Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

What is Hand Foot and Mouth Disease?

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious viral infection.  With a name like “hand, foot, and mouth, this disease certainly sounds like something whole-system and serious, doesn’t it?  Nasty and no fun, but not usually deadly!

Various viruses of the Enterovirus genus cause Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.   This group of viruses includes polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and enteroviruses. The most common cause of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in the United States is Coxsackievirus A16.   Other coxsackieviruses cause this illness, also.  Enterovirus 71 has also been associated with hand, foot, and mouth disease and outbreaks of this disease.

With this long list of viral causes of the disease, it is obviously the symptoms that, most often, lead parents to a diagnosis.


  • The first symptom of Hand, Foot and Mouth is, usually, general malaise and fatigue.
  • Infected persons often experience lack of appetite as another early symptom.
  • Low energy levels.  The ability to sustain physical effort becomes limited.
  • Fever.  The fever is usually mild but exceptions occur in some children and adults.
  • A sore throat
  • A headache
  • Irritability either now or as the rash develops

The following symptoms occur, usually, a few days following the symptoms listed above.

  • Painful sores develop.  These sores often appear first in the mouth.
  • Small red spots appear on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.  If the sufferer is fortunate, the rash may confine itself to these areas.  More likely, the rash will spread to the buttocks, elbows, knees and, possibly, the genital areas.


  • The red spots of the rash become larger blisters.  Eventually, the blisters begin to dry and crust over.

The above lists make it appear as though this disease progresses in an orderly fashion.  Sometimes, this is true.  However, there may be variations from one patient to another.  Some persons may experience only two or three of the symptoms listed above.  Others may experience all of them pretty much at the same time.

Length of Illness

Symptoms begin to appear 3 to 6 days after initial exposure.   The fever that is usually the first symptom generally lasts from 1 to 3 days.  The rash and the blisters may begin to form immediately or hold off for several days.  The course of the illness is, generally, about 10 days.  Interestingly, the rashes that develop are rarely itchy for children.  However, Hand, Foot and Mouth itches terribly for most of the rare adults who contract it.

More Severe, Less Frequent Symptoms

  • Dehydration.  Dehydration occurs unless the child drinks frequently.  Because the mouth and throat are sore, encouragement to drink will be needed.  Dehydration will worsen a headache and other symptoms.   Avoid orange juice and other acidic juices.  They will further irritate the soft tissues, causing further pain.
  • Fingernail and toenail loss.  This is not common but does happen depending on the location and severity of the viral attack.  Nail loss is usually temporary with the nails growing back over the next month.
  • Viral meningitis.  This condition, from any cause, is rare.  Meningitis is, however, very serious.  The most common type of meningitis affects the tissues (the meninges) that cover the brain and spinal cord.
  • Encephalitis.  First, it should be remembered that this is an extremely rare disease.  It is, however, always life-threatening when it occurs.  The symptoms can mimic the flu.   Seek medical attention immediately if there are any signs of seizure, paralysis, loss of speech, body stiffness, or loss of consciousness.  Bulging in the soft fontanels of the infant’s head is cause for immediate action (medical evaluation and assistance).

Who is Likely to get Hand, Foot and Mouth?

Although Hand, Foot and Mouth is viral in nature and easily spread, it mainly affects infants and small children five years of age or younger.  Nevertheless, the symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth can appear in adults as well.  Adults who contract this virus are usually the primary caregivers of an infected child.  Persons who work in child care centers are also at risk, also.


Hand, Foot and Mouth is, as stated above, is easily spread from child to child and from child to caregiver!

Bodily fluids and secretions of infected persons contain the viruses responsible for Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Exposure to secretions from the nose, saliva from the mouth, and exposure to bowel feces when changing an infant’s diaper are likely ways to encounter these viruses.  Also, fluid coming from the skin blisters is a prime source of the spreading of this disease among family members.   Infected persons touching objects and surfaces that are then touched by others spread the virus also.  Close personal contact of any sort also spreads these viruses.  In other words, these viruses become airborne quite easily.  Coughing and sneezing are sure-fire ways to spread Hand, Foot and Mouth.

