
What, exactly, are we talking about when we use the term “influenza”?  Is influenza the same thing as the flu?  Is influenza/flu a respiratory or a stomach/intestinal tract illness?  Perhaps we should define these terms to some extent, at least, before we proceed with possible solutions and health tips.

However, the most important questions of all, to my mind, are “What is the difference between the flu season we experience every year and the pandemic flu of 1918?” and “Should we expect another such pandemic flu in our own lifetimes”?   These important questions will be addressed, as far as I understand the answers, in this article a little later on.


Influenza, technically speaking, is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system – your nose, throat, and lungs, in other words.  Influenza is commonly called the flu.

Occasionally, symptoms such as nausea, stomach cramps, and vomiting may occur along with the respiratory symptoms.  This is more likely with children who have influenza than with adults.  Generally, the intestinal symptoms, when they are seen, result from a secondary bacterial infection rather than having been created by the original influenza virus.

Influenza/flu, even with a stomach bacteria at the same time, is not the same as the “stomach flu” viruses or bacterias that cause serious diarrhea and vomiting.   

Gastroenteritis is the term used by medical personnel for the “stomach flu” that is caused by various types of viruses.  Confusingly, the term gastroenteritis also describes intestinal symptoms from a variety of other causes.  Viral stomach flu is the most common kind of gastroenteritis, however.  Nausea, diarrhea, and quite possibly vomiting, will begin 12 to 48 hours after exposure to a stomach flu virus.  Generally, this type of flu lasts no more than 3 days.  Bacterial infections, food poisoning (usually bacterial also), or parasites may also cause gastroenteritis.  Any type of gastroenteritis caused by a stomach flu virus can be dangerous for people who have other health conditions.  It may be dangerous for babies and older people, as well.  Dehydration poses the greatest risk factor for additional complications.

Flu Symptoms

Common Symptoms
  • Unlike the common cold, viral flu symptoms almost always come on suddenly
  • Fever, or feeling feverish and chilly at the same time
  • Severe aches in muscles and joints.  In other words, with flu, you simply ache all over!
  • Extreme fatigue, weakness
  • Warm (or hot) flushed skin
  • Red, watery eyes
  • A headache, often quite severe
  • A dry cough
  • A sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Adults with seasonal flu do not usually vomit or develop diarrhea.  On the other hand, children often do.  Factor this in when choosing remedies.  

Emergency Warning Signs (adults)

  • Trouble breathing, shortness of breath
  • Pain or pressure in the chest or belly
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Severe vomiting
  • Symptoms of flu that improved but then returned with a higher fever and a more severe cough.

Emergency Warning Signs (children)

  • Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing
  • Retractile breathing.  The areas below the ribs and between the ribs (beneath the sternum) sink in with each breath.  Retractile breathing indicates extreme difficulty in getting sufficient air.  Immediate medical attention is warranted.  Do not delay! 
  • Refusing fluids for more than 24 hours.  Dehydration, with all of its complications, is likely.
  • Difficult waking up
  • Not interacting with the caregiver or family members
  • Extreme irritability.  The child does not want to be held.  The body aches and the fever make cuddling painful)
  • Fever with a rash
  • Symptoms of flu that improved but then returned with a higher fever and a more severe cough

Symptoms of Dehydration 

Dehydration is a very real danger and can happen quickly with infants and small children.

  • Significantly fewer wet diapers than normal
  • Having no tears when crying
  • Being unable to eat
  • Having trouble breathing
  • Skin when pinched together is slow to return to normal

Possible Complications of Seasonal Flu

  • Sinus and/or ear infections – a moderate complication
  • Pneumonia
  • Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart
  • Encephalitis – inflammation of brain tissue
  • Myositis – inflammation, and degeneration of muscle tissue
  • Organ failure.  Respiratory or kidney failure, for example
  • Sepsis – an overwhelming and life-threatening response to viral or bacterial infections.  Fortunately, sepsis with flu is extremely rare.

The Seriousness of Viral Flu

I really do not want this blog to become a “scaremongering” internet spot.  However, certain facts and statistics are important to a discussion of influenza.

The following information is taken from an article published online by Scientific American, titled How Does the Flu Actually Kill People?.  

I will be summarizing and paraphrasing the article, rather than quoting exactly.   I will make those parts taken directlly, although paraphrased, blue for clarity as to who is saying what.  

