August – Attention, Focus, & Stability

I hate to see the end of summer and school starting up again but at least I have my oils and herbs. This month we will discuss ATTENTION, FOCUS, and EMOTIONAL STABILITY. The Essential Oils, Herbs, and Blessed Waters that will be discussed have been a huge blessing in my life for my children and myself. I have seen them help so many people.  They can bless you and your family so I hope you take the opportunity to learn about them.  See the full list of topics.

In This Issue

Intention Lotion
Featured Blessed Waters
August Essential Oils
ADHD Collection
Featured Herbs
Blend – LeMeditation
Single – Chamomile Roman
Single – Violet Leaf
Carrier Oil
3 Oil Kit

Featured Items for Attention, Focus & Stability

Intention Lotion

Intention Lotion

This citrus-scented lotion is made with LeIntention essential oil blend.  This blend tightens and tones the skin and tissues and increases circulation.  LeIntention Essential Oil Blend contains Benzoin, Grapefruit, Lime, Orange Sweet, and Vanilla.

LeIntention is for those times in our life (every day?) when life gets too intense and crazy, or we need peace as we contemplate the craziness of the world in which we live. It both stimulates and calms the amygdala, a glandular center in the brain that is often referred to as “the solution center.” This blend is useful in helping us find solutions to problems and situations that we may not have previously considered but then turn out to be just right. Life consistently presents us with challenges and struggles. The essential oils in LeIntention help us cope, increasing our overall satisfaction with our lives and ourselves.

The oils in this blend help to dissolve cellulite, brighten pale, dull, or oily complexions, and are beneficial in the treatment of wrinkles as they hydrate and strengthen the skin.  These are very good reasons to use it as a lotion.  I love that we can get the emotional benefits at the same time.

These homemade natural lotions are gentle enough for all skin types. They are paraben-free, and formaldehyde-free. They contain no petroleum products, no animal products, and no artificial fragrances or dyes.

Blessed Waters for Attention, Focus, and Stability Blessed Waters for Attention, Focus & Stability

Blessed waters are such a blessing to those who get to know and use them.  These are wonderful for attention, focus, and emotional stability.

Acherontia atropos (Death’s Head Hawkmoth)

ADHD; very restless children with mercurial temperaments; agitation; the need to be moving and to have others moving and getting things done—even manifested in dreams; difficulty concentrating—having to ask questions more than once; obsessed with details; great happiness, with a feeling of mental release; loss of self-confidence; Hives, eczema, angioedema (localized swelling, usually on the face, neck, hands, feet, genitalia, and deep tissues of the viscera); itchy, swollen eyelids; tendency to ailments of the respiratory tracts such as bronchitis. Feelings of suffocation; severe allergic reactions to bites, stings, and vaccinations; deep sleep, but only for short periods of time; waking exhausted or with headaches; vivid dreams interrupting normal sleep patterns.

Downy Avens (Geum triflorum)

This is a Range of Light-blessed water.  These light-based remedies are very much for the emotions although, of course, there are physical symptoms, as well.

Generally, there is slow physical and social development which is accompanied by advanced and precocious intellectual capabilities. Both children and adults are easily bored or distracted by any activity around them. A distinctive aspect of this remedy is the lack of imagination. Even in children, there is a pronounced ability for advanced intellectual skills but a lack of creativity or ability to imagine. Learning comes “line-upon-line” and “precept-upon-precept” with learning accomplished only from material that is presented in a systematic fashion that makes sense to them!

The beauty of this remedy lies in its ability to assist with communication between head intelligence and heart intelligence to instill patience with teaching styles different from their own and to function and learn within those parameters. Steady, progressive intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth will be seen with the proper use of this remedy.

Positive Qualities: Balance and communication between head intelligence and heart intelligence. Wisdom derived from learning “line-upon-line”, and “precept-upon-precept”. patience with the learning process. Steady, progressive intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth.
Patterns of Imbalance: Slow physical development with advanced and precocious intellectual capacities. Easily bored or distracted. Lack of heart connection to others. Lack of imagination. ADHD. Autism.