For these reasons (airborne particles, fluids and surface contact), Hand, Foot and Mouth often spreads from child to child in daycare centers and church nursery settings.  It is critically important to the containment of this virus in a community that infected children remain at home until ALL blisters have dried up completely!  Siblings of infected children are, also at risk.  Hint:  diffusing essential oils in the home and adding a drop or two of essential oils to baths and cleaning water will help prevent the spread of Hand, Foot and Mouth in your home should one child become infected.

The incubation period for Hand, Foot and Mouth is, typically, between three and six days.  From the moment the very early symptoms begin to appear until all blisters have dried up completely. Hand, Foot and Mouth is transmittable.


Prevention, in this case as in so many others, is mostly about preventing the spreading of the disease to others.  As was stated previously, it is critically important to the containment of this virus in a community that infected children remain at home until ALL blisters have dried up completely!  An infected child should also remain at home as long as they are coughing or their nose is running.  Also, this is true of all illnesses, in my opinion.  The giving of a drug that masks symptoms does NOT mean the child is not contagious.

Constant, frequent hand-washing of both the infected person and other household members is essential.  Frequently disinfect all surfaces that the person touches.   Teach and encourage the covering of the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

Outbreaks of Hand, Foot and Mouth are far more common in the Far East, Asia, and in Africa.  Travelers to those areas should take special precautions to avoid infection.  It is imperative that you practice excellent personal hygiene throughout your trip.  Be sure to wash your hands frequently.  Avoid touching surfaces that may not be as clean as you would hope.

Breastfeeding and Infectious Diseases

The journal, BMC Infectious Diseases, published an interesting article.  (BMC Infectious Diseases is an open, peer-reviewed medical journal published both in print and online.)  The study claimed that breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of life may help protect the infant against some infections and infectious diseases.   Protection from infectious diseases lasted about 28 months after breastfeeding was discontinued.  Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease was among the diseases listed as preventable to a great extent by breastfeeding.


  • Hand, Foot and Mouth is extremely contagious.  It spreads through contact with saliva, mucus, feces, and the fluid from blisters.  Avoid these fluids.  Wash hands thoroughly if exposure to them occurs.
  • The viruses responsible for Hand, Foot and Mouth are airborne.  They can also live on common household surfaces.  As a result, disinfecting doorknobs, toys, tabletops and countertops, and other common areas is essential to preventing the spread of the disease to other family members.
  • Frequent hand washing prevents the spread of this disease to other family members.
  • Natural remedies are effective against Hand, Foot and Mouth.  These remedies kill the viruses.  (Yes, studies show that they really do.)  In addition, these remedies strengthen the immune system, as well.
  • Take special precautions when traveling to countries where outbreaks are most common.
  • Breastfeeding helps protect young children from this and other infections.


A person who has suffered a bout of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease will be immune to that particular virus in the future.  They will not, however, have developed immunity to any of the many other viruses which cause similar symptoms and are called Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Therefore, it is more than possible for a child to have Hand, Foot and Mouth more than once during their childhood years.

Conventional Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is typically done by an examination of the mouth sores, skin rashes, and blisters.  If it looks like it is Hand, Foot and Mouth, it is called Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Some physicians may order throat swabs and feces tests to determine the type of virus.  According to the conventional medical model, there is no specific treatment for this disease.  Doctors usually recommend over-the-counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen.  These medications control pain and reduce fever.  They do nothing to fight the virus.  (Recent research indicates that acetaminophen does not help reduce fever.)  Some doctors prescribe a topical oral anesthetic to relieve the mouth pain somewhat.

Alternative Remedies

Conventional medicine – and online medical sites – would have us believe that there is nothing that can speed healing or shorten the duration of a bout with Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Fortunately, that is simply not true.  Many alternative and home remedies have proven very useful.  Some of them are discussed below.

In addition to bringing relief, natural remedies have the added advantage of strengthening the immune system.  Furthermore, natural remedies do their work without the side effects of drug therapies.

Fighting the Viral Cause

Essential Oils

The use of viral fighting essential oils such as LeDeliverance, LeLife Force, LeSpiceC, and LeSimplicity is, also a must.  These essential oils can be diffused or applied, diluted, on the feet or along the spine.  Applying them to the throat may bring relief, also.  LeCinnamonBear, because it contains cassia and clove, may prove particularly useful.  LeCinnamonBear, well diluted, can also be used as a mouth rinse.  These essential oils are powerful disinfectants.  They can be used to disinfect surfaces.  The caregiver should use a drop or two, along with soap, whenever she washes her hands.

