Generosity and Abundance with Essential Oils

Generosity and Abundance

Perhaps, at first glance, this title seems to be saying that one can only be generous – or live generously – if one has an abundance of this world’s goods.  This idea is certainly not what I want us to come away from this article with.  But, I did, with this title, hope to get us each thinking, myself included.  What is my own attitude toward the abundance of blessings in my life?  How much of my attention is focused on those things I think I need that I don’t have readily to hand at this moment?  Am I living joyously?  Am I living abundantly?  Am I sharing my abundance, joyously and generously, with those around me?  In this blog we will talk about Essential Oils for Generosity and Abundance.

Gratitude and generosity are inseparably linked.  Only from the abundance of the heart can one give generously

I have heard it said that “Gratitude is an attitude.”  Well, it certainly is.  But attitudes are such persistent things!  Especially, the bad ones.  Just knowing that gratitude is an attitude does not tell me very much about how to remember to be grateful.  It does not tell me much about how to remember, day by day, that what I have is more than enough.  It does not tell me how to remember – and feel deep in my soul – that in this world so full of abundance that there is more than enough for you and for me.

I believe that essential oils and flower essences homeopathic/blessed water remedies can be very helpful in improving my worst attitudes.  Of course, I must remember to make use of them for them to be helpful to me.

Can an essential oil or a homeopathic remedy really change our attitudes?
Do they really change our basic way of reacting to life?
Do they change our basic personality styles? 

I don’t believe that they do.  I do believe, however, that they open a door in our minds.  They allow us to see something that we didn’t see before.  Once we have seen a new way of being or reacting, we can choose it if we want.

Are you old enough to remember the television game show called “Let’s Make a Deal?”  The one that aired in 1963 not the current one.    As part of this show, the contestant was presented with three doors.  Behind each door lay a prize of some sort.  That is what I see in my mind when I consider how homeopathic/blessed waters and essential oil work.  The use of a chosen remedy or essential oil will present me with three doors.  Unlike “Let’s Make a Deal,” however, I will be allowed to glimpse my various choices for just a moment.  I can choose the one most like what I already do and think.  Or, I can choose something that will serve me better.

But – and this is a big part of it all – I must choose.  I may choose to stay exactly as I am, or I can choose the better way that I have just been given a glimpse of.  The choice, like the future, is always my own!

Essential Oils for Gratitude

The essential oils in the category are all about “getting a glimpse” at what gratitude looks and feels like.

Grateful Heart

This blend promotes feelings of gratitude for all that we have and all that others do for us.  LeGrateful Heart helps create within us tender feelings of empathy, gratitude, tolerance, compassion, and generosity.  Dissatisfaction and discontentment are destructive to the nervous and immune systems. LeGrateful Heart addresses these imbalances and can provide support and healing for these feelings. LeGrateful Heart is used to stabilize the blood sugar lows of hypoglycemia. It has been used effectively in the treatment of some auto-immune disorders.


LeBenediction can help us speak up and express our needs clearly without blaming or whining. This is especially true if we are sensitive to or over-awed by the person we are addressing. This blend also tempers our tendency to judge unkindly when we feel that a person has created the mess they are in and we are justified in leaving them alone to fix it.


This blend is specific for dealing with fears concerning being abandoned or left to cope with situations totally on one’s own. If you are prone to useless worrying, you may find this blend especially helpful.  LeFaith turns our thoughts to gratitude for the blessings we have received.


LeQuietEssence is an essential oil blend that encourages understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation. This blend can help us move away from guilt and accusation and into peace and understanding.  This is one of my very favorite blends.

Cautions: This blend contains rue, valerian, and St. Johns’ wort, but all in quite low percentages.  Being able to take advantage of the healing blessings of very powerful essential oils is one of the most beautiful things about using essential oils in blends, rather than as single oils layered.  These essential oils, particularly rue, have long lists of cautions, especially for pregnant women. As always, it is best to begin slowly and proceed with caution, always diluting well. I, personally, find little to fear in this amazing blend.

Essential Oils for Abundance

The essential oils in this category will help you look at live with more abundance.


LeAcknowledge was created to balance the sacral and heart chakras.  Part of the energy of the sacral chakra is tied to our feelings about whether our own needs are being met sufficiently.  The sacral chakra is about our attitudes toward abundance, in general.  Are those around us – those who are supposed to love us and be concerned about our needs – taking care of us sufficiently?   Of course, much of the heart chakra’s energetic pattern is about our feelings for and our generosity with those around us.


LeBountiful is the first oil that I think of when I think about keeping my perspective clear when thinking about money issues of any kind.  This blend moderates, or evaporates altogether, any feeling we might have that there is never going to be enough for ourselves let alone enough for everybody to have what they think they need.  The absence of these fearful feelings helps us eliminate even the slightest tendencies to greed and selfishness.  Benevolence is the best word I can find to describe the feeling this blend creates.  Generous actions automatically follow benevolent feelings, don’t they?

Kindred Spirit

LeKindred Spirit helps us recognize that other people have needs and struggles like our own.  The use of this blend should moderate tendencies on our part to expect more of others than we are willing or able to give ourselves.  Learning to honor ourselves for our contributions, rather than berating ourselves for not having done more, is another emotional blessing of this blend.  It is, of course, possible to be just as out-of-balance by giving too much as it is to be out-of-balance by being stingy or greedy.  LeKindred Spirit brings us to a place of balance in these regards.


This is the greatest essential oil product I know of for fostering a sense of physical and mental well-being. It can rid us of stubbornness, anger, judgment, and envy. LeUnity essential oil blend must be experienced to be believed.

