September – Immunity & Flu Season

September marks the beginning of flu season. The herbal world is full of so many wonderful things to help us build our immune system and combat the flu when it finds its way into our lives. This month we will focus on building your Immune System and the Herbs, Essential Oils, and Blessed Waters that are my favorite for the Flu Season. Some of the products discussed are particularly loved by children but can always be used for adults as well.  See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

New Echinacea Plus Glycerin
Fall Soaps with Essential Oils
Redmond Clay
September Essential Oils
Featured Blessed Waters
Featured Herbs
Blend – LeDeliverance
Single – Lemon Myrtle
Palm Carrier Oil
Complete Flu Kit

New Items for Immunity and Flu Season

Echinacea Plus

Echinacea Plus Glycerin

Echinacea Plus contains Echinacea, Chamomile, Lavender, Oregon Grape, and Peppermint. It was formulated as a gentle daily supplement to give your kids (and yourself) to nourish and boost immune function. Each of the herbs in this blend is there to calm and soothe when a person is experiencing sickness or sleeplessness.

Echinacea Plus is excellent for helping the body cope with stress. Studies show that anxiety and stress weaken the immune response in as little as 30 minutes. This formula is also meant to help rebuild the immune system after periods of long-term stress. It is one of my favorites for periods of high stress such as traveling or even during routine changes in life. A person should take this tincture regularly for best results.

Featured Items for Immunity and Flu Season

Fall Soaps

Fall Soaps for Immunity and Flu Season

I love handcrafted soaps.  When I go to farmers markets or craft fairs I am always looking for quality soaps with good essential oils to try.  These soaps are handmade with a cold process in small batches, making them as wonderful as the ones I find on my adventures.  They have the added benefit of knowing I can trust the ingredients and essential oils.

Castor Oil, Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Distilled Water, Mango Butter, Olive Oil, Sodium Hydroxide (Lye), Sodium Lactate, Essential Oils

LeAutumn Soap

Enjoy the wonderful smells of coffee, cassia, and sweet orange every time you wash your hands.  LeAutumn Essential Oil blend is fairly new to the Butterfly family and LeAutumn Soap is brand new this year.  Because it is a seasonal soap and takes 6 weeks to make, it is a Limited Edition so don’t wait to try it.

LeAutumn is a strong antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial oil. This blend stimulates the lymphatic system and the immune system.  It brings out our inner confidence and makes us feel loved and protected while reminding us of all we have been blessed with. Diffusing LeAutumn can help lift us out of a depressed state.

LeDeliverance Soap

LeDeliverance Essential Oil blend is the number one blend for fighting the nasty bugs.  It makes a great soap to minimize the spread of germs while building the immune system.  Frequent and consistent use of LeDeliverance strengthens the immune system.

LeDeliverance is one of the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal combinations available. The soap is a great way to disinfect and wash wounds.  It is also particularly good at cutting through grease, thanks to the addition of Lemon essential oil.

LePumpkin Glow Soap

LePumpkin Glow has a delightfully homey, comforting, spicy cinnamon aroma. The aroma is reminiscent of the rich spicy scent of pumpkin cookies baking in the oven. This absolutely delightful soap is perfect to get you in the mood for fall. LePumpkin Glow helps people feel “more” – more in love with life, more animated, happy, warm-hearted, spontaneous, dynamic, and self-assured.

This is another Limited Edition seasonal soap that you will not want to wait to get.  You can also get both the LeAutumn and LePumpkin Glow soaps in a giftable 2-pack!

Redmond Clay

Redmond Clay

Redmond Clay is an all-natural bentonite healing clay that has been used for generations. Geologists tell us Redmond Clay is volcanic ash that was deposited in seawater long ago where it would develop into a swelling-type sodium bentonite clay. This “clay of a thousand uses” is in its natural state with no additives, chemicals, or preservatives.

Redmond Clay is one of those products that I have used for so many years that I can’t even imagine my life without it. I use Redmond Clay to aid in the elimination of toxins, drugs, and pollutants from the body.

I also use it on bites and stings.

We should always make toxin soaks a big part of our routine. This is key to keeping the immune system happy so we don’t get the flu every time it comes by.  A whole-body soak is the most common way, but I prefer just a foot soak. A whole-body soak can sometimes leave you feeling weak, wrung out, and sleepy.

