July – Summer Preparedness

Are you ready for some summer fun? There are so many fun things to do and places to go. Are you traveling, camping, or just getting out in the sun? Summer can be full of bugs, sun, scrapes, and bruises so we are focusing this month’s blog on some of our favorite Herbs, Essential Oils, and Blessed Waters that help us to be PREPARED for the fun of SUMMER. There are some amazing products you need to know about and then we will talk about things for Sun Safety, Building Immunity, Camping and First Aid, and Traveling.
See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

NEW Travel Wise Kit
Sun Shade Lotion
Salt & Potassium
July Essential Oils
Blend – LeBeGone
Single – Yarrow Blue
Carrier Oils – Arnica & Calendula
Sun Ready Kit
Sun Safety Collection
Immunity Collection
Camping/First Aid Collection
Travel Collection

New Travel Kit

Travel Wise Essential Oil Kit

Travel Wise Kit

Summer is a time for exploring and having fun. The Travel Wise Kit was created to provide tools that will help ease any discomfort encountered during those adventures. Each essential oil in this handy kit was carefully selected to address multiple issues and to cover a wide range of common misadventures associated with traveling.

LeEZ Traveler

LeEZ Traveler essential oil should be carried with you whenever you are traveling if you are inclined to experience motion sickness. It is an excellent remedy for motion sickness and to boost your immune system before, during, and after traveling to avoid any illnesses encountered during travel. The aroma alone is often enough to stop the symptoms of motion sickness. An inhaler is a convenient way to carry LeEZ Traveler, or you can place a few drops on a cotton ball and carry it in a small plastic bag. You can also apply this oil, diluted, to the soft areas of the skin such as the wrists, inner thighs, or behind the ears.


LeInsideOut essential oil improves the function of the digestive system. It helps with upset stomach, belching, flatulence, bloating, stomach cramps, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea. LeInsideOut’s ability to be effective for both constipation and diarrhea may seem odd—it is not. Natural remedies work with the body to return systems to balanced and healthy states. LeInsideOut should be used for any bout of intestinal flu or food poisoning, as well as upset stomach caused by overeating. Useful for most types of nausea.


LeWakeUp essential oil helps us stay awake and feel more energetic, enthusiastic, and even passionate about our lives, the tasks we have before us, and the people around us. Somehow, it makes us want to encourage everyone around us to find the same joy that we are experiencing. This blend is a joyous vacation for our minds and spirits. Helpful, both by aroma and application, for blood sugar lows (hypoglycemia). A favorite to use while driving to remain alert and focused.


Lavender has many uses and is gentle and soothing. It can be applied to cuts, sunburns, burns, rashes, dermatitis, eczema, and insect bites and is helpful for nausea. It can bring relief from anxiety, panic, hysteria, emotional and mental fatigue, headaches, migraines, and insomnia. Lavender can be used for nearly all skin conditions. It is effective for muscle strains and sprains, wound healing, and for nearly all skin conditions.


Peppermint oil stimulates the mind, increasing the ability to focus. It is like a rush of fresh energy into the system. Peppermint is useful for digestion, colds and coughs, muscle aches, and headaches. It relieves pain and increases circulation. Peppermint is renowned for its action on the digestive system and for use in bowel disorders. In small amounts, peppermint is soothing but it is strongly stimulating in larger amounts.


Orange is an excellent remedy to alleviate nausea or morning sickness. It brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart. Apply a drop or two behind the ear for motion sickness.  It can boost the immune system and improve the lymphatic congestion which is so common with travel. Orange is helpful for anxiety and depression. It makes an excellent cleaner- removing sticky adhesive residue from most surfaces.

Featured Items

Sun Shade Lotion

Sun Shade Lotion

Distilled Water, Red Raspberry Seed Oil, Stearic Acid, Veggie Emulsifier, Wheat Germ Oil, Cocoa Butter, Mango Butter, Sodium Lactate, Cranberry Seed Oil, Avocado Oil, Carrot Seed Oil, Liquid Silk, Optiphen.

Sun Shade Lotion is designed to provide light sun cover without chemicals. It contains all-natural oils with an SPF factor ranging from 2-50.  These natural ingredients help to protect against UV rays.

