Homeopathics – First Aid and Allergic Reactions

First Aid and Allergic Reactions

The principles by which Homeopathics operates are, in the words of Dr. Hahnemann, “clearly comprehensible.  In an earlier article titled “Homeopathy – Basic Principles“,  we addressed very briefly the principles by which this energy modality operates.  I hope you found it informative.  I would very highly recommend that you read that article before continuing unless you are quite familiar with homeopathic thought.  My goal with the first article was to excite in you a desire to understand and make use of this wonderful modality.  I hope you caught the vision of what Homeopathics can do for you and your family.  Further, I hope that you are eager for some practical applications of what was presented in the basic principles article.

Homeopathics are very effective for a great many emergencies and first aid situations. They are also unique in their effects for even severe allergic reactions How is homeopathy unique?  The right remedy brings immediate results and the results are obtained without creating side-effects of any kind.  The results are so immediate that you can know, right then, whether or not you used the correct remedy.  You can immediately try again or make the decision to seek medical assistance.

First-Aid and Polycrest Remedies

Nearly everyone experiences many of the same symptoms with first-aid situations.  The same remedy, or a choice between of a couple of common remedies, will work for nearly everyone.  Remedies like this are called polycrests.  Prescribing for first-aid situations becomes relatively easy.  This is because there is a need to distinguish between only a few remedies with each situation.  Practicing with simple first-aid problems such as minor cuts, burns, bites, and bruises is a good way to begin learning homeopathy. Later, as your mastery and confidence grow, you will find coughs, colds, cases of flu, and headaches easier to prescribe for.

Colds and flu, for example, vary from year to year and from person to person within a single year.  The best remedy for each season and each person will, as a result, have a bit of variability.   It becomes even more important, and a bit more difficult, to chose a remedy specific to each individual.  On the other hand, first-aid treatment is relatively easy.  A minor cut is a minor cut.  It is much the same with each person.  Each person responds much the same way.  The same remedies work much the same with each person.  The results of the remedy are usually immediate and the patient so much better off for your efforts.

Fast and Effective

The right homeopathic remedy works very rapidly.  As with all healing stimulated energetically, the more recent things respond and clear first.  That makes homeopathic remedies ideal for first-aid situations.

I try to avoid personal stories in Blogspot articles, as a general rule.  There is, however, one story that illustrates the immediacy of response so well that I simply can’t resist telling it.  This story also illustrates the necessity of finding exactly the right remedy for the situation.

Asthma attacks

One of my sons, as a child, displayed allergic reactions from time to time.  These reactions were, mostly, very much like asthma attacks. He would have difficulty breathing and his chest would get very tight.  His breathing was raspy enough and difficult enough to scare his mother. (I don’t scare easily where health issues are concerned, generally. My husband and children provided with too many such experiences.)  After several such attacks, I reached the conclusion that there were two very different triggers for them.  Why did I think so?  Because, sometimes, giving him the remedy, Apis mellifica, would stop the reaction immediately.  Other times Apis didn’t work at all so I would reach for something else.  Eventually, I realized that Allium Cepa would work just as Apis sometimes did if Apis didn’t bring immediate results.

One summer afternoon when he was about 6 years old, he had a particularly scary reaction.  I reached for one of them.  I don’t remember which one.  It did not do anything at all!  A niece who was visiting panicked and grabbed the car keys and my shoes.  She thought we would be heading to the emergency room.  I grabbed the other remedy and gave him some.  The result was immediate.  By immediate I mean within a minute or so it was obvious that he was going to be fine.  Within 5 minutes his breathing was completely normal.

Combining the remedies

Eventually, we figured out that one worked best when he had been outside and exposed to some sort of pollen.  The other remedy worked when the attack came on when he was in the house.  The culprit seemed to be some mold that had built up in the corner of his room behind his bed.  He would lose something between the bed and the wall and go looking for it and Bam, an attack was underway.  Sooner or later (later than sooner, I am reluctant to report), we put the two remedies in the same bottle.  That solution worked brilliantly.  At Butterfly, a Blessed Water combination energetically similar to that one is now called Allergies #3.

I usually prefer to use homeopathic/Blessed Water remedies as singles.  This allows me to match the remedy more exactly to the person and the situation.   However, when a low potency is all that is needed, combinations are wonderful.  To clear the asthma attacks mentioned above completely, required a program using single remedies at higher potencies.  The inclusion of other modalities was also necessary.  This simple combination brought instant relief time and time again.  It also bought us time to learn.

