#9 Sleep & Cluster Headaches

#9 Sleep & Cluster Headaches

Sleep Issues and Headaches

Parents of small children and newborn babies understand all too well that sleep deprivation causes headache pain!  In some people, even irregularity in sleep patterns trigger migraines.  In a classic chicken-or-egg pattern, headaches also trigger sleep disturbances.  What a conundrum!  Even when the headache sufferer manages to find time to sleep, the headache from lack of sleep keeps him or her awake! Unfortunately, sleep relates to headaches and migraines in yet another way.  Too much sleep can trigger headaches as well.  Studies show a correlation between too much sleep and both migraine and tension-type headaches.

The Brain and the Regulation of Sleep Patterns

A few small areas of the brain play huge roles in our ability to stay awake and alert or be able to sleep restfully and easily when we choose to.  These areas of the brain are responsible for keeping us either awake or asleep, with some areas and neurons promoting wakefulness and others promoting sleep.  Neurons that promote wakefulness inhibit the neurons that promote sleep, and vice versa.  Disturbances to these rather sensitive areas of the brain create serious problems with both sleeping and wakefulness.  The result?  One result is, naturally, headache pain. The areas of the brain that control sleep – as far as scientists know at this time – are found in the hypothalamus and in parts of the brain stem.  These areas are responsible for states of arousal and excitement as well as for the shut down of these states so that we may get the sleep that we need.


The pineal gland produces and secretes the hormone, melatonin.  This hormone helps regulate biological rhythms in the body.  This regulation includes sleep and wake cycles. Sidenote:  400% more melatonin is found in the intestinal tract than in the pineal gland.  Melatonin receptor sites in the gut are involved in inflammation and pain.  Such conditions as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases, and colorectal cancer occur when melatonin receptor sites become clogged and dysfunctional.  The pineal gland, which is kept healthy by exposure to sunlight through the eyes, and the melatonin it produces play a huge role in headaches related to digestive malfunction, as well.


The neurotransmitter, serotonin influences mood, memory, learning abilities, appetite, libido, some social behaviors, and blood vessel constriction.  Low serotonin levels create some types of migraine headaches.  The majority of medications for migraines affect serotonin levels.  Repeated use of over-the-counter pain medications lower levels of serotonin.  This connection, potentially, explains why headaches are a natural side-effect of pain medications, especially when large amounts are taken. Like melatonin, serotonin plays a huge role in digestive health.  Our separate body systems really are intimately connected and dependent upon each other!

Sleep Issues that Contribute to Headaches

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness and/or fatigue which leads to middle of the day naps.
  • Difficulty initiating and/or maintaining sleep.
  • Waking too early in the morning.
  • Snoring which startles the sleeper awake.  Alternatively, sleeping with a snorer whose snoring startles you awake.
  • Restless leg syndrome or other pain such as fibromyalgia or lack of circulation to parts laid on or to the extremities.

Possible Lifestyle Solutions

Increase Bright Light Exposure During the Day

Exposure to sunlight, as mentioned above, strengthens the pineal gland.  This, in turn, affects melatonin levels which then impact the natural time-keeping and cycle regulating systems in the body.  Studies show that bright light exposure improved both sleep quality and duration.  It also reduced the time that it took subjects to fall asleep by more than 80%. Suggested amounts of exposure range from one to two hours per day.   However, following the muscle test during one of my sleep deprivation headache periods, I added only six minutes of exposure to sunlight twice a day to my schedule.  The improvement in both my sleep patterns and in my headaches was dramatic!  Invest in artificial lights that imitate sunlight.  They are available and they really do work.

Reduce Light, and Especially Blue Light, Exposure in the Evening

Light in the late evening tricks and confuses your body’s circadian rhythm. The result is a reduction in melatonin and serotonin production.  Blue light generated by smartphones, computers, and television screens are even more detrimental than sunlight or even the lights in the home.  Consider not watching TV and turning off bright lights two hours before bedtime.  Or you might download apps that block blue light on your smartphone, computer, and TV screens.  I am trying one on my computer screen at the moment.

Reduce or Eliminate Daytime Naps – Except Very Short “Power-Naps”

Sleeping during the daytime confuses your internal clock.  While short power naps, especially during stressful times or following a heavy meal, may be beneficial, studies show that napping during the day contributes to sleep issues at night.  Studies show that napping for 30 minutes or less enhanced daytime brain function.  Longer naps, however, negatively affected both sleep quality and general health.

