#5 – Headaches – Hormones Headaches and other problems that occur during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause are, quite often, related to out-of-balance hormones. Estrogen is such a popular topic these days. It might be easy to assume that it is the only important hormone in a woman’s…
Candida Overgrowth (Candidiasis) Candida albicans is a naturally occurring fungus found in the intestinal tract. This fungus is the culprit in what is often referred to as a candida problem. Yeast infection is another common name for such a fungal infestation. When it is in the mouth, it is referred…
#4 – Headaches – Dehydration Why Does Dehydration Cause Headache Pain? The body requires proper fluid and electrolyte levels in and around every cell. Cells simply cannot function properly without adequate fluid levels. Improper fluid levels impede, for example, the body’s ability to move nutrients to the cells…
#3 – Headaches – Endocrine System I was surprised to learn, as I began looking for ALL of the possible causes of migraines, how many possibilities there are. One of the most intriguing to me was the connection between the thyroid and additionally, the adrenal glands to an oncoming migraine…
#2 – Headaches – Emotions If you can accept that your emotions impact your health then it follows that headaches more than likely have at least one emotional driver. Understanding that emotions impact health was a new, and New Age-y, sort of philosophy when I first began living and…
#1 – Headaches – An Introduction Your head is pounding – again. Or, perhaps, you are seeing the beginning flashes of light or squiggly zigzag lines of light that signal an oncoming migraine. You are not alone! Headaches and migraines are very common. Almost everyone will experience headache pain at…
What, exactly, are we talking about when we use the term “influenza”? Is influenza the same thing as the flu? Is influenza/flu a respiratory or a stomach/intestinal tract illness? Perhaps we should define these terms to some extent, at least, before we proceed with possible solutions…
Depression Breaking Free of the Sadness “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” ~Thomas Carlyle~ Depression – a debilitating and persistent feeling of sadness. Such feelings are quite common, also. These feelings are so common, in fact, that nearly everyone has felt…
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease What is Hand Foot and Mouth Disease? Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious viral infection. With a name like “hand, foot, and mouth, this disease certainly sounds like something whole-system and serious, doesn’t it? Nasty and no fun…
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain and Dysfunction Perhaps, the topic of TMJ does not interest very many of you. All I can say to that is to counsel gratitude that you have not experienced trouble here. I have – for about 3 weeks now. My efforts to understand and deal with…