Who, or what is Scientific American?  According to Wikipedia, Scientific American is a popular science magazine published in America.  It is the oldest continuously published monthly magazine in the United States (although it only became monthly in 1921).  Many famous scientists, both recent and of previous years, have contributed articles to this magazine, Albert Einstein among them.

The Death of Alani Murrieta

Let’s begin with the tragic story of Alani Murrieta of Phoenix, Arizona.  This unfortunate woman began to feel sick on Sunday afternoon.  She had no preexisting medical conditions.  An urgent care clinic gave a diagnosis of flu the next day.  Tamiflu, an antiviral medication, was prescribed.  By Tuesday morning she was having trouble breathing and was spitting up blood.  X-rays revealed pneumonia:  an inflammation of the lungs caused by a viral or bacterial infection or both.  Additional antibiotics were given intravenously.  Doctors were transferring her to the intensive care unit when her heart stopped.  They resuscitated her but her heart stopped again.  At 3:25 P.M. on Tuesday – one day after being diagnosed with the flu and only 2 days after beginning to feel sick – Alani Murrieta was declared dead.

Recent Statistics

According to the World Health Organization, the number of cases of severe illness, worldwide, is estimated to be between 3 million and 5 million.  The statistics on flu-related deaths range from 291,000 to 646,000 annually.  The Center for Disease Control estimated that between 2010 and 2016 yearly flu-related deaths in the United States were between 12,000 and 56,000.

Why the large discrepancy in the statistical numbers?  291,000 – 646,000 and 12,000 – 56,000 are pretty large spreads after all.  The key to the wide range of these statistics lies in the words “flu-related”.  The mechanisms by which a flu virus kills people or makes them severely ill also impact these statistics.  Quoting the article directly:  “The presence of the virus itself isn’t going to be what kills you.  An infectious disease always has a complex interaction with the immune system of its host.”  I will explain it a bit further.

Scenario #1

A flu virus, after it enters the body through the eyes, nose or throat, hijacks human cells.  It does this in order to make replicas of itself – over and over again.  In doing so, it gobbles up more and more cells.  The body responds to this overwhelming attack by mounting a strong immune system response.  Battalions of white blood cells, antibodies, and inflammatory molecules respond to eliminate the threat.  T-cells attack and destroy tissue harboring the virus.  Since these tissues are in the lungs and throat, things can become serious in a hurry!  Most healthy adults are able to eliminate a virus quickly.  Then the tissues of the body repair themselves.  Sometimes, the overly strong immune response destroys so much lung tissue that the lungs can no longer deliver sufficient oxygen to the blood.   The result is hypoxia and death.

Scenario #2

There is another equally deadly scenario.   When the body is weakened by a viral attack, a secondary bacterial infection often occurs.  The lungs become infected with either Streptococcus or Staphylococcus, both serious in and of themselves.  The result is, most often, life-threatening pneumonia.  A strep or staph infection in the respiratory tract can potentially spread to other parts of the body, both organs and tissues.  It may even spread to the blood, resulting in septic shock.

Scenario #3

Septic shock, mentioned above, is a serious, life-threatening, body-wide, organ damaging, aggressive inflammatory response.  Because sepsis destroys essential organs and systems, death is a very real possibility.  In fact, even with today’s modern medical treatments, septic shock kills more often than not once it ensues.

Statistical Summary of Causes of Death

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, from autopsy reports, estimates that one-third of people who die from flu-related causes die because the virus overwhelmed the immune system.   Another third die from the immune response to secondary bacterial infections.  The remaining third die due to the failure of one or more essential body organs as a result of septic shock.  In other words, quoting the article word for word, “. . . in most cases the body kills itself by trying to heal itself.”  

A Healthy Immune System as the Cause of Death?

I can’t help but question the reality of a healthy immune response being responsible for the death of the person.  Let’s think it through a bit.  A person’s immune system fails to respond quickly enough to kill invading influenza viruses after the person has been exposed.   The viruses then hi-jack healthy cells in order to replicate itself.  The person’s immune system finally kicks in and begins to destroy the damaged cells.