Energy Alignment

This is a delightfully comprehensive remedy! The formulation acknowledges the reality that, so often, emotional issues and concerns are the catalyst for physical ailments and intolerances. The eight single remedies that comprise this combination remedy cover a full range of symptoms both physical and emotional. Distinctive symptoms include being mentally and physically tired or, from the symptom picture of a different remedy in the combination, easily angered or impatient as a result of internalized grief or the observance of the misfortunes of others. A keynote of one ingredient is an insatiable desire for sugar. As always with combination remedies, once improvement is seen it is advisable to determine which single remedy most closely matches the remaining symptoms and utilize that remedy in a deeper (higher) potency.

Phosphoricum acidum

Both the phosphorus and the acid portions of this remedy indicate fatigue, weakness, apathy, indifference to everything, and mental debility followed by physical decline. The symptom picture of this remedy may appear, at first glance, to be the exact opposite of typical learning and behavioral issues such as ADHD and autism. However, the manifestation of opposite symptoms, especially to the depth of despair and debility that this remedy involves, follows certain aspects of homeopathic theory very closely and makes perfect sense to students of homeopathic/blessed water theory and practice. In addition, when learning and behavioral issues and imbalances are left untreated and unchecked, it is common for the situation to deteriorate to exactly the despair and mental dullness of this remedy. It is important to note—and to remember—that grief, homesickness, mental shock, and disappointment are often—almost always, in fact—associated with the onset of the extreme debility and demoralization associated with this remedy. When a situation is serious enough to call for Phosphoricum acidum, things are serious indeed!

Tarentula hispanica

Tarentula hispanica is a very ‘hot’ remedy. Behaviors and reactions tend to the extreme. There will be extreme restlessness, fidgeting, and feeling as if they must be constantly in motion. Sitting still is difficult, almost impossible. Both children and adults may be quite obstinate, selfish, and demanding with impatience and irritability often seen in their interactions with others. Impulsive, with little control of emotions and little thought or planning before acting. Often there is a tendency to throw things at others before thinking about that action and its possible consequences. There will be a definite intolerance of criticism and, often, upon being instructed or given advice­ they are likely to react explosively. Music excites and brings on agitation of the behaviors described above. However, on occasion, certain carefully chosen quiet music may be relaxing and helpful.

Tuberculinum bovinum

The outstanding keynote of this remedy is restlessness, a desire to be somewhere, anywhere, but where they are. In adults, this manifests as a desire to travel or a desire to change jobs frequently. In children (and adults) there are constant complaints about boredom and a need to find ‘something to do’. There is a lot of fear in this remedy: fear that something bad will happen and fear of animals, particularly dogs and cats. Bedwetting, even into the teen years, is common. In more advanced cases, there will be malicious behaviors and destructiveness of the property of others. There may be fits of violent temper and bouts of throwing things at others with little or no instigation or cause. Physical symptoms will, of course, include and distinctive tendency to lung ailments with symptoms worsening with changes in weather and before storms. Symptoms, both emotional and physical are worse for cold and damp.

August Oils for Attention and Focus

The August oils were hand-picked to help with attention, focus, and stability.

Ambition Essential Oil Blend

LeAmbition resonates in the high spiritual range. It cultivates a feeling of self-worth, calming the spirit, opening the mind, and removing negativity and hesitation.

LeAmbition helps us deal with the fear of failure and the fear of making decisions. It balances the yin/yang energies and promotes the ability to both move forward and achieve one’s goals while being mindful of the needs of others.

A wonderful rejuvenating blend. This is an oil that brings balance to the soul. It energizes the mind and opens communication between body systems as well as our communication with others.

Crystal Clear Essential Oil BlendLeCrystal Clear diffused or inhaled clears and energizes the mind and increases mental alertness.

This blend is very effective when studying or needing to remember difficult or complicated data. It helps to organize the thought processes, allowing more accurate recall later.

LeCrystal Clear is nourishing to the nerves, the adrenal cortex, and the cardiovascular system. This is one of the best essential oil blends for the treatment of impending shock. It can help to balance hormones and bring relief from headaches that are associated with hormone imbalances.

This is such a wonderful oil for emotional stability and focus.

