June – Chakras, Meridians, and Heart Health

Heart and CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH (or Cardiovascular ill-health that I experienced as a younger woman) are topics I am delighted to share knowledge and experience about whenever possible. Many, if not most, of the essential oils, blessed waters, herbs, and minerals discussed here were part of my walk away from serious and scary episodes with my heart to the far better health I enjoy now. Assisting with information gathering and contributing to this blog has been a joy to me. It is my hope that the information provided here brings knowledge and, as a result, relief and better health to you and those you love. Alternative remedies such as those discussed here were such a blessing in my own life!
See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

Omega 3-6-9
Chakra Blessed Waters
Meridian Blessed Waters
Additional Blessed Waters
June Essential Oils
Featured Herbs
Expressions Blend
Grace Blend
Walnut Carrier Oil
Chakra Kit

Super Omega 3,6,9

Omega 3-6-9

Super Omega 3-6-9 is a blend of Fish, Borage, and Flax Seed Oils. This combination of well-known nutritional oils has a unique balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids.  It also contains  Omega-9, a non-essential, but useful fatty acid. The Omega-3’s, Alpha Linolenic Acid, EPA and DHA, and the Omega-6, GLA, are necessary for the maintenance of healthy skin, normal immune system balance, as well as proper nervous system function.  It can also improve the health of your hair.

This is a wonderful supplement to take for overall cardiovascular health.  Recently, there has been much research suggesting that omega 3-6-9 should be used to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Chakara Blessed Waters

Chakra Blessed Waters

Chakras, or Energy Centers as they are sometimes called, exist on all levels of our subtle bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional, as well as physical). The energy of the chakras communicates freely with the denser matter of our physical bodies. Chakras can be compared to energy transformers which allow the higher energy frequencies of the spiritual, mental, or emotional bodies to function and communicate with the lower frequency levels of the physical body.  There are ten blessed waters at Butterfly which have a focus on healing by supporting the chakrasas as well as the physical body.  We will start with the complete chakra formula and then talk about each chakra and its companion remedy.  

Complete Chakra

We often think of the chakras as separate wheels of energy, each with its own physical and emotional traits, strengths, and weaknesses. The energy of the seven central chakras forms a vertical column through which the energies of the chakras interact with each other, strengthening and supporting one another. This vertical column is called Sushumna. Because the chakras spin in opposing directions, they form two crisscrossing channels called Ida and Pingala. Ida is said to be the source of yin energy and Pingala is the source of yang energy. The Complete Energy remedy strengthens all three, thus strengthening both the Yin and Yang energies. The energies of these three channels meet at the Brow (Third Eye) Chakra. The balance between Ida and Pingala and the strength in the central vertical column creates a strong and balanced system overall. This remedy works with these three aspects of the energy body.

Crown Chakra

Light, compassion, and spirituality or proud, arrogant, self-important.  

The purpose of the crown chakra, in my mind, is to open us to the light that can come to us from Heaven. We are able to be guided and inspired in all that we do when we have an abundance of energy in this chakra. We walk the path that is ours with peace and enthusiasm. Balance here comes from the weeding out of imperfections in ourselves through the acknowledgment of our dependence on the Savior and his Atonement. (If this does not fit with your personal beliefs, you will find plenty of information about this chakra in books that make reference to the higher self and spiritual awareness. I must speak from where I stand, however.) Negativity, judgment, manipulation, unkindness, and insincerity are conspicuously absent from those who are balanced here.

Third Eye Chakra

Intuitive – perfect balance between analytical and creative or overly intellectual. 

The Brow Chakra also called the Third Eye, is often considered our link to the inspiration of Heaven. As we look up towards Heaven, and the Light of Heaven radiates down to us, this healing energy is said to enter the third eye, pass through the brain, exit at the back of the neck, and then ground us to the earth on which we live.