Is this scenario the response of a healthy immune system?  Or is it the last ditch attempt of an unhealthy and previously slow to respond immune system? Was the extreme reaction of the immune system an indication that it had allowed the virus to get out of hand before it responded?   I am sure that I don’t know for sure!  It does make sense to me, however, to keep my immune system functioning as well as possible all of the time.  On the other hand, I have to acknowledge feeling some trepidation when I read statements such as the following one.

(Speaking of the 1918 Flu Epidemic)

Why did so many young adults die? Young adults generally have strong immune systems.  When attacked by a virus, their immune systems respond with every weapon possible.  Chemicals called cytokines as well as other microbe-fighting organisms are generated and rushed to the scene.  A horrendous battle ensues.  Unfortunately, the battlefield was the lungs.   

These “cytokine storms” further damaged the patient’s own lung tissue.  The destruction, according to the noted influenza expert Edwin Kilbourne, resembled nothing so much as the lesions from breathing poison gas.  (This statement is found in the article referenced below in the “Past Flu Pandemics” section of this article.)

A Very Scary Reality

If the statement, “the body kills itself by trying to heal itself” is an accurate statement,  it represents a very scary reality!  What it says to me is that besides keeping our immune systems functioning very well we had better respond very quickly to viral and bacterial attacks.  This will be equally true whether we are responding alternatively or by mainstream medical measures.  We absolutely must eliminate – kill completely – the invaders before they have such a hold within us that the immune response itself becomes any part of the cause of death.

A viral attack from a very strong strain brings about a more sudden and violent immune response – Scenario #1.   In this case, being young and healthy will not be a protection.  In fact, in both the H1N1 2009 pandemic and in the 1918 epidemic, the age group most affected was young adults.  Those that survived the initial destruction of tissue in the lung and in the throat succumbed to pneumonia – the inflammatory response created by the immune system.

In a more typical flu season with a less virulent strain at play, most flu-related deaths occur among small children and the elderly.  The immune system is an adaptive network.  It learns how to recognize and respond to threats over time and with exposure.  The immune systems of small children may not respond adequately to the threat.  Advancing age sometimes creates a weakened immune response in some people.  (Either that or a lifetime of drug therapies creates a weakened immune response, perhaps.)

Cleanliness of Treatment Facilities

Cleanliness is a key factor in preventing the secondary bacterial infections.    Always pay strict attention to preventing the spread of the virus and the subsequent bacterial infections.

General Suggestions for Seasonal Flu

#1   Avoid exposure

Also, the best plan is always prevention.  Avoid exposure if at all possible.  Act prophylactically – treat for the illness you may have been exposed to before symptoms appear.  Herbal remedies are nutrition.  No harm comes from using herbals before you are sure you need them.  The same is true of essential oils.  The administration of a homeopathic remedy prevents or minimizes, often, the onset of all illness to which a person has been exposed.  Examining the statistical evidence clearly shows this to be true.

#2   A Controlled Fever is a Good Friend

Increased body temperatures destroy infectious agents.  Also, the fever must not be allowed  to go too high.  Such remedies as the Blessed Water combination remedy, Fever, may be helpful.   Also consider herbal remedies such as elderflower, catnip, peppermint, and the chamomiles.


A Butterfly herbal combination, BBL, is excellent for the appropriate control of fever.  Give BBL by mouth and/or apply it topically to the feet and neck. I usually do both at the same time.  For convulsions brought on by fever, place the child in a tub of tepid water to which a dropperful or two of BBL has been added.  (Tepid is one of my mother’s words.  It means a temperature that is just about neutral, neither hot nor cold, when you insert your elbow into the tub.)

Ginger Bath

A ginger bath, using either powdered, fresh, or tinctured ginger  (not the essential oil – too strong), is an amazing way to induce a fever and a sweat.  Be sure to keep the patient warm as they get out of the tub.  They should remain wrapped up warmly – and sweating hard – for at least 20 minutes.  This is my favorite way to deal with an oncoming illness.  It has been very effective for my family for many years!

#3   Drink Plenty of Fluids

Dehydration creates serious issues.  A “dry” fever is much more dangerous than a fever that produces a sweat.  It is absolutely essential that a flu patient drink plenty of fluids.  Peppermint tea is a very good choice.  Peppermint fights fever and provides essential nutrients.  It also settles the stomach.   For children, try catnip with chamomile., either as a glycerin tincture or as a mild tea.  