Focus Essential Oil Blend

LeFocus is useful in overcoming negative thought patterns and self-defeating behaviors. Sometimes we choose to see ourselves as victims where life and everyone we know is “out to get us.” This pattern of behavior gets in the way of our ability to take responsibility for ourselves.

I like to inhale LeFocus at times when I am studying and need to be extra alert. I also find it useful in the afternoons at the computer if my mind is slow or I am having difficulty concentrating.

LeFocus increases mental alertness, clears that “foggy” feeling, and helps to alleviate mental confusion. It is a great aid to students and others when they face the need to commit something to memory quickly and be able to recall it with ease later.

Coffee Essential Oil

Coffee has an invigorating fragrance that is emotionally and mentally uplifting. It is said to be highly efficient for dealing with numerous disorders related to the nervous system like stress, anxiety, and depression. It also helps improve concentration and the ability to focus.

Coffee oil can be diluted and applied to the body or diffused. Inhaling the aroma of Coffee essential oil can cleanse the olfactory bulb and any smells it is holding onto.

Due to it’s wide range of antioxidants, Coffee essential oil is beneficial for improving immunity and neutralizing free radicals. A few studies have indicated that it’s antioxidants help enhance liver function.

Myrtle Essential Oil

Myrtle oil is strong and grounding. It seems to open all of the senses that can help us develop the organizational skills needed for success and stress-free living. Myrtle is about learning to prioritize in our lives, taking care of the necessities first.  This helps us establish a sound base for further spiritual growth. Myrtle, since it removes some of the stresses in our lives through grounding and organization, is often useful for insomnia.

Myrtle is a very anti-inflammatory and decongestant oil. These properties make it useful for diarrhea, bladder infections, sinus infections, and lung complaints such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs, and tuberculosis. Myrtle regulates the functions of glands in the endocrine system. This effect is seen most clearly in the stimulation of thyroid activity and in the decongestion of the prostate

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint is like a rush of fresh energy into the system. It allows us to relax instead of letting anxiety build up in our body or mind. This oil is specific for people who move between highs and lows, sadness and happiness until the ever-widening mood swings settle into lethargy, intolerance, and frustration.

Peppermint is renowned for its action on the digestive system and for use in bowel disorders. It is one of the best essential oils for nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness.

Peppermint (Black Mitcham) has chocolaty undertones and reminds you of mint chocolates.

August Essential Oils for Attention, Focus and Stability

ADHD Collection

ADHD CollectionADHD and Learning Disabilities Collection

Whole books have been written on the subject of learning disabilities and ADHD syndrome. I am reasonably certain that there are very few of us who have not known or had occasion to work with a child or adult who has struggled with one educational/learning skill or another and/or has trouble being still in school-type situations. In addition, most of us seem to have stress issues left over from our own school days.

Many times little boys—who probably ought to be out of doors with Daddy for at least a few more years before being stuffed into a school desk—seem to be the hardest hit by learning disabilities of any type. They are also the most likely to have their futures negatively impacted by mind-altering prescription drugs.

Children who have been labeled as learning disabled often hear (and their parents are told) something similar to one or more of the following statements—and, too often, these statements are made with the child listening and taking it all to heart.

“He has the ability, if he just tried harder, he could do it. He chooses not to do the work.”
“If she would just pay attention like the other children, she would get it.”
“He sits there and stares at his paper. He is just not motivated.” (Or say that he is lazy.)
“She is completely out of control/undisciplined, etc. She obviously needs medication.”

What is a Learning Disability?

If you are the parent of a child who has been diagnosed with a learning disability you have probably heard a great many explanations and definitions. In short, learning disabled means that there is some type of difficulty in processing sensory information. You are not learning disabled just because your mind (and energy system) sees, hears, and understand things differently than most people do. That last sentence is my personal bias and not what you will hear from a school counselor, social worker, or prescriber of medications.

Let’s use the analogy of a telephone system to define real learning disabilities. Faulty wiring with static on the line disrupts normal functioning. The phone company responds by rewiring the connections and then protecting the new connections from further damage in the future. Under the right educational conditions, and with the help of herbal medicines, homeopathic remedies, essential oils, and nutritional therapies, the brain also has the ability to rewire itself—to form new neural connections. This is done when there has been serious brain injury, and it can be done for children who struggle with basic learning tasks. These new connections, or the clearing of static along the old connections, make skills like reading and writing easier, and even enjoyable, for many children.