Herbal Remedies


The tincture combination RC-L is a potent viral fighting remedy.   It is exactly the same as the RC formula with the addition of lomatiumRC is my favorite infection-fighting and blood cleansing formula.


Garlic nature’s best and most potent antibiotic.  The medicinal use of garlic to fight infection was known to many cultures and on many continents throughout history.  Infectious agents stand very little chance when confronted with garlic.  Garlic contains high concentrations of sulfur compounds (in a natural state), minerals, and enzymes.  It is well-known for antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-oxidant properties.  In addition, garlic effectively relieves sore throat pain.


APL is the strongest anti-anything and everything formula that I have ever seen.  This tremendously effective formula contains mega amounts of garlic.  The same herbs are found in both BHM and APL.  The acronym, BHM, stands for Bone, High, Mineral.  This formula is great overall nutrition, especially the nutrients needed for growing strong bones and healthy muscles.  The first remedy that I reach for when an injury has occurred.  The presence of the same herbs in APL tells me a great deal about the role that nutrition plays in fighting infectious diseases.


Elderberry has been used for centuries to boost the immune system.  It also makes the human body more resistant to viral attacks.  These berries also aid the body in maintaining healthy glucose levels.  In addition, elderberries and elderflowers promote healthy skin.  How does elderberry increase the body’s resistance to viruses and other infectious agents?  Compounds in elderberry encourage the body to form strong, resistant mucosal surfaces.  Other compounds stimulate the activity of white blood cells.  Certainly, this would build immunity.

Elderberries and elderflowers are useful for controlling fevers.  Elderberries and elderflowers reduce fevers if that is what is needed.  However, if you are not running a fever, they will stimulate a proper one.  The increased heat in the body will then fight and kill the invading infectious agents.  All herbs work in this way.  They work to accomplish whatever the body needs.


Michael T. Murray, in his book, The Healing Power of Herbs,  presents a great deal of information about echinacea.  This information is based on his personal research as a laboratory scientist.  He credits echinacea with having high concentrations of polysaccharides.  Polysaccharides have significant immunostimulant properties.

In his book, Murray goes into great detail about the immunostimulant properties of echinacea.  He gives connections between various plant components and their action in the body.  Furthermore, he explains how these compounds affect white blood cells, lymphocytes, and macrophages.  One of these compounds is inulin.  As explained below, with apple cider vinegar, inulin enhances the movement of white blood cells into infected areas.

They are also strongly anti-inflammatory.  Additionally, echinacea has interferon-like properties.  Interferon is produced naturally in the body.  It is used by the body to prevent viral infections, as well as strep and staph bacteria, from taking hold.

Echinacea contains vitamins A, C, and E.  Vitamin E is a somewhat unusual


Astragalus is one of the most researched herbal immunostimulants available to us.  This herb works in much the same way, and for many of the same reasons, as does echinaceaAstragalus is one of the most frequently recommended herbs for Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.  Astragalus is being looked at as a possible treatment for people whose immune systems have been weakened by chemotherapy and radiation.


Ginger root tea, cooled, makes a soothing drink for the sore throat and mouth sores of Hand, Foot and Mouth.  A 1-inch piece of peeled and bruised ginger root, simmered in a quart of water for 20 minutes or so makes a tea of excellent strength and mildness.  Adding a teaspoon of raw honey produces a touch of sweetness and makes the drink more palatable.

According to research, ginger contains at least 12 anti-viral compounds.  Ginger also has pain-relieving, antiseptic, and anti-oxidant properties as well as a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

Ginger, like cayenne, acts as a carrier for other herbs.  The medicinal effects of any other herbs being utilized are enhanced whenever ginger is used.

Olive Leaf Tincture

Quoting from my book,  Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies:

Dutch research observed that oleuropein inhibited the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.  I will try to sum up the scientific explanation for this antiviral action.  The action of oleuropein appears to be three-fold.  First, it interferes with the production of an amino acid critical to the life cycle of a multitude of virus strains.  Second, it halts the spread of the virus by preventing what is called virus shredding, budding, or assembly at the cell membrane (whatever that means!)  Third, this constituent has the ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop the virus from replicating itself.  Olive leaf is so effective against viruses and bacteria that it is a major component of the JP formula for use against various herpes virus strains.

Olive leaf would be equally effective against the various viruses that cause Hand, Foot and Mouth.  This would be true whether used alone or as part of a formula.