#4   Rest

Allowing the body to rest is absolutely essential.  Get sufficient rest at every stage of the illness – onset, during the illness, and during the convalescent period, as well.  With serious illnesses and epidemics, the convalescent period is very important.  The second round of such an illness, if allowed to occur, is always worse than the first round.

#5   Gargle

Gargle with salt water or, better yet, an essential oil that kills infectious agents.  Besides eliminating secondary bacteria such as strep or staph, gargling will provide the mouth and throat with much-needed moisture.

#6   Wash hands and surfaces frequently

Attention to hygiene and cleanliness prevents the spread of an illness throughout the family and among friends who come to visit or to nurse the sufferers.

#5   Vitamin C Foods or Herbals

Vitamin C is essential to the immune system.  Vitamin C see also aids the body in the uptake of nutrients such as iron.  Stress and illness seriously deplete Vitamin C in the body.

Rosehips Tincture

Rosehips have extremely high levels of vitamins, particularly vitamin C. Other nutrients include vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and K as well as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, choline, betaine, and the minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and fluoride.   

This tincture is also included in the Grab N’ Go Flu Kit discussed next. More information can be found by following the link for this kit in the previous sentence and elsewhere.  

    ~ Homeopathics, Essential Oils, Herbals

#6   Butterfly Express Complete Flu Kit

The Complete Flu Kit is a comprehensive kit that includes the most recommended essential oils, tinctures, and blessed waters for treating flu of various types and description.  Most of the remedies discussed below are included in this kit.

(Blessed waters remedies are similar in energetic frequency to homeopathic remedies and can be used in the same ways.)

Homeopathics/Blessed Waters

Homeopathic ~ Low Potency Combination Remedies

The use of low potency remedies is appropriate for a mild case of seasonal flu whose symptoms have only just begun to appear.   Combination remedies take the guesswork and the just plain work out of choosing a homeopathic remedy.  These remedies do not, however, reach as deep into the healing system to produce healing as the higher potency singles. 

Nevertheless, low potency combination remedies can be a great place to start.  However, with influenza/flu, you can never be really sure that what is coming on will remain mild.  I always give a single remedy in a deeper potency for anything that becomes serious or might.

Diarrhea #1

This remedy is more for a seasonal bout of stomach flu than for influenza.   

~ Chronic diarrhea with abdominal cramps.
~ Mental confusion. Depression.
~ Difficulty urinating or the inability to hold the urine.
~ Violent squeezing and constriction in the umbilical region.

Flu Symptoms #2

This remedy contains Bryonia alba, Eupatorium perfoliatum, and Gelsemium sempervirens along with Ferrum phosphoricum (a fatigue and debility remedy).  With those ingredients, it is perfectly suited as a first response to influenza.  Symptoms will include all of the symptoms of each of the remedies contained in this combination. 

The case should be analyzed and the appropriate remedy of the three listed above should be given in a deeper potency for the greatest effectiveness.

~ Acute, sudden, violent illness with a high fever.
~ Bronchitis or pneumonia.
~ A Splitting headache.
~ Sharp pain when swallowing.
~ Pleurisy with sharp pain.
~ Fever and chills with aching in the bones.
~ Weak pulse.  Weakness and prostration.
~ Cough worse at night.
~ Trembling.  Aching muscles.
~ Drowsiness.  A headache, usually severe.
~ Chills running up and down the spine.

This remedy is good for lowering a fever, especially in children.

Homeopathic/Blessed Water Higher Potency Remedies

As mentioned above, something as serious as influenza, pandemic or seasonal, is best treated with the deeper action of higher potency remedies.  Further information on these remedies can be obtained from Homeopathic Materia Medicas (Remedy Guides), from on-line sources, and by following the link to the information for the Complete Flu Kit.  

The Flu Kit includes the Blessed Water versions of the homeopathic remedies of Arsenicum album, the Diarrhea #1 remedy mentioned above, Eupatorium perforatum, Gelsemium sempervirens, and Veratrum album.  As mentioned above, Bryonia alba and Ferrum phosphoricum should also be considered. 

Gelsemium sempervirens

Gelsemium deserves a moment’s special mention.   This remedy is especially suited to the convalescent stage of any serious illness.  With flu – and so many other serious illnesses – if the convalescent stage is not properly handled and treated for, the illness comes back for a second – and, usually, much worse round.  Gelsemium, as a follow-up remedy when things are looking so much better, prevents this unfortunate scenario.  