Go to Sleep and Wake Up at Consistent Times Whenever Possible.

Being consistent with your bedtime and rising in the morning times aids sleep quality.  Irregular sleep cycles make getting to sleep and staying asleep very difficult. People who work rotating shifts need no studies to make these facts clear to them.

Arrange Your Sleeping Environment to Maximize Potential for Quality Sleep

Consider factors such as room temperature, noise levels, the amount of external light, as well as the comfort of the bedding.    In a study conducted with a group of women, reducing noise and light improved sleep quality by as much as 50%.  One small study showed that the temperature of the sleeping environment had a larger impact on sleep quality than did light and noise.

Invest in a comfortable bed, mattress, and pillow.  One sleep study looked at the benefit of a new mattress.  The study ran for 28 days.  Sleep quality improved by 60%.  Some of this improvement was likely linked to the reduction of back pain (57%), shoulder pain (60%), and back stiffness (59%).  It is recommended that bedding be upgraded at least every 5 – 8 years.  New bedding is a quick, but usually expensive, fix for poor sleep.

Don’t Eat Late in the Evening

Eating a large meal late at night disrupts sleep for most people.  It also leads, in many cases, to hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances and disruptions.  However, a few small studies seem to indicate that a small high-carb meal or snack eaten before bedtime actually helped people fall asleep faster.  I do know that eliminating high carb snacks for children with bed-wetting issues is often helpful.  I have speculated for many years that the carbs were contributing to such deep sleep that the child failed to wake up when he needed to go to the bathroom.

Relax and Clear Your Mind in the Evening Hours

Find and implement a bedtime regiment that works for you.  Some suggestions:  listening to relaxing music, reading, taking a hot bath or shower (with essential oils, like LeTranquility or LeEverlasting), deep breathing, and/or visualization and meditation techniques.

Eliminate Sleep Disorders, if You Have One

There are many medical conditions that contribute to poor sleep.  Sleep apnea is only one such disorder.  If you follow the other suggestions listed here and try the alternative remedy suggestions below, you may find that your “sleep disorder” vanishes like magic!   If not, further work may need to be done.  Perhaps, consultation with medical personnel is warranted.

Exercise Regularly – Just Not Right Before Bed

This topic is a bit controversial!  Studies clearly show that a program of regular exercise improves sleep patterns, as well as overall health.  In people with severe insomnia, exercise created better results than drugs.  Exercise reduced the time required to fall asleep by 55%.  It reduced total wakefulness during the night by 30% and nighttime anxiety by as much as 50%.

However, some studies seem to indicated that exercise late in the day creates sleep problems.  The claim is that because exercise increases alertness and the production of hormones like epinephrine and adrenaline, it prevents sleep.  However, other studies show, just as clearly, that there are no detrimental effects from evening exercise.  For me, exercising in the morning improves my day AND a bit of exercise in the evening improves the quality of my sleep.

Don’t Drink a Lot of Liquids Before Going to Bed

For some people, drinking fluids before bedtime results in waking several times during the night to urinate.  If this is you, concentrate your efforts on proper hydration earlier in the day.  Also limit your intake of caffeine, especially late at night.

Alternative Solutions for Sleep Issues

Herbal Solutions


There are so many uses for this amazingly well-balanced tincture combination.  One of my favorite uses, however, has been for helping me fall asleep and stay asleep.  If I am still awake 10 or 15 minutes after going to bed, I simply take 8 to 10 drops of BBL, in a little bit of water.  If I am still awake 10 minutes later – which is very rare, I do it again.  That is all that it takes.  I sleep soundly and wake refreshed.


This simple formula is made in glycerin because it is typically used to soothe colicky, cranky, or teething infants.  Some babies come into this world with their nervous systems wound extremely tight.  They startle awake – and scream for awhile – at the slightest noise.  During the night they startle awake for no reason at all, it seems.  This catnip/chamomile formula has been a very great blessing to a great many parents of young children.  Neither catnip nor chamomile is narcotic in any way.  This blend does not instantly put the child back to sleep.  It just calms them in the present moment.  Better yet, over time, it strengthens and calms the baby’s nervous system, setting things to rights.