The Butterfly First-Aid Medica and Repertory

The book, Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies, contains a small first aid materia medica and repertory  For that medica, I choose 30 basic remedies to include short descriptions of.  The repertory contains approximately the same number of first-aid situations.  Remedy suggestions, with brief descriptions, are listed for each condition.  You can search these pdf documents with your browser.

Order of Remedies Listed  Below

I have not placed these remedies in alphabetical order, as is usually done.  Perhaps I should have.  I hope this arrangement is not too confusing.  There are arranged to, hopefully, make it easier for you to compare remedies that might be useful for similar situations.

A Few Important First Aid Remedies

Rescue Remedy

This is a low potency Bach flower combination. (For more information on Bach flower remedies, please see the book, Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies.  In my opinion, Rescue Remedy should be in every home.  In fact, I think it should be in every woman’s purse and in every man’s vehicle.  Rescue Remedy immediately begins to set things right following any deep trauma or emotional upset.  It will instantly calm a child who has been stung by a bee, for example.  People for whom shock is impending respond immediately to this remedy.  Rescue Remedy brings immediate calm while assisting with both the physical and emotional aspects of shock.

Arnica montana

Arn is the #1 remedy for emergencies, generally.  It may be used right along with Rescue Remedy.  Injuries and mild shock due to accidents respond rapidly to Arn.   Give Arn as soon after the accident as possible.  Bruising and swelling will melt away or fail to form if Arn is given rapidly enough.   Confusion is a keynote of Arn.  The person may want to go home when they are already there.  Perhaps, they will keep asking for a person who is standing nearby.  They will certainly be telling you they are fine when they obviously are not fine at all.   Arn will still be useful for residual pain even years after the accident.

Aconitum napellus

Acon is a remedy for more suited to illnesses than accidents, generally.  Keynotes of this remedy are the suddenness with which the symptoms come on and the severity of the symptoms once they present.  Acon is useful in accidents where there is panic, great fear, and oncoming shock.  Acon will be especially indicated if the person is hyperventilating.

Comparing Arn and Acon for Emergencies

Minor accidents are the strong point of Arn.  Illnesses that came on quickly and dramatically most often call for Acon.  Symptoms becoming worse very suddenly, whether in accident or illness, leads one immediately to Acon.  This is true even if Arn has already been given.  Serious injury with shock or impending deep shock requires Acon.   Bruising, or expected bruising, always requires Arn.

Allium cepa

All-c is made from the red onion.  Think of the symptoms you would have if you were cutting onions.  This is an accurate description of All-c‘s symptom picture.  All-c covers more symptoms of the common cold than any other remedy.   All-c works equally well for allergic reactions that resemble a cold.  As always, symptoms drive remedy choice.   We choose remedies based on symptoms.  We get results holistically, healing the entire system.   Homeopathic remedies do not just hide symptoms and then call that covering up a cure.

Rhus Toxicodendron

Rhus-t, like All-c and Apis, is effective for allergic reactions.  The strength of Rhus-t, however, is predominantly with contact types of allergies.  The rash of a reaction to poison ivy would be an example of this.  It follows, under Homeopathic thought, that any rash resembling a poison ivy rash would respond to this remedy.   Red, swollen, itchy blisters call for Rhus-t.   Fevers with blisters indicate Rhus-tRhus-t is also a remedy for pain in the small of the back and no appetite for food of any kind.


Injuries to nerves or nerve rich areas of the body respond very well to Hyper.  Nerve rich areas of the body include fingers, toes, and, also the spine and back of the neck.  Anything nerve related tends to produce shooting pains.  All of these situations respond well to Hyper.  Lacerations that are deep enough to affect nerve tissue, including puncture wounds are prime candidates for Hyper.  Dental work with residual shooting pain also comes to mind for this remedy.  The symptom picture of Hyper, besides injuries, includes nerve-related disorders such as depression and certain learning disabilities.  These disabilities include such unusual symptoms as omitting letters or using words out of order.  These symptoms are often seen as the result of a stoke that has damaged nerves as well as brain tissue.   Seasonal Effective Disorder often responds to Hyper.

