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Browsing Tag: appreciation

May – Emotional Support & Resilience

I have had several rather personal experiences of late that have shown me just how important it is to focus on EMOTIONAL SUPPORT and RESILIENCE to be better prepared for the trials that this life will inevitably throw at us. I am super excited to announce the two new essential oil blends with this very focus in mind. The Resilience has become one that sits on my desk and is used daily. Many of the other things we will talk about on this blog are long-time favorites of mine. I am so grateful for these herbs, oils, and blessed waters.
See the full list of topics.

May – Kids & Essential Oils

In May, we will be talking about KIDS AND ESSENTIAL OILS.  Essential Oils are such a blessing in the lives of children — and in the lives of those who care for and love them!   I can’t imagine raising my family without the blessings of essential oils and other natural remedies.  This month we will be talking about some of my favorite oils, herbs, blessed waters, and more. See the full list of topics.

November 2022 – Gratitude/Self Care

In November we will be talking about GRATITUDE and SELF CARE. I have always been grateful to a loving Creator who established this world in such a way that the things we need for balance and health in every aspect of our lives are everywhere around us. However, I don’t believe that God requires our gratitude for His glory. The commandment to be grateful is an example of God explaining to us what is best for our own souls. If you don’t do it already, try doing all that you do in this alternative medical world with a large measure of gratitude.  I hope that the products we discuss this month will help you take time for yourself and I hope that you will use them and share them with gratitude.