Use 2 tablespoons of Redmond Clay in a tub of hot water and climb in. Soak for at least 20 minutes, keeping the water as hot as you can. Alternatively, place 2 – 3 T. of Clay in a large pan (big enough for your feet) of very hot water. Soak for about 20 minutes, keeping it hot by continually adding hot water as necessary. It is amazing how well pulling the toxins through the feet works. It is just as effective as the whole body soak, much easier, and doesn’t seem to make one feel tired or weak. This can be a wonderful opportunity to add essential oils as well.

To use on bites and stings you simply add enough water to make a thick paste and apply to the bite or sting. You will want to let it completely dry. I like to add Lavender essential oil because it really helps with the itching.

September Essential Oils for Immunity and Flu Season

These September oils were hand-picked to help you and yours build immunity and deal with the flu season.

Breezey Essential Oil

LeBreezey, is very effective in times of illness.  It is an excellent respiratory tonic and immune stimulant. The inclusion of Ravensara oil gives this blend viral fighting and tissue-rebuilding properties, especially for the lungs and bronchials.

While generally thought of as an oil for physical illness, the aroma of LeBreezey lifts the spirits and brings a sense of confidence and self-worth.

LeBreezey should be diluted and rubbed on the chest or back.  It can also be diffused or placed on your pillow at night.

InsideOut Essential OilLeInsideOut improves the function of the digestive system. It helps with upset stomach, belching, bloating, stomach cramps, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea.

The ability of LeInsideOut to be effective for both constipation and diarrhea may seem odd but it is not. Natural remedies work with the body to return systems to balanced and healthy states. You definitely want to use LeInsideOut for any bout of intestinal flu or food poisoning.

LeInsideOut can be helpful in discovering and sorting through the emotions underlying digestive problems. It can help calm the obsessive worry that sometimes contributes to digestive difficulties.

SpiceC Essential Oil

This blend is very similar to LeDeliverance but many people prefer the taste of LeSpiceC if they are using it to brush their teeth. LeSpiceC is antiviral, antibacterial, as well as antifungal.

 LeSpiceC strengthens the immune system and should be used for respiratory illnesses, colds, sore throats, bronchitis, flu, and nervous exhaustion.

This is an excellent blend for diffusing particularly during the cold and flu season.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is a universal oil that has been shown to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. It is called “the grandmother” of essential oils because it cares for and nurtures us through a variety of physical and emotional stresses.  This makes it such a wonderful oil for times of sickness.

If you don’t know what essential oil to reach for, try lavender. One of the great emotional gifts of Lavender is the feeling of total and unchanging support around and within us. It leaves us with no room for doubt that we are loved and will be supported in life’s challenges and in the process of healing.

Lavender is a gentle, but effective, sedative and nervine. It can bring relief from anxiety, panic, hysteria, emotional and mental fatigue, headaches and migraines, and insomnia.

Oregano Essential Oil for Flu

Oregano, in either herbal or essential oil form, has strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It balances metabolism, strengthens the vital centers of the body, and is an immune stimulant. In the respiratory tract, Oregano is useful for treating chronic bronchitis, respiratory infections, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, colds, and flu.

Oregano essential oil promotes a feeling of strength and stability.

This is an extremely beneficial and effective essential oil that has received some attention from the media lately. Unfortunately, too many reporters and announcers do not know the difference between therapeutic-grade essential oils and oils that have been diluted with carrier-type oils. DO NOT follow their suggestions and use large quantities at once. 2 or 3 drops of pure essential oil is always sufficient.  One of my favorite ways to use oils is on the bottoms of my feet.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary is an excellent oil for exhaustion and general debility.  It balances the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, urinary system, skin, liver, solar plexus chakra, liver meridian, small intestine meridian, heart meridian, and yang energy.  A glance at that list of physical and energy systems gives you some idea of the wide range of action of this amazingly versatile essential oil. Every body system listed above impacts other body systems until Rosemary’s influence resonates throughout the entire body.

Rosemary fosters an inquisitive spirit and sends us out in all directions, looking for light and understanding. Understanding truth is energy in its essential form. Understanding ourselves and what is expected of us by Heaven is the most important truth. This understanding is light, and light is knowledge.

September Oils for Flu

Featured Blessed Waters

Blessed WatersBlessed Waters for Flu Season and Building Immunity

Arsenicum Album

Arcenicum Album is the leading remedy for intestinal, stomach, or chest-type influenza. Symptoms are exhaustion with great restlessness, shortness of breath when not sitting up, catarrh, abdomen swollen and painful, enlarged spleen and liver, headache which is relieved by cold, nausea and vomiting, craving cold water but vomiting it immediately, high fever, and vertigo during coughing or retching spells.

