Treating Ear Infections & Earaches with Alternative Methods

Ear Infections and  subsequent earaches are a frequent occurrence with some people, especially infants and children.  Knowing how to prevent them from occurring, and how to treat ear infections quickly with alternative methods when they do occur, is a must.

EO (Ear Oil)

The herbal preparation EO, made by Butterfly Express, LLC, contains almond oil, calendula, mullein, usnea, white willow, and  garlic essential oil.  This is a very soothing, healing and infection fighting recipe.  The combination of herbs and garlic, infused into almond oil, is an excellent preventative measure to keep ear infections at bay.  It also works well at the onset of an ear infection.  Warm and place 3 – 5 drops in the ears.

If an ear infection does occur, use EO frequently to kill the bacteria and viruses causing the infection.

Constant use of EO does not seem to create a “build up” in the ear.  In fact, it seems to loosen the “gunk” that may be causing some of the drainage problems in the first place.

EO Ear Oil for Infections Image

BBL (alcohol only)

Use the wonderful tincture BBL to help alleviate the pain and throbbing that often occur with an ear infection.  BBL contains some really great nervine herbs including black cohosh, blue cohosh, blue vervain, skullcap, and lobelia.   Place 3 – 5 drops of EO and 2 – 3 drops of BBL in the ear.  Be sure to place them in warm water until they are neither hot nor cold when placed on your wrist. (lids on tight)  Repeat this process several times a day until the infection is gone. If the eardrum bursts from a buildup of pressure, continued use of both EO and BBL can help the healing process and help eliminate residual scar tissue.

BBL Tincture for ear infections

You can save money buy buying these two products together.  Click here

Ear Candling

Some people find ear candling on a routine basis helpful to remove or loosen ear wax.  I have found that ear candling can be helpful with mild hearing loss caused by wax build up in the ears.  When enough wax builds up it can be like wearing earmuffs.  The removal of the wax will help reverse the hearing loss.  In the case of hearing loss I like to follow up with BBL in the ear in case there is any nerve damage that may be repairable.

Picture of ear candles


One of the best herbs for fighting infection, especially in the ears, is garlic.  Garlic is an excellent antibacterial herb.  I am not talking about garlic essential oil.  Garlic essential oil is way too strong to be place in the ears undiluted.  Garlic essential oil is part of the EO formula but is diluted by the almond oil and other ingredients.  For really bad infections I like to pop a hole in a garlic capsule and put a few drops in the ears along with BBL.  Do this as often as needed until the infection is cleared.

Garlic for Ear Infections

Essential Oils

Essential oils are of great benefit with earaches and infections, too. 
LeMillenia LeEndoReliefLeLifeForceLeMelaPlus,  and Basil are some of the more helpful oils when combating ear infections.  A drop, diluted with carrier oil, is all you need. Massage behind the ear, as well as  the lymph ducts down the side of the neck.  This is a wonderful way to break up junk.  This helps to get the lymphatic system moving.  As always, rubbing essential oils on the feet is also very helpful.

LeMillenia is particularly helpful in making sure everything lines up properly and normal drainage can occur.
LeEndoRelief essential-oil is my favorite lymphatic oil.  If the lymph nodes are swollen in the neck I layer LeEndoRelief with LeMillenia.
LeLifeForce is known for building the immune system and shortening the duration of an illness.
 LeMelaPlus is strongly antiseptic.  It prevents the growth of bacteria, fungus, and other infectious agents.

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