Nervine formulas

Nervine herbs, at least the ones utilized in the formulas I mention here, are not like drugs for pain relief or the sedation of nervous issues.  Although they have anodyne properties, they are nutritive in nature.  However, they are among the herbs most likely to produce a negative reaction in some persons.  The likelihood of such a reaction is still very slim.  But, for that reason, the Butterfly line (as created by myself years ago) consists of several nervine formulas.  These formulas give people options and ways to avoid herbs to which they have reacted in the past.

These formulas include NS, NT, NV, and NVCNVC is a very mild children’s formula that is beloved by many adults.  It contains both catnip and chamomile with the addition of passion flower and peppermintPassionflower is a milder substitute for that very expensive herb, Lady’s Slipper.  Peppermint, often thought of as a stimulant, is actually very soothing to nerves – and to the digestive system – in small quantities such as are found in a combination formula.


This combination, in former days, was called Pain and is an excellent remedy for dulling the pain of injuries and headaches.  However, PN is another great remedy for promoting beneficial sleep.

Essential Oil Solutions


LeEverlasting is a blend of five other amazing blends.  Each one of these blends targets a specific range of emotions.  Because each blend has a frequency range unique to itself, this blend impacts the emotions in turn and in order.  In addition, the synergy of the whole is absolutely amazing.  Strangely, the individual blends each have fairly high frequencies.  Nevertheless, the blend itself is in a lower frequency range.  It is as though each blend does its work.  Then the entire blend grounds and integrates the work that has been done.   I never fail to wake up in a wonderful place, emotionally and spiritually, when I have diffused this blend as an aid to sleep the evening before.


LeGoodNite was blended to soothe inflamed nasal passages, thus promoting sleep without snoring and breathing difficulties.  In other words, LeGoodNite is useful for certain types of sleep apnea. Nevertheless, LeGoodNite is an emotional and spiritual blend.

This blend has only three ingredients.

Orange Sweet, like all citrus essential oils, is both uplifting and calming.

Ylang Ylang, thought of as an oil for balancing male/female energies, has a wide range of emotional aspects.  It helps us filter the negativity that has been part of our day.  It also helps us see ourselves more clearly.  This is especially true in owning tendencies to selfishness or manipulation of others.

Cedarwood, like all conifer oils, enhances feelings of being secure and protected.  It quiets the mind when the mind is going over and over the same details.  Cedarwood stabilizes and calms brain wave patterns.

Any blend with either citrus oils or Cedarwood is very likely to promote restful sleep.

LeQuiet Essence

LeQueit Essence is a blend for the nervous system.  It contains some of the best essential oils for strengthening and calming the nerves.  One of these single essential oils is Valerian RootValerian Root contains some volatile components not found in any other essential oil currently produced for use in aromatherapy.  These components are useful for an incredibly long list of things related to nerves and nervous tension.

LeQuiet Essences also contains St. John’s Wort.  Combined, as it is in this blend, with Orange Sweet and Lavender, the result is a blend that is wonderful for the relief of headaches and many other nervous system related issues.

Unique to this blend is a very small percentage of Rue essential oil.  The name of this herb—rue—comes from a Greek word meaning “to regret bitterly.” Both ancient and modern texts concerning this plant all include references to sorrow, regret, and grief. The Nazis, during WWII, developed a truth serum from rue.  How does all of that apply to this blend?  Among the strengths of this blend is its assistance to us in seeing past our own perceptions and moving beyond emotional triggers of the past.  The aroma of  LeQuiet Essences encourages understanding, forgiveness, and peace.  Deep and restful sleep is the natural result of these emotions.

By the way, LeQuient Essence is one of the best blends for strengthening the immune system.  Peace is a great blessing to every aspect of the physical body.


The name of this blend, LeSolitude, is an appropriate description of the mood it creates—that of spending some time in solitary contemplation and regenerating of one’s self.  For those of us who require a bit of quiet time to function, and especially to go to sleep at night, LeSolitude is a great blessing.  My favorite use for this blend is in a relaxing bath just before bedtime.  LeSolitude has an affinity for anything to do with heart or vascular health.  This makes LeSolitude a double – or triple – blessing in my life.


LeSunburst is a favorite among the citrus blends because it is relaxing and calming, especially for children. This blend promotes a sense of well-being and is an excellent remedy for insomnia.  LeSunburst is not a sedative, however. It promotes restful sleep from which you wake in the morning feeling energetic and refreshed.