Essential Oils


Dilute LeAspire and place on chest and neck for respiratory ailments, including influenza. LeAspire opens the airways and relieves congestion in the lungs.  Additionally, it contains many excellent antiviral and antibacterial essential oils.  LeAspire can be applied alternately with LeBreezey.  Although the oils in LeAspire are quite effective against infectious agents, LeDeliverance, which is strongly antiviral and antibacterial is often applied simultaneously to aid in the fight against infection.


Use LeBreezey opens bronchial, and sinus passages.  It is also an excellent respiratory tonic and immune stimulant.  LeBreezy lifts the spirits brings a sense of confidence, and self-worth along with its healing properties.  LeBreezey has viral fighting and tissue rebuilding properties for the lungs and bronchial tissues. Use with LeAspire, if you would like to.  Dilute LeBreezey.  Rub the mixture on the chest or back.   Place a drop or two of LeBreezey on your pillow at night.  Or diffuse it, if you prefer.


Use LeDeliverance diluted, or diffused, in the home as a cleaner and air purifier to fight viruses and airborne bacteria.  Its many uses include respiratory infections, sore throats, and strep throats. Frequent and consistent use of LeDeliverance strengthens the immune system and helps the lymph system to drain. A particularly effective way to fight a very virulent illness is to apply LeDeliverance alternately with LeLife Force.  In the evening put one of these on the K1’s (acupressure points on the feet) and the other on the thymus. First thing in the morning put the oils on once again.  This time put them in opposite positions.  If LeDeliverance was on the thymus area the night before, it should go on the feet in the morning.  This method is very effective against really nasty stuff.


Apply LeEndoRelief to the lymph glands of the neck, chest, and armpits.  Use LeEndoRelief early, before the illness is fully developed.  Doing this should lessen the severity and length of the illness. It helps the lymphatic system continue to drain and to keep toxins and the dying bacteria from overwhelming tissues and cells. LeEndoRelief designed to strengthen and rebalance the endocrine system as a whole.  This makes LeEndoRelief very helpful during the recovery stages of serious illness.


LeInsideOut improves the function of the digestive system. It helps with upset stomach, belching, bloating, stomach cramps, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea. LeInsideOut would be a must if there is any intestinal discomfort or diarrhea.  Apply to the abdominal area and to the bottom of the feet.

LeLife Force

LeLifeForce immediately raises the over-all frequency of the body.  This improves outlook and response to stress and trauma. Use LeLifeForce following any illness or traumatic experience that has left one feeling weak, shaky, or on edge.  LeLife Force builds, strengthens, and protects the body because it is an immune and adrenal gland stimulant and toner. Use it with LeEndoRelief during the cold and flu season.  You may avoid getting sick altogether.  If you do catch something, the illness will have a shorter duration and recovery period. Apply LeLifeForce, diluted, along the spine.  Diffuse to strengthen the immune system, increase energy levels, disinfect, and purify the air.


LeMariah is a wonderful support for the entire respiratory system. It promotes the rebuilding of the lungs while helping to eliminate the virus and bacteria from the respiratory system. Apply LeMariah, diluted, to the chest and back at frequent intervals.  Diffuse LeMariah near the patient to aid in clearing the lungs. To increase energy and stamina LeMariah should be used in conjunction with LeRevitalize for endocrine support .


Increases mental alertness and alleviates mental fatigue. It is a great blend for replenishing inner stores of strength and increasing stamina.  This blend, diffused, can give everyone in the room a boost of energy and alertness.  This is an excellent oil for lymphatic congestion and immune stimulation.  Dilute well when applying LeRevitalize to the body. Apply over the liver or on the bottoms of the feet.


LeStefanie was developed to help fight antibiotic-resistant pseudomonas bacteria, especially in the lungs.  This blend has a great affinity for the entire respiratory system.   Consider LeStefanie any respiratory problem, such as asthma, bronchitis, chest colds, or flu. Apply LeStefanie on the chest, back, and on the feet.  It can also be diffused or inhaled. Diffuse LeStefanie to balance the emotions and lift the spirits.

LeTherma Care

Aids in gently reducing the very high fevers brought on by high-powered and quick-onset flu “bugs”. The use of this essential oil to reduce fever is especially nice with children. The essential oils contained in LeThermaCare are gentle. They stimulate the body’s defense while calming the nerves and soothing the spirit. Yarrow and peppermint, renowned world-wide,  reduce fever.  Coriander improves strength and vitality both during an illness and during the convalescent stages.

