Stress and Essential Oils

 Stressed Out

The phrase, “stressed out,” means different things to different people.  Something that causes stress for you may be no big deal at all to someone else.  Some people – I wish I was one of them – respond to most situations calmly.  They simply handle stress well, with little or no ill effects on their bodies or minds.  For these people, stress is not all bad.  In small doses, and handled properly, stress can even help us accomplish tasks quickly and well.

However, our bodies and our minds are simply not equipped to handle long-term, chronic stress without suffering serious consequences, big and small.

The Damaging Effects of Stress

I suspect we all have a fairly good idea of the negative effects of stress on our minds and our bodies.  Health professionals and talk show hosts certainly talk about this topic a lot!  It is easy to see that we really need to address this – right now, today!

When we feel threatened, overworked, unsafe, or unable to do all that is required of us, certain chemical reactions occur in the body.  “Fight, Flight, or Freeze” describes the possible reactions of the nervous system under stress.  The adrenal glands eventually wear out and give up when under constant stress.  The heart works harder.   Muscles tense and tighten.  Sooner or later, high blood pressure issues develop.  In other words, every system of the body is affected.

These chemical reactions and the damage they cause, occur whether the triggers are real or perceived.

Some Emotional Symptoms of Stress

  • Frequently becoming easily upset, frustrated, or agitated.
  • Mood swings.
  • Feeling overwhelmed.
  • Wondering if you are losing control of your world.  As a result, wanting to be in control of every situation.
  • Finding it difficult to relax and/or quiet your mind.
  • Low self-esteem.  Generally feeling bad about yourself.
  • Feeling that since you are not getting everything done, you are worthless or less than you should be.
  • Feeling lonely as you cut yourself off from others trying to “get it all done.”

Some Mental Symptoms of Stress

  • Worrying constantly.
  • Thoughts racing continually around in your mind, night and day.
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Disorganization.
  • Inability to focus on anything for very long.
  • Poor judgment.  As a result, repeatedly making poor decisions.
  • Being negative or seeing only the downside of things.  Pessimism.

Some Behavioral Symptoms of Stress

  • Exhibiting nervous behaviors, including nail biting, fidgeting, pacing, drumming one’s fingers, or constantly chewing on something.
  • Procrastinating.  Avoiding responsibilities and commitments.
  • Addictions as one attempts to sooth the nerves with alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, or candy.
  • Changes in appetite.  Eating too much or, likewise, not eating enough.

Physical Consequences of Long-term Stress

  • Depression, anxiety, even personality disorders.
  • Cardiovascular issues.  These might include heart disease, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, and stroke.
  • Obesity, and any one of a host of eating disorders.
  • Hormone issues, including fertility problems, and sexual dysfunction.
  • A variety of issues with the skin, hair, or nails.  Such things as psoriasis, eczema, and even permanent hair loss sometimes have their roots in long-term stress.
  • Gastrointestinal problems.  Many people hold their stress in their stomachs or intestines.  The result?  GERD, gastritis of one form or another, ulcerative colitis, irritable colon, etc.
  • Heartburn or ulcers.
  • Flare-ups of asthma, arthritis, acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

The Heart and Stress

High cholesterol, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and caffeine intake are recognized as risk factors for heart disease.  Nevertheless, in over half of new heart disease patients, none of these factors are present.  In study after study, however, stresses of various kinds were shown to be the most important single factor in heart health.

It has been accepted as fact for some time that major stress such as war, divorce, and earthquakes increased the risk of heart attacks in victims.  In 1977, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that common emotions such as tension, frustration, and sadness trigger a drop in the blood supply to the heart.  These drops can be sufficient to significantly increase the risk of a heart attack.

A report by the secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare indicates that “job satisfaction” and “overall happiness” are the most important factors in determining the length of the recovery time following a heart attack.  These factors even impact the amount of recovery that will be achieved. According to the Mayo Clinic, psychological stress is the strongest predictor of future cardiac problems such as cardiac arrest, heart attack, and death.  I know, from experience, that emotional stress impacts my own heart issues very negatively.  I have also learned how to minimize these reactions – even in the face of alarming amounts of psychological stress and emotional losses.

Studies show that women with heart issues lived longer if they involved themselves in a stress management program.  Essential oils have been that sort of program for me, over the years.

