Healthy Pregnancy


There are many things that go into the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy, therefore, a few of them are listed below.

sufficient fluids
periods of rest during the day
balanced hormones
keeping the stress in your life manageable

HERBS: PHB—the acronym stands for ‘pregnancy hormone balancer’— that is to say, it is a great formula for pregnancy. PT—’pregnancy tea’—also balances the hormones of pregnancy. Raspberry Tea is a must, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy. I always insist that a mother is supplementing Vitamin E. In addition, I try to ensure that she is eating plenty of greens for their folic acid and vitamin K content.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Any essential oil which helps to maintain emotional balance and physical stamina will be of benefit during pregnancy. The Butterfly essential oil combination LeWoman Wise and LeBalance, above all, certainly should be avoided and most importantly any single oils with pregnancy listed as a contraindication should be avoided or used with great caution. Homeopathic remedies are both gentle and effective during pregnancy.

Difficulties During Pregnancy

Amniotic Fluid Levels:

HERBS: All nourishing herbs and vegetables, and digestible proteins such as raw almonds.




Get plenty of iron-rich foods such as blackstrap molasses, organ meats, egg yolks, peas, beans, lentils, nuts, beet and turnip tops, and any green leafy vegetable. Both folate and Vitamin C are essential to the uptake of iron from food sources. However, supplementation by laboratory-produced iron supplements is NOT the answer. In fact, the wrong kind of supplements often contributes to this and other problems of pregnancy.

HERBS: Herbs containing iron include Dandelion, Chives, Nettles, Hawthorn, Hops, Elderberries, Purslane, Rosehips (Vitamin C helps with the uptake of iron), Skullcap, Vervain, Raspberry Leaves, Coriander Leaves, and Parsley.  Keep the amount low as parsley may interfere with milk production later on.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeEternity, LeLife Force, LeRevitalize, and LeMillenia.

BLESSED WATER: Ars.  All of the Ferrums but particularly Ferr-p.  Kali-ar, Kali-p, Puls, Calc-c, Calc-p, #4 Ferr-p., and #5 Kali-mur.   The flower essence remedy Scarlet Fritillary.

Bearing Down or Dropping-Out-the-Bottom Sensation:

BLESSED WATER: Sep, Bell-p, Caul, Kali-c, and Puls.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeLetting Go, and  LeMillenia.

Bleeding (During the Pregnancy):

HERBS: Cayenne, Mistletoe (for a short time only), Shepherd’s Purse, and Yarrow.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeMillenia, Geranium, Myrrh, and Yarrow—apply to feet or abdomen.

BLESSED WATER: Apis, Cham, Cinnam, Kreos, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Tril, and Bioplasma.


Constipation is a  natural result of hormones that relax muscles so that the baby may be accommodated within the mother’s body.

HERBS: LB, Vervain, Chamomile, Dandelion (subsequently, if the liver is reasonably clean), Peppermint, Raspberry, and Rosemary. CD­­ to clarify, it is a formula for the colon and the digestive system.  It is used to relieve constipation but may be too strong for some women and some pregnancies.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeJulia, LeInsideOut, Ginger, Mandarin, Orange Sweet, and Rosemary.

BLESSED WATER: Tissue Salts #4, Ferr-p, #6 Kali-p, #8 Mag-p, and #9 Nat mur, Plat, Sep, the color Orange, the Note D, Anac, Calc, Lac-defNat-s, Nux-v, Sep, and Sym-r.

Cramping (Perhaps even Braxton Hicks):

HERBS: BBL, Chamomile, Cramp Bark, Horsetail, Nettles, Passion Flower, Wild Oats, Wild Yam, and Vervain, FSW (last two months)

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBaby Me, LeDeeper, LeFortitudeLeMillenia, LeInsideOut­—if intestinal, LeWarmDown, and Marjoram.

BLESSED WATER:  Tissue Salts with Mag-p and Kali-p being particularly outstanding, all of the Magnesium in both tissue salt form and regular blessed waters.


HERBS: Bayberry, Bilberry, Catnip, Cascara Sagrada, Papaya, PlantainRaspberry, Sarsaparilla, Slippery ElmStone root, White Oak, and IB.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeInsideOut, LeJulia, Ajowan, Carrot Seed, Cassia, Clove, Geranium, Mandarin, Mountain Savory, Myrtle, and Nutmeg.