SPF Ranges:
Red Raspberry Seed Oil 28-50
Carrot Seed Oil 38-40
Wheat Germ Oil 20
Avocado 4-15
Cocoa Butter 2-4
Mango Butter 2-4
Cranberry Seed Oil 2-4

These oils have been mixed with water and emulsifiers to make a lotion, so they are only part of the final product. With any product used for sun protection, it is a good idea to reapply every 60-90 minutes. For extra protection, you can apply more than one layer.

Salt and Potassium

Salt and Potassium

Did you know that salt and potassium are two of the most important minerals that your body requires to keep you healthy?

They are particularly important in the summer because we lose them when we sweat.  When you are sweating this summer please remember what you are about to learn.


Our body uses salt to create hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid is used to break down food and helps us absorb other nutrients.  Without salt, you could become deficient in other important vitamins and minerals.

Emotional Symptoms of Salt Deficiency

  • Sadness
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks

It is life-changing to realize that these emotional symptoms may be a lack of fresh fruits, vegetables, and salt.

Physical Symptoms of Salt Deficiency

  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Confusion or Brain Fog
  • Loss of Energy, Drowsiness, and Fatigue (if working in the heat for a short time makes you tired you may have a minor salt deficiency.)
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Spasms or Cramps
  • Seizures


Potassium runs the nervous system and is a very important mineral for cardiovascular health. It is required to produce bile making it vital to the liver and the gallbladder. Potassium is also used for the breakdown of foods, particularly fats.  I talk more about this and how to tell from your poop if you are getting enough in my class “The Importance of Minerals for Your Health

Emotional Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency

  • “I Can’t Take it Anymore” attitude
  • Apathy (lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern)
  • Depression
  • Nervousness (remember potassium runs the nervous system)
  • Anxiety

Physical Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency

  • Low Energy Levels
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Burping
  • Gas
  • Swelling of Belly
  • Visual Disturbances
  • Muscle Discomfort

To me, this list is quite scary. Oh, how I wish everyone understood how important fresh fruits, veggies, and salt are for our health.

Salt and Potassium

Salt needs potassium to be absorbed.  If you are not getting enough potassium your body will dump salt even if it needs it.  To dump the excess salt your body will need excess water.  Having too much salt in your body (and not enough potassium) while being dehydrated can be very serious.

Luckily potassium is found in every fruit and vegetable.  I don’t know about you, but I tend to eat a lot more fruit in the summertime. Remembering to salt it or get some extra salt has greatly improved my digestion.

Just as the body will dump excess salt when not enough potassium is present it will dump excess potassium when not enough salt is present.  You could be eating lots of fresh food and still feel crappy simply because you are not salting it. When I fear I am not getting enough potassium I take the liquid ionic potassium mineral.  I can simply add it to my water.

What Salt Should I Choose?

There are many types of salt on the market. In my opinion, a good salt will contain added minerals. I like Himalayan salt because of the flavor but I can find no additional mineral information for it.

Green Salt is becoming quite popular at the moment. It is made by dehydrating Salicornia and grinding it into a powder. Salicornia is not a form of salt but rather a plant with many names that is grown in very salty conditions. It contains lots of vitamins and minerals and is most noted for Vitamin B3. However, it only contains about 50% as much sodium as salt. I have not personally tried it.

Celtic Salt claims to have a high mineral content. However, my research shows it contains quite a bit of iron, but that is about it.

My favorite is Redmond Sea Salt. It contains trace amounts of calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, and even a bit of iron. The label even says it contains numerous other trace minerals in minute quantities. I like the flavor of this salt, although I do like the Himalayan. 

July's Summer Sun Essential Oils

These July specials are some of my favorite summer essential oils.

Mela Plus Essential Oil Blend

LeMelaPlus is my topical antiseptic.  I use it in place of Neosporin.  It is wonderful for disinfecting cuts, scrapes, and wounds. This is especially nice with children because the things they cut themselves on are often quite gross. A drop applied to insect bites will keep them from getting infected.  When applying to insect bites or even to disinfect wounds it is best to use it neat (straight) or dilute with water.  I do not typically use a carrier for this.

