Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle


Puberty is a time of emerging hormones.  It can also be a time of raging and unbalanced hormones.  In some ways this stage of life can be a sort of return to the “terrible twos.”  There will be a great deal more autonomy thrown in just to keep things interesting, however. Behavior may include mood swings, and a child at this stage may go from calm and cooperative to angry and annoyed in seconds.  Sometimes they will be rebellious and sassy, and other times weepy and over-sensitive.

During this time of changing hormones it is very important to pay close attention to diet.  There are several very good reasons to do so. Habits formed here will become a lifestyle. Hormonal patterns established will impact the ease, or the difficulty, experienced during the childbearing years.

Healthy pregnancies, also begin with the habits that are formed in adolescence.

Gallbladder/Liver/Zits and Fat

A young woman needs to understand the importance of today on the tomorrows of her childbearing years. It might be helpful to explain the connection between a healthy gallbladder and liver and the zits on her face.  Fried food, junk food, and a general lack of nutrients play a large role in keeping skin clear.  This is because of the effect they have on the gallbladder and liver. Most young women, once they understand this, are only to happy to clean up their diets.  A weak or sluggish gallbladder also causes fats to build up in the bloodstream and tissues.  After all, no young woman wants excess fat hanging around!

Remedies for this Stage:

HERBS: This is a good time to start on the YW tinctureYW should be a part of life any time a few symptoms of hormone imbalances begin to appear.  In addition, KNA or  MIN tinctures should usually be taken.  These will help to cover nutritional needs for vitamins and minerals that may otherwise be missing.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  LeAcknowledge—liver health, but pleasant enough for a young woman to use as a perfume. LeAngel—anger issues, especially tied to trauma or abuse from childhood. LeBelieve—build confidence in oneself; confidence to make right choices. LeConnection— contains many oils with an affinity for the pelvic region and for hormone balance. LeLetting Go—the emotions are just what you would expect from the name but this blend also benefits the gall bladder. LeEndoRelief—overall endocrine system balance and health. LeMillenia—easy way to do all meridians at once; courage, self-confidence, calm. LeUnity—all meridians and chakras; quarrelsomeness; touchy feelings. LeVitality and LeSolitude for vein health and circulation. Orange Sweet, and blends with Orange, is a wonderful oil for this stage of life and any other.



Many things, in nature and in our health, operate in cycles. It is perfectly natural to feel the waxing and waning of energy and emotions throughout the lunar month. It is NOT natural to feel the symptoms of PMS. Instead of cussing our hormones, we should learn all we can about them.  We should know what is necessary to keep them balanced.  Hormone imbalances affect emotions as well as physical health.  Out of balance hormones bring about many problems such as irregular, painful or heavy periods, and PMS. Eventually, fertility and menopausal problems will likely follow. On the other hand, balanced hormones produce in us boundless energy.  Balanced hormones allow us to enjoy feelings of compassion for others and personal well-being.

The B vitamins and vitamin C are particularly important to hormone balance as are trace minerals and essential fatty acids.


PMS describes a wide range of symptoms.  These symptoms occur in the days (even a week or so) before a period.  They usually disappear almost immediately afterwards.

Symptoms of PMS

Water retention with weight gain and bloating.
Swollen and tender breasts.
Headaches, many times worsening into migraines.
Low libido.
General aches and pains.
Severe backache being common.
Hypoglycemia, with its cravings for sugar and chocolate.
Constipation or diarrhea.
Nausea and vomiting.
Fatigue and lethargy.
Dizziness and fainting.
Heart palpitations.
Poor co-ordination, clumsiness, physical tension.
Nervous tension, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks.
Irritability, aggression, self-loathing, feelings of vulnerability.
Emotional issues such as depression, crying, feelings of desperation, feelings of being stuck with no way out.
Memory issues including confusion, forgetfulness, and poor concentration.
Period pains with a dragging sensation in the lower abdomen.
Increased tendency to sore throats, boils, styes, herpes outbreaks.
Aggravations of chronic problems such as asthma, epilepsy, cystitis, rhinitis, and the worsening of allergies.

Possible Causes of PMS

In the Western world, PMS symptoms are thought to be caused by an imbalance in hormones.  In Eastern healing philosophies, lymphatic congestion is considered to be the primary cause.  We will list possible remedies for hormone imbalances first, followed by some remedies for lymphatic health.