The Brow Chakra is meant to be intuitive but it should also be perfectly balanced between the analytical brain and the creative, inspired aspects of ourselves. Consequently, it is in this Chakra, that we exert control over our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The Brow/Third Eye is the center of thought, analysis, discernment, and—eventually—wisdom. Certainly, it is the seat of our artistic abilities, psychic gifts, imagination, and intuition. When we are balanced in this chakra, we will see clearly, maintaining a sense of proportion and having an accurate perception of past, present, and future.

Throat Chakra

Sincerity and clear communication or inability to express feelings.

The Throat Chakra includes, of course, the throat—trachea, and esophagus—the thyroid, the jaw (both upper and lower), the cervical spine, and the lungs. This chakra is located at the crossroads of the body, both from the left and the right and from upper to lower. The Throat Chakra acts as a bridge between the feelings centered in our hearts—our heart-felt emotions—and the thoughts in our minds. Communication is, significantly, the central responsibility of this chakra. The Throat chakra governs many aspects of creativity and willpower, as well as everything connected to self-expression. The throat becomes inflamed if there is too much energy in this chakra or it may become closed off, creating difficulty swallowing.

Heart Chakra

Love and compassion or resentment and judgemental attitudes.

It is important to realize that the heart chakra is the core of our physical and spiritual being just as the heart is the dominant organ of our physical bodies. Consequently, balance in the heart chakra will improve and harmonize the energies of all of the chakras, just as the entire body is influenced, for better or worse, by a weak heart.

The heart chakra is all about love; love is the center and most necessary ingredient of our lives. Loving and serving our fellow man and allowing them the freedom to walk their own paths without judgment, resentment, and manipulation from us will bring peace and joy to our own lives as well as to the lives of those around us. The heart, both the chakra and the physical organ, has no built-in systems of protection. They are designed to be completely open and vulnerable, able to love and be loved. This is how they are when we are balanced, happy, and feeling safe.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Self-wort and confidence or low self-esteem and easily manipulated.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located at the tip of the sternum, the xiphoid process, and encompasses more organs and systems than any other chakra. These organs and systems include the stomach, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.  In addition, the Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for the down-regulating of the nervous system after the high-powered response to stress or danger. The focus of this chakra is predominantly on relationshipsAs a result, this chakra controls the intake and outflow of the energy produced in our interchanges with others. When balanced, this chakra gives off a light and an energy that is magnetically attractive to others making them very much liked and loved. These people are generous, confident, decisive, and instinctive leaders and inspired healers.

Sacral Chakra

Serenity and self-awareness or martyrdom and loss of self.

The Sacral Chakra encompasses the small and large intestines, genitals, reproductive organs, sciatic nerves, ovaries, and sperm banks and creation sites, including the uterus and the prostate. The energy of the Sacral chakra includes the assimilation of nourishment from food as well as the acceptance of new ideas, both of which result in growth and the creation of new life. The Sacral Chakra governs the appetite and is involved, along with the Base chakra, with abundance issues. Emotionally, the balanced and unbalanced states of the Sacral Chakra are polar opposites.  On one hand. there is suffering and unhealthy sacrifice of self for others.  Conversely, the enjoyment of service, pleasurable activities, happiness, and contentment is seen.

Root Chakra

Harmonious and contented or fearful and victimized.

The energies of the Root Chakra spin over the lower pelvis (anus), perineum (but not the major reproductive organs), hips, legs, and feet. This chakra pushes its energy both upward and downward, providing essential life energy and a column of support for all that lies above. The energies of the Root chakra include inherited, generational tendencies that have come down from generation to generation. The fundamental energies include stability, physical and emotional security, support, a solid foundation, and being well-grounded. Issues here, both positive and negative, revolve around the essentials needed for basic survival, well-being, and happiness. 