Adding it to Miracle Salve, however, makes a nice ointment to use on cuts and abrasions.

LeMelaPlus is strongly antiseptic and prevents the growth of bacteria, fungus, and other infectious agents. It can be used for athlete’s foot and toenail fungal infections.

Sunburst Essential Oil BlendLeSunburst just smells like summer to me.  It is a favorite among the citrus blends because it is relaxing and calming, especially for children. This blend promotes a sense of well-being and is an excellent remedy for insomnia. LeSunburst is not a sedative, however. It promotes restful sleep from which you wake in the morning feeling energetic and refreshed.

Some citrus oils have proven effective against eating disorders. Because of the variety of citrus oils contained in LeSunburst, it has been used in treatments for anorexia and bulimia.

This is my favorite oil to clean with, especially in the summer.  I also tend to use LeSunburst or Lime in the winter when I am missing summer.

Purify Essential Oil Blend

LePurify purifies the air, neutralizes mildew, and removes the smell of cigarette smoke and many other noxious odors when diffused in a room.

It kills odors, bacteria, molds, and fungus. LePurify is an excellent oil for cleaning any portion of your home.

This blend can be sprayed onto window sills and into corners during the winter months to prevent the growth of mold.  I like to clean with  LeSunburst but LePurify is nice for the really nasty stuff.

LePurify is effective when applied to spider bites and insect stings. It contains citronella and can be used for repelling bugs, insects, and mice.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is the Queen of the summer.  I don’t go anywhere without it.  It is the most amazing oil for burns but it can also be used for bites, stings, or any skin irritation.  I have used it with Neutralizer for sunburns, and when my children have gotten into stinging nettle or other plants that irritate the skin.

One of the great emotional gifts of Lavender is the feeling of total and unchanging support around and within us. It leaves us with no room for doubt that we are loved and will be supported in life’s challenges and in the process of healing. It promotes faith, even in hard times. Lavender brings balance between masculine and feminine energy and traits.

Lavender clears excess waste products from the lymphatic system and is an aid to digestion. It is sometimes all that is needed to prevent or alleviate nausea.  Lavender should be known as the oil of a thousand uses.  When in doubt use Lavender.

Lemon Essential Oil

I love all the citrus oils, especially in the summer!  Lemon essential oil fills the air with the light, refreshing scent of lemon while it nourishes the nervous systems of everyone close by.

Lemon brings clarity of thought, aids in logical thinking, and helps us connect cause and effect in our lives. It is a good oil for study sessions, improving attention span, and problem-solving. It can help us analyze our resentments, decide if they are based on reality or not, and then help us let go of them—real or not! Lemon makes it easier to handle the stresses of life with a sense of humor.

Lemon essential oil supports the respiratory system and is useful for asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, and most other respiratory complaints

Spearmint Essential Oil

Spearmint has a relaxing and cooling effect on muscles and the nerves that feed them. This makes Spearmint useful for spasmodic cough, abdominal cramps and spasms, muscle cramps, and nervous convulsions.

Spearmint’s disinfectant properties are particularly effective for internal infections. It helps to restore normal function to the organs and systems of the body by repairing the damage that has been done to cells, tissues, and nerves.

Its mildly stimulating properties make it a great tonic oil following an illness.  Spearmint works on the nerves, brain, blood circulation, metabolism, and immune system. It is said to help the body burn fat.

Spearmint swished regularly in the mouth, helps repair the enamel on the teeth. Add one drop to water for this.

July Summer Essential Oils

Summer Essential Oil Blend

BeGone Essential Oil BlendLeBeGone Essential Oil Blend

LeBeGone is a great insect repellent and should be sprayed on pant legs, sleeves, and hats, being careful to avoid contact with the eyes.  I like to put 50 or so drops in the 8oz glass industrial spray bottle and fill the remainder with water.

Each of the single oils in this blend is among the best at repelling insects and this blend was designed to help prevent insect and tick bites. An added benefit is that LeBeGone is a gentle lymphatic drainer. The oils in this blend support the movement of lymphatic waste products through the kidneys.

LeBeGone has an amazing aroma and is one of my favorite oils to wear, even when not out in the wild.