Essential Oils for Living More Generously


LeAmbition is a blend created to help us move past hesitation and fear of not doing something the way it should be done.  Perhaps, for some of us some of the time, our failure to give is because we doubt our ability to know what is needed.  This blend, LeAmbition, can also help us move forward in achieving our goals while still being mindful of the needs of others.


LeBelieve can help us see that we have the abilities we need and that we will be led to where we need to be at appropriate times in our lives.  At the same time, this blend can help us balance the need we feel to protect ourselves and be ready for anything that may come along with a desire to serve others and make their lives easier and more abundant.


I know that this amazing blend is discussed, briefly, above.  I simply could not leave it out of either category, generosity or abundance.  Like Unity, the effects of LeBountiful almost need to be experienced in order for one to believe the depth of changes that this blend can help us make in our lives.


The strength of LeReconciliation lies in helping us find perspective and peace by bringing us understanding and compassion.  It pulls one immediately into a mood of remembering, but with the blessing of a focus on the good times and the good in people.   The aroma of this blend is spectacular!


LeTrust helps us be more accepting, tolerant, compassionate.  It helps us forgive others and ourselves. The emotions supported by LeTrust can help us evaluate our relationships and leave behind attitudes of co-dependency. LeTrust helps us find balance between trusting others and ourselves. Reasonable caution of new situations and old relationships is a very important life skill.

Single Essential Oil Suggestions 

anthopogon, benzoin, cinnamon, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, melissa, melissa blend, nutmeg, sandalwood.
I will not elaborate on all of them, but I do want to mention a few briefly.


Anthopogon, a rather unique essential oil, is very warming emotionally.  It pulls one immediately into a mood of remembering, but with the blessing of a focus on the good times and the good in people.  It is an ingredient in LeReconciliation.


Sandalwood is an essential oil with so many layers and constituents that it is much like a blend all by itself.  I love sandalwood!  It is often used in yoga disciplines and in meditations.  This is because it enhances our ability to look inside ourselves and be honest about what we see there.

Flower Essence Suggestions

Heather (Bach)

Heather, is a good remedy for those who have become a bit too absorbed in their own problems and worries.  This remedy seems to nourish the soul.  From this stronger sense of self comes contentment and then compassion.   Service, especially service from feelings of love and compassion, is a wonderful path to the healing of our own souls.  By learning to serve others with compassion, the Heather soul becomes self-fulfilled rather than self-absorbed.  

Star Thistle (North American)

This remedy addresses the soul’s capacity for generosity and sharing.  It is particularly indicated when there is a “fear of lack”. Or a feeling that there is not enough.  A tendency to hoard and carefully guard material possessions is seen.  This state of mind can be present whether the individual is financial wealthy or not so well-off financially.  Interestingly, people fitting the Star Thistle pattern are susceptible to premature physical aging and difficulty adjusting to new situations.  Disturbances in the liver are also common.  This remedy should bring understanding that it is through giving that the soul finds nourishment for itself and that it is through sharing that one’s own life becomes richer and more abundantly fulfilled.

Trillium (North American)

A person who might benefit from Trillium has reached a place in their lives where too much focus is being placed on the achievement of power and the acquisition of wealth and material possessions.  They may be wealthy and powerful already.  On the other hand, they may be living in poverty.  The key emotion is that the acquisition of wealth – or more wealthy – would bring satisfaction and fulfillment.  Sometimes, this attitude is driven by feelings of inadequacy.  These feelings may also be a disconnection with the self as a child of the Divine.  A gap or lowering of spiritual connection may have weakened the base Chakra.  This chakra holds within itself many of our attitudes toward abundance.  Trillium can strengthen this chakra, clear perspective, and bring about a desire to share and to serve.

Yellow Star Tulip (North American)

One of the gifts of this remedy is a heightening of our awareness of the needs and feelings of others.  Besides making us more generous and compassionate, Yellow Star Tulip may also help us see how our own behavior affects those around us.  This remedy is beloved by those in healing professions.  It is sought for helping them better connect to the needs and emotions of the people with whom they work.  It is also said to be useful for borderline sociopath persons who have become very disconnected from the feelings and emotions of other people.  Of course, any person in the emotional ranges between healer and sociopath who wants to feel more connection and compassion may benefit from this remedy.

Oregon Grape (North American)

Oregon Grape is indicated for any person who has lost faith in the basic goodness of people.  It is recommended for persons who view the world and those around them as usually being hostile and unfair.  Sometimes, the very energy of perceptions of this kind bring about the reality in our lives to a very real extent.  Persons who are treated in a hostile or mistrustful manner often respond by being hostile and untrustworthy.

Bog Blueberry (Alaskan)

This remedy is an excellent choice for ridding oneself of any beliefs that limit the experience of abundance and gratitude on all levels of our lives.  Bog Blueberry encourages us to accept the many blessings – and learning experiences – of our lives with acceptance and gratitude.  This remedy also encourages us to be more compassionate and, certainly, more generous towards others.

Final Thoughts on Gratitude

My husband and I look at the plants—everyone, and perhaps the rocks and minerals, too—as personal messages from a loving Heavenly Father. Because He understood that we would not always ask for, or even recognize, His help in our lives, He endowed the various plants with His own healing capacities and invited us to partake of them to balance and heal our own lives. Plants affect us, not just on a physical (vitamin and molecular) level, but on a spiritual plane as well. It is impossible to use an essential oil to heal the physical body without it bringing light and wisdom, healing and peace into your life. The peace and wisdom will be multiplied many times over if you use the oils with thanksgiving to the Creator and an acknowledgement of the role of the Atonement in the healing of both physical and emotional (spiritual) pain.

Essential Oils and the Scriptures

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