 Apis mellifica

The symptoms of Apis cover just about anything that stings and burns.  Hives, insect bites, a bladder infection, nettle rash or just about anything else may bring on these sensations.  Also, the cause in homeopathy is not really relevant.  It is the symptom picture that matters to the choice of a remedy.  Apis, like all homeopathic/blessed water remedies, cover a variety of body systems.  The effects of Apis apply to earaches as well as to joint pain.  They apply equally to puffy eyelids or burning when urinating.  Always keep in mind the “whole body” nature of homeopathy.  Burning and stinging sensations are the keynotes of Apis.  Stinging and burning sensations that set Apis apart as the most beneficial remedy.

Cantharis vesicatoria

Canth is the first thing I think of for burns (not just burning sensations.  Canth is, also used right along with Lavender essential oil and Miracle Salve.)   This is not the burning sensation talked about with Apis above.  Canth is a burn, a real burn of any sort,  remedy.  Canth brings relief especially well if the skin is raw and blistering.   The pain of Canth symptoms are described as feeling raw.  There is some smarting and stinging but mostly the feeling is of being open, exposed, and raw.  Cold applications relieve the pain.  Rawness and stinging may appear anywhere in the body.

Canth is particularly useful for the kidneys and the bladder.  Hemorrhages come under control quickly with the use of Canth.   Canth helps to expel a retained placenta.  (Now there is a real emergency!)  I have seen it do this.  Canth, like all homeopathic/blessed water remedies, affects the entire person.  Therefore, it has in its symptom picture, something happening in every body system.

Arsenicum album

Ars, like Canth, is a  remedy that is equally useful for major problems in multiple body systems.   In addition, Ars is a true polycrest.  This remedy should also be in every home.  Ars will prove itself useful in a variety of situations.  I will name just a few possible scenarios here.  Alcoholism.  Allergies.  Anemia.  Anxiety.  Asthma.  Despair,  Diarrhea.  Fears.  Fevers.  Food poisoning.  Gangrene.  Gastric ulcers.  Glandular swelling.  Gout.  Influenza.  Nausea.  Pneumonia.  Strains.  Vomiting.  Weakness.  When in doubt or in a hurry, Ars is well-chosen as a first response remedy.


I usually think of Gels as a convalescent remedy.  Gels follows Ars, and many other remedies, very well.  This remedy clears up those final “never the same since” symptoms that sometimes follow accidents and illnesses.  Weakness, trembling, aching muscles, limbs feel heavy, and dizziness are indications that Gels would be helpful.  Cleanses and detox programs can produce uncomfortable symptoms when over-done.  Gels relieves, or at least aids, those symptoms.  Gels is another true polycrest remedy.  There are pages and pages of symptoms listed for Gels.  These symptoms range all over the body.

Veratrum Album

Like Acon, symptoms of Verat come on suddenly and violently.  Verat symptoms always include profound prostration.  Near total collapse, extreme coldness, and weakness mark Verat very distinctly.  Verat symptoms include very strong digestive ailments accompanied by sudden and extreme evacuation.  Vomiting, extreme diarrhea, heavy sweating characterize verat.  The slightest motion aggravates any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea that is occurring.  An unusual symptom is that the face may be red when lying down but becomes pale and bluish on rising.

Calendula officinalis

I mention this remedy and place it here below Gels, because of its usefulness after a surgery.  Calen is also useful for speeding the healing of surgical wounds.  This is the remedy I would likely reach for if the injury penetrated into or affected a joint in any way.  However, Calen is equally effective for superficial wounds, grazes, and lacerated skin.  This remedy promotes the healing of tissues.  It also prevents infection of the site.  Calen prevents scar tissue formation after an injury.

Ferrum phosphoricum

Among Ferr-p‘s large range of symptoms is anything to do with blood.  The symptom picture ranges from anemia, through bruises and hemorrhages to heart palpitations and general weakness.  Bright red nosebleeds with the spitting of blood respond to this remedy.  Ferr-p is useful to relieve soreness and bleeding after surgeries.  I especially like Ferr-p during the first stages of a fever and for earaches.

Ruta graveolens

Sprains, strains, and ganglions of any sort often respond to Ruta.  These are the emergency or accident scenarios that bring Ruta onto lists for first-aid remedies.  Ruta is especially suitable for injuries that include bone periosteum (the layer between bone and other tissue.)  Dental work often disturbs the periosteum that lies along the jaw bones.


Nitroglycerin is the source of Glon.  This, also makes one think of heart-related issues.  Heart ailments and strokes are a big part of the Glon picture.  Congestive headaches, surging of blood to the head (or heart), and pains that pulsate indicate that Glon should be considered.  Glon’s effect on heat stroke earns it a place in a first-aid materia medica such as this one.  The mentals of this remedy included fear from a sensation that the throat is swelling and closing.