Some Possible Stressors

What sorts of things keep us from living our lives in a healthy state of calm?  What constitutes emotional or psychological stress?  I will name just a few that I have observed or have had expressed to me by other people.  Perhaps it would be of benefit to look at your own life and make your own list.  Ask yourself, what events or situations trigger stressful feelings for you.

Interruptions and the Frantic Pace of Modern Life

The average person today has their train of thought interrupted many times every hour.  Interruptions come from co-workers, clients, loved ones, e-mails, faxes, or phone calls, to name just a few.  Each interruption causes the mind and the heart to send a plethora of messages back and forth to establish and then re-establish order and procedure.

Trying to Do Too Much in Too Little Time

Time-saving devices help, but only a little bit.  I don’t know about you, but no matter how many time-saving devices I buy or employees I hire, I manage to fill any time saved right back up.  It often feels impossible to ever get all of the things I want to do done!  There is always more to learn and more things that I want to do!

Unrealistic Expectations

Whether one is expecting too much of oneself, one’s family, or of one’s employees or boss, this attitude sets a person up for major stress.  Learning to see the good in people and being grateful to those around you for the things they do helps to moderate this attitude quite a lot.  How to expect less from yourself?  That is much harder.  Finding what is your personal walk in life helps.  Doing your best, and coming to understand that your best is enough, is sufficient.  Cutting yourself slack for mistakes that you learned from also helps.  At least, it should.


This is the mind chatter that says things like “I should have. . . .” or “I should have said. . . .” or “I need to remember to do. . . .” or I wish I would have. . . .” or “I wish they would. . . .”  Watch out for these energy draining head conversations that you hold with yourself.  They keep the heart from developing faith or finding solutions.  Sometimes we just retell ourselves stories where we are the hero, the good guy, and someone else seriously messed up or hurt us.  This does no good and also impacts our emotional health.

Argument and Discord

Psychologist Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and immunologist Ronald Glaser of Ohio State University claim that when married couples discuss sensitive issues during testing sessions heart rates increased, blood pressure rose, there was a marked increase in stress hormones and a distinct drop-off in immunity.  Scary.  Is there a way to discuss these issues without making ourselves sick?  Perhaps, humor and patience would help.

Health Concerns

Here again, the news media and the constant litany about diseases and what pills and procedures we are likely to need if we get sick, keep us all in a stew. Taking responsibility for yourself, learning a few skills, and having a few basic solutions handy is the only way I know of to alleviate stress about health issues.

Issues of aging, being unable to take care of oneself or care for the needs of an aging or infirm spouse, or caring for a handicapped child can take a very great toll on people’s health.

Tension Around Balancing Career and Family

Professional women (and men) often feel a great deal of conflict and tension centered around how much time and energy should be spent in the workplace and how much should be reserved for home and family.  The need for continuing one’s education and the time and money that education requires can be another area of conflict and stress.

The News Media

The satellite age has increased the number of gruesome things we hear about each day.  It should be remembered that hearing about it does not mean there is a significant increase in the likelihood that we will fall victim to most of the things we hear about.

Gavin de Becker says a couple of interesting things in his book, The Gift of Fear.   He says that, at the moment anyway, Americans enjoy the privilege of being so secure they have the luxury of worrying about things that are not likely to happen.   “Imagine a mother in Bosnia,” he points out, “trying to protect herself and her children. Has she got time to entertain the fears many Americans stress themselves over? I don’t think so.”  This statement put a lot of things into perspective for me.  Fear sells newspapers, but it does not promote happiness or good health.


Stress occurs when our perceptions of events don’t meet our expectations.  Also, this is only a problem if we don’t manage our reaction to the disappointment in healthy ways.  We tell ourselves over and over how terrible things were.  Sometimes, we may even allow ourselves to perceive an event as inevitably ruining our future.  We tell ourselves that things will never be right again or that we will “never get over” this experience.  Usually, that is simply not true.  Many people have led productive and happy lives after surviving things that most of us can only imagine.  Energy work and essential oils have been a blessing to many in arriving at peace and productivity.

The fact is that our bodies react in exactly the same way to stress whether or not we have a good reason for being stressed or not.  Whether your expectations were reasonable or not isn’t really relevant to stress levels.  Perception rules in the creation of stress and in the effects that events will have on the body.

