Homeopathy – Basic Principles

Homeopathy A Valid and Effective System of Medicine The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles.” (Taken from The Organon of Medicine by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann…

Blood Clots

BLOOD CLOTS What is a Blood Clot? When platelets, proteins, as well as a bunch of clotting substances mix together, a blood clot forms.  Blood clots form to prevent excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is injured or ruptured in some way.  Blood vessels to an injured area narrow when…

The Digestive System

The Digestive System CONSTIPATION, DIARRHEA, AND COLON HEALTH The digestive system can be compared to a particularly fragile ecosystem. There is a constant need for balance in the digestive system, just as there is in nature. Balance among the different types of healthy bacteria found in the digestive system is…

Dehydration – Minerals

Dehydration – Minerals Dehydration occurs when more water moves out of your cells and, subsequently, out of your body than you are taking in. Your body depends on water for survival.  Water makes up over half of your body weight.  Every single cell in your body requires water to function…

Reproductive System – Complete

 REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM COMPLETE This Reproductive System article will be broken up into smaller articles. Essential oils are discussed in the book, Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils, while the herbals are discussed in Butterfly Miracles with Herbal Remedies. Blessed Waters are energetic remedies that work similarly to homeopathic remedies.  The Blessed…

Advanced Essential Oil Class

Advanced Essential Oil Class

Our Advanced Essential Oil Class is a 5 hour class.  This class was recorded live.  It is designed for the beginner as well as the individual who has been using essential oils for some time. We cover a wide range of topics and make the practice of using essential oils fun and easy. There is a basic 2 hour Essential Oil Class that is available here. By the end of the Advanced Essential Oil Class you will know how to effectively use essential oils in most situations.  This more in depth class also covers many practical uses for essential oils.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Definition: I would like to begin this article with a basic definition of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and a short description of this malady. According to the Mayo Clinic website, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal disorder that is common among women of reproductive age. The ovaries…

Intestinal Parasites – Worms

Intestinal Parasites – Worms By Sharon Moran & Valaree Sharp The human intestinal tract plays host to an enormous variety of bacteria, fungi and various other organisms. Most of these are harmless – some are even beneficial. Other not-so-welcome invaders that can take up residence are called intestinal parasites…

Treating Ear Infections & Earaches with Alternative Methods

Ear Infections and  subsequent earaches are a frequent occurrence with some people, especially infants and children.  Knowing how to prevent them from occurring, and how to treat ear infections quickly with alternative methods when they do occur, is a must. EO (Ear Oil) The herbal preparation EO, made by Butterfly…

2018 Class Schedule

2018 Class Schedule Information We are getting ready for our 2018 classes! Class registration has begun. For class dates and more information on the classes visit butterflyexpressions.org. If you want to register for any of our classes or have any questions about our classes, please call Gina at 208…