#18 -TCM Headaches – 0 Governing Vessel/Central Vessel

#18 -TCM Headaches – 0 Governing Vessel/Central Vessel

Governing Vessel Conception Vessel

Governing Vessel/Central (Conception) Vessel

The Governing and Central Vessels are the main rivers of the body’s energies.  They are two branches of the same source, one yin, and one yang.  They are near perfect examples of the duality and inseparability of yin and yang energies.  The Governing Vessel is yang energy.  It runs up the back of the body.  The Central or Conception Vessel is yin energy and runs up the front of the body.

TCM believes that these two meridians are actually superimposed on one another.  The yang energy of the Governing Meridian predominates up the spine, although the yin energy of the Central meridian is felt there, also. Moreover, although the yin energy of the Central Meridian predominates on the front of the body, the yang energy of it corresponding meridian, the Governing Vessel, can also be felt – and worked with – there.

Governing Vessel

The Governing Vessel, called the “Sea of Yang Meridians”, governs the yang channels of each meridian pair.  External, physical, and physically active energy of the body arises from the GV meridian.  This meridian circulates the “guardian” or “protective” energy of the body.  Holding points or applying essential oils along this meridian increases yang energy in the body.

This meridian treats the back, the brain, the marrow, and spinal cord issues that arose from pain, heaviness, stroke, dizziness.  Of course, emotional and mental issues impinge upon the energy of this meridian.  Because it runs through the head and face, it can be used to treat headache and migraine pain.

The Du Mai, as this meridian is sometimes called, is about being grounded.  This meridian deals with survival issues.  Some of these issues include our relationship with money – having enough, and knowing there is enough for all.  The spine, physically, holds us upright.  Energetically, this means being upright in your treatment of others, showing honesty and integrity.

Balance Restored By

  • Tracing the GV meridian for the strengthening of yang energy.
  • Balance in the other meridians automatically strengthens these two meridians.

Possible Governing Vessel Remedies

Herbal Solutions

Anything for the kidneys, the endocrine system, and the reproductive system is appropriate.  Remember, this meridian can only become strong when the rest of the meridians are in good health.  The nervine combinations are especially useful for this meridian.  Appropriate Butterfly blends include AD, KT, KB, and HD.

Essential Oils

Single essential oils for this meridian include clary sage, clove, coriander, frankincense, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, niaouli, pine, spruce, and vanilla.  Consider Butterfly blends of LeBelieve, LeBenediction, LeFocus, LeGoodNite, LeGrace, LeLetting Go, LeMeditation, LeMillenia, LeSanctuary, and LeVitality.

Homeopathic Remedies

The Governing Vessel Meridian Balance remedy as well as all appropriate Flower Essence remedies.  Other low potency combination remedies would be Rescue Remedy, ER911, Bioplasma, Glandular Support #3, Migraine #1 and Migraine #2, Headaches #1 and #2, Nerve #1 and Nerve #2.  Additionally, Exhaustion #3, Fatigue #3, Kidney #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6, and Weakness #5.  Low potency combination remedies are very helpful, especially if you are not really familiar with homeopathic principles.  They can bring relief, even instant relief.

Possible Meridian Points

SI 3 – Confluent point, paired with Bl 62.
GV 20 – One of the most important points in the treatment of headache, especially headache with vertigo.
GV 14 – This is the meeting point of all yang meridians.  Headache with a stiffness of the neck.
GV 4 – Surprisingly, since it is part of the GV meridian, this is a very potent kidney point.  Addresses kidney yin deficiency.  Useful for low back pain, frequent urination during the night, dizziness, and adrenal exhaustion.
GV 1 – Located at the tip of the coccyx.  An important point for genitourinary disorders of all types.  The main point for disorders of the coccyx. (This one I have experienced personally!  Wonderful!)
GV 24 – Headache with vertigo.  Also sinus issues and sinus headaches.  Cataracts.


Placing your fingers on the endpoints of a meridian, especially with an appropriate essential oil on your fingertips, strengthen the flow of that meridian.  Better yet, is to put the essential oil on your palms and “run” the entire meridian.  If the energy of that meridian is very out of balance, it can be useful to run it in the opposite direction of its normal flow – run it backward once or twice.  Then, run it in its normal direction a few times.

Placing essential oils on other Meridian points works very well.  The neurovascular points for the Governing Vessel and Central Vessel meridians, pictured below, would be especially appropriate.

Central Governing Vessel Chart

Central/Conception Vessel

The Conception vessel, or meridian, plays a major role in chi circulation.  It monitors and directs all of the yin channels.  Yin energy is more of an internal and mothering energy than is yang energy.  It is about nourishment and growth and helping others achieve, also.  This meridian is about “guardian” or nurturing energy and is female in nature.