Meridians are the pathways of communication between the various parts of the human body/mind/soul complex. These meridians channel an invisible nutritive energy known to the Chinese as ch’i. The ch’i energy enters the body through specific points and then flows to deeper organ structures. Healthy, free-flowing meridians bring life-giving nourishment but with a gentle, subtle energetic flow. A strong and balanced flow of energy through the body’s meridians is important to optimal health. On the other hand, blocked meridians create an imbalanced energy flow to organs, which contributes to disease states within the body. Of course, there are emotional and mental characteristics associated with each pair of meridians.

Central Vessel Meridian

Central Vessel Balance: Firmness, the balance between logic and emotion, able to be considerate of – without being unduly influenced by – other people’s energies or opinions
Out of Balance: An unrealistic sense of shame, guilt, shyness, and, too often, discomfort around people. The central vessel is, most certainly, affiliated with the central nervous system. Depletion of energy here makes a person vulnerable to the negative energies around them.

Governing Vessel Meridian

Governing Vessel Balance: Moving forward on life’s path with faith and confidence.
Out of Balance:  Embarrassment, reluctance to move forward at all. The governing vessel controls the peripheral nervous system which collects information and controls certain bodily functions such as the heartbeat, the kidneys, and hormone levels.

Gallbladder Meridian

Gallbladder Meridian Balance: Feeling of love, adoration, and compassion for other people.
Out of Balance: Deep rage—more intense and longer-lasting than mere anger.

Liver Meridan

Liver Meridian Balance:  Happy and cheerful, and, as a result, full of joy.
Out of Balance: Feelings of anger and annoyance – nearly all the time – toward everyone and everything.

Lung Meridian

Lung Meridian Balance:  Humility, tolerance, and, as a result of these qualities, being teachable.
Out of Balance: Pride, intolerance, and, as a result,  an ‘I-already-know-it-all’ attitude.

Large Intestine Meridian

Large Intestine Meridian Balance: Confidence, feelings of self-worth.
Out of Balance:
Guilt, low self-esteem, and discouragement.

Stomach Meridian

Stomach Meridian Balance: Contentment, gratitude, and appreciation for what is in one’s life.
Out of Balance – Disappointment, greed, as well as an attitude of “there is never enough”.

Spleen Meridian

Spleen Intestine Meridian Balance: Confidence, with, markedly, optimism and faith in the future.
Out of Balance – On the other hand, there will be anxiety about the future, lack of faith and hope, and feelings of grief and loss.

Heart Meridian

Heart Meridian Balance: Love, forgiveness, compassion.
Out of Balance:  Anger, judgment, and certainly, a lack of patience and humility

Small Intestine Meridian

Small Intestine Meridian Balance: Great joy, intense happiness.
Out of Balance: First sadness, then sorrow followed by deep melancholia and then depression even deep depression.

Urinary Bladder Meridian

Urinary Bladder Meridian Balance: In tune with Spirit, authoritative, sure of oneself and one’s decisions.
Out of balance: Lack of self-confidence, impressionable, meek, and, consequently, resulting in compliance to the wishes of others whether or not they are beneficial

Kidney Meridian

Kidney Meridian Balance: Full of faith and trust in the future.
Out of Balance: Full of fear resulting, quite naturally of course, in a lack of self-confidence.

Pericardium Meridian

Pericardium Meridian Balance:  Protector of the heart and emotions, resulting when strong and balanced, in openness and peacefulness in relationships.
Out of Balance: Manic depressive tendencies, withdrawal, and anger at perceived hurts.

Triple Warmer Meridian

Triple Warmer Meridian Balance: Protection of the physical body.  Feelings of safety the result of which is emotions of lightness and hope.
Out of Balance:
  Confused and disturbed energy which, surely, is a factor in auto-immune disorders, allergies, heaviness, and depression.
The triple warmer meridian is closely associated with the immune system and protects the entire body from external threats.  Triple warmer governs those feelings or inspirations that we receive that we do not mentally understand the source of.