Liking Drama/Worrying

I hesitated to mention this one.   I’m sure it doesn’t apply to any of us.  Unfortunately, if it does apply to us, recognizing the pattern is difficult to do.  There are those who really like to be involved in drama.  Perhaps someone comes to mind.  Does drama make them feel loved, important, or indispensable?  Do they worry about someone as proof (to themselves) that they love them?  Do they mistake worry for appropriate ways to love and support others?   “I only worry about you because I love you!” is an often heard phrase.  Perhaps, prayer would be a better solution than worry.

Years ago, someone told me that instead of fretting and worrying about my children I should pray instead.  They suggested that instead of saying, “I wonder where that child is?” or “I wonder what that child is doing?” I should, instead, say something like the following.  “Dear Father, you know where my child is and what he needs.  If there is something I can do . . . if he needs his mother at this moment, please let me know and I will respond immediately and in any way that You see as best.”  This advice changed my life!

Common Stressors


  • Being unhappy in your job.
  • Having to give speeches and presentations.
  • Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility.
  • Working long hours.
  • Being insecure about your job or possibilities for advancement.

Life in General

  • The death of a loved one.
  • Divorce.
  • Loss of a job.
  • Getting married – even if it is a good thing and you want to.
  • Moving to a new home.
  • Chronic illness or the after-effects of an illness.
  • Taking care of an elderly or sick family member.
  • Traumatic events in your own life or in the lives of people that you know and love.

Did reading that list cause you stress?  You may consider looking up essential oils specific to the emotions.

Time for Change?

Too many of us have lived our entire lives with the stress created by anger, disappointment, fear, overwork, worry, and hurry.  We assume that the stressed-out state in which we live is normal. People everywhere focus too much on what is wrong with life instead of finding things to be happy about and ways to make others happy.  As normal as this behavior may seem, it is having serious consequences for our health.

It is impossible to change the world around us, removing every little bit of stress.  The alternative is obvious.  We must learn to take responsibility for our own reactions to the world around us.  We must deliberately choose our own emotions.

I find that alternative therapies and remedies provide a great deal of assistance here.  Herbal remedies help us remedy nutritional deficiencies that keep our nerves on edge and make us tired and irritable.  Essential oils are especially helpful!  Homeopathic remedies reach deeply into our energy and even adjust our misperceptions.  Below is a discussion of some of the things I have come across over the years.


Essential Oil Singles

All essential oils have an impact on our emotional health.  I had a really hard time limiting this list at all.  As you can see, I didn’t limit it very much!


The physical pain that is driven by emotional stress and/or nervous tension responds particularly well to floral essential oils.


The aroma of the chamomiles, in my opinion, is the most relaxing scents in the entire essential oil world.  Chamomiles are powerfully soothing.  Their action applies to both physical and emotional conditions alike.  These oils create an atmosphere of peace and patience.  So powerfully do these oils unravel the negative emotions behind physical ailments, that it is sometimes hard to tell if it is working at an emotional or a physical level.  I love both the Roman and German varieties.


Lavender is a gentle, but effective, sedative and nervine.  It can bring relief from anxiety, panic, hysteria, emotional and mental fatigue, headaches and migraines, and insomnia, especially if these conditions are brought on by stress or overwork.


Rose, also is the queen of flower oils.  It is an outstanding remedy for those times when we feel trapped by our responsibilities.  Rose is one of the very best oils for use in any emotional crisis. It is useful in extreme debility and fatigue. Rose has a four-fold action on nerves, digestion, vascular, and urinary systems.


Patchouli is especially suited to people with strong constitutions who rarely pay any attention to their health as they pursue their material goals.  Almost without warning, they eventually collapse, both mentally and physically.  Patchouli is a valuable aid to their recovery.  It also helps them achieve a balance in their lives where running faster than they have strength is concerned.  This, naturally, prevents a re-occurrence of this stress pattern.


Melissa especially benefits emotionally sensitive individuals who do not respond well to pressure or who are easily upset, almost traumatized, by the slightest confrontation.  They spend their strength trying to hold in their feelings to prevent or end an argument.  Expressing feelings of anger or hurt feels like a horrible risk to them.  This continual repression of fear or anger eventually leads to depression and poor health.  Melissa essential oil can be helpful anywhere along this soul-destroying path.

Melissa oil is used for hypertension, palpitations, shock, and conditions where the heart is overstimulated.

Woods are also useful for heart irregularities that have their roots in the inability to handle stress or tension.


Of particular note in this family is Sandalwood, which can help us tap into our own inner strength when facing our difficult challenges. Palo Santo, a relative newcomer among essential oil, is taken directly from the heartwood.