Flu Symptoms #1

The focus of this combination is digestive disturbances (flu-like symptoms) brought on by prolonged mental effort, stage fright, or performance anxiety. Along with digestive disturbances, the symptom picture may include fear, feelings of helplessness, anxiety, sleeplessness, vertigo, and, perhaps, a sensation of coldness alternating with rushes of heat.

Flu Symptoms #2

A very potent and effective intestinal flu remedy. Includes remedies for physical symptoms of flu such as fever, cough, stomach pain, sour belching, headache, aching bones and muscles, and great weakness. The Gelsemium in this remedy aids the body in returning to normal energy levels after the exhaustion and prostration that often accompanies a bout of flu.

Gelsemium Sempervirens

This is a polychrest remedy, the symptoms go on for pages in Materia Medica; the leading remedy for recovery from “flu”, rather epidemic (great record) or ordinary, seasonal types; the chief complaint is weakness, by itself or accompanying other problems; weakness can be seen on all levels (physical, emotional, mental); neurological damage, particularly to the left side; headache beginning at the occiput and radiating to the forehead; useful for stage fright by taking 20-30 minutes before the performance; trembling of extremities from slight exertion; chills running up and down the back.

Immune Support

This remedy was formulated to build and support the immune system. The ingredients in this formula can help to correct disturbed or low immune response due to their immunomodulation properties. “Immune Modulators” simply affect the functioning of the immune system by calming an overactive immune response or by stimulating a more robust response, depending on which is needed. Blessed Waters encourage the body to activate its natural defenses and heal by stimulating “vital force”- the force that is regarded as the source and cause of life and has the innate ability to resist disease.

Veratrum Album

The major keynote of Veratrum is that all symptoms are sudden and violent. The symptoms are often accompanied by fainting and the face is pale, bluish, and cold with the tip of the nose being very cold and a cold sweat on the forehead. The person looks, from the very beginning of the illness, as though they are about to collapse and if the illness becomes more severe, a total collapse state with blueness will exist.

Respiratory ailments will include heart palpitations with audible respiration and a lot of mucous in the bronchial and throat. In intestinal or stomach flu the vomiting is violent and profuse with diarrhea that often becomes violent purging.

Herbs for Immunity and Flu

Herbs for Flu and ImmunityFeatured Herbs for
Flu Season and Building Immunity

There are a few formulas and even some single herbs that are must-haves and well worth getting to know for building immunity and battling flu season.  Herbs are nutritious and give the body the building blocks it needs to improve health. These herbs and formulas are often available in dry herb form that can be used as teas or in a poultice.  You can also get them in tincture form.  Those in glycerin form are wonderful for children.   These are my favorites and  I am excited to discuss them with you.

APL (formerly Anti-Plague)

Black Walnut Hulls, Black Walnut Leaf, Comfrey Root, Lobelia, Marshmallow, Mullein Flower, Mullein Leaf, Oregon Grape, Plantain, Red Clover, Skullcap, Uva Ursi, White Oak, Wormwood

APL is the “big guns” of herbal remedies for fighting contagious illnesses. The combination of the herbs and the garlic in this blend tastes (and smells) pretty dreadful. Sometimes this level of response is what is needed, however. My kids used to say that they immediately got better if I just took the lid off the bottle and let the fumes out into the house. I’m sure they were exaggerating! Use APL for bacterial or viral-based cases of flu. Use any time you have been exposed to an ill person as a preventative—if you are a courageous person and don’t mind things that taste bad.
Read More About APL
Check out APL Products Here

CC (formerly Children’s Compound)

Elderflower, Mullein Flower, Mullein Leaf, Peppermint, Red Clover, Yarrow

CC is an excellent first-response remedy for flu symptoms, colds, and fevers. In this simple formula are herbs to promote a healing sweat, hold fever to just a hot enough degree to kill bacteria, effectively fight infectious agents, and calm and soothe the nerves. CC is one of the finest examples of the synergy of combining herbs into formulas. The sum of the parts, added together, is much greater than the individual parts alone. Effective against bacterial, fungal, and strep infections. It rids the body of the excess mucous that is being produced. This is one of the great ones—even for adults.  Particularly potent as a glycerin.
Read More About CC
Check out CC Products Here