It contains many oils used for depression, anger, and judgemental attitudes and creates a feeling of being loved and supported.  The most important emotional aspect of this blend is creating the feeling of being supported and loved. This is a great oil to diffuse in negative situations.

Summer Essential Oil Single

Yarrow Blue Essential OilYarrow Blue Essential Oil

Yarrow is the first thing I think of for cuts.  This is particularly true if they are deep and the need for stitches is considered. Yarrow just pulls the edges of the wound together so beautifully.  It should be applied neat (without a carrier) to close a wound. Apply diluted for other applications and circumstances.

Yarrow is gently diaphoretic and a febrifuge. When you are ill, the use of Yarrow keeps the fever from getting dangerously high and stimulates perspiration. Fever and perspiration are the body’s way of killing foreign microbes and then carrying them out of the system.

Yarrow improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of bile and restoring the liver and other organs. I could go on for several more pages about Yarrow. It has been one of my favorite herbs for many years and is one of my favorite essential oils. Enough cannot be said about the benefits of this amazingly versatile healing oil.

Featured Carrier Oil for Summer

Arnica and Calendula Carrier OilsArnica and Calendula

These two are my most used carrier oils in the summer. Once you get to know them you will see why.


This amazing carrier oil is the best thing I have ever seen for bruising and swelling. Use it for bumps, bruises, and inflammation. Arnica works on sore, tight muscles and helps to reduce swelling of injured areas. Applying Arnica Oil immediately after the injury can prevent swelling; application later on can reduce swelling that has already taken place. Arnica is also effective in relieving the pain of arthritic joints and swollen feet.

Arnica Oil in herbal/oil form is meant for external use only. It is said to cause swelling in exposed muscle tissue, so it is not to be used on open wounds or deep abrasions except in the homeopathic form. Arnica is one of my favorite healing plants and should be in every first-aid kit!


Calendula is one of the best vulnerary (good for the healing of wounds) plants ever. It is anti-inflammatory. This makes it useful for vein health and circulatory issues such as varicose veins, spider veins, and bruises. Calendula is one of the best healers for skin rashes, hives, eczema, psoriasis, leg ulcers, and bed sores that are difficult to heal.

Using the appropriate essential oil, coupled with the healing properties of Calendula infused oil as a carrier, provides a “double whammy” of healing. Some examples would include LeBaby Me for diaper rash or stretch marks; LeAgeLess for a facial skin conditioner; LeMelaPlus or LePurify on insect bites; and LeDeeper for the pain of shingles. Calendula is also amazing with Helichrysum on recent injuries to prevent or minimize scarring.

Summer Sun Safety

The first thing I want to talk about in this sun safety section is the Sun Ready Kit. This kit contains my three FAVORITE things for burns and sunburns.  Each item is amazing by itself, but when they’re used together, the results are unbelievable.  These products are on sale in this kit and also individually. This kit is a Limited Edition so don’t wait to snag yours.

Sun Ready KitSun Ready Kit

LAVENDER is a must-have for any type of burn.  Combine a few drops with Miracle Salve or Neutralizer for even greater healing.  Lavender is mild enough to be used neat (straight).  A spray bottle is my favorite way to apply it to burns because there is no need to touch the burn.  You can also use Lavender on cuts or wounds of any kind.  Lavender is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cytophylactic, and antispasmodic, making it effective for muscle strains and sprains, cramps, and wound healing.  The calming effects of Lavender are an emotional balm.

NEUTRALIZER is an alkalinized liquid that contains minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium.  When added to your drinking water it can give you more energy and help balance your body’s pH levels.  One of my favorite ways to use it is to spray it on sunburns.  It immediately takes the sting away for a few seconds or minutes and provides the body with the things it needs to rebuild and repair.  It can be sprayed on the sunburn as often as needed.  I have also found relief from hives by spraying Neutralizer on them.

MIRACLE SALVE contains 5 very amazing herbs: ComfreyLobeliaMulleinOregon Grape, and Plantain.  This salve was made specifically for treating burns and has been used on everything from mild sunburns to very severe third-degree burns.  I like to add Lavender when using it to treat burns of any kind.  Miracle Salve is amazing for scrapes and cuts, or any situation where you would like to speed up healing and avoid scarring.