BLESSED WATER: Apis, Cham, Phos, and Sep.


(Please see ‘Pre-Eclampsia’ and ‘Toxemia’ that is to say, hopefully, it has not been allowed to get this far!)


HERBS: KT, Raspberry, Corn Silk, Cleavers, Dandelion, Horsetail, and Plantain.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeVitality, LeHeartSong, Birch, Lavender, and Ledum—with care.

BLESSED WATER: One or more of the Tissue Salt Magnesium.  Nat-m, Apis, Ars, Dig, Jab, Calc-p, Caul,  Merc-s, Samb, and Pregnancy.

Fear Surrounding Pregnancy and Labor:

HERBS: The kidneys are very much connected to fear, therefore—all kidney herbs and formulas, nervine formulas, herbs for the adrenals such as AD, Kelp, Nettle, Ginseng, and Passion Flower should be used.
ESSENTIAL OILS: LeTomorrow or LeTrust.

BLESSED WATER: Acon, Ars, Caul, Cimic,Coffea cruda, Gels, Lyss, Nux-m Puls, and Staph.

Gallbladder Issues and Pain:





Moreover, it is important to match the particular symptoms closely to the remedy for optimum effectiveness.

HERBS: Chamomile, Skullcap, Lemon Balm, and Lemon Peel in a weak tea.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBaby Me, LeBeloved, LeBenediction, LeMillenia, and LeMyGraine.

BLESSED WATER: Bell, Cimic, Bry, Cham, Ferr-p—third month and growth spurts of baby and placenta, Gels, Ign (grief), Nux-v, Phos, Puls, and Sep.


HERBS: GI, FS, Catnip, Chamomile, Marshmallow, Peppermint, Ginger, and Lemon Balm.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeInsideOut, LeJulia, Fennel, Basil, Angelica, Chamomile, Litsea Cubeba, Rose, and Sandalwood.

BLESSED WATER:  Apis, Ars, Caps, Car-v, Cocc, colch, Kali-m, Nux-v, Nat-p, Puls, and Sep.


You should make every effort to deal with during pregnancy, not after delivery.

HERBS: Agrimony, Bilberry, Butcher’s Broom, Calendula, Horsetail, Oak Bark, Plantain, and Stone root.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeCypernium, LeVisibility, LeVitality, Copaiba Balsam, Cypress, and Geranium.

BLESSED WATER: Calc Flour, Coll, Ham, Kali-c, Lach, Nux-v, Puls, Sep, and Sulph..


HERBS: BP formula, Blessed Thistle, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Ginseng, and Hawthorne.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBenediction, LeVitality, and likewise any emotional oils as appropriate to the situation.

BLESSED WATER: Ars, most of the Calcareas, Nat-m, Phos, Sec, Sep, and Sulph..

Hypoglycemia/Food Cravings/Glucose in Urine:

HERBS: ADLC, LIC, PF, Cascara/Juniper used with Raspberry/Myrrh, Billberry, Dandelion, and Garlic.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeRevitalize, LeEndoRelief, LeGrateful Heart, LeWakeUp, Dill, and Ylang Ylang.

BLESSED WATER: Adrenal Support, Fatigue #2,  Mag-p, Chel—works on the pancreas or on metabolism as a result to stabilize uptake and blood sugar, Puls, and Phos—with fatigue present.


HERBS: Sleepytime tea, Catnip, Chamomile, BBL, mild nervine herbs, Passion Flower, and Skullcap.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeDreams, LeGoodNite, LeKindred Spirit, LeSunburst, LeVision, Chamomile, Lavender, Orange Sweet, and Ylang Ylang.

BLESSED WATER: Tissue Salts #6 Kali-p #4 Ferr-p, flower essence lavender, Ars, Calc, Cham, Cocc, Coff, Ign, Kali-c, Nux-v, Rhus-t, and Sulph.

Itching: See Pruritis

Kidney Infection:

HERBS: KB, KT, MULC, YW, Fennel, Astragalus, Cleavers, Corn Silk, Cranberries, Marshmallow, and MulleinBuchuJuniper Berries and Chaparral are contra-indicated for pregnancy. AD (adrenal formula) because the adrenals and the kidneys are closely related.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeReflections, Birch, and Lemongrass.