IB (formerly Immune Builder)

Dong Quai, Echinacea M, Elecampane, Garlic, Marshmallow, Mullein Flower, Mullein Leaf, Rehmannia, Thyme

This formula is usually made as a glycerite because the quantities taken are quite large. Building the immune system can be a slow process. IB should be taken, faithfully, in the summer and fall to have time for improvement before the coming winter cold and flu season hits. The dosage depends on age: Infants 1/4 teaspoon, older children 1/2 teaspoon, and adults 1/2 to 1 teaspoon twice daily. For faster results, take as much as possible, right up to the point of creating diarrhea.
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Check out IB Products Here


This is one of the greats in the herbal world.  Echinacea, according to modern research, has been found to contain interferon-like properties. Interferon is produced naturally in the body to prevent viral infections and to combat strep and staph bacteria. Echinacea has been used for decades by alternative medicine practitioners in fighting the spread of infectious diseases. It is nice to finally have research to support this. Echinacea is equivalent to Red Clover as a blood purifier. It should be used in the treatment of chemical toxin poisoning, candida, fungal infections, ulcers, and in clearing the lymph glands.

Echinacea contains vitamins A, C, and E (this is somewhat unusual in herbs), calcium, iron, iodine (making it a great thyroid herb), potassium, and sulfur. It is also an excellent herb to use in the recovery stage of an illness.  Echinacea is particularly useful in wound healing.
Read More About Echinacea
Check out Echinacea Products Here


The herb elderberry actually utilizes the berries and often the flowers as well.

Elderberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and flavonoids. They are antioxidant powerhouses and may prevent cell damage, even in the toxic environment that modern life has created for each of us. Elderberries also contain iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, calcium, vitamin B6, beta carotenes, and proteins.

Elderflower aids in cleansing the blood, and the cells, of waste products and toxins. It increases circulation and will bring down a fever by producing a healing sweat as quickly as any herbal agent that I know of. Elderflower has constituents that act as mild sedatives and analgesics for the relief of pain. It also acts as an expectorant.
Read More About Elderberry and Elderflower
Check out Elderberry Products Here

FC (formerly Flu Combination)

Bayberry, Cayenne, Cloves, Ginger, Licorice Root, Oregon Grape, White Pine

This is a good general formula for flu, whether the bug is affecting the stomach or the lungs. If the lungs are being affected, consider LCON and PL for use with this formula. If you prefer you can substitute Goldenseal or Myrrh for the Oregon Grape. They are more traditional, but I have had better success with Oregon Grape over many years.
Read More About FC
Check out FC Products Here

FS (formerly Flu Stopper)

Cayenne, Ginger, Licorice Root, Lomatium, Oregon Grape

This is a really good, effective formula! Lomatium, until recently, has not been commonly used. More often than not this remedy will cause the person to vomit once or twice rather violently, but a very little while later they will feel much better. They might even wonder if they were really coming down with the flu at all and wonder if it was just a little food poisoning or indigestion. Works well for indigestion caused by overeating or eating too many rich foods.
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Check out FS Products Here

TLC (formerly Total Lymph Care)

Burdock, Cleavers, Echinacea Angustifolia, Echinacea Purpurea, Ginger, Gotu Kola, Horse Chestnut, Olive Leaf, Red Clover, Red Root, Stillingia, Yerba Mate

TLC was formulated to support and cleanse the lymphatic system. It is a blood cleaner and supports improved blood flow to the whole body. This herbal combination helps support the body’s natural lymph cleansing process and has antioxidant properties to prevent or reduce damage caused by oxidation. TLC will stimulate the immune system and can be used to help prevent illness or be helpful when recovering from illness. This is an excellent formula to add to any cleanse program. Use with CD, KB, LC, and RC for a wonderful whole-body cleanse.
Read More About TLC
Check out TLC Products Here

WC (formerly Wild Cherry Cough)

Coltsfoot, Elderberries, Elecampane, Horehound, Licorice Root, Lobelia, Mullein Flower, Mullein Leaf, Slippery Elm, White Pine, Wild Cherry Bark