This kit is a limited edition so get yours today. These products are also on sale individually.

Minerals, Electrolytes, and Summer

Whenever you spend much time in the sun it is very important to stay hydrated.  Part of staying hydrated is maintaining optimum levels of key minerals and electrolytes.  If you do this you will not only feel better but you will have more energy to enjoy the fun of summer.

Salt and Potassium Salt and Potassium

These two are, in my opinion, the two very most important minerals to watch when spending time in the sun.

They were talked about earlier in this blog.

You can click here to read more

Calcium Mineral


Calcium is one of the first elements depleted by insufficient dietary nutrients, it is one of the most essential of the major biochemical elements present in the body. It supports nerves, muscles, and tissues. Did you know calcium is used whenever you flex a muscle?  Having adequate amounts keeps you from becoming as sore when exercising and playing in the great outdoors this summer. Calcium is required to absorb Magnesium.

Magnesium Liquid MineralMagnesium

Magnesium supports normal nerve and muscle function and aids digestion by activating enzymes for protein and carbohydrate metabolism.  It is well known for relaxing the body into a deeper sleep.  Magnesium helps muscles to release after calcium has helped them to flex.  It is another mineral you want to keep at optimum levels to prevent and lessen sourness after physical activity.  Magnesium is required to absorb Calcium.

Manganese Liquid Mineral Manganese

Manganese, also called the “brain mineral,” aids memory and other brain and nerve faculties, such as balance. One very important function is to aid in oxygen transfer from lungs to cells.  It promotes natural immune restoration functions; and strengthens tendons, tissue, ligaments, and linings in and outside of your organs. Manganese is the framework material with which calcium, magnesium, and other bone-building minerals are deposited

Zinc Liquid MineralZinc

Zinc is second only to iron as the most prevalent trace mineral in the body. It plays a role in cell division, growth, and wound healing.  With all the cuts and scrapes that come with summer, it is important to make sure you have enough Zinc.  This is particularly true if you have noticed that your wounds are slow to heal.  Zinc is used for the breakdown of carbohydrates and is needed for good immune function. It is necessary for over 300 body processes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin DAlso known as the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is normally obtained from the diet or produced by the skin from the ultraviolet energy of the sun. However, it is not abundant in food so we get most of our supply from the time we spend outside in the summer sun.  As more people avoid sun exposure, Vitamin D supplementation becomes even more necessary to ensure that your body receives an adequate supply

Vitamin D is absolutely essential for strong bones. This is because Vitamin D is necessary for the body to utilize calcium from dietary sources. Vitamin D deficiency contributes to a host of unhealthy conditions. For example, Rickets, a bone disease caused by bone tissue failing to absorb minerals properly due to lack of Vitamin D, leads to soft bones and skeletal deformities.

Low blood levels of Vitamin D contribute to such things as increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment in elderly people, severe asthma in children, and cancer.  Vitamin D-3 softgels supply this key vitamin in a highly-absorbable liquid softgel form. Vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of Vitamin D.

Super Electrolyte ComplexSuper  Electrolyte Complex

Clinically shown to hydrate better than water. In a published, peer-reviewed clinical study, those who drank plain water drank 74% more water to achieve the same level of hydration as those who drank water with Super Electrolyte Complex.

It contains four essential electrolytes to support hydration, performance, and muscle function. Super Electrolyte Complex makes it easy to make your own electrolyte water or transform any drink into a sports drink.

Contains NO sugars, calories, or artificial ingredients.

Rosehip Tincture


Rosehips have extremely high levels of vitamins, particularly Vitamin C. This makes it a great thing to take with Vitamin D.  Other nutrients include vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and K as well as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, choline, betaine, and the minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and fluoride. The nutrients in Rosehips are in an extremely absorbable form. In addition, Rosehips reduce thirst and alleviate gastric inflammation.  

