Cold Sores

My Experience with Cold Sores

Cold sores are something I have suffered with for most of my life.  At one point in my life, the hormonal changes caused by my period would ALWAYS cause me to break out with a large and very painful cold sore. It would last 14-21 days.  Since my periods were 28 days apart sometimes I would barely have gotten rid of one when I would get another.  One day I said there must be answers out there somewhere and I began to study and research everything I could find about this virus.  I was able to get them under control and now I only do them when I am under extreme stress.  At one point I  went over 2 years between outbreaks.   When I get a cold sore I can usually get it to go away within a few days.

Recently I moved and the stress of that move caused the most severe outbreak I have had in years and years.  During this outbreak, I came across some additional information that changed the way I treat cold sores. This got me thinking I really should share what I have learned both over the years and recently.  I hope that if you or someone you know suffers from cold sores something you read here will help put them in your past.

What Are Cold Sores?

Cold sores are painful blisters that can appear around the mouth, face, or nose. Cold sores (or fever blisters) are very common. They will usually go away on their own in about 1 to 2 weeks.  However, with the use of natural remedies and essential oils I have found their painful duration to be significantly shorter.  Most, if not all cold sores are caused by the HSV-1 virus also known as herpes.  When you say herpes people tend to freak out and think you are talking about an STD.  It is important to understand the difference between HSV-1 and HSV-2.

HSV-1 / HSV-2

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) causes cold sores. This is a different virus from herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-2 causes lesions in the genital area called genital herpes. Even though HSV-1 typically causes sores around the mouth and HSV-2 causes genital sores, these viruses can cause sores in either place.  HSV-1 is not considered an STD.  People can get HSV-1 by kissing or touching someone with cold sores, or by sharing eating utensils, towels, or other items such as chapstick with an infected person. Many people with HSV-1 got it as kids during their preschool years.

The Three Stages of Herpes

Stage 1


Stage 1 begins with a tingling in the area that was infected by the virus.  For me, I can feel the tingling before there is anything to see and I know it is coming.  The tingling is followed by redness that starts to form a bump.

Stage 2


Stage two starts when the formation fills with fluid that forms a blister.  This stage can seem like it lasts forever.  There is often swelling and sometimes even pain in the nerves around the affected area.  This nerve pain can cause shooting pains behind the eyes and sometimes cause pain in the teeth.

Stage 3

Stage 3

As the blister begins to secrete fluid we know we have entered stage 3 and it is almost over.  This fluid can be clear, yellow, and even orange.  The fluid forms a scab that often burst, causing more fluid to be released.  As the blister heals you may get blood instead of fluid.

Emotional Patterns of Herpes

Stress is a surefire way to bring on an outbreak.  Stress is not always avoidable however and not all stress seems to bring on an outbreak.  Suppressed anger seems to be a trigger as well as the inability to admit that we can’t do everything.  If I let resentment grow from the amount of work on my shoulders I will be well on my way to an outbreak.  For me learning to ask for help and also admit that I don’t have to do everything right now is very important.

Not only has herpes been linked to suppressed anger but also not being able to express the things that are making us angry for whatever reason.

During my worst outbreaks, I would feel very very tired and often spend 1 or 2 days in bed.  I eventually came to realize it was because I had been pushing myself too hard.  I felt like everything I was doing had to be done right now.  After taking a couple of days doing nothing I realized I could have and should have slowed down sooner.   When treating cold sores the essential oils you choose should also address the emotions behind the outbreak and the stress in your life at the time.

My Recent Experience

Recently during a very stressful period of life, I did a very very bad outbreak.  A friend brought me a bottle of Ravensara and I almost didn’t try it because I was already using my LeSimplicity.  She insisted and also said to use Evening Primrose as the carrier oil.  I was using the LeSimplicity neat.  (Neat means straight)  I do not recommend using essential oils neat and I will never again use them this way when treating a cold sore.  After researching Evening Primrose I will use it either with butterfly’s new blend Diminish or with LeSimplicity.  The first thing I noticed about the Ravensara was that it did not burn and sting.  The evening primrose seemed to soothe as well.  Within a few days, the sore was gone.

A few weeks later I was asked to sing in church and Friday I woke up with the tale-tale tingling in my lip.  I really did not want to get up in front of all my new neighbors with a huge cold sore so I started taking HP tincture every 3o minutes.  I also chose to use Ravensara and Evening Primrose.  To my surprise and relief, it went away.  In all my years of fighting cold sores, this had never happened.  I have had them only last 2-3 days but to never become visible was a first.

Suggestions and Solutions

Over the years I have found both herbs and oils that are helpful for me.  I have also found L-Lysine taken regularly but particularly in the winter or when stressed can often help keep an outbreak at bay.  I have also learned to keep chapstick on me.  If my lips become chapped I am more likely to have an outbreak.  Right before an outbreak I often find that no matter how much chapstick I use I feel like I need more.  I feel like I spend my life applying it.  I have started using evening primrose as the carrier oil and I don’t have to apply it as often.


HP Tincture

Olive Leaf, Echinacea Mix, Lavender, Chamomile, Hyssop, Oatstraw, Slippery Elm

HP was formulated by me when I could take the effects of Herpes no longer.  The herbs were mostly chosen for their ability to fight the really nasty viral strains but also to fill nutritional gaps.  Many of these herbs also feed the nerves.  I took this combination twice a day for months and months until I quit having outbreaks.  If I have an outbreak I will take a bottle until it is gone.