WC is an excellent cough and expectorant formula. Most effective when given in frequent small doses—1/2 to 1 teaspoon, depending on the age of the patient, than in 2 or 3 larger doses.  It will liquefy mucous in the throat, lungs, and sinuses, allowing the body to either internalize it or expectorate it according to need. WC is very effective at quieting a dry, hacking cough where the throat is irritated but there is no mucous needing to be expelled. Most people become anxious for the next dose because WC relieves the heat and dryness associated with some sore throats. The herbal formula WC is a cough syrup and should always be taken with the appropriate infection-fighting herbs.
Read More About WC
Check out WC Products Here

Featured Blend

LeDeliveranDeliverance Essential Oil Blendce

LeDeliverance is one of the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal combinations available. Its many uses include respiratory infections, sore throats, strep throats, dental diseases and infections, cold sores, canker sores, cuts, general infections, athlete’s foot and toenail fungus, and infection from slivers. Apply faithfully, undiluted, for warts (this takes a little time so be patient).

Frequent and consistent use of LeDeliverance also strengthens the immune system. LeDeliverance is an expectorant and helps the lymph system to drain. This is a very effective oil. Everyone should have it on hand.

A particularly effective way to fight a very virulent illness is to apply LeDeliverance alternately with LeLife Force. In the evening put one of these essential oils on the K1’s (acupressure points on the feet) and the other on the thymus. First thing in the morning, put the oils on again, then put them in opposite positions. If LeDeliverance was on the thymus area the night before, it should go on the feet in the morning. This method is very effective against really nasty stuff.

LeDeliverance Plus is very similar to LeDeliverance but with the addition of garlic. This is the big guns and is one of the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal combinations available. Place on a cotton ball or in an inhaler and carry with you, inhaling frequently during the cold and flu season. Diluted it can be applied. Diffuse to eliminate airborne bacteria and viruses. Application and Physical Aspects are the same as LeDeliverance.

Featured Single

Lemon Myrtle Essential OilLemon Myrtle

Lemon Myrtle oil helps boost the body’s natural defenses and immune system. It is also a very powerful purifying agent due to its high citral content. The citral content of Lemon Myrtle essential oil is 95% compared to 5% in Lemon essential and 65% in Lemongrass. The antibacterial and germicidal activity of Lemon Myrtle oil has been tested to be more effective at killing germs than Tea Tree oil. This makes it an excellent oil for your homemade cleaning products.

The fresh, uplifting aroma of Lemon Myrtle may also be helpful in clearing the mind and enhancing concentration, along with aiding in a calm and peaceful night’s sleep.

The aroma of Lemon Myrtle oil is a wonderful, lemony scent. Its intense Lemon aroma is uplifting and refreshing, making it a great oil to diffuse in the home.

Carrier Oil

Palm Carrier OilPalm Carrier Oil

Fractionated Palm Oil is very similar to fractionated Coconut oil. Both of these oils are inexpensive, absorb quickly, have almost no aroma at all, and have a very long shelf life at room temperature without rancidity. These carrier oils do not go rancid, even in the summer months!

Other advantages of fractionated Palm and Coconut oils include being odorless and colorless; absorbing readily into the skin, leaving no residue; do not stain clothing, and easily washing out of clothing and bedding. Although absorbing very quickly, liquid coconut oil and palm oil are excellent skin moisturizers, rarely aggravate existing skin problems such as fungal or bacterial infections, and do not clog pores. Palm Oil is even less expensive than fractionated Coconut Oil and for topical use, Palm Oil is a great choice.

If you are using one of these oils internally for the MCTs Coconut Oil is said to be slightly healthier.


Featured Flu Kit

Complete Flu Kit

The Complete Flu Kit has essential oils, tinctures, and blessed waters at your disposal to help you deal with the ravaging symptoms of the flu. Different symptoms of the Flu could cause problems in the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as the after-effects of weakness and fatigue. This is a great all-inclusive kit to keep on hand all year long!

This kit includes the following 9 5ml oils:
LeAspireLeBreezeyLeDeliveranceLeEndoReliefLeInsideOutLeLife Force,LeMariahLeStefanieLeRevitalize

This kit includes the following 5 1oz Blessed Waters:
Arsenicum album 200C, Diarrhea #1, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium semper 200C, Veratrum Album 200C

This kit includes the following 4 1oz tinctures:
BBL, Cayenne/Hawthorne, MIN, RC-L, Rosehips, Olive leaf, WC (2oz)

Also includes a 2oz Coconut Oil

You can read about each of the products in this kit by clicking here

List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+F to quickly find where these topics in this blog.

blood purifier,
natural defenses,
sore throats,

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