Licorice Root

Licorice root is beneficial for so many different organs and body systems.  It is an ingredient in fifteen of the herbal formulas available at Butterfly Express these days.  Licorice root boosts levels of interferon (discussed above).  Thus, licorice root strengthens the immune system, particularly as it applies to fighting off viral attacks.  Triterpenoid, an active antiviral component found in licorice root, actually fights a wide range of viruses.  Licorice is helpful in relieving fevers.  In addition, licorice soothes the pain of headaches.

I don’t think this next fact applies much to Hand, Foot and Mouth but I just can’t leave it out.  A key ingredient of licorice slows the breakdown of adrenal hormones such as cortisol.  Cortisol is the body’s primary stress-fighting adrenal hormone.  Slowing the metabolism of cortisol makes the body more resistant to stress.  Higher cortisol levels reduce inflammation and fight depression, among other things.



Approximately 70% of all immune functions are carried out somewhere in our digestive systems.  Probiotics can have a significant positive effect on the flora and fauna of the intestinal tract.  Improved digestion leads to improved nutrition.  Improved nutrition leads to improvement across all body systems and organs.   Probiotics also stimulate the body’s defense against infectious disease agents.


I had never considered pomegranate fruit for Hand, Foot and Mouth until doing the research for this article.  Oh, the things that I learned about this amazing fruit.  I could never see why some people love them so much.  I will be developing my own taste for them immediately!

Pomegranate has strong antiviral and antimicrobial actions.  This fruit not only kills viruses outright, it inhibits their ability to multiply in the body.  Pomegranate is a rich source of fatty acids.  Pomegranate is very much a fruit with anti-inflammatory properties.  I wonder if it is possible to find pomegranate juice without a huge amount of sugar.

Overall Healing and Relief from Hand, Foot and Mouth

Homeopathic/Blessed Waters

Homeopathics/Blessed Waters, as explained in other articles and books published by Butterfly Expressions, is a “whole-body” modality.  To utilize homeopathic remedies to their best advantage, the symptoms of the patient must match closely the symptoms listed in the Materia Medicas (Remedy Guides) for that remedy.  There should, also be matches on both the physical and emotional levels.  The things that make them feel better or worse should also have some close correlations.  If you are unfamiliar with the basic principle of this, my favorite modality for really getting things done, please remedy that lack of knowledge as quickly as possible.

Coxsackie Virus Low Potency Combination Remedy

The energy pattern of various coxsackie virus strains along with the Blessed Water remedy Felix mas make us the remedy called, at Butterfly Express,  Coxsackie Virus Combination Remedy.  Using an “exact” matching remedy, a nosode, is rarely as effective, all by itself,  than a remedy that is only similar – a “similinum”.   Since coxsackie viruses mutate very rapidly, this remedy is, by now, a similinum rather than an exact match to the current strain.

Rhus toxicodendron

Of all the polycrest remedies, I believe that Rhus toxicodendron is the closest match to the physical symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Also, the emotional symptoms should also match.  For Rhus-t these include restlessness with continued change of position.   In fact, it seems as though the patient gets worse for resting or holding still!   There is also great anxiety or irritability, manifesting mostly at night.

Chamomilla vulgaris

This remedy is likely to be very effective for infants and small children.  Some adults may fit the Chamomilla picture, also.  The keynotes of the mental picture of Cham is irritable, fussy, dissatisfied, and demanding.  Children demand to be held and comforted every moment.  In adults, this would, also manifest as constantly asking for (demanding) whatever it is that they don’t have.  They would want their care-give nearby and available every moment.

Mercurius solublis

Merc-s or Merc-v are the best remedies for shingles and for just about anything else with a rash of some sort.  The oozier the rash, the better it matches the Merc symptom pictures.  A headache generally associated with Merc-s feel as though there is a tight band wrapped around the head.  Restlessness and constantly changing their minds are keynotes of the emotionals of this remedy.  People who would benefit from Merc-s usually complain about their surroundings and about those who are caring for them.

Herbal Remedies


CC is an excellent first response remedy for most everything.  I know of some missionaries who used this one almost exclusively for almost everything for the entire 2 years away from home.  Perfectly blended to fight infectious diseases of all kinds, CC is a must-have remedy.  It relieves pain and inflammation while, at the same time, fighting off the “critters” that are causing the illness.  CC reduces fevers.  Please note: CC is listed and described below for the reducing of fever.  CC is truly an all-purpose and effective remedy!


