June 2022 – Gut Health

In June we will be talking about gut health. Having a healthy digestive system is important.   So much of our health depends upon nutrition – not just what we eat, but how what we eat is digested and absorbed (or not absorbed as the case may be).   A healthy gut plays an important part in immune health.

In This Issue

InsideOut Rub
Digestive Blessed Waters
Miracle II Neutralizer & Soap
June’s Six Oils
The Featured Blend – LeSafeGuard
The Featured Single – Anthopogon
Gut Health Supplements
Gut Health Tinctures
Featured Carrier Oil – Black Cumin
Featured Kit – 3 Oil Kit LeEmerge, LeInsideOut, LeReflections

New Stuff

InsideOut Rub

LeInsideOut Rub

This all-natural rub is very strong. It is made with essential oils, almond oil infused with Chamomile and Ginger herbs, and menthol crystals which give the rub an icy hot feel.  We will discuss the therapeutic properties of LeInsideOut Rub and its ingredients below.

LeInsideOut Rub improves the function of the digestive system. It helps with upset stomach, belching, bloating, stomach cramps, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, candida overgrowth, parasites, Crohn’s disease, IBS, and any other colon intestinal or digestive problem. It should be used for any bout of intestinal flu or food poisoning and is useful for most types of nausea.

Chamomile/Ginger Oil (In LeInsideOut Rub) Chamomile is excellent for ulcers, indigestion, and relief from nausea and morning sickness. It has a strong anti-histaminic effect, is a gentle liver cleanser, regulates peristalsis activity, and is used to treat diarrhea and constipation. Ginger is a well-known remedy for motion sickness, nausea, indigestion, colic, irritable bowel, loss of appetite, chills, flu, dyspepsia (bloating, heartburn, and flatulence), indigestion, and gastrointestinal problems such as gas and stomach cramps. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb as well as anti-viral. Ginger acts on and strengthens the stomach, spleen, liver, bladder, and kidneys. It reduces pain, stimulates circulation, and prevents ulcer formation in the stomach.

Menthol Crystals (In all rubs) Menthol crystals are used for their analgesic and cooling effects. They contain a local anesthetic, antipruritic, analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-irritant qualities. They are used for pain relief and for things like sprains, sore or pulled muscles, muscle spasms and cramping, and minor aches and pains of any sort.

Digestive Blessed Waters

Digestive Blessed Waters

I love essential oils! I love them so much that I created a company to provide good ones to people at more reasonable prices. HOWEVER—when the situation is serious and speed of healing is important—it is homeopathy that I turn to. Essential oils and herbal remedies will be used also, but the homeopathic remedy will be at the core of my efforts.  For this reason, I try to include a few in each blog.  Blessed Waters, sold by Butterfly Express are energetically similar to homeopathics and are used synonymously.

For more information on what a Blessed Water is and how to use them see our blog on Homeopathy Basic Principals.


Digestive #1 (9X)

Meant to improve absorption of trace minerals and is specific for treating children (or occasionally adults) with Geophage or Pica (the consumption of non-edibles such as dust, clay, paint flakes, glue, or hair.)

Digestive #2 (7X)

For treatment of intestinal disturbances such as intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache, and low-grade fever. If fever & headache persist, it is recommended to seek medical assistance.

Digestive #3 (9X)

Digestive difficulties with symptoms such as loud rumbling, burning, severe pain after eating (usually right-sided), flatulence, pyloric valve stenosis, and construction in the esophagus. Can be useful in removing scar tissue and obstructions.

Digestive #4 (7X)

 A general digestive remedy. Consider for any and all symptoms including gnawing hunger and hypoglycemia. Specific for situations in which symptoms are better with food in the stomach, and worse when the stomach is empty. Difficulties are often emotionally driven.
Odd note: the smell of food is nauseating, but eating makes the stomach feel better.

Miracle II Neutralizer with Soap

Miracle II Neutralizer with Soap

The developers of the Miracle II products have a parasite cleanse protocol using both the Miracle II neutralizer and the Miracle II soap. This cleanse is gentle on the system. It creates a “soapy, slippery” environment within the intestinal tract expelling the parasites. Resting and repeating the protocol several times allows for the cleansing of both worms and eggs.