Silica terra

Last, but not least, Sil removes foreign substances from the body.  I don’t understand it but Sil causes slivers, bits of glass, etc. to move to the surface of the skin.  Applying Sil sure beats the old-fashioned way of picking each bit out with a needle and a pair of tweezers.  This remedy is also a polycrest.  It has a wealth of symptoms for which it is effective.  The removal of slivers is only the first-aid aspect of its use.

First-Aid Situations and Possible Homeopathic Solutions

I am only going to mention a very few situations as illustrations.  The book, Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies, presents many additional scenarios.    A repertory will give you many, many more scenarios.  A repertory will also provide a list of possible remedies to use.  While there are some remedies that are polycrests for first-aid situations, the differences between one situation and another similar one must always be taken into account.  The unique qualities of both the sufferer and the situation are very important.  Reaching for a polycrest will, almost always, be rapidly effective.  Then, for optimum results, further thought, and another remedy given, will complete the case.


Allium Cepa 

Allergic reactions that look much like a common cold are the basic symptoms of All-c.  The symptoms picture of All-c covers more aspects of the common cold than any other remedy that I have ever come across.

Apis Mellifica

Allergic swelling of the face, eyelids, and/or lips distinguish Apis.  The swellings will resemble those of a reaction to a bee sting.  They may, like a bee sting, occur anywhere on the body.  The swelling, unlike a bee sting, may even be internal.

Aresencium album

Ars is an all-purpose remedy.  It is good for all types of allergic reactions.  You might use this one only initially.  Follow up with a remedy more specific to the remaining symptoms, if necessary.

Euphrasia Officinalis

Euphr is made from the herb called eyebright for good reason.  The allergic reactions treated center in the eyes.  The eyes feel as though there is sand or grit in them.

Rhus Toxicodendron

Rhus-t predominates in the relief of hives.  Also, eye irritation symptoms from allergic reactions.  Rhus-t can be useful for fever blisters and cold sores.


Toxic poisoning or allergic reactions to chemical fumes respond to this remedy particularly well.  Symptoms include panting and gasping for air.  In addition, vertigo is usually seen.  Any strong reaction to odors brings Phos into consideration.

Broken Bones

Arnica montana 

Arn reduces swelling, bruising and trauma to surrounding tissues.  This remedy works amazingly well when given for shock. Confusion following an injury is a keynote of this remedy.

Calcarea Phosphorica  

Calc-p promotes the knitting together (ossification) of bones.  Symptoms listed include non-union of bones and delayed healing of broken bones.   Growing pains respond to this remedy.  I believe that the remedy encourages the uptake of calcium and phosphorus.  This increased uptake of nutrients stops the pain.  Stiffness and pain with cold, numb feelings also respond to Calc-p.  These symptoms are made worse by any change of weather.   Many non-bone symptoms appear in the description.  Enlargement of tonsils, slow development of teeth, colic after every feeding in babies, and the tip of nose feeling icy cold are just a few of these non-bone symptoms.

Symphytum Officinale 

Symph is comfrey in homeopathic form.   In the past, there has been very little information about this wonderful herb as a homeopathic.  To my great joy, recent materia medicas have expanded the symptom picture somewhat.  Still not enough information to do justice to this important herb, but certainly more than we have had in the past.  Injuries to the eyes and bleeding inside the eyes after injury stand out in the symptom picture.

Ruta Graveolens

Much like Arn, Ruta acts on fractures and on bruising.  The difference between these two remedies lies in the emotional symptoms.  With Arn, the person is explaining that they are just fine and need to go home or back to work. With Ruta, anxiousness predominates.  They are fearful that the situation is worse than it appears to be.  Ruta is specific to a broken jaw.


Arnica montana 

Used externally and internally together, Arn relieves pain and reduces bruising and swelling.  Use as soon after the injury as possible.  Repeat the dose as needed.  I could fill a small book with the situations that Arn made a great deal of difference with!

Bellis Perennis

As an herb, this plant was referred to as “wound-wort” or “bruise-wort” in former times. Members of the daisy family of which Bell-p, Arn, and Calen are a part, have some very unique characteristics.  One of these is that when trodden down they always come up smiling afterward.  Use Bell-p as a follow-up remedy when Arn has either failed to work or its usefulness seems to be finished. Injuries to deep tissues respond better to Bell-p than to Calen.