Emotionally, the meridian nourishes relationships, creativity, and graceful movement through the different phases of life.  When balanced, there is openness – both giving and receiving.  The person feels safe, competent, and comfortable.  When weakened in this meridian, a person tends to withdraw or put up defenses.  The person experiences widely fluctuating emotions.  In addition, they are far more vulnerable to the negative energies of the people around them.  As a result, the ability to analyze situations and make appropriate responses become erratic.

The Ren Mai, the more Eastern name for this meridian, nourishes yin energy.  Working with this meridian, particularly in women after menopause, reduces hot flashes and other problems of this stage of life.  These symptoms, being symptoms of yin energy deficiency, fall under this meridian’s jurisdiction.  Essential oils and acupressure points along this meridian are used, also, to treat infertility issues and problems in pregnancy.  This meridian, when strengthened through energy work, has a positive effect on the fetus during pregnancy, as well.

The uterus and the genital organs receive energy from this meridian.  Headaches, as well as other symptoms having to do with the menstrual cycle, lie within this meridian.

Balance Restored By

  • Zipping up the CV meridian.  This is a very effective, but temporary, method of improving Yin energy.
  • Balance in the other meridians automatically strengthens these two meridians.

Possible Central Vessel Remedies

Herbal Solutions

The Nervine remedies mentioned in the Herbal Remedies section of the #12 TCM Headaches – 1 Gallbladder/Liver blog, are always appropriate for headache pain.  Magnesium and potassium, as discussed also.

Anything for the kidneys, the endocrine system, and the reproductive system is appropriate.  Remember, this meridian can only become strong when the rest of the meridians are in good health.

Placing essential oils on Meridian points works very well.  The neurovascular points for the Governing Vessel and Central Vessel meridians, pictured below, would be especially appropriate.  Use an essential oil on your fingertips when holding any of the points below.  This makes point holding even more effective.

Essential Oils

Some single oils that benefit this meridian are angelica, cardamom, cedarwood, celery seed, clove, cypress, dong quai, fennel, frankincense, lavender, niaouli, rose, rosewood, and sandalwood.  Butterfly essential oils blends to consider include LeAcknowledge, LeBelieve, LeBenediction, LeGrace, LeMeditation, LeMillenia, and LeSanctuary.

Homeopathic Remedies

The Central Vessel Meridian Balance remedy as well as all appropriate Flower Essence remedies.  Other low potency combination remedies would be Rescue Remedy, ER911, Bioplasma, Glandular Support #3, Migraine #1 and Migraine #2, Headaches #1 and #2, Nerve #1 and Nerve #2. Additionally, Exhaustion #3, Fatigue #2, Fatigue #3, Kidney #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6, Traumatic Experiences, and Weakness #5.  Low potency combination remedies are very helpful, especially if you are not really familiar with homeopathic principles.  They can bring relief, even instant relief.

Possible Meridian Points

Lu 7 – Opens the Conception (Central) Meridian.  For best results, it is paired with K 6.
CV 6 – An entire book could be written about this point.  In the energetic body, this point lies over what is supposed to be a deep well of chi.  Strengthens energy necessary to women’s health in general but is also used for hormonal issues in men.  Useful for prolapses of any kind.  Headaches.  Strokes.
CV 4 – A main point for raising chi during pregnancy and for pregnancy-related headaches.  Kidney issues.  Low back pain. Bone disorders.  Genito-urinary issues. Menstrual disorders.


Placing your fingers on the endpoints of a meridian, especially with an appropriate essential oil on your fingertips, strengthen the flow of that meridian.  Better yet, is to put the essential oil on your palms and “run” the entire meridian.  If the energy of that meridian is very out of balance, it can be useful to run it in the opposite direction of its normal flow – run it backward once or twice.  Then, run it in its normal direction a few times.

Placing essential oils on other Meridian points works very well.  The neurovascular points for the Governing Vessel and Central Vessel meridians, pictured below, would be especially appropriate.

Central Governing Vessel Chart

This blog is part of a series on headaches.  This series includes. . . .

Headaches - IntroductionHeadaches - Emotions Headaches - Endocrine System Headaches - Dehydration Headaches - Hormones Headaches - Hyperglycemia Headaches - Structural Headaches - Sinus & Allergy Headaches - Sleep & Cluster Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM - Introduction TCM - Meridians TCM - Gallbladder/Liver TCM - Bladder/Kidney TCM - Large Intestine/Lung TCM - Stomach/Spleen TCM Triple warmer Pericardium TCM - Small Intestine/Heart TCM - Governing/Central


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