Blessed Waters for the Heart

Cardio Arrhythmia #1

Because of the wide range of symptoms covered by the five remedies in this combination, it is an excellent choice for anything related to the heart and even for use on the way to further medical assistance should things get a bit ‘scary’! On the other hand, the single remedy that matches the symptoms being experienced by a single individual given as part of an overall program—before things get out of hand—might well prevent more serious situations from occurring.

Cardio Arrhythmia #2

This remedy is more specifically indicated for those heart ailments, such as Congestive Heart Failure, brought on by a weakened and flabby heart muscle. The cause of muscle weakness is not really relevant as it may be from lack of exercise, infectious disease, a valvular issue, or just about any other cause. The symptoms, as always with homeopathy, are what matters in choosing a remedy.


This remedy should be used, quickly, if any of the conditions if a sudden, violent onrush of the physical symptoms listed below occur. Give this remedy, more than once if necessary and, perhaps, along with Cardio Arrhythmia #1, while on the way to the nearest medical facility.

Lachesis Muta

Being a snake remedy, Lachesis is indicated for circulatory problems, particularly blockages and/or hemorrhages. Lachesis should be used for angina and congestive heart failure if the basic, and very distinctive, personality symptoms match. Physical symptoms of Lachesis muta include palpitations from being too warm and in the morning on waking and a feeling that the heart is standing still followed by a sudden tremendous bounding feeling.  Some of the symptom picture is a perfect description of a myocardial infarction (a heart attack). I would consider this one to give quickly in fairly high potency as you rush a heart attack victim to the hospital.

June Oils

These June specials were chosen for their ability to help the heart both physically and emotionally.

Heart Song Essential Oil

LeHeartSong allows the heart to find its joy and learn to sing again. This is a very high-frequency spiritual and emotional blend. This high-frequency blend reminds us that we are loved and cherished by many people, and certainly by Heaven.

It has a multitude of uses. LeHeartSong has been of great benefit in treating depression. It is also useful in overcoming grief and trauma. Because it is a remedy for deep sorrow and grief, it makes a wonderful gift for anyone who has recently lost a loved one.

LeTranquility is the first line of defense against anxiety and panic attacks, but if it fails to work or needs a follow-up, LeHeartSong is the blend to use. It is also helpful in stabilizing mood swings, relieving stress and tension, and helping one to relax.  Tranquility has been known to stop a panic attack absolutely ‘cold’.

Key to My Heart Essential OilLeKey to My Heart is very strong in the balancing and repairing of the cardiovascular, circulatory, pulmonary, and lymphatic systems. This blend can be used in conjunction with, or in lieu of, LeVitality for heart-related and circulatory conditions. The choice should be made according to the emotional patterns, stresses, and needs of the individual.

LeKey to My Heart has proven useful for lowering high blood pressure, reducing stress levels, and increasing stamina and energy levels.  It creates enthusiasm for life and confidence that one’s body is capable of healing and is adequate for the tasks required of it.

This blend seems to stabilize and open the emotional and electrical rhythms of the heart and has a dramatic impact on the pericardium, both physically and emotionally.

Vitality Essential Oil Blend

LeVitality is very specific for the cardiovascular, circulatory, pulmonary, and lymphatic systems. It should be tried for all heart-related and circulatory conditions, but LeVitality has amazing uses in so many other areas, as well. It is often useful for lowering high blood pressure and reducing stress levels. This blend can, also,  increase stamina among the sick or the elderly.

LeVitality is a remedy for the treatment of shock and has been used to stop or slow the progress of an oncoming stroke. It should be diluted and applied on the chest over the heart area several times a day.

This blend provided me with a hopeful feeling about the state of my health. When I applied this essential oil blend and smelled the aroma, I felt more confident in my body’s ability to heal and be strong again.

Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot can help us find peace when our heart hurts for other’s distress.  A person needing Bergamot is usually a good listener. They are described by friends and family as cheerful and supportive.