Hypericum Perforatum

Hyper’s key symptom lies in its effectiveness on injuries to nerves and nerve-rich areas of the body.  Shooting pains originating at the injured part are keynotes of Hyper.  Hyper is recommended for puncture wounds.  It is said to prevent lockjaw and do so without any of the risks of a tetanus vaccine.  We own a metal recycling yard.  My kids treated it as a playground.  Puncture wounds were common.  Telling Mom about the wound was required.  This was so I could dose them with Hyper.  No lockjaw and no tetanus shots.  Possibly no connection but . . .

Ledum Palustre

The predominating keynote of Led as a first aid remedy is for bruising.  Oddly, the bruises will feel icy cold but will be better for the application of cold compresses.  Puncture wounds and carbuncles respond to Led.  Carbuncle is an old-fashioned word for boils.  Nasty things, carbuncle/boils.

Rhus Toxicodendron

Bruising with strained muscles or dislocated joints.  Skin symptoms, also dominate Rhus-t (poison oak).   Stiffness of muscles and joints that is better for motion is also seen – with or without bruising.  Septicemia and swollen glands make up a large portion of Rhus-t’s symptom picture.   I know that I keep saying this but please note the “whole body” nature of this and every other homeopathic remedy.


Bruises connected with bone fractures. Symph is indicated when there is still a painful bruised feeling at the site of the broken bone months or years after the injury has supposedly healed.  Symp works equally well on muscles and tissues as it does on bones.  As always, there is whole body healing.  Areas, where improvement will be seen, include stomach ulcers, gum diseases, and issues with the spine.

Dental Issues


Symph was mentioned above as being effective for gum diseases.  Gum diseases are not a keynote of the remedy but very useful if other symptoms fit.

Mercurius solubilis (or vivus)

Merc works best when taken at the first sign of discomfort.  Taken in this way Merc prevents further development of the problem until a dentist is available.  It may even, in some situations, fix the problem entirely.  Pain is worse from cold drinks and from cold air.  Merc is also indicated for toxicity from dental fillings.  Merc is the leading remedy for relief from the pain of  Shingles.

Hypericum Perforatum

Specific to Hyper is injuries to dental nerves.  Trauma to the front teeth responds to this remedy.  You might try St. John’s Wort Tincture locally at the same time.  Are you noticing that the same remedies are discussed under multiple headings?

Ruta Graveolens 

Pain from a dry socket and infected tooth sockets respond to Ruta.  Give Ruta for a tooth that is loose in the socket.  Ruta is also for pain from a tooth that has been loosened by traumatic injury.  Ruta speeds the healing of both bone and periosteum.

Arnica montana 

The symptom picture of Arn relating to dental issues includes General trauma from dental work or surgery.  Creation of, or worsening of, TMJ symptoms following dental work.  A toothache after a head injury.  Arn and Hyper given alternately before, during, and after tooth extractions, root canals, and fillings make these procedures much less obnoxious.


Arnica montana

Give Arn to relieve exhaustion that follows overexertion or a traumatic accident.  Try to make use of Arn as soon after the injury as possible.  Once again, I would use Rescue Remedy as well as Arn

Arsenicum album

Ars is a deep-acting remedy, as has already been pointed out more than once.   As such, it acts on every organ and tissue, also.  I believe that all remedies act in this way.  Being common to the human condition sets polycrest remedies apart from general remedies.  Be sure to use when the exhaustion seems out of proportion to the illness.

Calcarea carbonica

Exhaustion with dizziness and breathlessness.  Accordingly, symptoms are worse for walking up a hill or upstairs.  Being sensitive and a bit insecure is a characteristic of all calcarea remedies and people.  The carbon family tends to be full of self-pity and in need of constant care and nurturing.

Calendula officinalis

Exhaustion that results from loss of blood or from intense pain.  Calen is particularly effective following a surgery or a traumatic accident.  Bell-p acts better against deep wounds, including puncture wounds.  Calendula is for lesser injuries, smaller tears, and injured tissues.  Calen has been used to heal minor injuries that occur in delicate tissues during childbirth.  Used with Arn for bruising and swelling, Calen is amazing.

Gelsemium sempervirens

Wonderful for anxiety and trembling after accidents or illnesses.  Because of this, Gels makes a very good follow-up remedy.

