October 2022 – Respiratory/Flu

In October we will be talking about RESPIRATORY and FLU.  As we head into the cold and flu season we thought it was important to review some go-to oils, herbs, and homeopathic that are worth having around this time of year. We have all been in the trenches of the flu ourselves and with our kids. I hope this blog makes any sickness that comes your way this season shorter and less intense.   Please see the index at the bottom of the blog for a complete list of topics.

In This Issue

Cayenne Tincture
Elderberry Syrup
October’s Six Oils
Flu Symptoms Blessed Waters
LeBreezey & LeInsideOut Rubs
The Featured Blend – LeBenediction
The Featured Single – Eucalyptus Blue Gum
Mullein Carrier Oil
Complete Flu Kit

Cayenne Tincture

Cayenne Tincture

Cayenne is about as close to a cure-all herb as there is in nature. If I could only have one herb in my house, Cayenne would be the one that I would choose.

Taken as a cold or fever begins, Cayenne fights the infection while inducing a beneficial and bacteria-killing sweat. Cayenne is an excellent digestive and reproductive stimulant herb. In respiratory illnesses, Cayenne acts as an expectorant, thinning the mucus in the lungs and making it possible for the body to expel it. In the digestive tract, Cayenne promotes the secretion of digestive juices and improves the ability of the body to absorb nutrients. Cayenne is often used—usually in capsule form—to cauterize and heal stomach ulcers.

Cayenne is an accentuator and will increase the healing properties of the other herbs. By adding a touch of Cayenne to a respiratory formula, for example, the respiratory herbs will reach the lungs and begin their healing action much more quickly. Cayenne, in small parts, is in many of the Butterfly formulas.

Cayenne is the #1 stimulant herb. It is the purest and most powerful of all the medicinal herbs. The best description I have ever read of Cayenne is that it causes “the fires of life to burn more brightly.” Cayenne rebuilds (yes, rebuilds) vein structures, removes plaque from veins and sends the blood rushing along carrying nutrients to every cell of the body.

Cayenne and HVC

HVC is a wonderful way to get the incredible herb, Cayenne, into your system. HVC should be used cold for bleeding, insect bites, shock, and blood clots. It can be used warm or cold for flu, increasing energy, relieving sore throat pain, and improving circulation. Drink 1/2 to 2 cups as needed, up to 1 qt or more during a day.

**Note: Warmth increases circulation—do not use hot, or even warm, when trying to stop a hemorrhage or excessive bleeding of any kind.


I could write a whole blog on Cayenne. Since this is a blog about Respiratory/Flu, I will move on to the other products and leave you with this Link to the Cayenne Information Page if you want to read more.

Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry Syrup

This syrup is made with both Elderberries and Elderflowers. The berries and flowers have vastly different healing properties that complement each other well.

Elderberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and flavonoids. Elderberries are antioxidant powerhouses and may prevent cell damage, even in the toxic environment that modern life has created for each of us. Only black currants and Rosehips contain more vitamin C than Elderberries. The berries also contain iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, calcium, vitamin B6, beta carotenes, and proteins.

Elderflower is considered to be one of the mildest, but one of the greatest and most versatile of herbs. It aids in cleansing the blood, and the cells, of waste products and toxins. Elderflower increases circulation and will bring down a fever by producing a healing sweat as quickly as any herbal agent that I know of.  This is one of my favorites for fevers and sickness, especially in children. Elderflower has constituents that act as mild sedatives and analgesics for the relief of pain. It also acts as an expectorant, with anti-catarrhal and anti-inflammatory actions.

October Oils Banner

CinnamonBear Essential Oil

Physically, LeCinnamonBear acts as a stimulant and tonic for circulation, and for the immune and lymphatic systems. Diluted well, this blend is an excellent choice for massage. The effects will be gently stimulating. LeCinnamonBear is especially beneficial to sore muscles and joints stiffened by arthritis or rheumatism.

Cassia, and this LeCinnamonBear blend containing it, stimulate T-lymphocyte activity and immunoglobulin production by the B-cells of the immune system. These are key elements of effective resistance to disease by our bodies.

This blend, with its stimulating, mood-lifting, and immune-building properties is an excellent oil for the convalescent stage of illness. The emotional aspects of LeCinnamonBear do not allow for discouragement and can help us thrive, not just survive, an illness or difficult place in our lives.  Be sure and dilute well if applying to the body.

Exhale Essential Oil

LeExhale is useful for clearing phlegm from the lungs and sinuses.LeExhale should be diluted and rubbed on the chest or back. It can be diffused or placed on a cotton ball and inhaled or place a drop on your pillow.

LeExhale is a combination of stimulating and soothing that is useful for relieving congestion, colds, or coughs.  The Ravensara in this blend helps fight viral strains and, along with Tea Tree, aids in tissue rebuilding, while killing some of the nastiest microbes on the planet. LeExhale is antibacterial, helps encourage lymphatic drainage, stimulates the immune system, aids circulation, and brings a high percentage of cineole with the Eucalyptus Radiata in it that is believed to be the component that relieves colds and congestion.