Often this cheerfulness is a mask, hiding anger, despair, or depression. It is as though they are carrying the burden of every sad story they have listened to on their own shoulders. They are very angry, but since the stories are not their own they feel they cannot unburden themselves by sharing their feelings with others.

The anger they feel becomes repressed and turns inward. The ability of Bergamot to relieve anger, nervous depression, anxiety, and hysteria has been well documented in Europe.

Bergamot is excellent in any emotional crisis and in convalescing from an illness. It raises the spirits and brings light into our lives and lightness to dark and weary days. It is often used in treatments for eating disorders.

Petitgrain Essential Oil

Petitgrain is excellent for relieving rapid or erratic heart palpitations. It is often used in substance abuse programs to aid in detoxification. Petitgrain is useful in the convalescent stage of illness. It is an excellent oil for stabilizing oil production of the skin and coping with excessive perspiration.

Emotionally, Petitgrain presents us with new ideas and new beginnings. Petitgrain brings us to a state of mind where calm, natural growth, without feelings of being pressured, can occur. It is powerfully stabilizing to high-strung temperaments and volatile dispositions.

Petitgrain seems to help lower the defenses and harsh qualities that are often seen in people who are insecure about their worth or place.

White Pepper Essential Oil

Pepper contains a significant amount of sesquiterpenes. There are more sesquiterpenes in Pepper than there are in frankincense. The responsibility of the pericardium meridian is to protect the heart and emotions.

Pepper has an energizing effect on this meridian, stimulating our inner defenses. This inner strength gives us protection from negative energy and keeps our energy intact and strong.  Pepper helps us keep our perspective clear, even when those around us are mired in negativity and predicting “the worst” possible scenarios.

Pepper gives a boost to the immune system. It helps maintain stamina and energy because it increases cellular oxygen levels.  Pepper is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic.  Pepper strengthens the nervous system and stimulates the endocrine glands.


Heart Essential Oils


Mineral Collection

Minerals are considered a micro-nutrient, meaning they are found in the foods we eat. Minerals and many Vitamins are considered micronutrients but the effects they have on our health are anything but micro.

The body can only use things that become water-soluble. Many pills, capsules, and tablets pass through the body without becoming water-soluble. What a waste! Liquid minerals are already in water-soluble, easily-absorbable, ionic liquid form. They are ready for the cells in your body to use!

The study of minerals could go on for a lifetime.  They are fascinating.  Below is a bit about each of the over 20 currently sold by Butterfly.  You can click on the read more for even more information.  You can also check out the YouTube class on minerals.


Supports healthy bone and tooth enamel, cartilage health, short and long-term memory, and healthy energy levels. It also supports healthy estrogen (estradiol) and testosterone levels and conserves Calcium and Magnesium levels in the bone by as much as 50%.  Read More


This is one of the first elements depleted by insufficient dietary nutrients, it is one of the most essential of the major biochemical elements present in the body. It supports bones, teeth, nails, nerves, muscles, and tissues. It supports healthy body alkalinity for good immune system support. Read More


Used by the liver when making fatty acids from stored glucose. The body then uses the fatty acids when exercising. It is a body regulator, supporting insulin and blood sugar levels within normal range and it is important to good heart and vascular health. Read More


Although needed in such tiny amounts, cobalt is necessary for the health of the myelin sheath of the nerves. It promotes effective glucose transport from the blood into the cells. Cobalt increases the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin B12. Read More


Is a vital anti-oxidant. It protects the fatty acids found in cell membranes, especially in red blood cells. Copper is an essential part of enzyme & RNA formation and of making healthy bone.  It improves vitamin absorption, improves bone health, supports a healthy immune system, and may mitigate pain perception.  Read More


Facilitates the uptake of oxygen into cells, acts as an antioxidant in cleansing toxins and pollutants from the body, and enhances immune function. Germanium acts as an electrical semiconductor, initiating and maintaining vital electrical activity in the body. Read More