Instructions: Mix 1 ounce of neutralizer with 1 – 3 drops of soap and drink. Repeat this process once a day for 4 days. Chocolate milk hides the taste the best. After 4 days, stop and wait for 2 days. After the 2-day waiting period, resume the neutralizer/soap protocol for 4 more days. This process takes 10 days.

For more information on intestinal parasites read our blog, Intestinal Parasites – Worms

June Oils

The three blends and three singles that were chosen for June are beneficial for Gut Health.

EZ Traveler Essential Oil

LeEZ Traveler was originally created to assist with motion sickness during airplane travel. This is a good oil to use in the days before traveling to avoid sickness while traveling. It has proven effective against other forms of motion sickness and unrelated incidences of nausea, dizziness, and vertigo. This blend often brings relief from morning sickness.

This blend should be carried with you whenever you are traveling if you are inclined to motion sickness. An inhaler is a convenient way to carry LeEZ Traveler, or you can place a few drops on a cotton ball and carry it in a small plastic bag. You can also apply this oil diluted to the soft areas of the skin such as the wrists, inner thighs, or behind the ears. It can also be diffused or added to the tub.

Besides alleviating the physical symptoms of motion sickness, LeEZ Traveler promotes feelings of calmness, emotional strength, and the ability to cope with the day’s events and responsibilities. It has been used to treat anorexia.

Julia Essential Oil

LeJulia is for the release of flatulence (gas), constipation, and other intestinal distress in infants and small children. This blend is also useful for colic, upset tummy, and nausea caused by fear or over-excitement.

This blend calms and soothes the emotions, allowing the “knots” in the stomach to dissolve. The synergy of the oils in this blend creates an atmosphere where fear, anxiety, and the need to hold on tightly to emotions can be released. It seems odd that infants and small children should have such issues, but the birth process and coming into this world can be a difficult transition for some sensitive spirits.

Careful dilution is recommended, as always, when using essential oils with infants and small children. LeJulia should be applied to the abdomen and/or to the feet.


LeSynopsis contains many of the best digestive oils in the essential oil repertory combined with essential oils that are specific to the emotional drivers of digestive and colon issues. This blend, however, is formulated in such a way as to, particularly target liver and gallbladder cleansing and support.

This blend also has a special affinity for both the small and large intestines. This is a great blend for indigestion, bloating of the stomach or intestinal area, constipation, and diarrhea.

LeSynopsis opens the mind to the consideration of the emotional drivers behind digestive issues. Digestive problems that include a great deal of bloating and cramping or alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation often have emotional roots.

Some possible emotional drivers might include holding on to the past, feeling a deep need to be in control, or maintain control, in all situations at whatever the cost, a need for greater trust and cooperation in relationships, and a need to unravel or untwist complicated situations or relationships. Feelings of fear or rejection may also be a part of digestive disturbance patterns.

Coriander Essential Oil

Coriander is used for digestive problems such as flatulence, nausea, and stomach cramps. It has been used in treatment programs for anorexia.

Coriander is both a gentle stimulant when energy levels are at a low ebb and a sedative in times of stress. Coriander is particularly valuable during convalescence from illness when energy levels are low and stress is often high. This oil is of benefit for physical, mental, and nervous exhaustion. In an odd combination of sensations, Coriander raises our energy levels and makes us feel less irritable and nervous. Coriander relieves muscle aches due to fatigue.

Coriander has a marked effect on various aspects of the endocrine system. One of the most important uses for this oil is in balancing glucose levels and supporting pancreatic function. Coriander is estrogenic. It is often beneficial in regulating menstrual cycles and relieving cramping.

Hyssop Essential Oil

In the digestive system, Hyssop is used to improve appetite, digestion, abdominal bloating, and the absorption of nutrients. It is considered helpful in expelling parasites.

Hyssop is used to strengthen the lungs and prevent the recurrence of colds and flu. It is particularly helpful in drying up the secretions and mucous of pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma.

Hyssop’s effect on circulation and lymph drainage make it useful for discharging toxins and mucous, treating dermatitis and gout, raising low blood pressure, preventing or minimizing scar tissue, and the healing of infections and wounds.