Hormone Imbalances are Often Caused By or Related To:

  • Hereditary factors (while problems seem to run in families, this is only one part of the problem).
  • Stress and emotional issues more frequently than not play a part.
  • Too much of the wrong kind of salt, too much sugar and refined carbohydrates.
  • Constipation, digestive issues, without a doubt, impact hormones.
  • Low thyroid function or a sluggish liver.
  • Nutritional habits.
  • Consumption of alcohol or caffeine.
  • Deficiencies of essential fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin C, and trace minerals such as magnesium, zinc, chromium, and calcium.
  • Lack of exercise and sunlight.

Possible Treatments for General Hormone Imbalances

HERBS: YW, Blessed Thistle, Blue Cohosh, Burdock, Chaste Tree, Damiana, Dong Quai, False Unicorn, Licorice Root, Milk Thistle, Raspberry, and Uva Ursi.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeWoman Wise, LeEndoRelief, LeAcknowledge, LeCherish, LeExpressions, LeIntention, LeSynopsis,LeUnity (uptake of nutrients), Clary Sage, Chaste Tree, Dong Quai, Jasmine, Melissa (sterility in women), Patchouli, Petitgrain, Yarrow Green, and Cypress—on abdomen or ankles.

BLESSED WATER: Sep. is the number one polycrest remedy for women. Other remedies include Ars, Calc, Lyc, Phos, Sil, Puls, Nat-m, Caul, and Cimic.  As always with blessed waters, choose remedies based on the complete symptom picture.

Possible Treatments for Symptoms of PMS

Premenstrual Tension:

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBeloved, LeConnection, LeEndoRelief, LeExpressions, LeFaith, LeTrust, Jasmine, Spikenard, and Valerian.

BLESSED WATER: Tissue Salts, especially the Calcareas.  These blessed waters calm the nerves.

HERBS: any Nervine herb or Nervine combination, BBL, and Chamomile.

Hormonal and Premenstrual Headaches:

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeLetting Go and LeWoman Wise.

HERBS: Nervine formulas, and BBL.

BLESSED WATER: Cham, Gels, Puls, and Sep.

Trace Mineral Deficiencies:

HERBS: BHM, MIN, Alfalfa, Comfrey, and Marshmallow.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeEternity—increases absorption of vitamins and minerals, all oils made from plants considered to be culinary herbs or spices

BLESSED WATER: Medigo sativa (alfalfa has no set abbreviation), Detox #1, Digestive #1, and Ph-ac.

Hormonally Driven Emotions:

HERBS: MIN, KNA and Nervine formulas

BLESSED WATER: Puls, Cham, Sep, and all insect based remedies such as Apis, for example.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeCherish, LeExpressions, LeIntention,LeLetting Go,LeTranquility, LeUnity, and Clary Sage.

Water Retention:

HERBS: KT, Horsetail (Shavegrass), Marshmallow, Shepherd’s Purse, Squawvine, and Uva ursi.

BLESSED WATER: Nat-s Apis, and all insect based remedies such as Canth, for example.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeReflections,LeSynopsis, LeLetting Go, Grapefruit, Juniper Berry, and Lavender.

Hypoglycemia/Food Cravings:

HERBS: AD, LC, LIC, PF, Cascara/JuniperRaspberry/Myrrh together, Bilberry, Dandelion, and Garlic.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeRevitalize, LeEndoRelief, LeGrateful Heart, LeWakeUp, Dill, and Ylang Ylang.

BLESSED WATER: Adrenal Support, Fatigue #2,  Mag-pChel—works on the pancreas or on the metabolism to stabilize nutrient uptake and blood sugar values.  Phos—blood sugar issues and food cravings with fatigue.


HERBS: AD, Chel LC, LIC, MIN, Ginseng, and Peppermint.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeAmbitionLeEnergy, LeKadence, LeRevitalize, LeTurmoil, LeVitality, LeWakeUp, LeWisdom, Peppermint, and  Rose.

BLESSED WATER: ER911, Rescue Remedy, and the BE combination remedies Fatigue #2, Fatigue #3, and Hormone Balancer.

Irregular Cycle:

HERBS: YW, Chaste Tree, and Motherwort.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeWoman Wise, Clary Sage, Rosemary, and Marjoram.

