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April – Parasites & Gut Health

The digestive system is a very intricate and complex system. To my mind, it is much like a fragile ecosystem. There is a constant need for balance in the digestive system, just as there is in nature. The balance between the organs and among the different types of healthy bacteria found in the digestive system is absolutely essential to good health. When the digestive system is not working properly, the body becomes either malnourished or toxic. As a result, all the woes of poor nutrition and/or a toxic system eventually show themselves in the overall health of the body and mind.

Due to the many different organs included in the digestive system and their specific roles in the body, there are a lot of essential oils and herbs which have an ability to impact this system and bring about improvements. This month’s newsletter targets only a few of them. (I know from the length of the article that it seems like we surely must have mentioned them all. Not so—but it did feel like that to me as I wrote it.) I hope you find something useful to you or your family in the information I have tried to present here.

The three most important things to know about parasites are:

1) They can make a person very ill and leave problems that last for a very long time.
2) They can be very difficult to diagnose—even when reading the foot using zone therapy.
3) They can be indicative of a compromised immune system. When the immune system functions optimally parasites are usually eliminated in the natural course of living.
Skin rashes and irritation caused by parasites actually seem to respond very quickly to essential oils. (Have I mentioned lately that I hate skin rashes worse than nearly anything on earth?) It is wonderful that we have such wonderful options as essential oils! When dealing with parasite rashes, the oils must be applied using water, not carrier-type oils that might ‘feed’ the parasites. The chosen regimen must be continued for the entire life cycle of that particular parasite, including the hatching of any eggs. We have found that essential oils, placed in water in a spray bottle, work very well. The entire body must be covered by the water and the oil at least twice a day. Not fun or easy, but effective—even against MRSA. Be sure to shake the bottle frequently and well during the application process. Essential oils and water do not really mix well.

Once the parasite has been eradicated, there will still be a period of time needed to repair the damage done to the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

The more I read and studied, the more I came to realize that, because of sanitation and hygiene practices in North America, we have a greatly reduced incidence of parasitic issues. It has been and is a good idea to be vigilant, and to teach our children to be vigilant, in these areas.
I have also made a vow to increase my vigilance in washing, washing, washing my hands, even when camping or gathering herbs in what looks like pristine wilderness—especially around streams and waterways.
I will also be washing, washing, washing my produce much more faithfully. Kids and animals? Probably just a price we pay and handle the results in the best way that we can! (For me, that is the Miracle II parasite cleanse protocol, first and foremost, along with essential oils.)

A strong immune system is the best defense against parasites—as it is with everything else!

Symptoms of Internal Parasites More Serious, Less Common Symptoms of Internal Parasites
1) Fatigue 1) Irritability and drastic changes in behavior
2) Flu-like symptoms 2) Liver disease
3) Rashes 3) Weakened immune system
4) Sudden weight gain or loss 4) Chronic immunological diseases
5) Body aches 5) Allergies
6) Sleep disturbances 6) Asthma
7) Gas, bloating, constipation 7) Anemia
8) Teeth grinding at night 8) Arthritis (as the parasites form cysts which lodge in joints and muscles)
9) Drooling at night 9) Muscle cramps
10) Nervousness 10) Bluish specs in whites of the eyes
11) Excessive hunger
12) Iron deficiency
13) Difficulty losing/gaining weight
14) Constant cough or colds
15) Hives, rashes, itchy skin
16 ) Watery diarrhea
17) Sugar & other cravings, such as dirt, raw rice
18) Ravenous appetite

See the full list of topics.

March – Allergies, Liver and Lymph

March is the perfect time to focus on Allergies, Liver, and Lymph. With allergy season just around the corner giving your liver and lymph some extra love can make your spring and summer a lot more fun. The lymph is a very important part of the immune system and the liver is vital to keeping your body detoxed. The liver performs over 500 functions in the body.  The liver is part of the digestive system.   This blog is full of great ideas to help keep your lymph moving and keep your liver happier. This is the secret to surviving allergies. Make sure you don’t miss the new multivitamin.
See the full list of topics.


Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain and Dysfunction Perhaps, the topic of TMJ does not interest very many of you.  All I can say to that is to counsel gratitude that you have not experienced trouble here.   I have – for about 3 weeks now.  My efforts to understand and deal with…