Hyssop increases perspiration. Sweating is one of the body’s ways of removing toxins and impurities. It also lowers body temperature. When the circulation is poor and the lymph glands are clogged, perspiration is unable to occur. This is a serious and health-threatening situation.

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil supports the respiratory system and is useful for asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, and most other respiratory complaints. Lemon oil tightens smooth muscles and strengthens connective tissue throughout the body. Lemon oil can be used for a liver or lymphatic cleanse. After cleansing is complete, Lemon oil can stimulate the pancreas and the entire endocrine system. Lemon is very helpful in passing gallstones and is said to induce labor when the baby is overdue. Lemon oil can be used to purify water and leaves no unpleasant taste behind.

This oil should be diluted and applied to any area of the body. Since it helps dissolve cellulite, applying Lemon to areas where cellulite has accumulated would be a good idea. Be sure to dilute to avoid irritation.

Lemon brings clarity of thought, aids in logical thinking, and helps us connect cause and effect in our lives. Lemon is a good oil for study sessions, improving attention span, and problem-solving. Lemon can help us analyze our resentments, decide if they are based on reality or not, and then help us let go of them—real or not! Lemon makes it easier to handle the stresses of life with a sense of humor.

June Oils

Featured Blend

SafeGuard Essential Oil

LeSafeGuard Essential Oil

LeSafeGuard tones and strengthens the digestive system encourages the flow of bile and aids in establishing a proper pH balance in the intestinal tract and colon. This balance creates an environment that is hostile and unfriendly to parasites and, thus, encourages their expulsion from the body. Herbal parasite cleanses are typically harsh and require considerable rebuilding of the intestinal tract in the days and weeks following such a cleanse. Essential oils seem to be able to accomplish the killing off and expulsion of parasites more gently and can actually strengthen the intestinal tract and the liver at the same time.

It is being recognized more and more that parasites and the nutritional deficiencies that they create are responsible for many of the ills of our modern society. LeSafeGuard, while helping us to be victorious in the fight against nasty parasites, also helps us see that we are “coming off as victors” in the challenges that life presents us every day.

Featured Singles

Anthopogon Essential Oil

Anthopogon Essential Oil

Anthopogon has shown to be effective against candida, e-coli, and several other strains of bacteria. This oil is a stimulant essential oil, with a particular affinity for the liver and digestive system. It can stimulate appetite during illness or convalescence. This oil is useful for gouty arthritic conditions. It is strongly anti-inflammatory when applied to fibrous tissues, ligaments, and joints.

Perhaps Anthopogon’s most important characteristic in the physical realm is on the immune system. It has been used in Nepal for various types of blood disorders and systemic infections for a very long time.

The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Padova in Italy has done extensive research as well as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry on this essential oil. Their results, published in a renowned scholarly scientific journal that targets important new discoveries, claim that Anthopogon essential oil reduced cancer cell growth in all types of cells tested, using varying treatment protocols and varying concentrations of essential oil. The cancers Anthopogon was tested against were ovarian, cervical, and colon—certainly three of the deadliest and fastest-moving cancers known. The research team speculated that the high pinene content was responsible, at least in part, for this action. This is truly important new research!

Anthopogon essential oil is very warming emotionally. It pulls one immediately into a mood of remembering, but with the blessing of a focus on the good times and the good in people. This oil is especially good for people whose lives have carried them far away from home and heritage. Anthopogon, and blends to which it has been added, are important and amazing oils for loss or bereavement of any kind.  Currently, it is an ingredient LeGrateful Heart, and LeReconciliation

Featured Collections

Gut Health Supplements

Gut Health Supplements

Enzymes and Probiotics are very beneficial for improving and maintaining Gut Health. Lets talk about these three products one at a time.

Digest Ultimate

Digest Ultimate™ is a potent proprietary combination of digestive enzymes produced through controlled fermentation of select microbial species and is stable throughout the pH range of the GI tract. This full-spectrum digestive support formula helps to optimize nutrient absorption by assisting in the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, as well as dairy, grains and indigestible fibers found in foods such as vegetables and beans. Digest Ultimate™ is suitable for vegetarians.  I have found some success using it with people who have minor lactose intolerance issues.