Four of the herbs listed as effective for Hand, Foot and Mouth- elderberries, ginger, astragalus, and cloves – are found in COMP.  This, also makes it a leading remedy for this and many other viral illnesses.  COMP also contains white pine.  White pine relieves inflammation and reduces pain.  It is hard to say which remedy I would reach for first, CC or COMP, when treating Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Both COMP and CC should be taken frequently.  I would recommend they be taken every 2 or 3 hours for the first few days, at least.

Coping with the Fever

Essential Oils

Some of the best oils to use to help reduce fever, especially in children, include LeThermaCareLeLifeForce, and lavender.   Dilute them all very well before applying, especially with infants and children. Apply to the back of the neck, along the spine, and/or on the feet.


LeThermaCare is the leading essential oil, in the Butterfly line, for working with fevers.  In this day, we so often see very high fevers.  This seems to be the result of “superbugs” that are resistant to many types of conventional antibiotics.  LeThermaCare assists in handling these types of fevers.  The use of essential oils to reduce fever is amazing.  No drugs to swallow.  No side effects.  Just a gentle stimulation of the body’s defensive mechanisms.  The fever will remain just as high as is needed to combat the infectious agents.  Be sure to add herbal remedies for viral fighting to your chosen regimen.  If you do this, less fever will be required to eliminate the virus.


LeLifeForce is an immune and adrenal gland stimulant.  For fever, apply it, diluted well, along the spine.  I usually prefer LeThermaCare for fevers.  If, however, the person is particularly tired, weak, or shaky, LeLifeForce would probably be a better choice all around.


Lavender will gently clear waste products from the lymphatic system while reducing the fever.  In addition, lavender is a very calming oil, emotionally.  Lavender promotes restful sleep.  This is always a good idea during an illness.  Rest is of equal value during the convalescent period.

Herbal Remedies


FV reduces fevers.  It was created for that purpose.  FV contains just two herbs, elderflower and peppermint.  This remedy encourages perspiration.   Reduces fever naturally and gently as a result of sweating.  Suppressing a fever by any other means than sweating is counter-productive.  Moist heat kills infectious agents.  The glycerin base of FV makes this remedy more palatable for both children and adults.


CC also contains elderflower and peppermint, making it an excellent remedy for reducing fevers.  This remedy also contains yarrow and red clover.  These herbs fight infection (among their many other useful attributes).  The mullein in this formula soothes the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth.  Once again, this soothing is only one of the attributes of mullein.

Homeopathics/Blessed Waters

Gelsemium sempervirens

Gelsemium is a polycrest remedy for treating fevers.  (Polycrest means that the remedy is general enough to be effective for a great many people in a great many situations.)  The convalescent stage of many illnesses responds well to this remedy, also.  Apathy about their illness and wanting to be quiet keynote this remedy in most situations.

Chamomilla vulgaris

Cham is recommended, above, as a general remedy for Hand, Foot and Mouth.  It is included here because it is an excellent choice for reducing fever in the early days of this illness


This low potency combination fever remedy is made of two of the great polycrest remedies for fever.  I have often found it helpful.  The Mentha piperita (peppermint) ingredient if very specific for a sore throat and headache.  Sambuscas nigra, the other ingredient, is elder leaves and flowers.  What could be more perfect for the treatment of fever with Hand, Foot and Mouth than this combination?

Mouth Sores and Sore Throat

Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw, non-distilled apple cider vinegar deserves an entire article of its own!  Oh, the uses for this wonderful elixir.  Apple cider vinegar is one of the greatest sources of multiple nutritious compounds such as acetic acid, vitamin C, and various B vitamins, and prebiotic inulin.  Prebiotic inulin balances bacteria in the intestinal tract.  It also contributes to increases in white blood cell and T cell counts. Inulin also enhances the movement of white blood cells into infected areas.  Moreover, apple cider vinegar is a natural expectorant.  With Hand, Foot and Mouth, this will make swallowing much easier and less painful.

Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of lukewarm water.  Add one drop of LeDeliverance, LeRefreshMint, LeSpiceC, or LeCinnamonBear.   Use as a mouthwash for mouth sores.  Use as a gargle to relieve sore throat pain.