In addition, LeSunburst is useful for circulatory problems, varicose veins, and lymphatic congestion. It is a powerful immune stimulant. When used as a cleaner, it retards the growth of mold and mildew. This is my personal favorite blend for use in the wash or in housecleaning. It always leaves behind a wonderful, uplifting, absolutely delightfully clean aroma.


LeTranquility is useful as a sleep aid, especially when the problem is “mind chatter” that just won’t quit. Instead of sleeping, even though we need sleep badly, we lay there reviewing the past day in our minds or making plans for tomorrow.  LeTranquility helps us take a step back from a situation so that we may come to a fuller understanding of all aspects of the situation. From this perspective, we are usually able to see solutions to our dilemmas more easily.

In addition, LeTranquility is one of the best blends for the relief of migraines and tension headaches.  This blend promotes relaxation, relieves anxiety, stress, tension, and even helps with some types of depression.

Tranquility is NOT just a blend for panic attacks!


Neroli is renowned around the world for relieving nervous tension, promoting restful sleep, and elevating the mood.  This heady and sensuous essential oil helps to alleviate feelings of “nothing changes, nothing ever will.”  Neroli is a natural sedative.  It relaxes the body, mind, and spirit.  Neroli effectively quiets the heart and soul.  It is a wonderful oil for panicky, hysterical, fearful people who become agitated over what, to some other people, might appear to be mere trifles.


The aroma of Vanilla is one of the most calming and uplifting of scents.  Vanilla has such a wonderful aroma that even if it had no therapeutic properties at all, I would use it every day for the scent alone.

Homeopathic/Blessed Water Solutions

Insomnia #1

As you look at the single ingredients of this combination you will see a remedy, Ferrum phos, for the restless sleep, anxious dreams, and night sweats that often accompany mild anemia from the inability to absorb iron.  You will also see Kali phos which is, according to Biochemic Tissue Salt theory, a potent nerve nutrient.  The homeopathic/blessed water version included here aids in the uptake of this nutrient.  Kali phos is effective for sleeplessness from worry or from an overactive mind.  The third ingredient, Magnesia phosphorica, is specific to the inability to sleep when the physical body is absolutely exhausted.  This remedy is effective for those persons who wake in the middle of the night with leg and/or foot cramps.  Troublesome dreams that interrupt sleep is also indicated in this remedy’s picture.

Insomnia #2

The Insomnia #2 remedy contains 9 very different single homeopathic/blessed water remedies.  These remedies while each having an impact on either nervous system issues and/or sleep patterns are about as different from one another as remedies can be.  This combination, literally, covers every possibility when it comes to sleep issues.  It is likely that it is only one or two of the ingredients that match your particular issues.  My suggestion?  If this remedy works for you, take the time to identify that remedy, or remedies and employ them in deeper potencies over a period of time.  This should eradicate the sleeping issue altogether and eliminate the need to take remedies to help you sleep.


This remedy has been causing me great bafflement for many years.  Except for Chamomilla, the single remedies found in this combination are not particularly noted for sleep issues.  And yet, combined, they are tremendously effective for some people.  I understand the theory of synergy as it applies to essential oils.  Apparently, synergy also applies to the frequency of homeopathic/blessed water remedies, also.

Fatigue #1 

Like all alternative remedies, this remedy acts to bring the body and emotions into a state of stasis, no matter which direction that balance needs to take.  This wonderful combination builds stamina and energy when fatigue is constant and great.  It also, however, has many remedies that have well-known effects on nervous system issues related to being too “wired-up” all the time.

To completely understand this remedy, a person should study the 7 separate remedies of which it is composed.  At the very least, read the short summation of this remedy and its ingredients in my book, Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies II.

I have used this remedy, personally as a midwife, to stay awake and alert at a long birth.  It worked very well.  I have also used this remedy as a sleep aid when I simply could not “wind down” and relax enough to sleep after a stressful or difficult day.

Homeopathic/Blessed Water Single Remedy Solutions

If one of the low potency combination remedies above proves effective for you, you might study the single ingredients in these remedies for possible suggestions for deeper level remedies that might prove helpful.  Low potency remedies cope very nicely with the immediate situation.  Deeper level remedies reach further into the energy body, setting a new pattern of responses and strengthening the physical body on a more permanent basis.    

