LABOR AND DELIVERY In order to cover labor and delivery properly, we would need to write an entire book or two. The following is merely a list of the most commonly used remedies during labor and delivery. There is a little bit of information provided to guide your choice—or…
MISCARRIAGE AND THE PREVENTION OF MISCARRIAGE Miscarriage is far more common than is generally supposed. It is an estimation by some in the medical community that 1 in 2 very early pregnancies miscarry. These miscarriages often appear to have been only a delayed or extra heavy period. Statistics say that…
FERTILITY ISSUES Infertility is one of the most difficult of life’s hard situations. It can be a heart-rending journey for a young couple. Waiting for a pregnancy to happen can be an emotional monthly roller coaster ride. “Maybe this month” is hard on everyone involved, including…
Fear, Worry, Anxiety, and Anxiety Disorders To avoid confusion, I want to begin by defining these four states of mind. Fear, worry, anxiety, and anxiety disorders. I do not want to be talking about oranges and you thinking that I am talking about lemons. When something like that happens, a…
MAINTAINING A HEALTHY PREGNANCY There are many things that go into the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy, therefore, a few of them are listed below. diet sufficient fluids exercise sunlight periods of rest during the day balanced hormones keeping the stress in your life manageable HERBS: PHB—the acronym stands…
Anxiety Disorders For most of us, the demands and challenges of our lives produce only temporary bouts of anxiety. These moments (even hours) of anxiousness are perfectly normal. Typically, most of us are able to manage our anxieties without letting them disrupt our lives. We find solutions. We calm our…
PUBERTY Puberty is a time of emerging hormones. It can also be a time of raging and unbalanced hormones. In some ways this stage of life can be a sort of return to the “terrible twos.” There will be a great deal more autonomy thrown in just to keep things…
Homeopathic First Aid and Allergic Reactions The principles by which Homeopathics operates are, in the words of Dr. Hahnemann, “clearly comprehensible. In an earlier article titled “Homeopathy – Basic Principles“, we addressed very briefly the principles by which this energy modality operates. I hope you found it…
Homeopathy A Valid and Effective System of Medicine The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles.” (Taken from The Organon of Medicine by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann…
BLOOD CLOTS What is a Blood Clot? When platelets, proteins, as well as a bunch of clotting substances mix together, a blood clot forms. Blood clots form to prevent excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is injured or ruptured in some way. Blood vessels to an injured area narrow when…