Plant Enzymes

Plant Enzymes are a comprehensive blend of enzymes that helps to support proper digestion and is specially formulated for a vegetarian diet. This product’s combination of enzymes assists in the breakdown of fats, fiber, proteins, and carbohydrates, thus optimizing the availability of nutrients in the food you eat. Plant Enzymes also includes lactase to support the digestion of dairy products for those who are sensitive to lactose.


Probiotic-10™ offers a balanced spectrum of live organisms consisting of acid-resistant probiotic bacterial strains that are known to naturally colonize the human GI tract. Probiotic bacteria are critical for healthy digestion, help maintain the integrity of the intestinal lining, support proper intestinal motility and participate in the detoxification process. Probiotic-10™ utilizes bacterial strains that have been clinically validated for their support of healthy immune system function.  It is a good idea to take a probiotic for a while after a round of food poisoning or stomach flu.

Gut Health Tinctures

Gut Health Tinctures

These 4 featured tinctures are all beneficial for Gut Health in different ways. I have provided information about each of them below.

CD Tincture

CD is a combination to be used for inflammation and irritation in the digestive tract. It could be useful for such conditions as chronic indigestion, colitis, ulcers of the small intestine, and constipation. The Plantain, Marshmallow, and Papaya Leaf are particularly soothing and healing, keeping any cleansing side effects milder than they might otherwise be. CD is effective as a mild colon cleanse. I recommend using it 3 or 4 times every year for a week or two just to keep the colon healthy and efficient. As always, be sure to support the liver and the kidneys whenever a colon cleanse of any kind, however mild, is attempted. KB, LC, RC, and this CD formula together make a good all-around cleansing program. They come together in a kit.  You might also want to read about Doing a Cleanse Right.

Moringa Tincture

Moringa is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and contains significant amounts of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as calcium, potassium, some absorbable proteins, and a host of antioxidants.  It is said to reduce inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body. The reduction of this type of inflammation can prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, respiratory problems, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and obesity. Three possible effects of Moringa’s nutritive elements are the lowering of blood sugar levels, blood lipid level control, and the prevention of plaque formation in arteries. In addition, Moringa is being tested as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease with some favorable preliminary results. Moringa has the constituents necessary to reduce liver damage and fibrosis and restore liver enzymes to normal levels.

Sarsaparilla Tincture

The most notable and unusual feature of Sarsaparilla is its use as an endotoxin binder. Endotoxins are bits of bacteria that are reabsorbed into the bloodstream from the large intestine. Normally, the liver filters out these and other colon-derived compounds before they return to the blood and circulate throughout the body. If the amount of endotoxins reabsorbed becomes excessive the liver can become overwhelmed and fail to remove a sufficient number of them. A toxic liver, unable to cope at all with this load, will allow these often deadly endotoxins to spill into the blood.

If endotoxins get loose in the general circulation, activation of the alternate complement immune system occurs. This system rushes white blood cells and other immune responses to the affected areas. While this is a good and necessary response and may save lives, it also results in chronic inflammation and cell damage. Much of what is blamed on a particular disease state—created by the rogue endotoxins—is created by the desperate attempts of the immune system to cope and eradicate the problem. What is being described here is any one of the “chronic autoimmune disorders” that are the body turning on its own badly damaged cells inflaming and destroying them, and then becoming confused as to what is “self but damaged” and what is “self but needed.”

Studies have shown that people with autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis have high levels of circulating endotoxins, and endotoxins are often the cause of high fevers when nothing specific like a bad sore throat seems to be identifiable. It is also speculated that endotoxins returning to the bloodstream are one of the avenues by which viruses and cancer cells travel throughout the body. Once bound with the molecules of Sarsaparilla, the endotoxins (of whatever form) can be safely excreted from the body. Just in case Sarsaparilla is unable to bind with cancer cells, I like to take RC (formerly Red Clover Combination) from time to time as an additional way to keep a handle on any possible circulating cancer cells.

In case the amount of information provided here didn’t tip you off, this is one of my favorite herbs.