BLESSED WATER: Arg-n, Bell, Caust, Cimic,Cocc, Graph, Nux-m Sec, Pop-c.  The Calcareas should always be considered here.  Puls and Sep are considered polycrests.  Polycrests are remedies applicable to most people at some time in their lives.

Heavy Bleeding:

HERBS: Cayenne, Chlorophyll, and Shepherd’s Purse.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeMillenia, Chamomile Roman, Cypress, Geranium.

BLESSED WATER: A tissue salt combination called Bioplasma.  The flower essence combination, Rescue RemedyAlum, Apoc, Ars, Bell, Cocc, Erig, Ferr, Ferr-p, Hello, Merc-s, Nat-m, Phos, Sabin, Sec, Stram, and Zinc.  Be sure to evaluate and consider the snake remedies as they are all concerned with hemorrhages of any kind.

Bleeding Between Periods:

HERBS: YW formula, Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Tree, Mistletoe—short period of time only, Cayenne, and Shepherd’s Purse.
ESSENTIAL OILS: LeMillenia, LeWoman Wise, LeEndoRelief, and Yarrow Blue.
BLESSED WATER: Arg-n, Sabin, Sec, Amb, Phos, Puls, Sep, and the tissue salt combination Bioplasma.


HERBS: NAUS, COL, COLA, Catnip/Chamomile, PeppermintFennel, Ginger, Lemon Balm, Licorice Root, and Peach Leaves.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeEZ travelerLeInsideOut, LeJulia, Lavender, Orange Sweet, and Peppermint.

BLESSED WATER: Ars, and Car-v.

Pain and Cramping:

HERBS: BBL—added to a bath, take internally, apply to the ankles or the abdomen, herbal nervine combinations, Cramp Bark, Wild Yam, and Vitamin E.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeBaby Me, LeDeeper, LeEZ Traveler, LeFortitudeLeInsideOut, LeIntensityLeTendaCare, LeWarmDown, and LeWoman Wise.

BLESSED WATER: Tissue Salts with Mag-ph and Kali-p being particularly outstanding, all of the Magnesiums in both tissue salt form and regular blessed waters. Acon, Cact, Cham, Cocc, Coloc, Graph, Mag-p, Nux-v, Puls, and Sep.

LeWoman Wise and Clary Sage may be rubbed around the ankles or on the abdomen for balancing the hormones. Experience has shown us that BBL or LeDeeper can alleviate menstrual cramping very quickly. Used along with LeWoman Wise, the relief is almost miraculous.

Between menstrual periods, work needs to be done on the liver with herbs such as the LC formula and LeRevitalize.

Lymphatic Support and Assistance 

This information is found here and in infertility remedies, below.

HERBS: LT—formerly known as Lymph Tonic, Super C, Yarrow/Usnea (both infection fighting and lymphatic drainage), Echinacea, Elderberries, Thyme, Rosemary, Garlic, Elecampane, Ginger, Nettles, Oregon Grape, Parsley, Plantain, Poke Root especially good for lymphatic drainage), Red Clover, and Cramp Bark.

ESSENTIAL OILS: LeAgless, LeAutumn, LeCherish, LeCinnamonBear, LeDeeper, LeDeliverance, LeEndoRelief, LeFortitude, LeHousewarming, LeIntensity, LeKey to My Heart, LeLiteN, LeReflections, LeRevitalize, LeSeasons, LeSunbrust, LeSynopsis, LeUnDone, LeVitality, Birch, Lemon, Orange Sweet, and Ravensara.

BLESSED WATER: Calc, Articum lappa. (burdock, no set abbreviation), Merc-s, and Sulph.

Other Suggestions for Lymphatic Health

Exercise is essential because the lymph system has no pump. It is only the motion of the muscles that moves lymph fluid along in the body. Deep breathing stimulates the flow of lymph fluid. Room temperature, or even hot water, sipped frequently throughout the day will re-hydrate the body and get lymph moving. Make use of clay baths and foot soaks. Gentle full-body massage is believed to push up to 75% of stagnant lymph back into circulation. Structural alignment, instead of mis-alignment, can prevent blockages of lymph flow from developing. Dry brushing of the skin is also helpful. Alternate hot and cold showers are also recommended. (Brrr – not for me and contra-indicated for pregnancy and heart conditions.)

Additional Reading:

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