Being conifers, these oils are noted for their ability to maintain their needles in times of cold.  There is a definite corollary between this stability and the essential oil’s ability to aid us in remaining constant ourselves when under a great deal of stress, or when life is being hostile or difficult.


Essential oils made from spices illustrate the principle of natural remedies returning the body to a state of homeostasis, or balance.  They often act as both a stimulant when energy levels are low and as a sedative during times when our bodies and minds are stressed.  As such, they help us rest and relax in order to rebuild.  Then they help us accomplish those things that really need doing in an effective manner.  People in need of spice oils have become unbalanced by burnout from running too fast and too far.  As a side note spices are a subcategory and they always fit into another category as well such as leaves or woods.


Thyme, though not often thought of for use in emotional work, is effective for protecting the heart from stress.


Marjoram is quieting to obsessive worry where negative thoughts circle repetitively in the brain hour after hour.  This essential oil is also helpful for those who seem to love being in the center of some sort of drama all the time.  Marjoram was known as the “herb of happiness” to the early Romans and “joy of the mountain” to the Greeks.  Caution:  Marjoram should be used sparingly during pregnancy.

Clary Sage

Clary sage is a good oil for those who, when overtired, become hypersensitive and either weep or find fault with everyone around them. It is also a good choice for people whose lives show a pattern of continually choosing the wrong kind of friends.

Miscellaneous Single Oils


Frankincense is useful in the relief of anxiety attacks brought on by stress or by the death of a friend or family member.  I find the frereana slightly better for this type of stress relief.  Besides, I like the aroma of this variety quite a bit more than that of carterii.


This oil is an especially good choice for those who tend to dwell on past emotional traumas.

Orange Sweet

The aroma of Orange Sweet helps to reestablish optimism and a sense of humor when they have become lost due to stress.  Most stressful situations can be handled better by injecting a little bit of humor.

Essential Oil Blends

When Butterfly Express was just a small company with only about 40 blends, people would ask me to list for them my 10 favorite ones.  I found I couldn’t do it!  As you can see from the length of the list below, I still can’t do it.  Not even when working with only this one topic – stress.  Each oil mentioned – and discussed, of necessity very briefly below – works with stress in a unique way.  Please see my book,  Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils, for further information about each of these blends.


Use LeAssurance for overcoming the procrastination stage of feeling completely overwhelmed and not knowing, or wanting, to begin.  This blend helps us get back our enthusiasm for the task before us.  LeAssurance provides the enthusiasm to tackle tasks that are necessary for the achievement of our goals, or it helps us see that the project is not really worth the time and effort, if that is the case.


This blend is quite famous as an “energy protector.”  When a person is under stress, they are particularly vulnerable and “energy sensitive.”  This is a good time to reach for LeBenedictionLeBenediction is a great blend for strengthening one’s own energy boundaries.  However, this blend is also so much more than just that.  LeBenediction can help us speak up and express our needs clearly without blaming or whining.  It can also temper any tendency we have to judge unkindly.  LeBenediction also strengthens us against being a blind follower of someone we feel in awe of or even admire.  LeBenediction is about holding your ground with kindness, patience, and peace in your heart.  A great stress-reliever.


LeBelieve can help us see that we have the abilities we need and that we will be led to where we need to be at appropriate times in our lives.  This is a great oil for being more optimistic, more motivated, and more tenacious.  LeBelieve helps us feel more confident in our ability to cope with the circumstances, situations, and stresses of our lives.  Contentment, inner strength, intuition, and the courage to act are the hallmarks of this blend.


Jasmine and Osmanthus are members of the same exotic family.  They are very heady floral oils.  LeCherish is of equal value to both men and women.  It helps us develop and emphasize inner courage, the strength of character, and clarity of purpose.  At the same time, it fills our souls with greater reserves of sensitivity and compassion.  The aroma of this blend encourages us to set our feet on a path that will help us reach higher plateaus.

A very special aspect of LeCherish is that it helps us rebuild our emotional balance and gain perspective in the aftermath of quarrels, traumatic events, the loss of a loved one, or the loss of a cherished hope or dream.

This intense – and expensive – blend requires the use of only a drop or two at a time.  This is my all-time favorite blend.  In fact, I am on my way to find it and get it diffusing near me right now!