Immune Collection

The immune system is the body’s defense against foreign invaders. It also protects us from damage created by an out-of-balance inner environment—to some extent. The immune system is supposed to distinguish between what is “us” and worthy of protection and support, and what is “foreign” and should be destroyed immediately.  Using the summer to build your immune system up can help keep you from catching every bug that comes by this fall and winter.  These herbs and oils are some of my favorites.

Purify Essential Oil LePurify

This blend kills odors, bacteria, molds, and fungus.  Killing all the germs in the air is a great way to start building immunity and protecting yourself and your family. LePurify is an excellent oil for cleaning any portion of your home. It can be sprayed onto window sills and into corners during the winter months to prevent the growth of mold. It is effective when applied to spider bites and insect stings and can be used for repelling bugs, insects, and mice. LePurify is an amazing essential oil that purifies the air, neutralizes mildew, and removes the smell of cigarette smoke and many other noxious odors when diffused in a room.

IB HerbsIB

IB contains many wonderful herbs for building the immune system.  This formula is usually made as a glycerite because the quantities taken are quite large. Building the immune system can be a slow process. IB should be taken, faithfully, in the summer and fall to have time for improvement before the coming winter cold and flu season hits. The dosage depends on age: Infants 1/4 teaspoon, older children 1/2 teaspoon, and adults 1/2 to 1 teaspoon twice daily. For faster results, take as much as possible, right up to the point of creating diarrhea.


This formula is the “big guns” of herbal remedies for fighting contagious illnesses. The combination of the herbs and the Garlic in this blend tastes (and smells) pretty dreadful. Sometimes this level of response is what is needed, however. My kids used to say that they immediately got better if I just took the lid off the bottle and let the fumes out into the house. I’m sure they were exaggerating just a bit!  Taking APL regularly is a great way to keep from getting sick in the first place.


TLC was formulated to support and cleanse the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a series of vessels and nodes that collect and filter excess tissue fluid before returning it to the venous circulation.  Symptoms of a congested lymphatic system can include stiffness, soreness, a feeling of heaviness, and swelling in arms, ankles, and legs. It can cause brain fog, allergies, skin conditions, bloating, digestive upsets, headaches, and other nasty symptoms.  TLC will stimulate the immune system and can be used to help prevent illness or be helpful when recovering from illness.


MIN contains herbs for hormone balance, calming the nerves, strengthening the pancreas, and supporting the kidneys. It makes an excellent daily mineral supplement and is safe to use when pregnant or nursing.

I like to make MIN as a glycerite and take it every time I think about it. I have so much more energy and better health whenever I do. It also makes a reasonably pleasant tea for use when pregnant or nursing.  My kids love it and when they take it regularly I can definitely see a difference in their behavior and overall health.

Elderberry Herbs Elderberry

Elderberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and flavonoids. They are antioxidant powerhouses and may prevent cell damage, even in the toxic environment that modern life has created for each of us. Elderberries also contain iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, calcium, vitamin B6, beta carotenes, and proteins.

Elderflower aids in cleansing the blood and the cells of waste products and toxins. They increase circulation and will bring down a fever by producing a healing sweat as quickly as any herbal agent that I know of. Elderflower has constituents that act as mild sedatives and analgesics for the relief of pain. It also acts as an expectorant.

Butterfly has made some amazing products using this incredible herb.  My favorite is probably the elderberry nighttime syrup.  I have never seen anything like it for helping me and my children to sleep better.

Summer Camping Collection

Camping is one of my favorite things in the summer.  There are so many things that I take with me when I pack for a camping trip.  Today we are going to talk about the three major things I pull out my Butterfly bag for.


Burns were already covered in this blog earlier in the sun safety section but when I go camping I make sure I have lavender, Miracle Salve, and neutralizer with me.  Lavender mixed with Miracle Salve makes the most amazing burn ointment.  I love that the lavender is disinfecting and begins the healing process.  I don’t have to disinfect the burn and that saves my children from additional pain.

Bug Bites

LeBeGone essential oil blend is my go-to in preventing bug bites and ticks.  I use it in an industrial spray bottle with water and I spray it on everything.  Pant legs are particularly important.  I also place it on cotton balls around the camp.  A few years ago Butterfly started putting it in a soap and it is amazing because the kids are putting it on without even realizing it.