Pink Himalayan Salt (or, possibly, sea salt)

Stir one-half teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt into a large glass of luke-warm water.  Use as a rinse for the mouth or as a gargle.  It may sting a bit if there are a lot of open sores.  In the long run, it will heal and soothe.  This amazing salt, used this way, helps to balance the pH levels in the mouth and in the body.  Bacteria and viruses cannot live in a healthy pH environment.  Proper pH levels also support the immune system.  When the mouth and throat are sore, it is difficult to maintain proper pH levels because eating and drinking become so difficult.

Either salt may be used in a bath.  This will pull toxins.  I would add Redmond Clay to the tub, also.  The clay will help pull toxins.  It will also relieve some of the itching.  A drop or two of one of the essential oils recommended below should be added to the tub, also.

Skin Rash and Blisters

Essential Oils


LeBabyMe contains oils chosen for their cell regenerating properties.  As all essential oils do, these same ingredients fight contagion as well.  Apply this blend diluted with an appropriate carrier oil.  Palm or coconut oil would be an excellent choice.  Additionally, a few drops of LeBabyMe in the tub would be very soothing to the skin eruptions.


Lavender is a perfect choice for Hand, Foot and Mouth.  It will soothe the skin eruptions while working with the fever.  Additionally, lavender is a very calming essential oil, for most people.  It may calm a fractious child and provide a good night’s sleep for an adult who was unfortunate enough as to come down with Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Lavender is, also, a lymphatic cleanser.  The lymph system always becomes more congested when one is ill.


I absolutely love lemon essential oil.  You might have noticed that it is among my favorited “top-notes” when blending essential oils.  Lemon makes my heart sing.  It makes me happy!  It does this while ridding my body of toxins and increasing my energy levels.  Lemon essential oil is a potent immune stimulant.  Remember, one of the early symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth is the loss of appetite.  The scent of lemon essential oil increase the appetite in a good way.

Tea tree and Niaouli (the form of tea tree that I like best)

Tea tree essential oil is effective against some of the nastiest microbes on this plant.  Niaouli is a member of the same species – melaleuca – as tea tree.  I find niaouli to be just as effective as its more caustic cousin, tea tree.  I also like the milder, more delicate scent of niaouli.  Perhaps the best use of either of these essential oils with Hand, Foot and Mouth is to prevent the spread of the disease through the rest of the family.  Add a few drops of one of these oils to a liquid hand soap.  Using this soap frequently would help prevent problems for other people who might become exposed.

Carrier Oils

There are many excellent carrier oils.  Choose a carrier oil with antimicrobial and antiviral properties when working with a contagious skin condition.  Palm or coconut oil would be a good choice.  Neem oil would also be excellent.  Butterfly does not yet carry this oil (as of 2018) although a sample is being looked at and ‘played with’.  Consider Black Cumin very seriously.  Black Cumin would probably be my first choice.  Calendula is an excellent skin oil.  But, perhaps, it lacks the antimicrobial activities of Black Cumin oil.  Tamanu would be another excellent choice.  It is highly antimicrobial and very soothing to irritated skin.  Tamanu is thick and dark colored.  It absorbs into the skin very readily, however.

Miracle Salve or BHM salve

Either one of these salves would make an excellent carrier for any essential oils you might want to apply to the skin.

Aloe Vera Gel

Many people claim that Aloe vera gel brings tremendous relief when applied to blisters.

Additional Remedies

Coconut Water

Coconut water or coconut water ice cubes.  This one I have not experienced but it sounds like a wonderful idea.  I love coconut water and ice cubes made from it for a sore mouth or a sore throat appeals to me very much!

Redmond Clay

Redmond Clay is mentioned above to be added to a bath.  Mix a bit of the clay with a bit of water to form a paste.  This paste, applied to the worst of the itching blisters, bring a great deal of relief.


LeLifeForce is excellent following an illness, especially if the patient is left feeling weak, shaky, or on edge emotionally.


The trace mineral, selenium (found in many plants), significantly reduces the likelihood of the virus mutating and developing into a “master strain”.  Master strains are responsible for the more severe and debilitating forms of this virus.  Makes far more sense to me to fight Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease with the above remedies than with an antibiotic since we know that antibiotics, so often, contribute to the development of master strains.

To Continue your learning journey check out the Essential Oil Class

About The Author