Kali Phosphoricum

Kali-p is especially suited to overworked business and professional people.  This remedy is definitely indicated whenever a person is constantly keyed up mentally.  Kali-p is helpful for any type of nervous exhaustion.  Duty and principles drive Kali people.  Phosphoricum people tend to put everyone else’s needs above their own.  You can see why this remedy is excellent for those who are constantly keyed up and working too hard.

Spongia Tosta

Spong affects the heart valves.  Exhaustion with dizziness and heart valve insufficiency predominate the symptoms.  Also, exhaustion after even slight exertion makes life difficult for the sufferer.  A keynote of Spong is that sweets very much aggravate all symptoms.

Veratrum album

Verat always displays collapse with extreme coldness.  This is a scary picture.  Don’t panic.  Just run for the VeratVerat is odd that some people will display a sort of sullen indifference to their ailments.  At other times, delusions of impending misfortunes drive them mentally.


Aconitum napellus  

Acon fevers present suddenly and run very hot. All Acon symptoms present suddenly and violently.  The fever display with one cheek red and hot and the other pale and cold.  Whenever this is seen it is recognized as a very distinctive and key symptom.  The fever – the entire ailment – is worse in the evening.

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Eup-per symptoms include bone pain with the burning fever.  Meanwhile, great weakness ensues as the ailment progresses.  In addition to bone pain, the fever will be accompanied by chills and nausea. Eup-per is considered a polycrest remedy for influenza.  Violent aching and severe bone pain accompany the fever.

Gelsemium sempervirens

Gels is a remedy for the fever and sweating stages of illnesses.  Drowsiness, stupor, dizziness, faintness, and weakness accompany Gels type fevers.  The patient displays a great deal of nervousness.  Subsequently, nervous restlessness is usually seen.

Arsenicum album

This polycrest remedy for sudden acute illnesses displays its fever mostly at night.  The fever is generally extremely high, so high that the feeling is of hot water running in the veins.  Septic type situations respond especially well to Ars.

Ferrum Phosphoricum

Ferr-p fevers occur mostly at night.  Similar to an Ars fever, these fevers run very high.  The face feels cool even though it is very red.  Fevers are accompanied by a sore throat or lung issues.


Ipec is known for fever with nausea and vomiting.  Cat or gastric fevers.


Aconitum napellus  

Like all Acon ailments, this flu comes on suddenly and violently.  The person will generally feel very hot inside but the skin will be chilly and cold feeling.  A headache manifesting as heavy, hot, and bursting is typical.   A very great and constant thirstiness keynotes this remedy.

Arnica montana

Flu with sore bruised muscles.   Body aches as if beaten.  Joints feel as if sprained.  Naturally, this is all very miserable but relief is only moments away with Arn.

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Really awful flu with characteristic intense pains in bones and lower back.  The hips hurt terribly.  Skin all over feels dry and sore.  Even the eyeballs and scalp feel achy and tender.  The fever comes with chills and nausea.  Very thirsty but patient vomits after anything at all is ingested.

Gelsemium sempervirens

A Gels type flu comes with deep fatigue and heaviness.  The person is chilly and can’t seem to get warm.  Much shivering and headache accompany the other symptoms.


Ipec picture is nausea worsens from the odor of food.  The patient is very weary.  Pain displays in the bones and in the back.  Chills worsen in a warm room and improve for fresh air.  Belching and much saliva are keynotes.  Extreme nausea with a desire to vomit but they are unable to do so.

Veratrum album

Verat flu often comes on suddenly and violently.  A collapse follows very shortly after the beginning of the illness.  Coldness, blue tinge to the skin, and great weakness distinguish this remedy.  Like all Verat symptoms, diarrhea will be violent.  The patient feels hungry and thirsty.  Children beg for food and drink even though eating and drinking causes immediate vomiting.  Verat is indicated for gastric flu accompanied by mucus in the bronchials.

Joint  Pain

Apis mellifica 

Like almost every other remedy for joint pain, Apis has been mentioned many times before for one first-aid application or another.  Apis is unique in that it is indicated for arthritic pains that come with stinging sensations. Other symptoms of Apis must also be seen, also.

Arnica montana

Joint pain and stiffness from injury or overexertion.  As a result, the entire body feels as if it has been beaten.  If the joint pain is chronic, rather than the result of a recent accident, the characteristic confusion may not be as easily evident.