To Parents

Whether or not your child has a learning disability, the fact is that the way you behave and what you do will have a huge impact on your child. Everyone faces obstacles and difficulties. As a parent, you can help your child learn how to deal with obstacles and come out victorious. A good attitude won’t immediately solve a problem with some phases of education, but it can give your child enough confidence to avoid becoming discouraged and feeling sure that he is broken and not worth fixing!

Suggestions for you, as a parent:

Keep things in perspective. All people learn differently, and some of us just do not learn best in the left-brained format of America’s school system. Your most important job is to keep your child’s self-esteem intact. Challenges are meant to be overcome. Don’t get distracted from your most important job of providing your child with emotional, moral, and educational support.
Do your own homework. You may, out of fear or instinct, look to others for solutions at first if your child is struggling but, ultimately, you need to take charge when it comes to finding the tools your child needs to succeed.

Remember that your influence on your child outweighs that of all others. If you approach his learning challenges with optimism, hard work, a sense of humor, and no embarrassment or apology to your friends, he will likely pick up on your attitude. They will come to view the situation as an obstacle and not a roadblock. Trying to change the school or his teachers is usually futile. Focus on finding solutions and what works for your child, and implement it the best you can. Allowing other people (teachers and school officials) to be imperfect underscores your message that imperfection is a challenge and not a terminal illness.

Give your child many chances for success in other areas. This cannot be over-emphasized. Even though they may require extra time for school work, make time for them to work at, and succeed, in other areas. They need to grow up knowing that while so-and-so is better than they are at math or reading, they are particularly good at art, throwing a ball, tending their baby sister, or being depended on. This is very important!

Social and Emotional Difficulties

Social and emotional difficulties are an area where you, as a parent, can make a huge difference. Challenges with learning may lead to low self-esteem, anger, withdrawal, and other behavioral problems. In fact, social and emotional skills are the most consistent indicator of overall success in school and in life. Confidence and emotional stability outweigh many times over, all academic factors. Give your child a strong support system. Help him learn to express himself appropriately and deal with frustration properly. Your focus on his growth as a person will help him develop the right tools for lifelong success.

There are essential oils, herbs, minerals, and blessed waters that have blessed the lives of so many people.

Essential Oils


LeMillenia helps one find the courage to move forward with confidence and faith. It brings clarity about what is really necessary for happiness and contentment. It can help us find an equilibrium between being organized, neat, orderly, meticulous, logical, and analytical (all good traits), and being obsessively focused on perfection.

Applying LeMillenia to the feet at least once a day can make a profound difference in a child’s ability to sit still and concentrate.  It is very hard to learn when you can’t focus or sit still. I use the feet because it is an excellent place to draw essential oils into the body. I also like the feet because the person (it is often a little boy) can put his shoes back on, go to school, and no one teases him because he “smells like oils.”


The aroma of LeTranquility has been known to reduce or eliminate panic attacks and other anxiety-based disorders. It can help us develop inner strength, patience, understanding, and confidence. LeTranquility promotes relaxation and relieves anxiety, stress, tension, and depression.

Use LeTranquility to relieve migraines and tension headaches. So many of our minor, but annoying physical distresses have their roots in our emotions and our thought patterns.

LeTranquility has been used in programs to help children and adults get off Ritalin and Prozac. Of course, it is recommended that you work closely with your doctor.


LeVictory is especially useful for those with ADHD, OCD, autism, or neurological disorders. Each step forward when working with learning disabilities or any type of neurological malfunction is a victory and a celebration. The ingredients of LeVictory are so well-balanced and synergistically combined that they act as catalysts for the re-building of nerve tissues, and yet are soothing to the nervous system and the emotions at the same time.

Children with any type of learning or social skills difficulty seem to need physical touch. They have the most sunny dispositions, loving to hug and be hugged. Physically connecting with others helps their energy circuits connect and flow more smoothly. Remember that confidence and emotional stability outweigh, many times over, early academic achievement in overall success in life. An “I can do it” attitude is the best skill set any of us can possess. LeVictory absolutely shines in the development of that attitude.