Each of the five blends contained in LeEverlasting is in the mid to very high-frequency range. Each one targets a specific range of emotions.  Blending these five blends together into another essential oil blend is an amazing example of synergy.  LeEverlasting is a lower frequency (physical range) blend which displays the ability to act on the emotions.  A person using LeEverlasting receives the emotional impact of each separate high-frequency blend.  At the same time, the lower frequency of the whole carries the healing more deeply into the physical body.  The negative emotions are released clear down to the cellular level.


Before I created LeCherish, LeExpressions was the most impressive very high-frequency emotional blend in the Butterfly line.  When I first created it, I didn’t put it up for sale because I couldn’t imagine any blend being worth the money that the ingredients in this blend cost.  LeExpressions oil is used to enhance communication and connection in romantic relationships and is most definitely an aphrodisiac.

LeEZ Traveler

Besides alleviating the physical symptoms of motion sickness, LeEZ Traveler promotes feelings of calmness, emotional strength, and the ability to cope with the day’s events and responsibilities.


This blend contains a wood oil, a flower oil, and an amazing citrus oil – Orange Sweet, described above.  LeGoodNite encourages restful sleep.   It promotes restful sleep because it promotes feelings of calm peacefulness and security.


LeGrace addresses fears that we have that we are not enough, or that we are not doing enough!  The aroma of LeGrace helps us see our potential.  At times, it even seems to help us see ourselves as our Father in Heaven sees us.  LeGrace is an excellent remedy for frustration, grief, and the emotions of great loss and fear of loss.  When you are feeling overwhelmed LeGrace is a great essential oil to diffuse.


The blend, LeTranquility, is the first one to reach for when experiencing anxiety or panic attacks.  If it fails to match the person’s particular situation or personality, LeHeartSong is the blend to reach for.  LeHeartSong is also helpful in stabilizing mood swings, relieving stress and tension, and helping one to relax.  I love this blend because it is balancing to the electrical fields of the body and stabilizing to energy levels.  It is also the #1 oil blend for depression.

LeLetting Go

LeLetting Go is a favorite blend of many people.  It is literally what the name implies – a blend to aid us in letting go of negative emotions.  Use LeLetting Go to aid in the release of anger, frustration, resentment, despair, grief, insecurity, or any other emotion that is not serving you well.


This blend aids us in decision making by bringing us to a place where we can discern heavenly input.   How does it do this?  I only know that the aroma of this blend quiets my soul when it needs it.  LeMeditation is helpful in our finding the motivation to make any changes in our lives that we know we need to make.  In other words, this is an oil for procrastination.


LeMillenia helps one find the courage to move forward with confidence and faith.  It brings clarity about what is really necessary for happiness and contentment.  It can help us find an equilibrium between being organized, neat, orderly, meticulous, logical, and analytical (all good traits), and being obsessively focused on perfection.  LeMillenia, emotionally, is an oil for courage.  It helps us move forward in appropriate ways and at an appropriate pace.

LeSego Lily

LeSego Lily is light and airy with a beautiful, uplifting, and calming aroma. It brings a feeling of calmness during a crisis or just when feeling anxious and out of sorts.  This is Valaree’s all-time favorite bath oil to pamper herself.  She LOVES the way it smells.


LeSolitude is calming and can help one to “de-stress” following a stress-filled day.  Diffusing LeSolitude at night helps me relax into a peaceful sleep.  The aroma of  LeSolitude can be useful in creating an atmosphere of peace and quiet in which to regenerate and rebuild emotional reserves.  I am a person who needs large amounts of “alone time.”  LeSolitude provides me with that type of healing peace.  It does this even in the midst of the chaos in which I live and work!


LeSunburst is a favorite among the citrus blends because it is relaxing and calming.  However, LeSunburst is not a sedative.  It is just a very well-done blend of predominantly citrus essential oils.


LeTomorrow helps one to find calmness and joy in the challenges of everyday living. It is useful during the changing seasons of our lives to help us maintain emotional stability.  This blend is wonderful when diffused.  It creates a marvelously calm atmosphere.


LeTranquility is one of the most loved blends in the Butterfly line.  This blend promotes relaxation, relieves anxiety, stress, tension, and depression.  LeTranquility helps us take a step back from a situation so that we may come to a fuller understanding of all aspects of the situation. From this perspective, we are usually able to see solutions to our dilemmas more easily.   I know I am showing signs of stress when I find a cotton ball, blue from the LeTranquility dumped onto it, sitting between my keyboard and my monitor at work!  Thanks, whoever is looking out for me!