Promotes a general feeling of well-being, supports the immune system, and promotes vitality and longevity. It has been found to improve glandular function and is believed to help protect DNA from oxidative damage. When gold tests up for a person, I consider very strongly that the depression may be deep enough to need the family to be aware that suicidal thoughts are likely a part of the picture. Read More


is believed to support several hormonal systems in the body and may promote immune activity. It seems to enhance mineral absorption by the body. Glandular malfunction—the hypothalamus and the pituitary, absorption issues, and blood pressure problems. Read More


Supports healthy immune and thyroid function (metabolism and growth are controlled by hormones secreted by the thyroid.) Iodine enhances memory, short and long-term. It may support the excretion of mercury, lead, cadmium, and possibly aluminum by the kidneys, and help normalize stomach acid levels. When iodine is deficient in the body the production of thyroid hormone slows and the body is left wide open to damage by free radicals.  Read More


A deficiency in iron is one of the most common deficiency diseases in the world and is common to both men and women. Iron is used in the creation of hormones by the thyroid glands as well as in the ability of red blood cells to produce the hemoglobin needed for oxygen transport. Often called the “energy giver,” iron along with manganese, iodine, copper, and cobalt-is necessary for red blood cell formation.  Read More


Supports normal nerve and muscle function, aids digestion by activating enzymes for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, relaxes the body into deeper sleep, supports normal heart and liver function, and may help reduce inflammation in muscles, joints, and tissues. It also contributes to a healthy immune system and the formation of DNA and RNA. Magnesium potentially aids in over 300 body processes in all! Magnesium is also necessary for the absorption of calcium and other minerals. Read More


Also called the “brain mineral,” aids memory and other brain and nerve faculties, such as balance. It aids in oxygen transfer from lungs to cells, promotes natural immune restoration functions, and strengthens tendons, tissue, ligaments, and linings in and outside of organs. It is the framework material with which calcium, magnesium, and other bone-building minerals are deposited. Manganese also supports the body’s production of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells. Read More


This is an essential trace mineral used by the body in the process of regulating pH balance. For each pH point increase (e.g. from 6.1 to 6.2) the oxygen level is raised up to ten times, resulting in a metabolism increase, or the body’s ability to burn fat. Molybdenum also supports good tooth enamel and the elimination of nitrate and sulfite from the body. Only very small amounts of this mineral are needed by the body.  As a result, deficiencies are rare, except as the result of medical procedures and drug treatment protocols. Read More


Helps the immune system respond to various stressors.  Some manufacturers of liquid ionic minerals believe that Platinum, in optimal levels in the blood, guards against disease-causing bacteria, fungus, and even some virus strains.  Read More


Acts as an antioxidant, thus protecting the body from damaging free radicals, making it an important mineral. Selenium helps in the prevention of premature aging as it helps to preserve the elasticity of tissues. Without a doubt, selenium is crucial for the heart muscle. It also promotes a healthy brain, thyroid, and cell replacements.  Surprisingly, deficiency is relatively rare. Read More


Silver is believed to control the proliferation of some types of bacteria, viruses, molds, and yeasts, thus giving the body a healthy immune system time to respond. Colloidal silver has been available as an alternative medicine remedy for years and many people swear by it. I am hoping that an ionic version with its smaller particle size and electrical charge, such as the one carried by Butterfly, will prove even more useful.


Notably present in skin, hair, and nails as well as all body cells, including the brain, nerves, bowel, and liver. Sulfur moves toxins out of cells by agitation. Significantly, muscle, bone, and joint comfort depend on sulfur being present in the body. It is important in enzyme activities, body protein building, tissue regeneration & in metabolizing carbohydrates. In addition, sulfur helps support a healthy lymph system. Read More


Concentrated primarily in the adrenal glands as well as in the tissues of the liver, brain, spleen, and thyroid. It has also been implicated in hair growth and hearing.  Read More