Calcarea carbonica 

One of the keynotes of this remedy is nightmares and night terrors, especially in children.   Being very drowsy early in the evening but unable to sleep deeply during the night is also seen in those who would benefit from this remedy.  A headache with cold hands and feet.  Icy coldness in and on the head with the strange accompaniment of sweat all over the pillow during the night.  There may be a feeling of a great weight on top of the head when not reclining or lying down.

Any of the Calcareas might prove useful for sleep issues.  

Nux vomica

Nux is preeminently for those who have been under stress for a long time.  Sleep issues include sleepiness in the evening, nearly comatose sleep with loud snoring, and vivid dreams.

Scutellaria laterifolia

This remedy is a homeopathic version of skullcap, a renowned herb for nervous system issues.  According to homeopathic Materia Medica, a man named Hale, who introduced Scutellaria to the homeopathic world, said that “Its calming effects on the nervous system have been known ever since the settlement of New England.”  Use this remedy for tiredness and weakness of whatever cause, cardiac irritability, inability to concentrate on study or work, dull frontal headache, a migraine that is worse over the right eye, explosive headaches, and restless and unrefreshing sleep with frightening dreams.

Avena sativa

Chronic insomnia from worry.  Sleeplessness after mental exertion or illness.  Sleeplessness aggravated by becoming too exhausted.  Avena calms the nerves, generally.  Sleeplessness of elderly persons responds well to this remedy.

China officinalis

Overwhelming sleepiness during the day, when sitting still, and immediately after eating.   Heavy sleep with snoring.  This remedy is especially indicated for children who sleep deeply and snore terribly.  Other indications include sleeplessness from an overactive mind, from hunger, or from headache pain.   Unrefreshing sleep with the person waking confused and disoriented is a keynote of the need for this remedy.  Congestive headaches with intense throbbing of the head and the carotid arteries.

Flower Essences

Rock Rose

This remedy belongs to Bach’s grouping For Those Who Have Fear.  Acute anxiety, prolonged and fearful worry, starting and trembling chronic loss of sleep, frequent nightmares,  and post-trauma stress of any kind.  This remedy is indicated for those who experienced a trauma or frightful experience that has become linked to certain objects and circumstances in their present lives – triggers, in other words.

Morning Glory

I always knew that there had to be some good use for the nasty weed, morning glory.  And here it is!  As a Flower Essence remedy (from the North American Remedies), it is an effective remedy for vibrant full of life people who seem to have lost their drive.  Symptoms include fatigue with a craving for stimulants to help them feel more alive.  There is usually an immune system compromise of some sort.  People who would benefit from the morning glory remedy crave late night activities, whether tired or wired or in a balanced state in-between.  They suffer greatly from both erratic sleep habits and erratic eating habits.  This is very different from their balanced state in which they sleep deeply and wake refreshed and ready to go!   They are nervous and often suffer from liver congestion.

Green Nicotiana

This remedy is from the Sierra Range of Light series.  Among the positive qualities of this remedy is good alignment of the body and spirit with the seasonal and daily rhythms of the earth.  The person is alert and productive during the day but able to sleep well at night.  Also the out-of-balance pattern would be just the opposite.

Tissue Salts

Kali phosphoricum

This remedy is available both as a tissue salt and as a regular homeopathic or blessed water.  It is also an ingredient in the Insomnia #1 formula, discussed above.  If the symptom picture of the remedy fits a person struggling with sleep, I would recommend using it by itself as both a deep remedy and as a tissue salt.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are a rare type of headache. They affect only about 1 or 2 people out of every 1,000 persons. Nevertheless, because of their severity and frequency, they can be debilitating. Cluster headaches are extremely painful! Worse yet, they usually occur every day for weeks – sometimes for months – at a time. Women who suffer from cluster headaches describe the pain as worse than the pain they experienced during childbirth. Because of their severity, I felt that it was important to discuss them as part of this series on headaches.