Preventing bug bites is important but once you get bit there are oils for that as well.  Lavender is my favorite because it is soothing.  However, if the bite has become infected I like to use LeMelaPlus.

Cuts and Scrapes

Cuts and scrapes are part of spending time in the great outdoors and essential oils are amazing for this.  Any essential oil will immediately disinfect the wound and lavender can be very soothing.  If the cut is very deep at all I like to use yarrow because it not only disinfects, it also immediately starts to pull the wound closed.  Yarrow is also very soothing and typically will not sting when applied to a wound.  Both yarrow and lavender should be applied neat (undiltued).  LeMelaPlus can be used for cuts and scrapes but it is more likely to sting.

Summer Travel Collection

Many of the things already covered in this blog would be great to take when traveling.  This section is mostly concerned with motion sickness, nausea, and or food poisoning.  Food poisoning is more likely when you are traveling because your body is not accustomed to the types of food you are eating.

Essential Oils

Grapefruit Oils Grapefruit

Many people have found that sniffing grapefruit oil will quell nausea.  It is particularly useful for morning sickness.  The major reason that I chose to include it here is because of the emotional aspects of this oil.  Grapefruit is a very joyous and positive essential oil. It can be a ray of bright light guiding us out of darkness and depression.  The aroma of Grapefruit is particularly suited to people who, when tense or under pressure, eat as a means of relieving stress or finding comfort. Often, the driving emotion is frustration because their too-high expectations have not been met in some way.  Has this ever happened to you on vacation?

EZ Traveler Oil LeEZ Traveler

LeEZ Traveler should be carried with you whenever you are traveling if you are inclined to motion sickness. An inhaler is a convenient way to carry LeEZ Traveler, or you can place a few drops on a cotton ball and carry it in a small plastic bag. You can also apply this oil diluted to the soft areas of the skin such as the wrists.

This will always be one of my favorite essential oils because during one of the most stressful times in my life when my stomach was tied in knots because of the extreme stress I was under I reached for LeInsideOut but my mother muscle tested LeEZ Traveler and I immediately felt better.  More than that the weight of the emotions I was going through was immediately lessened.  I could not believe how much better I felt and even more surprising was the fact that I was able to sleep that night.

Blessed Waters

Arsenicum Album Arsenicum Album

A leading remedy for intestinal, stomach, or chest-type influenza. Symptoms are exhaustion with great restlessness, shortness of breath when not sitting up, catarrh, abdomen swollen and painful, enlarged spleen and liver, headache which is relieved by cold, nausea and vomiting, craving cold water but vomiting it immediately, high fever, and vertigo during coughing or retching spells.

Carbo Vegetabilis Carbo Vegetabilis

This is the first remedy that I grab when I encounter food poisoning.  It will either calm the stomach or it will cause the contents to come up.  I never give this remedy without having a bowl close by.  Often it helps the body to realize it can’t handle the issue and the food needs to come back up.

Cocculus Indicus Cocculus Indicus

This remedy is used for motion sickness, nausea, vertigo, dizziness, and anxiety.  Besides motion sickness and jet lag, this is a remedy for any ailment that has come about because of a lack of sleep (when caring for loved ones, for example).  It is often used for CFS and Lyme Disease.

Nux Vomica Nux Vomica

This is a remedy  I would not travel without.  This is an antidote for nearly all remedies!!! Symptoms of imbalance: Cannot bear noises, odors, light, touch, music; impatient when spoken to, gets angry and violent without any provocation; stomach pains, worse for anger; cramping or sharp pains in abdomen; constipation with constant urging; cystitis with constant urging; back pain, worse at night in bed; insomnia wakes between 3-4 am and cannot sleep due to worry about work or how to get tasks accomplished; craves stimulants but is worse for them.

Nux vomica balances and detoxifies the liver and other digestive organs and is a remedy for adrenal stress. Adrenal fatigue leads to the opposite set of symptoms which out of balance

This blog has been very fun to write and I hope you have enjoyed it and found something that will help you and yours.

List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+F to quickly find where these topics in this blog.

athletes foot,
brain fog,
first aid,
motion sickness,
panic attacks,
sore throat,
spider bites,
sun safety,

About The Author


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