Melissa essential oil has a youthful, revitalizing effect on the body and spirit. It opens our ability to see and understand truth. The aroma of Melissa oil helps us receive insights for living our daily lives. It promotes feelings of compassion and love for life.

Melissa is beneficial to emotionally sensitive individuals who do not respond well to pressure or who are easily upset, almost traumatized, by the slightest confrontation. They spend their strength trying to hold in their feelings to prevent or end an argument rather than risk expressing feelings of anger or hurt. This continual repression of fear or anger eventually leads to depression. Melissa essential oil can be helpful anywhere along this soul-destroying path.



BT was formulated to help kids and adults with ADHD and anxiety. It contains herbs known to improve overall brain health.

These herbs are useful for promoting circulation, oxygen, and blood flow to the brain. BT is excellent for helping to maintain focus, boost memory, and increase alertness. It will help to balance the brain and improve your mood. BT helps to reduce fatigue, stimulates the immune system, and eases depression.

Several of the herbs in this formula are noted for their ability to help reduce stress, calm nervous tension, and help ease anxiety.  This makes it excellent for stressful times such as tests or exams. BT will gently nourish the nerves and reduce pain associated with headaches. Taking BT regularly will help to prevent headaches from occurring.

This tincture is appropriate as a daily long-term supplement, as it helps to strengthen the tiny vessels and capillaries in brain tissue. Several of the herbs contained in this blend are excellent at extending mental clarity into old age. Unlike some traditional ADHD treatments, BT will not cause afternoon energy crashes, stomach aches, or sleep disruptions. It is sugar-free and caffeine-free.


MIN makes an excellent daily mineral supplement and is safe to use when pregnant or nursing. I like to make MIN as a glycerite and take it every time I think about it. I have so much more energy and better health whenever I do. It also makes a reasonably pleasant tea for use when pregnant or nursing.

MIN contains three herbs—Dulse, Nettles, and Alfalfa that are mineral powerhouses, along with herbs for hormone balance, calming the nerves, strengthening the pancreas, and supporting the kidneys.


Brahmi has a calming effect on the brain and nervous system and, as such, is considered to be helpful with ADHD, hyperactivity, impulsive behaviors, and general restlessness. A Nervous system adaptogen, Brahmi can aid our body and minds in adjusting to challenging or unfamiliar surroundings or situations. Brahmi, as the Latin name Bacopa implies, contains the powerful anti-oxidant (free radical fighter) bacosides.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm has been used as far back as the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, improve appetite, and ease the pain and discomfort of indigestion. As an essential oil Lemon Balm is referred to as Melissa and is one of the strongest antimicrobial oils possible. The question is whether these properties exist only in the oil or in the herb, as well, once it has been dried for medicinal use.

Many people use Lemon Balm for anxiety, sleep problems, and restlessness. Lemon Balm has also been used for ADHD, and Graves’ disease which involves the thyroid, rapid heartbeat due to nervousness, high blood pressure, skin sores, and insect bites.



Iron deficiency has been associated with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. It is important for brain function and dopamine production, which may be linked to ADHD.  Studies have shown that children with ADHD are over 80% more likely to have iron deficiency.

A deficiency of iron is one of the most common deficiency diseases in the world and is common to both men and women. Iron is used in the creation of hormones by the thyroid glands as well as in the ability of red blood cells to produce the hemoglobin needed for oxygen transport. Often called the “energy giver,” iron along with manganese, iodine, copper, and cobalt—is necessary for red blood cell formation.


Magnesium supports normal nerve and muscle function and aids digestion by activating enzymes for protein and carbohydrate metabolism.  It also relaxes the body into deeper sleep.  Sleeping is often an issue for those with ADHD  Magnesium supports normal heart and liver function and may help reduce inflammation in muscles, joints, and tissues. It also contributes to a healthy immune system and the formation of DNA and RNA. Magnesium potentially aids in over 300 body processes in all! Magnesium is also necessary for the absorption of calcium and other minerals.


Studies have shown that children with ADHD may have lower levels of zinc. Taking zinc supplements may reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity.  Zinc is second only to iron as the most prevalent trace mineral in the body. Zinc plays a role in cell division and growth, wound healing, and the breakdown of carbohydrates, and is needed for good immune function. It is necessary for over 300 body processes.  Zinc is one you don’t want to over-supplement.  The liquid is the only way I will take this one.