Bellis perennis 

Bell-p and Arn are very different remedies.  Trauma with bruising and swelling keynote Arn.   Ill effects of wet and cold, especially when over-heated, are among the keynotes of Bell-p.  This connection to cold extends to the ill effects of cold or iced drinks being taken when heated.  With Arn, the accident victim wants to be up and doing.  Even though they will be telling you that they are fine when they clearly are not fine, you will have difficulty keeping them still.  With Bell-p, an accident or trauma brings on a tired feeling.  As a result, the victim wants very much to go lie down somewhere.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum 

Swelling is more often found in joints of fingers more often than in larger joint areas. There will be bruised, pulling, tearing pain in hips or shoulders. Symptoms will be better for heat, much worse for the cold.   On the other hand, the pains of Hep have the odd keynote of being better in damp weather.  Hep people are very sensitive to pain.  They seem to feel pain more deeply and suffer more than those needing other remedies.

Rhus toxicodendron

Rhus-t is a polycrest remedy for many types of sciatica and joint pain.  There is lameness and stiffness.  Symptoms worsen upon resting and become much worse when forced to move again after a rest.  Continued movement brings relief.  The pain soon returns with stillness or a need to rest.   As a result, mornings are extremely pain filled.  Pain can be brought about by overexertion.

Ruta graveolens

Injured joints and bruised bones are specific to Ruta.  Sprains with weakness in joints rather than muscle symptoms.  Bursitis and cracking in joints which are made worse by movement keynote the Ruta symptom picture. Parts laid on get very painful. Knees give way. There is pain in the feet, ankles, wrists, hands. Ganglion of wrists form.  Finally, there will be nodes in the joints of the palms.

Final Notes

Emergency first aid treatment should almost always include Rescue Remedy, a Bach Flower Essence remedy also known as Five-Flower Formula. If there has been an accident or a trauma of any kind, Arnica or Aconitum, depending on symptoms, should also be given.

The above list is a collection of remedies that have had a reputation for effectiveness for many years and in many places. Your use of them, and when to call for medical assistance, must­—as always—be your own responsibility.  Your decision should be based on your own skill, competence, and confidence in the situation being manageable.  Certainly, there are many other remedies that may have deserved a place in this list.  Certainly, these remedies should be only the start of a repertory of emergency remedies in your possession.

It is a fine thing to develop the knowledge and skill to cope competently with emergency situations.  Emergencies will, also arise with yourself and in your families. It is probably best, at least at first, to be under the watchful eye of a more experienced person.  It is always nice to have a physician that you know you can rely on.


Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction.    Moreover, it can occur within minutes, or even seconds, of exposure to the allergen.  Common allergens are peanuts, insect venoms, latex, drugs and other chemicals.

Anaphylactic shock is serious.  Certainly, it is potentially life-threatening.  If you or someone around you display the symptoms of anaphylaxis, by all means, act quickly, very quickly.  By the same token, please don’t wait around to see if the situation improves, whether or not you have employed remedies.  The remedies suggested here have proven effective many times for many people.  BUT they should be given as you rush the person out the door and to the nearest emergency room.  An injection of epinephrine may be required to save a life.  In my own life and experience (and I have had several such experiences in my younger years), the remedies have always been effective.  But, then, I know which remedies are which and I always have at least Rescue Remedy with me at all times!

Anaphylaxis causes your immune system to release a flood of chemicals.  As a result of this chemical onslaught, a person can go into immediate deep shock.  Blood pressure drops suddenly.  Airways narrow, blocking breathing.  The person can be in very deep trouble very quickly.  Panic ensues because the symptoms are so extreme and scary.


Central Nervous System

  • Anxiety
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness
  • Confusion
  • Headache

Heart and Vascular System

  • Sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Very fast or very slow heart rate
  • Weak and too rapid pulse.


  • Flushing or pale skin
  • Hives
  • Itchiness
  • Swelling of hands

Respiratory System

  • Constriction of airways
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Swollen tongue or throat
  • Wheezing and difficulty breathing
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Runny nose
  • Swelling of face and lips


  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramping

Areas Most Commonly Affected in Anaphylaxis:

~ Skin, in 80-90 percent of cases
~ Respiratory, 70 percent
~ Gastrointestinal, 30-40 percent
~ Cardiovascular, 10-45 percent (always, for me)
~ Central nervous system, 10-15 percent

Possible Remedies for Emergency Treatment of Anaphylaxis
(on the way to the emergency room, most likely)

I am purposely keeping the descriptions of these remedies to key points as they apply to anaphylaxis.  I do this because I am hopeful that you will study them until the indications for each remedy are clear in your mind.  It would be helpful to understand the differences between them, as well.  “When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past.”  (Pres. Thomas S. Monson)

It goes without saying (but I am going to say it anyway), that understanding these remedies will only be of use to you if you have them available to you.  When my children were young, I had a very bright pink plastic box that contained several of these remedies.  It would have been someone’s head on the block if I had reached for one of those remedies only to find it not in its place.