LeExhale is cool and soothing when we are feeling stuffed up and unable to allow our repressed or pent-up emotions to flow. Colds and congestion often occur when we are feeling “congestion” somewhere in our lives. LeExhale stimulates our minds to look for fresh new ideas and emotions that will serve us better, allowing the body to return to a state of wellness.

ThermaCare Essential Oil

LeThermaCare was specifically designed to aid in gently reducing the very high fevers we often see with the high-powered and quick-onset flu “bugs” that are so prevalent in the world today. The use of this essential oil to reduce fever is especially nice with children. The essential oils contained in LeThermaCare are gentle. They stimulate the body’s defense while calming the nerves and soothing the spirit. In addition to the fever-reducing properties of the Yarrow and the Peppermint, the Coriander is well renowned for giving strength both during an illness and during the convalescent stages.

It is better to apply this essential oil blend to the body. Diffusing might be pleasant but may not give you the results in fever reduction that you need. LeThermaCare should be diluted well and applied to the back of the neck and down the spine. It is also effective to apply LeThermaCare to the bottom of the feet.  One of my favorite ways to use it is to put a drop or two in the bathtub.

Marjoram Essential Oil

Marjoram eases respiratory distress and infections such as bronchitis. It is often beneficial for spasmodic dry coughs. The analgesic properties of Marjoram make it an appropriate choice for muscle aches, sprains, strains, and arthritis. Marjoram essential oil helps bruising to clear and fade more quickly. Marjoram increases the dilation of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and eases heart palpitations. It can ease headaches that are caused by muscle tension or lack of circulation.

Marjoram oil increases the tone and effectiveness of parasympathetic nerves. One benefit of healthy parasympathetic nerves is an increase in the peristalsis in the colon. Marjoram regulates the menstrual cycle, and relieves pain and cramping.

Marjoram is quieting to obsessive worry where negative thoughts circle repetitively in the brain hour after hour. This type of obsessive worry is an indication of depleted or stressed earth energy.

Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano, in either herbal or essential oil form, has strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Oregano essential oil balances metabolism, strengthens the vital centers of the body, and is an immune stimulant. In the respiratory tract, Oregano is useful for treating chronic bronchitis, respiratory infections, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, colds, and flu.

Be sure to dilute very well before applying to the feet or to the body. Oregano is not pleasant diffused by itself. However, the antimicrobial properties make it worth it. You can also add a few drops of a more pleasant-smelling oil to the diffuser with Oregano. It is too strong to use during pregnancy.

Oregano essential oil promotes a feeling of strength and stability.

Ravensara Essential Oil

Ravensara is strongly antiviral. It really gets in and kills “critters.” Ravensara then supports the kidneys and lymphatic system in getting rid of the “dead bodies” of the invaders. It has an affinity for the lungs and is useful in chronic respiratory conditions. I love love love this oil and all blends containing it.

Ravensara is often used to bring relief from shingles.  It kills the attacking viruses and brings relief from the pain.

Ravensara is listed throughout the literature for use with chicken pox, measles, and all viral infections. This oil has brought relief from mononucleosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Ravensara acts as an expectorant and helps to promote a healthy fever. A blend containing Ravensara would be a good thing to dilute and rub on yourself if you are showing any signs of coming down with the flu.

October Essential Oil

Featured Collections Banner

First Aid Blessed Waters

Flu Symptoms Homeopathics

The use of low potency remedies is appropriate for a mild case of seasonal flu whose symptoms have only just begun to appear.   Combination remedies take the guesswork and the just plain work out of choosing a homeopathic remedy.  Two of the most popular are discussed below.  If you would like a more in-depth look at homeopathic and the flu please see the Influenza blog.

Flu Symptoms #1 (Flu Stopper) The focus of this combination is digestive disturbances (flu-like symptoms) brought on by prolonged mental effort, stage fright, or performance anxiety. Along with digestive disturbances, the symptom picture may include fear, feelings of helplessness, anxiety, sleeplessness, vertigo, and, perhaps, a sensation of coldness alternating with rushes of heat.

Flu Symptoms #2 (Flu-Luyties) A very potent and effective intestinal flu remedy. Includes remedies for physical symptoms of flu such as fever, cough, stomach pain, sour belching, headache, aching bones and muscles, and great weakness. The Gelsemium in this remedy aids the body in returning to normal energy levels after the exhaustion and prostration that often accompanies a bout of flu.

LeBreezey & LeInsideOut Rubs

Rubs are a great way to use oils very quickly.  Rubs also include menthol crystals which have their own therapeutic properties and give the rub an icy hot feel.