Unique Characteristics of Cluster Headaches

  • Speed and Intensity:  Cluster headaches, generally, come on suddenly and reach full intensity quickly, building to full strength within 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Duration: Fortunately, these intense headaches don’t last long, as headaches go. However, due to the severity of the pain, it likely feels to the sufferer that the pain is lasting forever. Thirty to ninety minutes is average. The pain may subside after only 15 minutes. It may also continue for up to 3 hours.
  • Frequency: The most common pattern is one headache per day, usually at the same time of the day or night. Some people experience only one headache every other day or so.  Others may have several episodes every day during the cluster period.
  • Location: Typically the pain is felt on only one side of the head. Additionally, the pain is felt most behind or around one eye. During a severe attack, the pain may radiate to other areas of the face, head, neck, and shoulders.  Even the temples (at the side of the head) and the teeth may become painful.
  • Cyclical: The attacks seem to be set to the body’s internal 24-hour clock.  It is common for cluster headaches to start at night, waking the person one to two hours after they have gone to sleep.
  • Seasonal: In some people, cluster headaches occur seasonally. Symptoms are experienced only at certain times of the year.
  • Distribution: The pattern of daily headaches may occur for 2 weeks or up to 3 months or even longer. In between these cycles, the person may be completely pain-free.
  • Aftermath: Cluster headaches usually subside as rapidly as they began. Regardless of duration, the person is usually left feeling exhausted and completely wrung-out from the intensity of the pain.

Additional, More General Symptoms

Also not everyone will have every one of the symptoms listed below every time they experience a cluster headache series.

  • Inability to be still. This restlessness may be the result of trying to relieve the agonizing pain by pacing, rocking back and forth, or by some other such repetitive motion.
  • Excessive tearing and/or redness of the eye on the affected side.
  • A drooping eyelid. This symptom always scares me no matter when or where I see it.
  • Swelling around the affected eye.
  • Stuffy or runny nose. Interestingly, this may occur, like the eye symptoms, only on the affected side.
  • Sweating of the forehead or face.
  • Pale skin (pallor) or, alternatively, flushing of the face.
  • Scalp tenderness, particularly on the affected side.
  • A feeling of blood pulsing.
  • With some people, migraine-like symptoms of sensitivity to light and sound may occur.

Who Gets Cluster Headaches?

  • Men are more likely to have cluster headaches. In fact, cluster headaches are 5 to 6 times more likely to occur in men than in women.
  • Cluster headaches do occur in children, although this is very rare. Cluster headaches most often begin between the ages of 20 to 30 years.
  • Having a parent or sibling who has suffered from cluster headaches increases a person’s risk – according to statistics.
  • A person is not likely to outgrow cluster headaches. Interestingly, however, as a cluster headache sufferer gets older the pain-free periods between cluster bouts usually gets longer.
  • Statistically speaking, smokers are at higher risk of developing cluster headaches. However, quitting smoking usually has little effect on these headaches.
  • If a person is in the middle of a cluster headache series, drinking alcohol is likely to trigger a headache right then and there.

What Is Happening During Cluster Headache Attacks

The hypothalamus, located deep in the brain, acts as a control center for the autonomic nervous system. Among its many functions is the control of cyclical things such as sleeping and waking cycles. The cyclical and seasonal nature of cluster headaches suggests that the hypothalamus plays a role, perhaps even a key role in cluster headaches. The hypothalamus also sends signals to various nerve pathways, including some at the base of the brain. One nerve that is affected by the hypothalamus is the ophthalmic branches of the trigeminal nerves. These nerves feed the eyes. This nerve pair, found on each side of the head, also branches down the jawline, runs above the ears, across the cheeks, and up to the forehead. Irritation anywhere along this nerve results in severe pain in that area. This nerve is also involved in most of the other symptoms of cluster headache attacks. It would seem that relaxation of the muscles of the neck and shoulders allows more blood and cerebrospinal fluid than is normal during stressful times to reach the tissues of the brain. The result is pressure and headache. It has been mentioned many times during these articles that some headaches seem to be the result, not of stress, but of the reduction in stress levels. Statistically, headaches are very likely to begin at the beginning of a much-needed vacation or just after retiring to bed – as cluster headaches sometimes do.

Chronic Cluster Periods

Cluster headaches are considered to be chronic if the cluster headache series continues for more than a year or the pain-free periods between clusters lasts less than one month.

Possible Treatments

From the Medical Perspective

Prescription Medications are, also the first line of both attack and defense, according to the medical world. Triptans top the list. Article #6 of this series on headache/migraine pain discusses some of the side-effects of triptan medications. Please remember that all drugs have side-effects. Occipital nerve block:   The nerves at the base of the skull receive an injection of a mixture of anesthetics and steroids.  Targeted by this procedure are the all-important cranial nerves.  This brings, at best, only temporary relief and is considered by many to be a risky procedure.  Cranial nerves are the communication channels between the brain and the rest of the body, including organs such as digestive ones. Occipital nerve stimulation: A surgically implanted device sends electrical impulses to this group of cranial nerves at the base of the skull. Surgery: One option includes the placing of an electrode deep into the brain. This procedure, however, is losing favor to less invasive options (according to the Mayo Clinic site). Most other procedures involve various attempts to block the trigeminal nerve mentioned above. However, once again according to the Mayo Clinic, a “misstep during surgery can cause weakness in your jaw and loss of sensation in your face and head.” No statistics for this type of misstep were given.  