BLESSED WATER: Helon—also for prolapses and uterine mal-positions.  Berb, Berb-a, Caust, Lyc, SarsArs, insect remedies (Apis is a polycrest), and in addition to the spider and snake remedies.

Leg Cramps/Restless Legs:

These are often an indication of poor calcium assimilation or poor calcium supplements

HERBS: Comfrey, Cayenne, Chamomile, Echinacea, Horsetial, Peppermint, BHM, MIN, and KNA, and Nettles.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeDeeper, LeFortitude, LeIntensityLeWarmDown, LeSolitude, and LeVisibility.

BLESSED WATER: Calc-p, Mag-p, Rhus-t, Sec, Sep, and Lyc—with swelling in the ankles.

Misalignment or Mal-Presentation of Baby:

HERBS: containing magnesium—BHM, Chamomile, Nettles, Dandelion, Chickweed, Oatstraw, all the spices such as Coriander, Basil, Dill, Sage, Parsley, and Fennel.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeMillenia and LePatches.

BLESSED WATER: Acon and Puls.  Also Nat-m—during the 4 weeks previous to trying to turn the baby if it is determined that there is too much or too little amniotic fluid.  With Nat-m to be effective, consequently, there is usually grief held within therefore Carb-v is sometimes indicated.

Nausea/Morning Sickness:

HERBS: Catnip, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Peach Leaves, Raspberry, Wild Yam, Cinnamon, Ginger, Fennel, and sipping lemon juice very cold.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeEZ Traveler, LeInsideOut, LeJulia, LeWithin, Dill, Orange Sweet, Peppermint, and Lavender.

BLESSED WATER: Amyg-p, Anac, Ars, Car-v, Cocc, Colch, Gossy, Ign, Ip, Kali-m, Lac-d, Lyc, Nat-s, Cocc, Sep, Puls, Nux-v, Sabin—with loss of appetite and diarrhea, Sep, Sym-r, the color violet, and the musical note B.

Non-Acceptance of the Pregnancy:

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeAcknowledge—acceptance, and ability to connect with the coming child. LeWhispering Hope—feelings of deep despair, inability to cope. LeHeartSong—depression, as a result, lack of joy and anticipation.

BLESSED WATER: Arn may be useful—will be very woman specific.  Flower essences, as appropriate, should be considered.

Pain (Especially when Baby Moves)

HERBS: Comfrey, Horsetail, Nettles, and Squawvine.

BLESSED WATER: Arn, Sep, Sil, Pelvic—Coloc and Lil-t.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeDeeper and LeBaby Me.


HERBS: Magnesium and the herbs which contain it—Basil, Thyme, Dill, Marjoram, and Fennel.

BLESSED WATER: Anac, Apis, Arn, Ars, Aur, Canth, Car-v, Colich, Crot-h, Ign, Merc-s, Phos, Sep, Sil, Sulph, and Verat.

Pre-Term Labor:

HERBS: Blue Cohosh—useful when stress and tension are producing uterine irritability, spasmodic false labor pain or overly strong Braxton-Hicks contractions prior to birth.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeMillenia, Lavender, and Clary SageClary Sage is used for pre-term labor, likewise, is used for post-term to get labor going.  Clary Sage, used in this way, in short, demonstrates the ability of natural remedies to return the system to a balanced state no matter which direction things have gone away from normal.

BLESSED WATER: Caul, Nux-v, Puls, and Sep.  For pre-term labor brought on by eclampsia, Sulph. may be indicated.




BLESSED WATER: Ruta—rectal and Sep—uterine.

Pruritus (Itching):

HERBS: KNA, herbal Nervines, Cayenne/Hawthorne, Chamomile

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBaby Me, LePatches, LeSego Lily

BLESSED WATER: Apis, Rhus-t, Sulph., Urt-u


HERBS: gentle Nervine herbs and Comfrey.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeCherish, LeHeartSong, LeSego Lily, LeTrust, Frankincense, and Mandarin.

BLESSED WATER: Cocc, Dol, Sep, and Tab.


HERBS: NVC, Chamomile, Horsetail

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBaby Me, LeDeeper, LeMillenia, LePaine, LeTendaCare, LeVitality, Helichrysum, and Spruce.

BLESSED WATER: Cimic, Coff, Kali-b, Kali-c, Rhus-t, and Calc-p—pain in the symphysis pubis.