It is better to apply LeThermaCare diluted, on the body. Diffusing might be pleasant but may not give you the results in fever reduction that you need.  Dilute LeThermaCare well before applying to the back of the neck and down the spine.  It is also effective to apply LeThermaCare to the bottoms of the feet.


Melissa essential oil has been proven to have powerful antiviral properties. It is considered to be one of the most powerful antiseptic and medicinal essential oils. Studies conducted in Germany indicate that it is useful against various strains of flu virus, smallpox, and mumps. The University of Munich reports a complete remission of herpes simplex lesions (cold sores and impetigo) from the use of Melissa 


The antiseptic and antiviral properties of Thyme are strong enough to handle most situations. Thyme is even recommended, applied along the spine, for such ailments as spinal meningitis.  Along with killing the invading microbes Thyme, aids lymphatic drainage and urine output.  In addition, it strengthens the immune system. Try Thyme essential oil for lingering coughs.

Herbal Tinctures

The following herbal tinctures are included in the Complete Flu KitBBL, Cayenne/Hawthorne, MIN, Olive Leaf, RC-L, Rosehips, and WC.


This tincture is discussed above under #2 – A Controlled Fever Is a Good Friend, and is found in the Flu KitBBL is an absolute must for treating just about any type of illness – serious or mild.  


Cayenne induces a beneficial and bacteria-killing sweat while protecting the heart.  Hawthorne prevents damage to individual cells throughout the body by improving the integrity of the cell membrane.  

Olive Leaf

Olive leaf is a very potent anti-bacterial and anti-viral herb.  It relaxes arterial walls and reduces hyper-tension that is often the result of fever and dehydration.  

Additional Information

Past Flu Pandemics

The following is a link to a very informative, but quite long, article about the 1918 flu pandemic.   Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History collaborated together to create this article, How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America.   Read Article

The Possibility of a Pandemic Flu in our Lifetimes

I hope you will read the article cited and linked above in its entirety.  Just in case you do not take the time, I am going to include a bit of it. (The bolded and italicized paragraph in the middle of this quote is my own opinion.  Other italicized sentences, here and there, have also been added by myself for emphasis of certain points.)

Prompted by the re-emergence of avian influenza, governments, NGOs and major businesses around the world have poured resources into preparing for a pandemic. . .

Public health experts agree that the highest priority is to develop a “universal vaccine” that confers immunity against virtually all influenza viruses likely to infect humans.  Without such a vaccine, if a new pandemic virus surfaces, we will have to produce a vaccine specifically for it; doing so will take months and the vaccine may offer only marginal protection.

(There are those, both medical professionals and alternative medicine advocates, who do not believe vaccines can be relied upon to either prevent or minimize the effects of a major pandemic. We have sound science, as you will see from further quotes later on, sound scientific reasons for thinking so.  Further, according to vaccine theory, immunity is developed only against the strain of virus or bacteria that is introduced into the body.  A “universal” antidote of a constantly mutating agent is (or certainly seems to be), therefore, an impossibility. – LaRee)

Another key step to improving pandemic readiness is to expand research on antiviral drugs; none is highly effective against influenza, and some strains have apparently acquired resistance to the antiviral drug Tamiflu.

Then there are the less glamorous measures, known as nonpharmaceutical interventions: hand-washing, telecommuting, covering coughs, staying home when sick instead of going to work and, if the pandemic is severe enough, widespread school closings and possibly more extreme controls. The hope is that “layering” such actions one atop another will reduce the impact of an outbreak on public health and on resources in today’s just-in-time economy. But the effectiveness of such interventions will depend on public compliance, and the public will have to trust what it is being told.

That is why, in my view, the most important lesson from 1918 is to tell the truth. Though that idea is incorporated into every preparedness plan I know of, its actual implementation will depend on the character and leadership of the people in charge when a crisis erupts.  (In another section of this article, the author explains, at length, how lying to the public “to avoid panic” contributed to the spread of the flu – with disastrous results. -LaRee)

One Last Quote from the Article

We are arguably as vulnerable—or more vulnerable—to another pandemic as we were in 1918.  Today top public health experts routinely rank influenza as potentially the most dangerous “emerging” health threat we face. Earlier this year, upon leaving his post as head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tom Frieden was asked what scared him the most, what kept him up at night. “The biggest concern is always for an influenza pandemic…[It] really is the worst-case scenario.” So the tragic events of 100 years ago have a surprising urgency—especially since the most crucial lessons to be learned from the disaster have yet to be absorbed.