Supports the circulatory system and helps maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels that are already within their normal ranges. It is also believed to help support tooth enamel and the heart. In addition, Vanadium is said to prevent cholesterol from forming in the blood vessels of the brain, enhance the effectiveness of insulin, promote healthy cellular division, decrease “bad” cholesterol production, and aid in heart contractions.  Read More


Second only to iron as the most prevalent trace mineral in the body. Zinc plays a role in cell division and growth, wound healing, and the breakdown of carbohydrates.  In addition, Zine is necessary for good immune function.  In fact, Zinc is necessary for over 300 body processes. Read More

Heart HerbsHeart Herbs

Herbs can be such a benefit to heart health.  These are the best of the best. We will discuss Cayenne by itself as well as Cayenne with Hawthorn. And then finally BP (formerly Blood Pressure) Combination.  Each of these herbs and formulas is available as a dry herb for teas, poultices, etc as well as in tincture form.


Cayenne is the #1 stimulant herb. It is the purest and most powerful of all the medicinal herbs. The best description I have ever read of Cayenne is that it causes “the fires of life to burn more brightly.” Cayenne rebuilds (yes, rebuilds) vein structures, removes plaque from veins, and sends the blood rushing along carrying nutrients to every cell of the body.

Cayenne’s action on the cardiovascular system is almost instantaneous. Cayenne brings the blood, especially the clotting factors, into a state of homeostasis, making it effective for hemorrhage as well as poor circulation. Cayenne will stop bleeding, even of hemorrhage proportions, and is the first thing that I would reach for at the onset of a stroke or heart attack.

HVC is a wonderful way to get the incredible herb, Cayenne, into your system. HVC should be used cold for bleeding, insect bites, shock, and blood clots. It can be used warm or cold for flu, increasing energy, relieving sore throat pain, and improving circulation. Drink 1/2 to 2 cups as needed, up to 1 qt or more during the day.


Hawthorn is the leading remedy for anything connected to the heart and circulation because it dilates arteries, improving blood flow to all tissues, including the coronary arteries. Hawthorn is a valued remedy for high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and poor circulation that often occurs as we age. Of course, better circulation to the brain improves memory and lessens the confusion that poor circulation to the brain causes. Cayenne and Hawthorn together make a powerful remedy. Hawthorn is one of the few herbs with a known and proven effect on the vagus nerve. 1 part Mistletoe can be added to this formula when better circulation to the extremities is needed. Do not take Mistletoe for extended periods of time (more than 2 or 3 weeks)

BP (Formerly Blood Pressure)

BP is a combination of some amazing herbs.  Brigham Tea, Cayenne, Chaparral, Dandelion, Goldenrod, Gotu Kola, Osha, Red Clover, Shepherd’s Purse

BP has been used for many years to reduce high blood pressure. Most people were able, eventually, to maintain optimum blood pressure without medication. HVC or Cayenne needs to be included in the daily regimen. A diet which includes lots of fresh vegetables—especially green ones—is essential. Of course, improving the diet always improves the chance of good results with any health problem! This is especially true of blood pressure.

A moderate exercise program is also recommended. Exercise has a dramatic effect on the digestive system, enabling the body to uptake nutrients much more efficiently. In short, this tincture is meant to aid the body by providing concentrated amounts of nutrients that have probably been in short supply in the body for a long time. If the situations that created the shortages are not addressed, it is like pouring these nutrients into a bucket with a very large hole in it.

Expressions Essential Oil for the HeartLeExpressions Essential Oil Blend

This oil is used to enhance communication and connection in romantic relationships and is, most definitely, an aphrodisiac.  LeExpressions is also a very nice blend for pampering yourself.

LeExpressions is an excellent oil for hormone balancing and the emotional problems associated with PMS. This is also an excellent oil to keep spirits and confidence levels high during childbirth. The essential oils comprising this blend increase skin elasticity. As a result, this blend can be used for skin care, to minimize and reduce stretch marks, and to reduce scarring.