Blessed Waters

Blessed Waters and Homeopathics are very wonderful remedies that are a blessing to those who take the time to learn about and understand these gems.  There are two that come to mind when I think about learning and concentration.  Both of these have been used by parents of children with ADHD with awesome results.  They were talked about earlier in this blog Acherontia atropos and Downey Avens.

DreamCatcher Kit

This kit contains many of the things talked about in this section.  Kits are discounted ways to build your collection faster. It is for students, teachers, athletes, or anyone needing a mental and emotional boost. Whether you are going to school, sending your kids to school, working, raising a family, teaching home school, going through a change in your life, or struggling with the changing of the seasons, this kit can help you and your family. This is an amazing kit for anxiety, helping you deal with pressure, and boosting your ambition. It will help you reach your goals.  and helps us be healthy, and stay focused, and allows us to learn easier, making school fun, safe, and the best it can be for every student. It comes with sample bottles making it convenient to send oils to school with your kids or keep in your purse or pocket.

This kit includes the following six oils:
LeAmbition, LeAssurance, LeMillenia, LeTranquility, LeVictory, Lavender Officinalis, and a keychain case with
8 sample bottles 

Featured Herbs for Attention, Focus & Stability

Featured HerbsFeatured Herbs for Attention, Focus & Stability

These herbs were chosen for their ability to help us with attention, focus, and emotional stability.  The herbs that were covered previously in the ADHD collection also fit here but will not be covered again.

Ginko Biloba

The ability of Ginkgo to improve blood flow through the arteries that feed the brain is very well known.  Improvement is also seen in issues like tinnitus, vertigo, headaches, depression, poor concentration, and short-term memory loss. Considered one of the great herbs for extending mental acuity into old age. Besides improving circulation to the brain, Ginkgo also enhances neural activity.


Ginseng’s most notable effects are slowing the onset of mental and physical fatigue when the body or mind is under great stress. These effects have been demonstrated in both animal studies and double-blind, clinical trials in humans. In studies conducted in the early 1940’s the time to physical fatigue during endurance tests was shown to be lengthened by the ingestion of Ginseng. Mental acuity and the ability to work longer with fewer mistakes were documented among radio operators. The analogy that comes to mind is that stimulant herbs are like stepping on the gas while Ginseng is more like giving the engine a tune-up.


Rhodiola has been shown to have a positive impact on the ability to quickly understand and remember new concepts. Scientists participating in these studies are even hopeful that this herb—or the compound in it (as a drug)—will be found useful as part of treatment protocols for ADHD, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. (My own experiences with herbs and drugs, over many years, have taught me that the herb, in whole form, is more effective and eliminates the side effects found in prescription medications and other drugs.)

This herb is regarded and has been used, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as an effective treatment for a list of what are called ‘age-related’ diseases, such as high blood pressure, as well as in regulating cortisol levels. Regulating cortisol levels is absolutely necessary for maintaining or restoring proper adrenal function.

Featured Blend for Attention, Focus & Stability

Meditation Essential OilLeMeditation

LeMeditation creates a spiritual environment conducive to prayer and meditation; diffusing when seeking inspiration, reading scriptures, and seeking answers from above.

It can help bring us to a state where we are more receptive to divine inspiration. LeMeditation has a high spiritual frequency. This blend can aid us when meditating, pondering, or studying spiritual things. LeMeditation can help us discover and walk away from negative thought patterns. It will aid us in decision-making by bringing us to a place where we can discern heavenly input.

LeMeditation is useful for calming ourselves, finding compassion for others, and lifting ourselves out of depression. This blend can help us find the motivation to make any changes in our lives that we know need to be made.

August Essential Oil Singles for Attention, Focus & Stability

Chamomile Essential OilChamomile

Butterfly currently sells two varieties of chamomileGerman and Roman. The German and the Roman are different plant species with similar healing properties although they both have areas they shine in. These steam-distilled oils are very concentrated and complex essential oils. It comes down to preference. I love both of them

The aroma of Chamomile Roman, in my opinion, is the most relaxing scent in the entire essential oil world. Chamomile Roman is powerfully soothing. The soothing action of this oil applies to both physical and emotional conditions. Diffused, this oil creates an atmosphere of peace and patience.