This is the greatest essential oil product I know of for fostering a sense of physical and mental well-being.  LeUnity balances the entire energetic body.  It does this so well that when a person is having a reaction to an essential oil (think of a child who found a bottle and got the lid off!), LeUnity will balance the body rapidly.  It literally minimizes or eliminates altogether, the reaction.

The synergy of this essential oil blend has to be experienced to be believed!


If we have begun to rely too much on other people’s opinions and advice, LeVision can help us see our own path and our own worth more clearly.  This blend clears the mind, reduces anxiety and stress levels, restores inner strength, and improves decisiveness—without our needing to be overbearing or impatient.  If you tend to be irritable when stressed or overly tired, this may be a good blend for you.

LeWhispering Hope

This is one of my favorite blends for stress relief.   I named it after a song that one of my Grandmothers once told me she loved and had me play for her on the piano when she visited.  LeWhispering Hope can help when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed.  It helps to create a more positive attitude and a sense of optimism.  This blend is especially useful when other people’s choices are causing you stress.  There is nothing more stressful, in my experience than the need to stand back and let your children – and others – make their own choices and their own mistakes.

Flower Essence Remedies

Aloe Vera

For those people who “burn the candle at both ends” until burnout becomes inevitable.  Aloe Vera encourages a more rational approach to life.  Helps a person take time for nurturing themselves emotionally and caring for their health before they crash.

Canyon Dudleya

For those persons who are easily upset, agitated or even hysterical.  They easily become over-stimulated.  Sleep often eludes them.


This is a remedy for emotional tension.  They feel overwhelmed.  For the most part, they hold their stress and tension in their stomachs or in the solar plexus area.

Cherry Plum

Feeling so overwhelmed that there is fear that a breakdown of some sort, with loss of control, is about to occur.


This remedy is a bit unusual.  Applies best to those free spirits who crave the rural life but are forced, by circumstances to spend their time in cities and/or in crowded work spaces.  This remedy, like some essential oils, aids us in finding solitude and peace wherever we may be.


Cosmos helps those people who have become unfocused.  The imbalances of Cosmos usually manifest in speech patterns.  It seems that there are so many thoughts and ideas in their minds that expressing them coherently becomes difficult.  Explanations and requests, particularly, become disorganized – almost incoherent.


Dill as an herb, and as an essential oil stabilizes blood sugar.  As a flower essence, it is a remedy for too much excitement and stimulation.  Dill, in any form, is an excellent remedy when starting a new project.  I wonder if that is somehow tied to pregnant women craving dill pickles.  Pregnancy is certainly the undertaking of quite a project.


The emotional pattern of elm is taking on too many responsibilities, and then becoming overwhelmed by them.  Feeling overextended this way, a person eventually feels as though there is no help or support in sight.  Feelings of isolation result.

Five-Flower Formula (Rescue Remedy)

Rescue Remedy brings balance and equilibrium after extreme stress.  It matters little to this remedy whether the stress was emotional or physical, such as a traumatic accident of some sort.  Oh, the things that I have seen Rescue Remedy set right – usually in a matter of seconds!


Hornbeam is a remedy for fatigue.  This fatigue is not so much about overwork or being overwhelmed as it is about being caught in monotonous routine or having no interest in the tasks they are called upon to perform.  Much of a person’s physical energy is tied to positive connections to others as well as to knowing that what one is doing is important and meant for you to do.


As the name implies – sort of – impatience is the keynote of this remedy!  Frustration, irritability, tension, and intolerance are other keynotes of this remedy.  Rushing ahead, half prepared, and being frustrated by the more mellow modes of those around them are also part of this remedy’s picture.

Indian Pink

The positive qualities – those things being sought when taking this remedy – include the ability to remain centered and focused, even under stress or high levels of activity.  Multi-tasking – managing and coordinating a multitude of tasks at the same time and when interrupted, being able to return to the task without frustration and without undue time spend figuring out where one was and what one was doing.  I think I need this one!


Lavender is for those persons whom others describe as “high-strung” and “wound too tightly.”  More often than not, these people are highly sensitive to the energy of others.  Headaches, vision problems, and neck and shoulder tension are the physical ailments that most often accompany this high degree of sensitivity.  Lavender soothes the energy.  More importantly, it seems to instruct the energy body on how to dissipate the energy absorbed in constructive ways.