Rescue remedy

In my opinion, Rescue Remedy should always be where you can reach it within seconds.  I carry one in my purse.  Although I didn’t always do this, I should have done!  My gratitude has been great at those times when I had Rescue Remedy with me and it came in handy.  Some hard lessons were learned at those times when I did not have it with me and sorely needed it.  To really appreciate this remedy fully, you must have seen it in action in a crisis.


Allergic swelling of the face, eyelids, lips and, most importantly, the airways typify ApisApis relieves difficult breathing due to swelling of tissues by immediately reducing the swelling.  Heart palpitations and changes in pulse are also in the purview of this remedy.  The skin generally feels hot, dry, and burning.

Rhus toxicodendron

Nerve reactions set this remedy apart.  Rhus-t is also useful when there are heart palpitations, headache, and extreme skin reactions.  The person will be hot and perspiring freely.

Urtica urens

This remedy specifically anti-dotes extreme reactions from eating shellfish.  In addition, hives, itching, red blotches, and throat constriction are all part of this picture.  A homeopathic program using Urtica Urens in progressively higher potency has been used to eliminate the allergy to shellfish altogether.

Carbolicum acidum

Cold hands and feet positively identify this remedy as the first thing to reach for.  Shock, collapse state, stupor with a feeble pulse and weak breathing occur at the same time.

Cantharsis vescatoria

Cantharsis is always about burning sensations.  There will be swelling and kidney compromise.  The kidneys will need to be watched carefully following this type of anaphylaxis.

Aconitum napellus

As always, the need for Acon is shown by the suddenness and seriousness of the symptoms.  Shock and hyperventilation keynote the need for this remedy.  Consequently, extreme panic is usually seen.

Tabacum nicotiana

When there is a need for Tabacum, there will be high tension of the coronary arteries with an intermittent pulse. As the reaction worsens, the person will experience icy coldness with sweat, fainting, and nausea. Complete prostration of the entire muscular system and severe mental confusion is a possibility unless there is an intervention before things get worse.  Please transport this person immediately in order to have the heart checked out.

Arsenicum album

Arsenicum acts on the nervous system.  In addition, shortness of breath will be seen.  Subsequently, the fingernails become blue tinged as the lungs struggle.  Arsenicum is listed as beneficial to every one of the identified Chinese energy meridians.  This brings about balance, energetically, to the whole system at once.

One last time.

Anaphylaxis is a serious condition.  I have had serious allergic reactions in my own life.  These reactions are very scary, especially the first ones.  Homeopathy has kept them from becoming life-threatening.  However, it must be remembered that I have had years of experience with these remedies and what they can do.  I know what to do for what.  Even so, if I saw the symptoms of anaphylaxis in a person in my vicinity, we would be on our way to the emergency room.  We would be administering the appropriate remedies and watching the results as we went, but we would very likely be on our way very quickly.    If it were with myself, immediate action would be taken.  Meanwhile, medical help would be seriously considered.  Probably not sought (I have been here before) but certainly considered.


I love homeopathy.  It has blessed my life so many times and in so many amazing ways.  I would hate to think of my life without first homeopathic remedies and, now, Blessed Waters, in it.  Every time I reach for an energetic remedy I feel touched by Heaven’s concern and caring for His children. What more could a loving Father have done for his children than to provide a way of healing our bodies and minds while doing no harm?  As a remedy brings health to my physical body or perspective to my mind or emotions, I feel the additional healing benefits of gratitude and reverence.

Worth the Effort

It takes study and effort to become proficient in the use of Homeopathic or Blessed Water remedies.  It is well worth whatever effort is required!.  In addition, the acceptance of responsibility for our own and our family’s health, coupled with gratitude, blesses and strengthens us in a myriad of ways.

May you find as much joy and success with Homeopathics as I, and many others have done!

For more information about Homeopathic remedies, please see the Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic books


About The Author