Alternative of Complementary Treatments

The Mayo Clinic Site (I love quoting these people, sometimes for the information they provide and, I’ll admit, sometimes a bit sarcastically) says, “Because cluster headaches can be so painful, you may want to try alternative or complementary therapies to relieve your pain.” Since cluster headaches are so relatively rare, there is not much information available about alternative ways to cope with them. The following are the best suggestions that I have. They are based, mostly, on what has worked for many people with many different kinds of headaches.

Acupressure Points

I have found acupressure points to be very helpful with my own as well as other people’s headaches and migraines. The “pulling” of energy from the head – as taught in energy classes (including Butterfly Expressions’ Chrysalis classes) – has also proven helpful many times.

We discuss acupressure points for headaches more thoroughly in the last 4 articles of this series.

GB 20 – located at the base of the skull, on either side of the neck – is a major point for several types of headaches and migraines. This is the first point that I would reach for as a headache or migraine was getting underway. These points will relax the muscles of the upper neck. I have seen them back out of an oncoming headache and put the light of life back into the person’s eyes more than once.

This point, as you might recall from TCM – Part One of this series, is a major point for the relief of headaches with dizziness and eye pain.

GB 20 and the sternal notch – these three points (the sternal notch is only one point, not two), held together, are particularly beneficial for those with obsessive thought patterns and to relax mental or emotional stress and tension.

GV 18 – located at the back of the head – calms the mind and relieves headache pain, particularly pain that is intense and stabbing in nature.  Also excellent when too much energy (or blood or cerebrospinal fluid) is rising into the head for whatever reason.  The reasons may be digestive distress or emotional agitation or even relaxation, for example. Controls dizziness and agitation.  This point is also useful for stiffness of the neck and for manic/depressive disorders.

Some Additional Acupressure Points

GV 20 – Located at the top of the head.  Best just held softly. At other times, this makes a good place from which to “pull” excess energy.

GV 16 – Headaches accompanied by stiff muscles in the neck brought about by mental stress.

TW 10 -One-sided headaches with depression or anxiety.

TW 23 and GB 8 – These points are for sensitivity to light and noise.

Possible Herbal Solutions

That wonderful herb, Cayenne, makes an excellent first remedy for most every other type of headache.  Cayenne may be taken as a powder or as a tincture – any form will do.  HVC is honey, non-distilled apple cider vinegar, water, and Cayenne. The recipe – and further information – can be found in the book, Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies.   This is an excellent first response for oncoming headaches or migraines involving circulation, whether you are suffering from too much blood flow or too little.  If you suffer from frequent headaches, I would recommend keeping HVC ready in your fridge at all times.  In my opinion, HVC, taken cold rather than warm, is best – at least it is for me.   Cayenne or HVC, taken daily, is an excellent preventative measure for many people.

The Nervine remedies NV, NS, NT, NVC tinctures and the HD tea from the dry herb pack are always appropriate to consider for headache pain.  St. John’s Wort has also proven valuable.  Also, consider magnesium, potassium, and perhaps, zinc liquid minerals.

Suggested Essential Oils

Any of the ones listed above in the sleep section and anywhere else in this series of articles on headaches and migraines might prove helpful.  I would look particularly closely at LeQuiet Essence and LeEverlasting.

Possible Homeopathic or Blessed Water Solutions

Low Potency Combinations 

Rescue Remedy – This homeopathic Bach Flower combination is an absolute must-have remedy.  Take Rescue Remedy as soon as possible when a migraine is coming on.  I carried one with me for years.  I am carrying one with me again these days, just in case. Migraine #1 and Migraine #2, Headaches #1 and #2, Nerve #1 and Nerve #2 are other possible choices. Low potency combination remedies are very helpful, especially if you are not really familiar with homeopathic principles.  They can bring relief, even instant relief.