The oak personality has a lot of talent, ability, and drive.  However, there is a tendency to push the limits of their own strength and endurance.  This remedy teaches one a more realistic viewpoint as to one’s own abilities.  It brings patience, peace, and the ability to let go of projects, allowing other people to carry some of the load and make some of the decisions.

Pink Yarrow

Like Lavender, Pink Yarrow means you are sensitive to the energy of those around you – being an energy “sponge.”  Sensing intense emotions in others, even when not expressed by them out loud, leads to nervous system exhaustion.  The person often feels completely overwhelmed, but they have no idea what in their lives is producing this feeling.


For those times when stress has made one unable to cope with details or too many things happening at the same time.  Rabbitbrush brings one the amazing ability to focus on detail while holding the “big-picture” in mind.  My husband is a master of this art.  This is often frustrating to those of us who see only the moment, or at best, see only the effects of our actions on today!

Red Clover

The negative pattern of Red Clover is being too easily influenced and swayed by the crowd – susceptible to “mob mentality.”  Red Clover helps us maintain our own individuality.  It helps us stand firm in our own space and in our own convictions.  Red Clover essence, like the herb, has a particular affinity for the blood.  Many believe that it is in the blood that the spiritual essence of self resides.


Positive keynotes of this remedy are a warm and nurturing physical presence accompanied by mental alertness and vitality.  Out of balance patterns include forgetfulness, learning disabilities, coldness in the extremities, and feeling emotionally and spiritually depleted when under stress.

Star of Bethlehem

This remedy is a key ingredient in Rescue Remedy (Five-Flower Formula)Star of Bethlehem (I love that name!) is deeply restorative, calming, and soothing following trauma of some sort.  This remedy is just as effective for past trauma as it is for current stress.


The Vervain person is strongly and passionately idealistic.  They throw themselves completely into tasks and causes.  They are so idealistic that they are in danger of becoming overbearing or intolerant.  Nervous exhaustion from taking on too much and caring too much is common with this personality type.  They seem to have no comprehension that the physical body, as well as the mind, have limits.  Vervain, herbal remedy or flower essence, brings the ability to “tone it down” a bit, practicing a bit of moderation before burnout occurs.


The Yarrow personality, typically, is extremely vulnerable to the environment as well as to the energy of others.  Usually, they are very prone to allergies and environmental illnesses.  Although this vulnerability helps them to be “in-tune,” making them tremendous healers and leaders, their own energy is too easily depleted from the effort.  Yarrow essence, quite literally, rebuilds and strengthens the body’s energy fields.


It has long been my belief that gratitude is the most healing emotion of all of the positive emotions. Whenever I feel like I have too much to do or that I am far behind in getting it all done, there is one sure fix for my attitude.  That fix is gratitude.  Looking around myself with gratitude in my heart for even a few of my blessings calms my soul immediately.  I think of the amazing people who have taught me so much in my life.  I thank Heaven for the wonderful people I meet through the classes I teach.  Even just this little bit of gratitude dissipates any stress I am feeling.

Gratitude for and among family members is a sure-fire recipe for better relationships.  The same thing is true in the work-place and in every endeavor of our lives.

The following Butterfly Essential Oils Blends are among my favorites for inspiring in myself an “attitude of gratitude.”  They are all great stress relievers also.


LeAcknowledge is a blend for the throat chakra.  One aspect of it is in helping us to express both our needs and our gratitude for what others have done and are doing for us.  LeAcknowledge also brings relief, for me at least, from feelings of frustration.  I feel less overwhelmed by my responsibilities when I either wear or diffuse this oil.  LeAcknowledge, like LeBountiful, improves the way I feel toward material possessions, making me both more appreciative of them and less focused on their acquisition.


The aroma of this blend promotes feelings of self-worth and a desire to heal. It makes one want to be truly well, happy, and content. LeFaith turns our thoughts to gratitude for the blessings we have received.

LeGrateful Heart

This blend promotes feelings of gratitude for all that we have and all that others do for us.  Stress, even in the form of dissatisfaction and discontentment, are destructive to the nervous and immune systems.   I find it interesting that this blend is used in stabilizing the blood sugar lows of hypoglycemia.

We are instructed to be grateful and to be thankful to God.  This instruction is not because God needs our gratitude.  It is because He loves us and wants what is best for us.  He recognizes that we need to be grateful to progress and be happy.


If you enjoyed this blog please check out my blog on Fear, Worry and Anxiety Disorders.



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