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate?

Not going to tell you what you should do.   I have studied this issue for years and years and years.   Followed research sites and reports of studies done on vaccines and on immunology. I have drawers and flash drives full of information.   Each person needs to do their own research and, if you are a praying person, work it out with Heaven personally.  I will tell you, however, that scientific research always comes up with many horrific side-effects for every single vaccine ever produced.  Nevertheless, they also always conclude that vaccinations are the best way they know to prevent further epidemics.  Personally, I think homeopathy – with the addition of other alternative modalities – is the “best way that we know” both to prevent and to respond to epidemic diseases.

A Few Questions about Vaccines and Flu Vaccines in Particular

Is the annual flu vaccine successful at preventing the flu? In other words, do people who get their annual flu shots faithfully actually get the flu less often than the rest of us?

Unfortunately, both my experience and statistics indicate that it does not seem to.  Don’t take my word for it.  Conduct your own mini-survey among your community this flu season.

Does the vaccine match the current strain of flu each year?

According to every bit of scientific evidence I can find reported on, manufacturing a flu vaccine that matches this year’s newly mutated strain takes time.  Timely distribution presents even more of a challenge!  There simply is no way to manufacture and distribute a flu vaccine, especially early in the season, that matches the current season’s newly mutated virus.

If vaccines really do prevent the diseases they are meant to protect against, do they cause other serious health concerns?

Let’s talk about the “if” in the above sentence.  For example, history and historical statistics clearly show that Salk’s vaccine was NOT responsible for the passing of the polio epidemic.  Please see Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies I, for a complete explanation of this statement.  This book also contains some very educational graphs.  These graphs present the statistical data from many years in a very clear format.  Jim West prepared these excellent graphs.  I, and others, have checked his facts thoroughly and is used with his permission in the book.   There is a wealth of information on this and other pertinent topics on his website,

Has sufficient testing been done on vaccines – concerning either their efficacy or their safety?

A lot of testing has certainly been done!  Everything that I have read indicates that there are side-effects to every vaccine that has ever been studied.  I follow scientific journals on immunology (and other topics) for fun.  I assure you the side-effects of vaccines are well-known.   The scientists doing the studies state, every time, that in spite of the side-effects their studies have shown to occur, they do not know any better way to prevent epidemics.  Sad – for them and for us.

Do devastating vaccine injuries really happen?

Of course, they do!   Most of us know, personally, someone who has suffered such an injury.  As further proof, consider that there is a government agency tasked with investigating such claims.  This agency pays out huge sums in compensation each year.  They pay out huge sums of money every year.  These settlements occur in spite of the fact that getting an injury recognized as vaccine-related is a long, arduous, and expensive challenge.

Are vaccines safe for pregnant women?

That, to this midwife’s mind, is a resounding NO!  Statistics indicate that pregnant women are far more likely to have an adverse reaction to a vaccine than the population at large.  I know, personally, of one woman who remains partially paralyzed as the result of a vaccination that her doctor insisted on her having during her pregnancy.

These are only a few of the questions that responsible people, especially parents, need to seek answers for.  Please, in your search for answers to these questions, do not rely totally on medical sources or on the FDA.  Every drug recalled by the FDA was first approved by the FDA!

In Summation

I certainly hope and pray that we will not ever again see any such epidemic as the influenza pandemic of 1918 that killed so many people worldwide.  According to scripture, however, and in the view of scientists, another such devastating pandemic is not only possible but likely.  The only question in the minds of scientists and government officials alike is when it will occur.  I hope (not very hopefully, however) that science and medicine will have come up with helpful answers by then.  In the meantime, I hope to educate as many people as possible about the success shown by homeopathy during the 1918 pandemic.  I also intend to further my own education in the effective use of alternative remedies for this and everything else that may come along!

 Butterfly Express Flu Kit

Printable information to go with the Butterfly Express Flu Kit

Please read my Homeopathy-Epidemics through the Years blog

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