Higher Potency Single Remedies

Bryonia alba

One keynote of Bryonia is that the person prefers to sleep on their back – always.  Startling when first falling asleep, sleeplessness from a multitude of thoughts, and frequent yawning throughout the day are also keynotes.  Dreams of household affairs or of the happenings of the day.  Kicks the covers off and often has anxious dreams about disputes with others or the vexations of the day.

Migraine headaches that are worse for any motion at all and headaches that feel as if the skull was being hit by a hammer from within.  The headaches are usually at the back of the head.  Mental effort also aggravates with the scalp being very sensitive to touch or to brushing and combing.

Cyclamen eropeum

This is not a major sleep or headache remedy.  The symptoms, however, are unique enough to warrant mentioning.  Unrefreshing sleep due to terrible nightmares is the keynote of this remedy.  There are disturbing symptoms in the eyes.  These include dim vision with a headache that begins upon waking in the morning.  Flickering lights of multiple colors or glittering black spots in the visual field.  Interestingly, the flickering lights often dissipate upon the person drinking cold water.  Itching in the eyes is another keynote of both the headaches and the visual disturbances.  Weird symptom picture but not at all uncommon for some people.

Gelsemium sempervirens

Sleeplessness in the Gelsemium picture is rather overwhelming.  Mental excitement, too much thinking, being overly exhausted, itching all over, and several other possibilities bring on insomnia.  When sleep is finally achieved it may be heavy (described as stupid, impossible to wake up from sleep).  It may also be a state of not fully asleep, an incoherent talking during a half-awake state.

A keynote of this remedy is that the person often awakens from sleep with both a headache and stomach upset.  The headaches that respond well to Gelsemium are often dull, heavy headaches or there may be the feeling of a band tightening around the head.

Natrum muriaticum

This remedy is specific to emotional states and ailments as the result of grief and loss or from the suffering caused by depressing and seemingly hopeless situations and events.  The sleeplessness, disturbed sleep and even the headaches that result are extreme and debilitating.  The headaches are blinding and bursting as if a thousand little hammers were knocking on the brain.  The headaches are usually over the eyes, often with visual disturbances and even some numbness of the extremities.  Sensitivity to light is a keynote of this remedy.

Sanguinaria canadensis

Sleepless at night.  Getting to sleep at all requires some sort of calming remedy.  These are the people that rely on sleeping pills to get to sleep.  Alternative remedies such as essential oils or nervine herbs may not produce the instant result of narcotic drugs.  However, they do help considerably with the immediate situation while nourishing the nervous system for healing rather than just drugging the symptoms.  The headache pain tends to be a lightning-like flash in the occipital region, often spreading to over the right eye.  Distension at the veins and temples keynote this remedy.

Silica terra

Sleepiness during the day with great sleepiness after eating and in the early evening keynote this remedy.  At night, feels sleepy but cannot sleep.  Often, when sleep is achieved, the sleep is restless and unrefreshing.  There is a great desire just to remain in bed in the morning in an attempt to get some decent sleep at some point.  Sleepwalking is another keynote that is seen.

With this degree of sleeplessness, headaches are, also inevitable.  Nevertheless, not eating on time as well as not getting enough sleep often triggers the headaches that respond to Silica.  Visual disturbances, almost to the point of blindness, occur.  These headaches are better for being wrapped up warmly and for pressure, as a general rule.  Just about everything – noise, motion, light, cold air, talking, etc. – makes the Silica headache worse.

Living with Cluster Headaches

Living with cluster headaches can be difficult.  It can also be frightening.  Headaches of this magnitude and frequency are hard on everyone around the sufferer.  It is almost imperative for the entire family, even co-workers and bosses, to provide support and assistance if the person is not to sink into anxiety and depression.  Cluster headaches can make or break relationships, just as any serious illness or traumatic event can.  Finding answers to causes and triggers and finding ways to bring relief would be a very great blessing indeed.

This blog is part of a series on headaches.  This series includes. . . .

Headaches - IntroductionHeadaches - Emotions Headaches - Endocrine System Headaches - Dehydration Headaches - Hormones Headaches - Hyperglycemia Headaches - Structural Headaches - Sinus & Allergy Headaches - Sleep & Cluster Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM - Introduction TCM - Meridians TCM - Gallbladder/Liver TCM - Bladder/Kidney TCM - Large Intestine/Lung TCM - Stomach/Spleen TCM Triple warmer Pericardium TCM - Small Intestine/Heart TCM - Governing/Central

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