LeBreezey opens bronchial and sinus passages very effectively. Besides being very effective in times of illness, LeBreezey is an excellent respiratory tonic and immune stimulant. It has viral fighting and tissue rebuilding properties, especially for the lung and bronchial tissues. This blend should also be tried for colds, asthma, allergies, sinus congestion, and flu.

LeBreezey Rub works similarly to a vapor rub for the chest. It is made with menthol crystals and a combination of essential oils and herbs that affect the lungs. It can be used for any respiratory ailment including colds and respiratory flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and allergies, and sinus congestion.

LeInsideOut improves the function of the digestive system. It helps with upset stomach, belching, bloating, stomach cramps, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, candida overgrowth, parasites, Crohn’s disease, IBS, and any other colon intestinal or digestive problem. LeInsideOut should be used for any bout of intestinal flu or food poisoning and is useful for most types of nausea.

Featured Blend

LeBenediction Essential Oil

 This is an interesting choice for a month focusing on flu and sickness but  I chose it because it is very effective after an illness for returning energy levels to normal and getting us back on our feet both physically and emotionally.

LeBenediction is a favorite among massage and energy therapists. It strengthens one’s own energy boundaries and protects against “energy drains” that can occur when working with other people’s energy fields. This blend should be used at times when you are feeling particularly vulnerable and “energy sensitive” and easily drained by people and situations.

It is often useful for tension headaches, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure when picking up on the energies of others is a contributing factor.  LeBenediction is frequently utilized to create an energy “bubble barrier” which allows us to interact with others without compromising our “self.” This is true whether we are being drained by others or are at a low point ourselves and having a draining effect on those around us.

LeBenediction should be placed on shoulders, wrists, and thymus area and is also of great benefit when diffused into a room that is highly charged with energy.

Featured Single

Eucalyptus Blue Gum Essential Oil

Eucalyptus is a traditional Aboriginal remedy for infections and fevers. It is popular throughout the world for many ailments. The astringent properties of Eucalyptus make it effective against colds, flu, sore throats, and bacterial infections of many kinds.  Eucalyptus is a strong expectorant for the respiratory system.

Eucalyptus is energizing and promotes feelings of steadfastness and confidence in oneself. The aroma of Eucalyptus can help us release resentment calmly, without the usual explosions of temper and hostility. Diffused it purifies the air. This oil should be used for any problem in the respiratory system. It is also one of the best oils for bringing down a fever and can alleviate mental exhaustion and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Which Eucalyptus should I choose?

Note: Butterfly carries a wide variety of Eucalyptus oils with several Latin names.  Let me tell you why I chose Eucalyptus Blue Gum. It is authentic Eucalyptus Globulus which means that it is the first distillation and has not been rectified. Most Eucalyptus oils are rectified (redistilled and mixed with other distillations) to get a cineole content of 80% or more. The first distillation of an oil is usually more therapeutic, but also more expensive. Eucalyptus Blue Gum has a softer, more complex aroma and is considered to be the most therapeutic of the Eucalyptus oils.

Featured Carrier Oil

Mullein Oil

For respiratory and flu there really isn’t a better choice for a carrier.  Mullein has been used for centuries because of its outstanding medicinal properties. The herb Mullein grows in dry, barren places. Following the ancient law of signatures, this would indicate that Mullein is an herb for respiratory conditions, especially those where the lungs need “drying out.” Mullein also has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic properties, thus increasing its value in respiratory ailments and is certainly recommended for use as a carrier oil with these conditions.

Mullein Oil, as a carrier oil, should be used when applying oils to the chest for infections, coughs, and congestion. It can be used in the ears, alone or as part of the EO recipe, to relieve the pain of ear infections and fight the bacterial involved. It can also be of benefit as a carrier oil when working with inflammation and pain. Mullein is gentle enough to be used on babies for diaper rash and for cracked nipples with nursing mothers.

Complete Flu Kit

A few years ago I was asked to put together a list of my favorite remedies for the flu.  These products were put into a kit that mothers could purchase to be prepared for the flu.  As mothers, we often find ourselves in the trenches of the flu and this is the kit that was put together from my recommendations.

I would read these four pages when the first person gets sick so that the information is fresh.  You may want to re-read as the days pass and you become tired.   Be sure to take care of yourself as much as possible.  I am usually the last one at my house to get sick and I swear it is only because I am so tired from taking care of everyone else. These pages can be printed by clicking here

List of Topics

Tip: Use the “find on page” or ctrl+f to quickly find where these topics are covered in this blog.

chicken pox,
chronic fatigue
drying out,
ear infections,
food poisoning,
heart palpitations,
muscle tension,
pain relief,
sore throat,
stomach ulcers,
vapor rub,
vitamin C,

About The Author



  1. Suzanne Weitz | 6th Oct 22

    I have Covid and I need help. Is the flu kit helpful for dealing with Covid? I am 70 years old.

    • lareesbutterfly@gmail.com | 27th Oct 22

      We have been specifically instructed by the FDA not to comment on COVID.

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