Olive Leaf

Olive Leaf contains a constiuient oleuropein.  The action of oleuropein appears to be three-fold. First, it interferes with the production of an amino acid critical to the life cycle of a multitude of virus strains. Second, it halts the spread of the virus by preventing what is called virus shredding, budding, or assembly at the cell membrane. Third, this constituent has the ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop the virus from replicating itself.


Echinacea has been found to contain interferon-like properties. Interferon is produced naturally in the body to prevent viral infections and to combat strep and staph bacteria. Echinacea has been used for decades by alternative medicine practitioners in fighting the spread of infectious diseases.  Echinacea is equivalent to Red Clover as a blood purifier.


Lavender is used for insomnia, nervous stomach, anxiety, colic, and depressive headaches. The calming aroma of Lavender alone is often enough to soothe the respiratory system. Lavender has natural antibacterial properties that may protect against airborne viruses and bacteria.


Chamomile has sedative properties. Though very mild in many ways, it is strongly antiseptic and strongly antibacterial—effective against candida as it manifests in the mouth as thrush.


Hyssop was regarded as a cure-all. Dioscorides, in the 1st century B.C., recommended a recipe containing hyssop, figs, honey, and water for treating a wide range of respiratory ailments. Hyssop is particularly helpful in drying up secretions and mucous.


The principal uses for Oatstraw are to treat general fatigue and debility, improve stamina, and to treat a variety of nervous conditions. The straw and the grains are mildly anti-depressant, gently raising energy levels, improving mood, and lending support to an over-taxed and depleted nervous system.

Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm made into a gruel is so nutritious that it is used as a food in convalescence and for those who are extremely debilitated, especially if the problems are connected with an overly sensitive digestive tract.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are known for their ability to kill all kinds of nasties.  All essential oils are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal.  At about the same time, I formulated the HP tincture I also created a blend of essential oils to be used on the sores themselves.  This blend is called LeSimplicity.  Until recently this was my go-to oil blend. Butterfly has recently formulated a new blend that contains Ravensara called LeDiminish and I am loving this blend.


Emotionally, Ravensara is like a spiritual disinfectant. It goes through our minds and memories and blasts away negative emotions and responses. Ravensara does this gently, letting us know every step of the way that we are doing all right and will soon be doing even better.

Ravensara is strongly antiviral. It really gets in and kills “critters.” It then supports the kidneys and lymphatic system in getting rid of the “dead bodies” of the invaders. Ravensara is often used to bring relief from shingles. It kills the attacking viruses and brings relief from the pain.  Ravensara is listed throughout the literature for use with chickenpox, measles, and all viral infections.


 Lavender OLemonLemon MyrtleManukaMountain SavoryOregano WildRosemaryTea Tree, and Thyme.

This has been sold by Butterfly Express for several years now. It is a blend of very potent antiviral oils which target the HSV-1 and 2 (Herpes Simplex) viruses. Simplicity can help with fatigue, irritability, low-grade fever, slow healing of cuts, infections are other signs of infection. This blend is designed to kill the viruses at the areas of the outbreak, then follow the same neural pathways that the virus traveled until it reaches the colonies in the nerve bundles to kill it at the source.  Putting a drop on the cold sore at the first sign and regularly after will shorten the duration of the cold sore.  This is a very strong blend and it often stings and burns so I try to only get it directly on the sore and recommend using a carrier oil such as evening primrose.


Anise, Chamomile Roman, Clove, Eucalyptus Peppermint, Geranium, Ginger, Lavender A, Melissa, Peppermint, Ravensara, and Rosalina.

LeDiminish was blended with the best “gentle” antiviral essential oils out there. It was formulated to dab on cold sores without the pain and sting associated with some of the stronger essential oils commonly used to treat cold sores. Don’t be fooled into thinking that it doesn’t work though! This formula aids in healing and soothing to relieve pain.  It was formulated to not hurt almost as bad as the cold sore when applying it!

LeDiminish is an excellent choice when we are feeling emotionally or physically stressed. The essential oils contained in LeDiminish have an affinity for dispelling negative emotions, soothing and calming our spirits, and help us feel the love that is surrounding each of us. The synergy of this blend will promote faith, strengthen our willpower, and restore our determination. Diminish will help you to be able to speak your truth

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose is a carrier oil and not an essential oil but it is the carrier oil I reach for whenever I get a cold sore. It contains many essential fatty acids including one of the highest concentrations known of GLA or gamma-linolenic acid which is found in very few other plants. These acids are essential for cell structure and improvement of the elasticity of the skin and help regulate hormones and improve nerve function aiding in problems ranging from PMS to migraine headaches. Deficiencies in these fatty acids have been implicated in many disorders.  Evening Primrose is a great carrier oil but is also often taken as a supplement.

Thanks For Reading

I hope that you have found something interesting and some helpful information in this blog.



About The Author


  1. Sharon Zaharia | 2nd Nov 21

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this virus. I too have suffered with these painful sores as long as I can remember. I just happened to wake up with one this morning so this came at a perfect time. Thanks again for sharing

  2. Bonnie | 2nd Nov 21

    Thank you for your article. I get cold sores all the time. Recently I moved and got the biggest cold sore ever. I had been using abrevia, but it did nothing this time. My daughter suggested colloidal silver gel. It worked to take the pain out but not shorten the time. So I will give this a try. Thank you!

  3. Cindy Carroll | 3rd Nov 21

    I am wanting to purchase Butterflies products.

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