Miscarriage and Prevention


Miscarriage is far more common than is generally supposed. It is an estimation by some in the medical community that 1 in 2 very early pregnancies miscarry.  These miscarriages often appear to have been only a delayed or extra heavy period. Statistics say that 1 in 6 women who have had a positive pregnancy test will suffer a miscarriage later on. These statistics seem a little high, based on my experience as a midwife. It is my belief that with proper care and natural remedies, half of “threatened miscarriages” can be brought to term. A 1 in 6 miscarriage rate seems high because we see, so often, women threats to successful completion.

Some women have spotting or even light periods regularly throughout their pregnancies. This does not necessarily indicate an impending miscarriage.  It is, however, always cause for concern and prompt action. Whenever there is bleeding during pregnancy, corrective measures should be taken immediately.  If cramping or softening of the cervix is present, the woman should spend as much time lying down as possible. After two days of bed rest, the woman should remain still if moving about increases bleeding, until bleeding stops.


ESSENTIAL OILS: The essential oil LeMillenia tightens the uterus and cervix.  It also realigns everything structurally and energetically.  LeHeartSong and LeWhispering Hope can help with the emotional loss should pregnancy not carry to term.

HERBS: If the pregnancy is in the first six weeks when bleeding occurs, False Unicorn and Lobelia should be taken. The ratio should be 3 parts False Unicorn to 1 part Lobelia. Butterfly Express sells this under the acronym MC (Miscarriage Formula).  This combination taken as soon as spotting begins has saved many pregnancies. Once the egg has left the corupus luteum inside the fallopian tube, certain hormones should be produced.  These hormones signal the endometrial lining to prepare for implantation of the zygote (soon to be baby).  Without this signal, the fertilized egg cannot implant.  Since no implantation has taken place, the uterus empties and a miscarriage occurs.  These types of miscarriages usually occur between the 6th and 8th week.  False Unicorn with Lobelia encourages production of these hormones and the baby is able to implant.

Other herbs to consider include Chaste Tree, Cramp Bark, Black Haw, Wild Yam, and Raspberry.

BLESSED WATER: Bach flower remedies Rock Rose or Mimulus may help with the emotional pain.  Rescue Remedy should be used for shock, bleeding, and the emotional state of the mother.
Other homeopathic remedies to consider: Acon, Arn, Ars, Bry, Caul, Chin, Cimic, Ferr-p, Gels, Ign, Ip, Puls, Rhus-t, Ruta, Sabin, Sec, Sep, and Vib.

The blessed waters used for the various stages of miscarriage are treated in more depth in the book Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies, II, Chapter Four.

Following a Miscarriage

HERBS: St. John’s Wort—to aid the uterus in expelling every last bit of placenta and membranes without resorting to a D&C. Cayenne, Shepherd’s Purse and Mistletoe (for a few days)—to control bleeding. Chlorophyll is also helpful here. The herbal formula, KNA should be utilized to rebuild energy and health.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeMillenia causes the uterus to fold and return rapidly to a pre-pregnant state. It has proven very helpful in coping with excess bleeding. LeMillenia also helps the woman focus forward and cope with the myriad of emotions that miscarriages create. LeHeartSong and LeWhispering Hope, as mentioned above, should be remembered.

BLESSED WATER: General—Tissue salt combination Bioplasma is the best way I know to cope with bleeding of even hemorrhage proportions, flower essence combination Rescue Remedy, and Ferr-p.

Chronic Tendency to Miscarry


BLESSED WATER: Caul, Ruta, Sabin, and Sep.

To Aid Completion of a Miscarriage

BLESSED WATER: Acon, Arn, Bell, Caul, Canth, Con, Goss, Kali-c, Puls, Sabin, and Sep.

Additional Reading:

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