics in this blog.

aching joints,
adrenal glands,
adrenal support,
adrenal toner,
blessed waters,
carrier oil,
chronic fatigue,
connective tissue,
Corn Silk,
Dandelion Root,
digestive system,
ellagic acid,
essential oil,
fluid retention,
food cravings,
gall bladder,
ginkgo biloba,
ginseng root,
Gotu Kola,
Gravel Root,
gray hair,
hormone imbalance,
Horse Chestnut,
Irish Moss,
juniper berry,
kidney infection,
kidney stone,
kidney toner,
licorice root,
life force,
linoleic acid,
liquid minerals,
low energy,
lymph drainage,
mood swings,
multiple sclerosis,
Olive Leaf,
Oregon Grape,
Parsley Root,
post-partum depression,
raw thyroid,
Red Clover,
red ginseng,
Red Root,
slippery elm,
Stone Root,
total lymph care,
Uva Ursi,
varicose veins,
white ginseng,
Yerba Mate

About The Author