Chamomile is one of the great calming sedative oils. A favorite for diffusing. German Chamomile shines in its ability to affect the solar plexus, helping us see that our needs are being met. Chamomile German seems to unclutter the mind, allowing us to get organized and then unclutter our lives. Chamomile German is used for ADHD, especially in children.

Violet Essential OilViolet Leaf

Violet supports the heart and the emotions that reside there. It is particularly balancing for feelings of melancholy, nostalgia, and longing for things past. Violet can also be used effectively to temper obsessive tendencies. The aroma of Violet Leaf can help us focus mentally, pay attention more easily, and see clearly to the core of confusing issues in our lives. Violet Leaf’s essential oil’s clarifying influence can help us realize our potential and overcome feelings of fear.

Inhaled, particularly using a cool-mist humidifier, violet can relieve migraine headaches and clear blocked nasal passages. It can be applied topically to relieve the pain associated with sprains, bruises, and arthritis. Violet Leaf essential oil, applied with water rather than carrier oil, can cleanse and close the pores of the skin and increase lymphatic drainage. It is considered a liver decongestant and circulatory stimulant. Violet oil should be applied to the chest or inhaled when there is a need to bring up phlegm (expectorate).

Featured Carrier Oil for Attention, Focus & Stability

Carrier Oil

Carrier Oil

Carrier or base oils are often applied in conjunction with an essential oil. The common industry term for carrier oils is fixed oils. These oils are made from vegetables, nuts, or seeds and often have therapeutic properties of their own.

This is a blend of 8 different carrier oils (grapeseed, almond, olive, jojoba, avocado, apricot, rosehip, and sunflower.) As with essential oil blends, carrier oil blends are a wonderful way to utilize the properties of the different carrier oils.

This is a nice medium-weight oil that absorbs into the skin well. It is a nice carrier oil to use because it combines all of the properties of the different oils making it very versatile and a good choice for any skin type. Carrier oil is great for those who cannot decide which carrier oil they want to use.

Featured Kit for Attention, Focus & Stability

New Essential Oil Kit for Focus and Attention.

3-Oil Kit
LeMillenia, LeTranquility, LeVictory


This is a very low-frequency oil. This makes it very effective for working on issues of physical structure and alignment. “Chiropractor in a Bottle” is a good description of this blend except that LeMillenia aligns so much more than just physical structures. LeMillenia aligns the electrical energies of the body, balances every meridian, and energizes every chakra. In addition, LeMillenia maintains the integrity of the connective tissues that wrap, connect, and protect every organ and balances the emotions connected to each organ. One of my favorite uses for LeMillenia is in working with ADHD and hyperactivity. Applying LeMillenia to the feet at least once a day can make a profound difference in a child’s ability to sit still and concentrate.


This oil promotes relaxation and relieves anxiety, stress, tension, and depression. LeTranquility is useful as a sleep aid, especially when the problem is “mind chatter” that just won’t quit. Instead of sleeping, even though we need to sleep badly, we lay there reviewing the past day in our minds or making plans for tomorrow. LeTranquility helps us take a step back from a situation so that we may come to a fuller understanding of all aspects of the situation. From this perspective, we are usually able to see solutions to our dilemmas more easily. LeTranquility has been used in programs to help children and adults get off Ritalin and Prozac.


This blend is especially useful for those with ADHD, OCD, autism, or neurological disorders. Each step forward when working with learning disabilities or any type of neurological malfunction is a victory and a celebration. The ingredients of LeVictory are so well-balanced and synergistically combined that they act as catalysts for the re-building of nerve tissues, and yet are soothing to the nervous system and the emotions. LeVictory is an excellent oil for children who have a difficult time moving from the left (logical) side of the brain to the right (creative) side. It helps connect thought patterns and electrical activity across the corpus callosum. The perfect choice for the child who sometimes has a hard time separating fantasy and reality. For adults, this blend is calming and brings each of us to a place where we can accept what is without fear of failure or rejection.

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