Warts The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the culprit causing warts of whatever variety. This virus family triggers extra cell growth. With warts, the outer layer of skin becomes thick and hard. Unsightly bumps of various sizes appear. A wart can grow anywhere a person has skin. However, they are most…
Restless Leg Syndrome What is Restless Leg Syndrome? Many, many people suffer from what may be termed Restless Leg Syndrome! The use of the word “syndrome” in a name for a dis-ease state tells us that the cause – or even exactly when it is a dis…
#10 Headaches – Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Introduction Drugs, seem to be the “remedy of choice” for headaches and migraines when consulting a practitioner of Western Medicine – a Doctor. Too many times, a pain-relieving drug will be prescribed regardless of the type of a headache or…
#9 Sleep & Cluster Headaches Sleep Issues and Headaches Parents of small children and newborn babies understand all too well that sleep deprivation causes headache pain! In some people, even irregularity in sleep patterns trigger migraines. In a classic chicken-or-egg pattern, headaches also trigger sleep disturbances. What a…
Hormones and Lymphatic Congestion Many women who suffer from uncomfortable and painful menstrual cycles in their teen years go on to experience even more problematic periods during their childbearing years. A higher percentage of these women also go on to experience difficult pregnancies. They are more likely to have problems…
#2 – Headaches – Emotions If you can accept that your emotions impact your health then it follows that headaches more than likely have at least one emotional driver. Understanding that emotions impact health was a new, and New Age-y, sort of philosophy when I first began living and…
#1 – Headaches – An Introduction Your head is pounding – again. Or, perhaps, you are seeing the beginning flashes of light or squiggly zigzag lines of light that signal an oncoming migraine. You are not alone! Headaches and migraines are very common. Almost everyone will experience headache pain at…
Depression Breaking Free of the Sadness “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” ~Thomas Carlyle~ Depression – a debilitating and persistent feeling of sadness. Such feelings are quite common, also. These feelings are so common, in fact, that nearly everyone has felt…