Spider Veins:

HERBS: Hawthorne Berries, Bilberry, and Rosehips.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeVitality, LeVisibility, LeWarmDown, and Cypress.
When large, swollen veins are present, massage above the vein only and always in an upward direction.

BLESSED WATER: Arn, Ars, Bry, Calc-f, Calc-i, Calc-p, Calc-s, Caust, Ferr, Ferr-p, Graph, Ham, Nat-m, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, and Sulph..

Stretch Marks:

HERBS: Vitamin E and KNA.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBaby Me, LeExpressions, LeSego Lily, Myrrh, Opoponax, and RosewoodVitamin E oil or Argan oil as the carrier oil.

BLESSED WATER:  Calc-f, Graph—old scars that are raised/ulcerated, Sil—removes dead tissue so, be patient and persistent and continue to use it, and Thiosin.

Stretched or Striated Abdominal Wall Muscles:

HERBS: BHM and Miracle SalveBHM as a tincture or a tea.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBaby Me, LeMillenia, and Ylang Ylang.

BLESSED WATER: Arn, Nux-m Sep, and Puls.

Sugar in the Urine (and in the Blood):

HERBS: herbal combinations Cascara/Juniper and Raspberry/Myrrh.

BLESSED WATER: Graph, Phos, Sil, and Thiosin.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBaby Me, Cypress, Dill, Helichrysum, and Lemon.


HERBS: KT, nourishing herbs such as  Nettles, Alfalfa, Marshmallow, and Bee Pollen.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeVitality and LeHeartSong.

BLESSED WATER: Pregnancy, Glon, Apis, Colch, Sulph.—toxemia of late pregnancy with edema and hypertension.

Urinary Tract (Including Paralysis of Bladder Following Labor):

HERBS: KT, KB, Squawvine (also called Partridge Berry), Horsetail, Marshmallow, Mullein, Parsley Root, and Uva Ursi.

BLESSED WATER: Arn and Caust.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeCherish, LeLetting Go, LeReflections, LeSynopsis, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Geranium, Fennel, Nutmeg, Lavender, Rose, Rosewood, and Chamomile German.

Varicose Veins/Spider Veins

HERBS: Bilberry, Butcher’s Broom, Calendula, Elderflower, Plantain, Witch Hazel topically, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Bioflavonois, and Zinc.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Helichrysum regenerates damaged tissue, as a result, it dissolves clots and pooled blood in and around the vein.  In addition, Cypress layered with Helichrysum is even better.  LeVitality will improve circulation and LeWarmDown can be diluted and massaged into leg muscles to relieve pain and heavy sensations. LeVisibility is specific for the small, spidery veins.  When large, swollen veins are present, always massage above the vein and moving upward.

BLESSED WATER: Arn, Ham (witch hazel), Bell-p, Calc, Car-v, Lach, Lyc, Mill, Puls, Sep, Tissue Salts #1 Calc-f, and #8 Ferrum Phos, the color red, and the musical note C remedy.


HERBS: Catnip/Chamomile, and Peppermint.

BLESSED WATER: Ip, Phos, Ars, and Flu Symptoms #1.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeInsideOut, LeJulia, and Peppermint.

Xyphoid Process (Tip of Sternum) Pain:

ESSENTIAL OILS:  LePaine, LeDeeper, LeIntensity, LeFortitudeLeBaby Me LeMillenia, and LeVictory .

The Immune System and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, several changes occur in the function of the immune system.  Firstly, the enhancement of some normal immune functions occurs.  Suppression of other important immune functions happens, to some extent, at the same time.  That is to say, these changes protect the fetus from infectious diseases.   These changes also prevent the fetus from being rejected as something that is foreign to the mother’s body.  In conclusion, well-balanced lymphatic and immune systems accomplish all this without drastically compromising the defenses that keep the mother healthy.  Statistically, however, the reality is that the incidence of viral illness, the intensity of the viral attack, the severity of the illness, and even the rate of death (still low—very low overall) are all higher in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women.

In light of these statistics and recent research findings, the importance of healthy and properly functioning lymphatic and immune systems cannot be over-emphasized.  The time to prepare for pregnancy, nutritionally and lymphatically, is during adolescence (or maybe even before that). In addition, a pregnant woman should always respond immediately to any sign of illness with appropriate herbs, essential oils, and homeopathic remedies.

Additional Reading:

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