Turmeric Tincture

Turmeric stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile. One double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that Turmeric reduced symptoms of bloating and gas in people suffering from indigestion. Turmeric may also help people with ulcerative colitis; in one study those who took curcumin had a significantly reduced rate of relapse than those who took the placebo. Stomach ulcers, osteoarthritis, and heart disease were also studied. (These studies were conducted using extracted curcumin. In my experience, the herb—before laboratories mess with it—is even more effective and has far fewer, if any, side effects.)

Featured Carrier Oils

Black Cumin Carrier Oil

Black Cumin Carrier Oil

Scientific research into the individual components of this oil indicates that it protects from histamine-induced bronchial spasms, explaining its use both internally and as a carrier oil for asthma, bronchitis, and coughing. Black Cumin is used for rheumatism and related inflammatory diseases and to increase milk production in nursing mothers. Black Cumin makes an excellent carrier oil for skin conditions such as eczema and boils.

INTERNAL CONSUMPTION: Reported internal uses for Black Cumin Seed Oil (for your information only). Black Cumin seed oil, ingested, has been used as a digestive aid (flatulence, colic, indigestion, and constipation), and as a medicine for colds, asthma, bronchitis, deep coughs, headaches, toothaches, and infections. Black Cumin is also used traditionally for circulatory ailments, to strengthen the urinary system, and aid in the removal of toxins and excess fluids. This oil is also used as an immune stimulant, and to clear lymphatic congestion. It is listed in many texts as a nervine for the relief of nervous exhaustion, tiredness, debility, insomnia, lethargy, and migraine headaches. I have no experience with the internal consumption of Black Cumin Oil. It is recommended by some in protocols for hepatitis.

The presence of beta-sitosterol, an anti-tumor sterol, gives credence to its traditional use in treating abscesses and tumors of the abdomen, eyes, and liver. Studies show that black cumin is effective in treating opioid dependence. Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center in Philadelphia have used that one ingredient, thymoquinone, to block pancreatic cancer cell growth and kill the cells by enhancing the process of programmed cell death (apoptosis). These studies are in the very early stages but are showing great promise, perhaps as a preventative for those at risk for cancer.

Featured Kit

3 Oil Kit - Emerge, InsideOut, Reflections

3 Oil Kit – Emerge, InsideOut, Reflections

LeEmerge was made specifically for the gallbladder and liver, though it has an affinity for the entire digestive system, kidneys, and pancreas. LeEmerge can be used as a very effective liver and lymphatic cleanse. It discharges toxins from the liver and blood, and dilates the bile ducts, decongesting the liver and aiding liver, gallbladder, and kidney function. While it cleanses the liver, it also stimulates the pancreas and the entire endocrine system, and helps strengthen and restore normal function to the organs and systems of the body. LeEmerge can aid in passing gallstones, and is beneficial for jaundice and other liver disorders.

LeInsideOut improves the function of the digestive system. It helps with upset stomach, belching, bloating, stomach cramps, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea. LeInsideOut’s ability to be effective for both constipation and diarrhea may seem odd; it is not. Natural remedies work with the body to return systems to balanced and healthy states. LeInsideOut should be used for any bout of intestinal flu or food poisoning. Useful for most types of nausea.

LeReflections lifts the cloud of negativity that may be pulling us under emotionally and spiritually and clouding our mental perceptions and processes. LeReflections can strengthen our kidney function, helping us to cope emotionally with the fears and events of our lives. LeReflections heightens our ability to give and receive love. A must-have oil when you fear being inadequate and unable to accomplish upcoming tasks.

List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+f to quickly find where these topics are covered in this blog.

Autoimmune Disorders,
Candida Overgrowth,
Crohn’s Disease,
Digestive System,
Emotional Drivers
Food Poisoning,
Gastrointestinal Problems,
Intestinal Flu,
Irritable Bowel,
Lactose Intolerance,
Large Intestine,
Liver Enzymes,
Loss of Appetite,
Morning Sickness,
Motion Sickness,
Nausea caused by fear or over-excitement,
Small Intestine,
Stomach Cramps,
Stomach Flu
Travel Sickness,
Upset Stomach,

About The Author



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