LeExpressions is a rather pricey oil. It has to be because of the cost of its ingredients. Fortunately, the aroma is often all that you need and when you do need to apply the oil to your body, one drop is sufficient.  This is one of my favorite oils to diffuse and I often wear it as a perfume.

Grace Essential Oil for HeartLeGrace Essential Oil Blend

When we arrived on this mortal shore, each one of us inherited a packet of fears.  For most of us, this included the fear that we are somehow defective and less than we should be. We fear that we are not going to be able to accomplish the things in life that we were meant to. We are unable to truly love others. To love is to let someone come close enough to see that we are deficient in qualities that we believe everyone else has. This feeling of deficiency we think we see in ourselves is only a perception, but that doesn’t make it any less real in our minds. It has become one of the core beliefs.

LeGrace helps us connect with reality as well as with God’s view of our potential and who we are. It can also open us to the love of others and acceptance of ourselves.

This perception of defectiveness and deficiency in ourselves creates peaks and valleys in our emotions and in our productivity. For too much of the time, we struggle in the face of our fears. We are determined to learn what we need to learn and win the game of life. This productivity and enthusiasm are then followed by a period of despair and inertia as our perceptions and fears get the upper hand. Removing our misperceptions and fears and helping us see ourselves more clearly, evens out these peaks and valleys and lets us settle into calm and dynamic productivity.

LeGrace is an excellent blend for grief or separating from a loved one. It should be used for depression and anxiety, especially when those states are triggered by grief or loss. LeHeartSong and LeGrace are excellent companion oils when working with grief of any sort.

Rosalina Essential OilRosalina Essential Oil

Rosalina has the ability to affect the heart chakra because of its gentle, soothing nature, and the third eye chakra because of its ability to assist in change, on a physical as well as an emotional/spiritual level.  This oil has a high linalool content, making it wonderful for relaxation and calming.  In addition, the emotional aspects of this oil help build and support self-confidence, encourage self-love, and are grounding and centering.

Sometimes called Lavender Tea Tree oil, Rosalina combines the calming, soothing nature of Lavender with the strong antimicrobial properties of Tea Tree.  Rosalina is from the same family as Tea Tree but is gentler, sweeter, softer, and has a milder aroma.  It is gentle yet powerful and can assist in addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of an illness.

Rosalina is said to be an excellent oil for respiratory tract congestion and infection.  It is a gentle expectorant and is gentle on the mucous membranes as well as the skin.  Rosalina is a great oil for kids and many people use it in place of stronger oils like Tea Tree and Eucalyptus when dealing with small children.  It is a great substitute for anyone who feels that Tea Tree is too harsh aromatically or energetically.

Walnut Carrier Oil


Walnut Oil, when taken internally (why not just eat walnuts?) creates an increase in the strength and resilience of blood vessels and improves circulation. It accomplishes this by preserving the function of the endothelial cells that line the walls of the blood vessels.

This reduces the hardening of the artery walls.  Hardening of the arteries is considered a major contributor to high blood pressure and heart disease.  You should, however, use walnut oil as the carrier for anything pertaining to the heart or veins.

Walnut Oil has a short shelf life and must, therefore, be kept refrigerated and stored with a tight lid.  Walnut oil is very high in linoleic acid and also in antioxidants. It is used to repair damaged or dry skin and to prevent wrinkles. It is best used as less than 15% of a carrier oil composite blend. Walnut Oil contains an anti-oxidant and ellagic acid. High anti-oxidant concentrations have been shown to help fight the signs of aging as well.

Chakra Kit

Chakras are energy.  As a result, they respond very readily to the energy patterns of essential oils.  The following chart gives you a bit of information about each chakra and the oils we recommend for each.  The colored ones are where we would start for balancing that particular chakra.  You could say that is our first choice.  However, every situation is different and you may find one of the other oils listed to be more effective for your situation

Chakra Chart

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